path: root/railties/guides/source/configuring.textile
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diff --git a/railties/guides/source/configuring.textile b/railties/guides/source/configuring.textile
index 79980be5ef..cfad642e0d 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/configuring.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/configuring.textile
@@ -459,6 +459,99 @@ There are a few configuration options available in Active Support:
* +ActiveSupport::Logger.silencer+ is set to +false+ to disable the ability to silence logging in a block. The default is +true+.
+h4. Configuring a Database
+Just about every Rails application will interact with a database. The database to use is specified in a configuration file called +config/database.yml+. If you open this file in a new Rails application, you'll see a default database configured to use SQLite3. The file contains sections for three different environments in which Rails can run by default:
+* The +development+ environment is used on your development/local computer as you interact manually with the application.
+* The +test+ environment is used when running automated tests.
+* The +production+ environment is used when you deploy your application for the world to use.
+TIP: You don't have to update the database configurations manually. If you look at the options of the application generator, you will see that one of the options is named <tt>--database</tt>. This option allows you to choose an adapter from a list of the most used relational databases. You can even run the generator repeatedly: <tt>cd .. && rails new blog --database=mysql</tt>. When you confirm the overwriting of the +config/database.yml+ file, your application will be configured for MySQL instead of SQLite. Detailed examples of the common database connections are below.
+h5. Configuring an SQLite3 Database
+Rails comes with built-in support for "SQLite3":http://www.sqlite.org, which is a lightweight serverless database application. While a busy production environment may overload SQLite, it works well for development and testing. Rails defaults to using an SQLite database when creating a new project, but you can always change it later.
+Here's the section of the default configuration file (<tt>config/database.yml</tt>) with connection information for the development environment:
+ adapter: sqlite3
+ database: db/development.sqlite3
+ pool: 5
+ timeout: 5000
+NOTE: Rails uses an SQLite3 database for data storage by default because it is a zero configuration database that just works. Rails also supports MySQL and PostgreSQL "out of the box", and has plugins for many database systems. If you are using a database in a production environment Rails most likely has an adapter for it.
+h5. Configuring a MySQL Database
+If you choose to use MySQL instead of the shipped SQLite3 database, your +config/database.yml+ will look a little different. Here's the development section:
+ adapter: mysql2
+ encoding: utf8
+ database: blog_development
+ pool: 5
+ username: root
+ password:
+ socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
+If your development computer's MySQL installation includes a root user with an empty password, this configuration should work for you. Otherwise, change the username and password in the +development+ section as appropriate.
+h5. Configuring a PostgreSQL Database
+If you choose to use PostgreSQL, your +config/database.yml+ will be customized to use PostgreSQL databases:
+ adapter: postgresql
+ encoding: unicode
+ database: blog_development
+ pool: 5
+ username: blog
+ password:
+h5. Configuring an SQLite3 Database for JRuby Platform
+If you choose to use SQLite3 and are using JRuby, your +config/database.yml+ will look a little different. Here's the development section:
+ adapter: jdbcsqlite3
+ database: db/development.sqlite3
+h5. Configuring a MySQL Database for JRuby Platform
+If you choose to use MySQL and are using JRuby, your +config/database.yml+ will look a little different. Here's the development section:
+ adapter: jdbcmysql
+ database: blog_development
+ username: root
+ password:
+h5. Configuring a PostgreSQL Database for JRuby Platform
+If you choose to use PostgreSQL and are using JRuby, your +config/database.yml+ will look a little different. Here's the development section:
+ adapter: jdbcpostgresql
+ encoding: unicode
+ database: blog_development
+ username: blog
+ password:
+Change the username and password in the +development+ section as appropriate.
h3. Rails Environment Settings