path: root/railties/lib/rails/generators.rb
diff options
authorYehuda Katz + Carl Lerche <ykatz+clerche@engineyard.com>2009-09-24 14:01:31 -0700
committerYehuda Katz + Carl Lerche <ykatz+clerche@engineyard.com>2009-09-24 16:11:41 -0700
commitf0dd77c6be6a86fe384bb0015151e0a497973d39 (patch)
treead81bb4c807c39edeaa37035882a16d9d95ebaa9 /railties/lib/rails/generators.rb
parent610b81beca461a6fa4f00c7023e0e4315eb2b8be (diff)
Move railties/lib/* into railties/lib/*
Diffstat (limited to 'railties/lib/rails/generators.rb')
1 files changed, 299 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators.rb b/railties/lib/rails/generators.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0419a4e36c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+activesupport_path = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../activesupport/lib"
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift(activesupport_path) if File.directory?(activesupport_path)
+require 'active_support'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/object/metaclass'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/array'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/hash'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/module/attribute_accessors'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections'
+# TODO: Do not always push on vendored thor
+require 'rails/generators/base'
+require 'rails/generators/named_base'
+module Rails
+ module Generators
+ :rails => {
+ :actions => '-a',
+ :orm => '-o',
+ :resource_controller => '-c',
+ :scaffold_controller => '-c',
+ :stylesheets => '-y',
+ :template_engine => '-e',
+ :test_framework => '-t'
+ },
+ :test_unit => {
+ :fixture_replacement => '-r',
+ },
+ :plugin => {
+ :generator => '-g',
+ :tasks => '-r'
+ }
+ }
+ :active_record => {
+ :migration => true,
+ :timestamps => true
+ },
+ :erb => {
+ :layout => true
+ },
+ :rails => {
+ :force_plural => false,
+ :helper => true,
+ :layout => true,
+ :orm => :active_record,
+ :integration_tool => :test_unit,
+ :performance_tool => :test_unit,
+ :resource_controller => :controller,
+ :scaffold_controller => :scaffold_controller,
+ :singleton => false,
+ :stylesheets => true,
+ :template_engine => :erb,
+ :test_framework => :test_unit
+ },
+ :test_unit => {
+ :fixture => true,
+ :fixture_replacement => nil
+ },
+ :plugin => {
+ :generator => false,
+ :tasks => false
+ }
+ }
+ def self.aliases #:nodoc:
+ @aliases ||= DEFAULT_ALIASES.dup
+ end
+ def self.options #:nodoc:
+ @options ||= DEFAULT_OPTIONS.dup
+ end
+ # We have two scenarios here: when rubygems is loaded and when bundler is
+ # being used. If rubygems is loaded, we get all generators paths from loaded
+ # specs. Otherwise we just have to look into vendor/gems/gems.
+ #
+ def self.gems_generators_paths
+ paths = []
+ if defined?(Gem) && Gem.respond_to?(:loaded_specs)
+ Gem.loaded_specs.each do |name, spec|
+ generator_path = File.join(spec.full_gem_path, "lib/generators")
+ paths << generator_path if File.exist?(generator_path)
+ end
+ elsif defined?(RAILS_ROOT)
+ paths += Dir[File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "vendor", "gems", "gems", "*", "lib", "generators")]
+ end
+ paths
+ end
+ # Load paths from plugin.
+ #
+ def self.plugins_generators_paths
+ return [] unless defined?(RAILS_ROOT)
+ Dir[File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "vendor", "plugins", "*", "lib", "generators")]
+ end
+ # Hold configured generators fallbacks. If a plugin developer wants a
+ # generator group to fallback to another group in case of missing generators,
+ # they can add a fallback.
+ #
+ # For example, shoulda is considered a test_framework and is an extension
+ # of test_unit. However, most part of shoulda generators are similar to
+ # test_unit ones.
+ #
+ # Shoulda then can tell generators to search for test_unit generators when
+ # some of them are not available by adding a fallback:
+ #
+ # Rails::Generators.fallbacks[:shoulda] = :test_unit
+ #
+ def self.fallbacks
+ @fallbacks ||= {}
+ end
+ # Remove the color from output.
+ #
+ def self.no_color!
+ Thor::Base.shell = Thor::Shell::Basic
+ end
+ # Generators load paths used on lookup. The lookup happens as:
+ #
+ # 1) lib generators
+ # 2) vendor/plugin generators
+ # 3) vendor/gems generators
+ # 4) ~/rails/generators
+ # 5) rubygems generators
+ # 6) builtin generators
+ #
+ # TODO Remove hardcoded paths for all, except (6).
+ #
+ def self.load_paths
+ @load_paths ||= begin
+ paths = []
+ paths << File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "lib", "generators") if defined?(RAILS_ROOT)
+ paths << File.join(Thor::Util.user_home, ".rails", "generators")
+ paths += self.plugins_generators_paths
+ paths += self.gems_generators_paths
+ paths << File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "generators"))
+ paths.uniq!
+ paths
+ end
+ end
+ load_paths # Cache load paths. Needed to avoid __FILE__ pointing to wrong paths.
+ # Receives a namespace and tries different combinations to find a generator.
+ #
+ # ==== Examples
+ #
+ # find_by_namespace :webrat, :rails, :integration
+ #
+ # Will search for the following generators:
+ #
+ # "rails:generators:webrat", "webrat:generators:integration", "webrat"
+ #
+ # If the namespace has ":" included we consider that a absolute namespace
+ # was given and the lookup above does not happen. Just the name is searched.
+ #
+ # Finally, it deals with one kind of shortcut:
+ #
+ # find_by_namespace "test_unit:model"
+ #
+ # It will search for generators at:
+ #
+ # "test_unit:generators:model", "test_unit:model"
+ #
+ def self.find_by_namespace(name, base=nil, context=nil) #:nodoc:
+ name, attempts = name.to_s, []
+ case name.count(':')
+ when 1
+ base, name = name.split(':')
+ return find_by_namespace(name, base)
+ when 0
+ attempts << "#{base}:generators:#{name}" if base
+ attempts << "#{name}:generators:#{context}" if context
+ end
+ attempts << name
+ unloaded = attempts - namespaces
+ lookup(unloaded)
+ attempts.each do |namespace|
+ klass = Thor::Util.find_by_namespace(namespace)
+ return klass if klass
+ end
+ invoke_fallbacks_for(name, base)
+ end
+ # Receives a namespace, arguments and the behavior to invoke the generator.
+ # It's used as the default entry point for generate, destroy and update
+ # commands.
+ #
+ def self.invoke(namespace, args=ARGV, config={})
+ if klass = find_by_namespace(namespace, "rails")
+ args << "--help" if klass.arguments.any? { |a| a.required? } && args.empty?
+ klass.start args, config
+ else
+ puts "Could not find generator #{namespace}."
+ end
+ end
+ # Show help message with available generators.
+ #
+ def self.help
+ rails = Rails::Generators.builtin.map do |group, name|
+ name if group == "rails"
+ end
+ rails.compact!
+ rails.sort!
+ puts "Please select a generator."
+ puts "Builtin: #{rails.join(', ')}."
+ # Load paths and remove builtin
+ paths, others = load_paths.dup, []
+ paths.pop
+ paths.each do |path|
+ tail = [ "*", "*", "*_generator.rb" ]
+ until tail.empty?
+ others += Dir[File.join(path, *tail)].collect do |file|
+ file.split('/')[-tail.size, 2].join(':').sub(/_generator\.rb$/, '')
+ end
+ tail.shift
+ end
+ end
+ others.sort!
+ puts "Others: #{others.join(', ')}." unless others.empty?
+ end
+ protected
+ # Return all defined namespaces.
+ #
+ def self.namespaces #:nodoc:
+ Thor::Base.subclasses.map{ |klass| klass.namespace }
+ end
+ # Keep builtin generators in an Array[Array[group, name]].
+ #
+ def self.builtin #:nodoc:
+ Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/generators/*/*'].collect do |file|
+ file.split('/')[-2, 2]
+ end
+ end
+ # Try callbacks for the given base.
+ #
+ def self.invoke_fallbacks_for(name, base)
+ return nil unless base && fallbacks[base.to_sym]
+ invoked_fallbacks = []
+ Array(fallbacks[base.to_sym]).each do |fallback|
+ next if invoked_fallbacks.include?(fallback)
+ invoked_fallbacks << fallback
+ klass = find_by_namespace(name, fallback)
+ return klass if klass
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ # Receives namespaces in an array and tries to find matching generators
+ # in the load path.
+ #
+ def self.lookup(attempts) #:nodoc:
+ attempts = attempts.map { |a| "#{a.split(":").last}_generator" }.uniq
+ attempts = "{#{attempts.join(',')}}.rb"
+ self.load_paths.each do |path|
+ Dir[File.join(path, '**', attempts)].each do |file|
+ begin
+ require file
+ rescue Exception => e
+ warn "[WARNING] Could not load generator at #{file.inspect}. Error: #{e.message}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end