path: root/spec/dummy/config/initializers/refinery/pages.rb
blob: 047b5dbf7e46d3546692befb9d20dc957a651190 (plain) (tree)

Refinery::Pages.configure do |config|
  # Configure specific page templates
  # config.types.register :home do |home|
  #   home.parts = %w[intro body]
  # end

  # Configure global page default parts
  # config.default_parts = ["Body", "Side Body"]

  # Configure how many pages per page should be displayed when a dialog is presented that contains a links to pages
  # config.pages_per_dialog = 14

  # Configure how many pages per page should be displayed in the list of pages in the admin area
  # config.pages_per_admin_index = 20

  # Configure whether to strip diacritics from Western characters
  # config.approximate_ascii = false

  # Configure whether to strip non-ASCII characters from the friendly_id string
  # config.strip_non_ascii = false

  # Set this to true if you want to override slug which automatically gets generated
  # when you create a page
  # config.use_custom_slugs = false

  # Set this to true if you want backend pages to be cached
  # config.cache_pages_backend = false

  # Set this to true to activate full-page-cache
  # config.cache_pages_full = false

  # Set this to true to fully expand the page hierarchy in the admin
  # config.auto_expand_admin_tree = true

  # config.layout_template_whitelist = ["application"]

  # config.view_template_whitelist = ["home", "show"]

  # config.use_layout_templates = false

  # config.use_view_templates = false

  # config.absolute_page_links = false