path: root/includes/class-giglogadmin-icalexport.php
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 93 deletions
diff --git a/includes/class-giglogadmin-icalexport.php b/includes/class-giglogadmin-icalexport.php
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--- a/includes/class-giglogadmin-icalexport.php
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- * Class to handle ICAL export of concert data.
- *
- * @package giglogadmin
- *
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Andrea Chirulescu <>
- * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Harald Eilertsen <>
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
- */
-use Kigkonsult\Icalcreator\Vcalendar;
-if ( ! class_exists( 'GiglogAdmin_IcalExport' ) ) {
- /**
- * Class to handle ICAL export of concert data.
- */
- class Giglogadmin_IcalExport {
- public static function export_ical() {
- $evid = $_GET['evid'];
- $concert = GiglogAdmin_Concert::get( $evid );
- $cfullname = $concert->cname() . ' live at ' . $concert->venue()->name() . ', ' . $concert->venue()->city();
- $cshortname = substr( $cfullname, 0, 20 );
- $fdate = strtotime( $concert->cdate() );
- $newformat = date( 'Ymd', $fdate );
- $filename = sanitize_file_name(
- "Concert-{$concert->venue()->name()}-{$newformat}-"
- . substr( $concert->cname(), 0, 30 )
- );
- // create a new calendar
- $vcalendar = Vcalendar::factory( array( Vcalendar::UNIQUE_ID => '' ) )
- // with calendaring info
- ->setMethod( Vcalendar::PUBLISH )
- ->setXprop(
- Vcalendar::X_WR_CALNAME,
- 'Calendar Sample'
- )
- ->setXprop(
- Vcalendar::X_WR_CALDESC,
- 'Concert ' . $cfullname . ''
- )
- ->setXprop(
- Vcalendar::X_WR_RELCALID,
- '3E26604A-50F4-4449-8B3E-E4F4932D05B5'
- )
- ->setXprop(
- Vcalendar::X_WR_TIMEZONE,
- 'Europe/Oslo'
- );
- // create a new event
- $event1 = $vcalendar->newVevent()
- ->setTransp( Vcalendar::OPAQUE )
- ->setClass( Vcalendar::P_BLIC )
- ->setSequence( 1 )
- // describe the event
- ->setSummary( '' . $cfullname . '' )
- ->setDescription( '' . $cfullname . '' )
- ->setComment( '' . $cfullname . '' )
- // place the event
- ->setLocation( '' . $concert->venue()->name() . ', ' . $concert->venue()->city() . '' )
- // set the time
- ->setDtstart(
- new DateTime(
- $newformat . 'T190000',
- new DateTimezone( 'Europe/Oslo' )
- )
- )
- ->setDuration( 'PT4H' );
- $vcalendarString =
- // apply appropriate Vtimezone with Standard/DayLight components
- $vcalendar->vtimezonePopulate()
- // and create the (string) calendar
- ->createCalendar();
- header( 'Content-Type: text/calendar' );
- header( 'content-disposition: attachment;filename=' . $filename . '.ics' );
- echo $vcalendarString;
- die();
- }
- }
- /** @psalm-suppress HookNotFound */
- add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_giglog_export_ical', array( 'GiglogAdmin_IcalExport', 'export_ical' ) );
- /** @psalm-suppress HookNotFound */
- add_action( 'wp_ajax_giglog_export_ical', array( 'GiglogAdmin_IcalExport', 'export_ical' ) );