path: root/app/controllers/admin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/controllers/admin')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 201 deletions
diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/blog/categories_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/blog/categories_controller.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6933c44..0000000
--- a/app/controllers/admin/blog/categories_controller.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-module Admin
- module Blog
- class CategoriesController < Admin::BaseController
- crudify :blog_category,
- :title_attribute => :title,
- :order => 'title ASC'
- end
- end
diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/blog/comments_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/blog/comments_controller.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1868206..0000000
--- a/app/controllers/admin/blog/comments_controller.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-module Admin
- module Blog
- class CommentsController < Admin::BaseController
- crudify :blog_comment,
- :title_attribute => :name,
- :order => 'published_at DESC'
- def index
- @blog_comments = BlogComment.unmoderated
- render :action => 'index'
- end
- def approved
- unless params[:id].present?
- @blog_comments = BlogComment.approved
- render :action => 'index'
- else
- @blog_comment = BlogComment.find(params[:id])
- @blog_comment.approve!
- flash[:notice] = t('approved', :scope => 'admin.blog.comments', :author => @blog_comment.name)
- redirect_to :action => params[:return_to] || 'index'
- end
- end
- def rejected
- unless params[:id].present?
- @blog_comments = BlogComment.rejected
- render :action => 'index'
- else
- @blog_comment = BlogComment.find(params[:id])
- @blog_comment.reject!
- flash[:notice] = t('rejected', :scope => 'admin.blog.comments', :author => @blog_comment.name)
- redirect_to :action => params[:return_to] || 'index'
- end
- end
- end
- end
-end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/blog/posts_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/blog/posts_controller.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c8dfc13..0000000
--- a/app/controllers/admin/blog/posts_controller.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-module Admin
- module Blog
- class PostsController < Admin::BaseController
- crudify :blog_post,
- :title_attribute => :title,
- :order => 'published_at DESC'
- def uncategorized
- @blog_posts = BlogPost.uncategorized.paginate({
- :page => params[:page],
- :per_page => BlogPost.per_page
- })
- end
- def tags
- op = case ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name.downcase
- when 'postgresql'
- '~*'
- else
- 'LIKE'
- end
- wildcard = case ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name.downcase
- when 'postgresql'
- '.*'
- else
- '%'
- end
- @tags = BlogPost.tag_counts_on(:tags).where(
- ["tags.name #{op} ?", "#{wildcard}#{params[:term].to_s.downcase}#{wildcard}"]
- ).map { |tag| {:id => tag.id, :value => tag.name}}
- render :json => @tags.flatten
- end
- def create
- # if the position field exists, set this object as last object, given the conditions of this class.
- if BlogPost.column_names.include?("position")
- params[:blog_post].merge!({
- :position => ((BlogPost.maximum(:position, :conditions => "")||-1) + 1)
- })
- end
- if BlogPost.column_names.include?("user_id")
- params[:blog_post].merge!({
- :user_id => current_user.id
- })
- end
- if (@blog_post = BlogPost.create(params[:blog_post])).valid?
- (request.xhr? ? flash.now : flash).notice = t(
- 'refinery.crudify.created',
- :what => "'#{@blog_post.title}'"
- )
- unless from_dialog?
- unless params[:continue_editing] =~ /true|on|1/
- redirect_back_or_default(admin_blog_posts_url)
- else
- unless request.xhr?
- redirect_to :back
- else
- render :partial => "/shared/message"
- end
- end
- else
- render :text => "<script>parent.window.location = '#{admin_blog_posts_url}';</script>"
- end
- else
- unless request.xhr?
- render :action => 'new'
- else
- render :partial => "/shared/admin/error_messages",
- :locals => {
- :object => @blog_post,
- :include_object_name => true
- }
- end
- end
- end
- before_filter :find_all_categories,
- :only => [:new, :edit, :create, :update]
- before_filter :check_category_ids, :only => :update
- protected
- def find_all_categories
- @blog_categories = BlogCategory.find(:all)
- end
- def check_category_ids
- params[:blog_post][:category_ids] ||= []
- end
- end
- end
-end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/blog/settings_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/blog/settings_controller.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f2b3be..0000000
--- a/app/controllers/admin/blog/settings_controller.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-module Admin
- module Blog
- class SettingsController < Admin::BaseController
- def notification_recipients
- @recipients = BlogComment::Notification.recipients
- if request.post?
- BlogComment::Notification.recipients = params[:recipients]
- flash[:notice] = t('updated', :scope => 'admin.blog.settings.notification_recipients',
- :recipients => BlogComment::Notification.recipients)
- unless request.xhr? or from_dialog?
- redirect_back_or_default(admin_blog_posts_path)
- else
- render :text => "<script type='text/javascript'>parent.window.location = '#{admin_blog_posts_path}';</script>",
- :layout => false
- end
- end
- end
- def moderation
- enabled = BlogComment::Moderation.toggle!
- unless request.xhr?
- redirect_back_or_default(admin_blog_posts_path)
- else
- render :json => {:enabled => enabled},
- :layout => false
- end
- end
- def comments
- enabled = BlogComment.toggle!
- unless request.xhr?
- redirect_back_or_default(admin_blog_posts_path)
- else
- render :json => {:enabled => enabled},
- :layout => false
- end
- end
- def teasers
- enabled = BlogPost.teaser_enabled_toggle!
- unless request.xhr?
- redirect_back_or_default(admin_blog_posts_path)
- else
- render :json => {:enabled => enabled},
- :layout => false
- end
- end
- end
- end
-end \ No newline at end of file