path: root/lib/action_cable
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/action_cable')
7 files changed, 85 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/lib/action_cable/channel.rb b/lib/action_cable/channel.rb
index 9e4d3d3f93..3b973ba0a7 100644
--- a/lib/action_cable/channel.rb
+++ b/lib/action_cable/channel.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
module ActionCable
module Channel
autoload :Base, 'action_cable/channel/base'
+ autoload :Broadcasting, 'action_cable/channel/broadcasting'
autoload :Callbacks, 'action_cable/channel/callbacks'
+ autoload :Naming, 'action_cable/channel/naming'
autoload :PeriodicTimers, 'action_cable/channel/periodic_timers'
autoload :Streams, 'action_cable/channel/streams'
diff --git a/lib/action_cable/channel/base.rb b/lib/action_cable/channel/base.rb
index 87ae3a1211..c83c3b74fd 100644
--- a/lib/action_cable/channel/base.rb
+++ b/lib/action_cable/channel/base.rb
@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ module ActionCable
include Callbacks
include PeriodicTimers
include Streams
+ include Naming
+ include Broadcasting
on_subscribe :subscribed
on_unsubscribe :unsubscribed
diff --git a/lib/action_cable/channel/broadcasting.rb b/lib/action_cable/channel/broadcasting.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee4117bc0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/action_cable/channel/broadcasting.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+module ActionCable
+ module Channel
+ module Broadcasting
+ extend ActiveSupport::Concern
+ delegate :broadcasting_for, to: :class
+ class_methods do
+ # Broadcast a hash to a unique broadcasting for this <tt>model</tt> in this channel.
+ def broadcast_to(model, message)
+ ActionCable.server.broadcast(broadcasting_for([ channel_name, model ]), message)
+ end
+ def broadcasting_for(model) #:nodoc:
+ case
+ when model.is_a?(Array)
+ model.map { |m| broadcasting_for(m) }.join(':')
+ when model.respond_to?(:to_gid_param)
+ model.to_gid_param
+ else
+ model.to_param
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/action_cable/channel/naming.rb b/lib/action_cable/channel/naming.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c9d53b15a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/action_cable/channel/naming.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+module ActionCable
+ module Channel
+ module Naming
+ extend ActiveSupport::Concern
+ class_methods do
+ # Returns the name of the channel, underscored, without the <tt>Channel</tt> ending.
+ # If the channel is in a namespace, then the namespaces are represented by single
+ # colon separators in the channel name.
+ #
+ # ChatChannel.channel_name # => 'chat'
+ # Chats::AppearancesChannel.channel_name # => 'chats:appearances'
+ def channel_name
+ @channel_name ||= name.sub(/Channel$/, '').gsub('::',':').underscore
+ end
+ end
+ # Delegates to the class' <tt>channel_name</tt>
+ delegate :channel_name, to: :class
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/action_cable/channel/streams.rb b/lib/action_cable/channel/streams.rb
index 6a3dc76c1d..f711b065ca 100644
--- a/lib/action_cable/channel/streams.rb
+++ b/lib/action_cable/channel/streams.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module ActionCable
module Channel
# Streams allow channels to route broadcastings to the subscriber. A broadcasting is an discussed elsewhere a pub/sub queue where any data
- # put into it is automatically sent to the clients that are connected at that time. It's purely an online queue, though. If you're not
+ # put into it is automatically sent to the clients that are connected at that time. It's purely an online queue, though. If you're not
# streaming a broadcasting at the very moment it sends out an update, you'll not get that update when connecting later.
# Most commonly, the streamed broadcast is sent straight to the subscriber on the client-side. The channel just acts as a connector between
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module ActionCable
# def follow(data)
# stream_from "comments_for_#{data['recording_id']}"
# end
- #
+ #
# def unfollow
# stop_all_streams
# end
@@ -23,23 +23,37 @@ module ActionCable
# ActionCable.server.broadcast "comments_for_45", author: 'DHH', content: 'Rails is just swell'
- # If you don't just want to parlay the broadcast unfiltered to the subscriber, you can supply a callback that let's you alter what goes out.
+ # If you have a stream that is related to a model, then the broadcasting used can be generated from the model and channel.
+ # The following example would to subscribe to a broadcasting that would be something like `comments:Z2lkOi8vVGVzdEFwcC9Qb3N0LzE`
+ #
+ # class CommentsChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
+ # def subscribed
+ # post = Post.find(params[:id])
+ # stream_for post
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # You can then broadcast to this channel using:
+ #
+ # CommentsChannel.broadcast_to(@post)
+ #
+ # If you don't just want to parlay the broadcast unfiltered to the subscriber, you can supply a callback that let's you alter what goes out.
# Example below shows how you can use this to provide performance introspection in the process:
# class ChatChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
# def subscribed
# @room = Chat::Room[params[:room_number]]
- #
- # stream_from @room.channel, -> (message) do
+ #
+ # stream_for @room, -> (message) do
# message = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(m)
- #
+ #
# if message['originated_at'].present?
# elapsed_time = (Time.now.to_f - message['originated_at']).round(2)
- #
+ #
# ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument :performance, measurement: 'Chat.message_delay', value: elapsed_time, action: :timing
# logger.info "Message took #{elapsed_time}s to arrive"
# end
- #
+ #
# transmit message
# end
# end
@@ -63,6 +77,13 @@ module ActionCable
logger.info "#{self.class.name} is streaming from #{broadcasting}"
+ # Start streaming the pubsub queue for the <tt>model</tt> in this channel. Optionally, you can pass a
+ # <tt>callback</tt> that'll be used instead of the default of just transmitting the updates straight
+ # to the subscriber.
+ def stream_for(model, callback = nil)
+ stream_from(broadcasting_for([ channel_name, model ]), callback)
+ end
def stop_all_streams
streams.each do |broadcasting, callback|
pubsub.unsubscribe_proc broadcasting, callback
diff --git a/lib/action_cable/server/base.rb b/lib/action_cable/server/base.rb
index fe7966e090..b09fbf6da4 100644
--- a/lib/action_cable/server/base.rb
+++ b/lib/action_cable/server/base.rb
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module ActionCable
include ActionCable::Server::Connections
cattr_accessor(:config, instance_accessor: true) { ActionCable::Server::Configuration.new }
def self.logger; config.logger; end
delegate :logger, to: :config
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ module ActionCable
logger.info "[ActionCable] Redis reconnect failed."
# logger.info "[ActionCable] Redis reconnected. Closing all the open connections."
# @connections.map &:close
- end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/action_cable/server/broadcasting.rb b/lib/action_cable/server/broadcasting.rb
index 4f72ffd96f..037b98951e 100644
--- a/lib/action_cable/server/broadcasting.rb
+++ b/lib/action_cable/server/broadcasting.rb
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module ActionCable
# The redis instance used for broadcasting. Not intended for direct user use.
def broadcasting_redis
@broadcasting_redis ||= Redis.new(config.redis)
- end
+ end
class Broadcaster