path: root/activerecord/test/cases/connection_adapters/connection_handlers_multi_db_test.rb
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Bump RuboCop to 0.67.2Koichi ITO2019-04-161-2/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Performance cops will be extracted from RuboCop to RuboCop Performance when next RuboCop 0.68 will be released. https://github.com/rubocop-hq/rubocop/issues/5977 RuboCop 0.67 is its transition period. Since rails/rails repository uses Performance cops, This PR added rubocop-performance gem to Gemfile. And this PR fixes some offenses using the following auto-correct. ```console % bundle exec rubocop -a Offenses: activerecord/test/cases/connection_adapters/connection_handlers_multi_db_test.rb:212:26: C: [Corrected] Layout/SpaceAroundOperators: Operator = > should be surrounded by a single space. "primary" => { adapter: "sqlite3", database: "db/primary.sqlite3" } ^^ activerecord/test/cases/connection_adapters/connection_handlers_multi_db_test.rb:239:26: C: [Corrected] Layout/SpaceAroundOperators: Operator => should be surrounded by a single space. "primary" => { adapter: "sqlite3", database: "db/primary.sqlite3" } ^^ actionview/test/template/resolver_shared_tests.rb:1:1: C: [Corrected] Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Missing magic comment # frozen_string_literal: true. module ResolverSharedTests ^ actionview/test/template/resolver_shared_tests.rb:10:33: C: [Corrected] Layout/SpaceAroundEqualsInParameterDefault: Surrounding space missing in default value assignment. def with_file(filename, source="File at #{filename}") ^ actionview/test/template/resolver_shared_tests.rb:106:5: C: [Corrected] Rails/RefuteMethods: Prefer assert_not_same over refute_same. refute_same a, b ^^^^^^^^^^^ 2760 files inspected, 5 offenses detected, 5 offenses corrected ```
* Ensure a handler is set when using `connected_to`eileencodes2019-04-081-7/+34
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | After looking at #35800 there is definitely an issue in the `connected_to` method although it's generally behaving. Here are the details: 1) I added a default connection role - writing - to the connection handler lookup. I did this because otherwise if you did this: ``` connected_to(databse: :development) ``` And development wasn't a pre-established role it would create a new handler and connect using that. I don't think this is right so I've updated it to pick up the default (:writing) unless otherwise specified. To set a handler when using the database version pass a hash like you would to `connects_to`: ``` connected_to(database: { readonly_slow: :development }) ``` This will connect the `development` database to the `readonly_slow` handler/role. 2) I updated the tests to match this behavior that we expect. 3) I updated the documentation to clarify that using `connected_to` with a `database` key will establish a new connection every time. This is exactly how `establish_connection` behaves and I feel this is correct. If you want to only establish a connection once you should do that in the model with `connects_to` and then swap on the role instead of on the database hash/key. 4) In regards to #35800 this fixes the case where you pass a symbol to the db and not a hash. But it doesn't fix a case where you may pass an unknown handler to an abstract class that's not connected. This is tricky because technical AbstractFoo doesn't have any connections except for through ApplicationRecord, so in the case of the application that was shared we should only be swapping connections on ActiveRecord::Base because there are no other actual connections - AbstractFoo isn't needed since it's not establishing a new connection. If we need AbstractFoo to connect to a new handler we should establish that connection with the handler in AbstractFoo before trying to shard there.
* Add ability to change the names of the default handlersEileen Uchitelle2019-02-011-0/+42
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | When I wrote the `connected_to` and `connects_to` API's I wrote them with the idea in mind that it didn't really matter what the handlers/roles were called as long as those connecting to the roles knew which one wrote and which one read. With the introduction of the middleware Rails begins to assume it's `writing` and `reading` and there's no room for other roles. At GitHub we've been using this method for a long time so we have a ton of legacy code that uses different handler names `default` and `readonly`. We could rename all our code but I think this is better for a few reasons: - Legacy apps that have been using multiple databases for a long time can have an eaiser time switching. - If we later find this to cause more issues than it's worth we can easily deprecate. - We won't force old apps to rewrite the resolver middleware just to use a different handler. Adding the writing_role/reading_role required that I move the code that creates the first handler for writing to the railtie. If I didn't move this the core class would assign the handler before I was able to assign a new one in my configuration and I'd end up with 3 handlers instead of 2.
* Fix error raised when handler doesn't existEileen Uchitelle2019-01-251-3/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | While working on another feature for multiple databases (auto-switching) I observed that in development the first request won't autoload the application record connection for the primary database and may not yet know about the replica connection. In my test application this caused the application to thrown an error if I tried to send the first request to the replica before the replica was connected. This wouldn't be an issue in production because the application is preloaded. In order to fix this I decided to leave the original error message and delete the new error message. I updated the original error message to include the `role` to make it a bit clearer that the connection isn't established for that particular role. The error now reads: ``` No connection pool with 'primary' found for the 'reading' role. ``` A single database application will continue uisng the original error message: ``` No connection pool with 'primary' found. ```
* Add assertions for `ActiveRecord::Base.current_role`Ryuta Kamizono2019-01-021-0/+6
| | | | Since the `current_role` is public API.
* Raise helpful error when role doesn't existEileen Uchitelle2018-12-211-0/+10
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | If you try to call `connected_to` with a role that doesn't have an established connection you used to get an error that said: ``` >> ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(role: :i_dont_exist) { Home.first } ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished Exception: No connection pool with 'primary' found. ``` This is confusing because the connection could be established but we spelled the role wrong. I've changed this to raise if the `role` used in `connected_to` doesn't have an associated handler. Users who encounter this should either check that the role is spelled correctly (writin -> writing), establish a connection to that role in the model with connects_to, or use the `database` keyword for the `role`. I think this will provide a less confusing error message for those starting out with multiple databases.
* Add AR::Base.connected_to?John Hawthorn2018-12-111-0/+11
| | | | | This can be used to check the currently connected role. It's meant to mirror AR::Base.connected_to
* Make connection handler per thread instead of per fiberEileen Uchitelle2018-11-201-0/+37
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The connection handler was using the RuntimeRegistry which kind of implies it's a per thread registry. But it's actually per fiber. If you have an application that uses fibers and you're using multiple databases, when you switch the connection handler to swap connections new fibers running on the same thread used to get a different connection id. This PR changes the code to actually use a thread so that we get the same connection. Fixes https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/30047 [Eileen M. Uchitelle, Aaron Patterson, & Arthur Neeves]
* Exercise `connected_to` and `connects_to` methodsbogdanvlviv2018-11-151-0/+35
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Since both methods are public API I think it makes sense to add these tests in order to prevent any regression in the behavior of those methods after the 6.0 release. Exercise `connected_to` - Ensure that the method raises with both `database` and `role` arguments - Ensure that the method raises without `database` and `role` Exercise `connects_to` - Ensure that the method returns an array of established connections(as mentioned in the docs of the method) Related to #34052
* Ensure that `ActiveRecord::Base#connected_to` with `:database` establishes ↵bogdanvlviv2018-11-121-3/+21
| | | | | | connection Related to #34052
* Add support for hash and url configs in connected_toGannon McGibbon2018-10-261-0/+39
| | | | | Add support for hash and url configs in database hash of `ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to`.
* Basic API for connection switchingEileen Uchitelle2018-10-101-0/+193
This PR adds the ability to 1) connect to multiple databases in a model, and 2) switch between those connections using a block. To connect a model to a set of databases for writing and reading use the following API. This API supercedes `establish_connection`. The `writing` and `reading` keys represent handler / role names and `animals` and `animals_replica` represents the database key to look up the configuration hash from. ``` class AnimalsBase < ApplicationRecord connects_to database: { writing: :animals, reading: :animals_replica } end ``` Inside the application - outside the model declaration - we can switch connections with a block call to `connected_to`. If we want to connect to a db that isn't default (ie readonly_slow) we can connect like this: Outside the model we may want to connect to a new database (one that is not in the default writing/reading set) - for example a slow replica for making slow queries. To do this we have the `connected_to` method that takes a `database` hash that matches the signature of `connects_to`. The `connected_to` method also takes a block. ``` AcitveRecord::Base.connected_to(database: { slow_readonly: :primary_replica_slow }) do ModelInPrimary.do_something_thats_slow end ``` For models that are already loaded and connections that are already connected, `connected_to` doesn't need to pass in a `database` because you may want to run queries against multiple databases using a specific role/handler. In this case `connected_to` can take a `role` and use that to swap on the connection passed. This simplies queries - and matches how we do it in GitHub. Once you're connected to the database you don't need to re-connect, we assume the connection is in the pool and simply pass the handler we'd like to swap on. ``` ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(role: :reading) do Dog.read_something_from_dog ModelInPrimary.do_something_from_model_in_primary end ```