path: root/lib/arel/engines/sql/compilers/oracle_compiler.rb
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/lib/arel/engines/sql/compilers/oracle_compiler.rb b/lib/arel/engines/sql/compilers/oracle_compiler.rb
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index 1963454d36..0000000000
--- a/lib/arel/engines/sql/compilers/oracle_compiler.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-module Arel
- module SqlCompiler
- class OracleCompiler < GenericCompiler
- def select_sql
- where_clauses_array = where_clauses
- if limit_or_offset = !taken.blank? || !skipped.blank?
- # if need to select first records without ORDER BY and GROUP BY and without DISTINCT
- # then can use simple ROWNUM in WHERE clause
- if skipped.blank? && groupings.blank? && orders.blank? && select_clauses[0] !~ /^DISTINCT /
- where_clauses_array << "ROWNUM <= #{taken}" if !taken.blank? && skipped.blank? && groupings.blank? && orders.blank?
- limit_or_offset = false
- end
- end
- # when limit or offset subquery is used then cannot use FOR UPDATE directly
- # and need to construct separate subquery for primary key
- if use_subquery_for_lock = limit_or_offset && !locked.blank?
- quoted_primary_key = engine.connection.quote_column_name(primary_key)
- end
- select_attributes_string = use_subquery_for_lock ? quoted_primary_key : select_clauses.join(', ')
- # OracleEnhanced adapter workaround when ORDER BY is used with columns not
- # present in DISTINCT columns list
- order_clauses_array = if select_attributes_string =~ /DISTINCT.*FIRST_VALUE/ && !orders.blank?
- order = order_clauses.join(', ').split(',').map { |s| s.strip }.reject(&:blank?)
- order = order.zip((0...order.size).to_a).map { |s,i| "alias_#{i}__ #{'DESC' if s =~ /\bdesc$/i}" }
- else
- order_clauses
- end
- query = build_query \
- "SELECT #{select_attributes_string}",
- "FROM #{from_clauses}",
- (joins(self) unless joins(self).blank? ),
- ("WHERE #{where_clauses_array.join(' AND ')}" unless where_clauses_array.blank? ),
- ("GROUP BY #{group_clauses.join(', ')}" unless groupings.blank? ),
- ("HAVING #{having_clauses.join(' AND ')}" unless havings.blank? ),
- ("ORDER BY #{order_clauses_array.join(', ')}" unless order_clauses_array.blank? )
- # Use existing method from oracle_enhanced adapter to implement limit and offset using subqueries
- engine.connection.add_limit_offset!(query, :limit => taken, :offset => skipped) if limit_or_offset
- if use_subquery_for_lock
- build_query \
- "SELECT #{select_clauses.join(', ')}",
- "FROM #{from_clauses}",
- "WHERE #{quoted_primary_key} IN (#{query})",
- "#{locked}"
- elsif !locked.blank?
- build_query query, "#{locked}"
- else
- query
- end
- end
- def delete_sql
- where_clauses_array = wheres.collect(&:to_sql)
- where_clauses_array << "ROWNUM <= #{taken}" unless taken.blank?
- build_query \
- "FROM #{table_sql}",
- ("WHERE #{where_clauses_array.join(' AND ')}" unless where_clauses_array.blank? )
- end
- protected
- def build_update_conditions_sql
- conditions = ""
- where_clauses_array = wheres.collect(&:to_sql)
- # if need to select first records without ORDER BY
- # then can use simple ROWNUM in WHERE clause
- if !taken.blank? && orders.blank?
- where_clauses_array << "ROWNUM <= #{taken}"
- end
- conditions << " WHERE #{where_clauses_array.join(' AND ')}" unless where_clauses_array.blank?
- unless taken.blank?
- conditions = limited_update_conditions(conditions, taken)
- end
- conditions
- end
- def limited_update_conditions(conditions, taken)
- # need to add ORDER BY only if just taken ones should be updated
- conditions << " ORDER BY #{order_clauses.join(', ')}" unless orders.blank?
- quoted_primary_key = engine.connection.quote_column_name(primary_key)
- subquery = "SELECT #{quoted_primary_key} FROM #{engine.connection.connection.quote_table_name table.name} #{conditions}"
- # Use existing method from oracle_enhanced adapter to get taken records when ORDER BY is used
- engine.connection.add_limit_offset!(subquery, :limit => taken) unless orders.blank?
- "WHERE #{quoted_primary_key} IN (#{subquery})"
- end
- end
- end