path: root/doc
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2 files changed, 86 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/CONVENTIONS b/doc/CONVENTIONS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d7c1b4ef0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+This file should ultimately be replaced by a series of tests, something like a lint tool.
+- all describes and its should use single quotes unless they have nested quotes.
+- object instantiation in tests for all objects that are not the SUT should be manufactured in a before
+- 'should' and other counterfactuals/subjunctive forms should not be used in tests
+- no doubles should be used except for behaviorist testing
+ - behaviorist testing is desirable only when interacting with the database or the session
+- when unit testing, always demonstrate behavior by using a real world example (as in, a public use of the API), so as to provide documentation.
+- use collect rather than map
+- jargon:
+ - 'obtains' is preferred to 'returns true'
+ - 'manufactures'
+- in tests
+ - when manufacturing expected values (right-hand-side of should), avoid convenience methods -- construct it by initializing the object directly (Foo.new(...)). This ensures equality expectations in tests is rigorous.
+ - the SUT should be manufactured inline inside the test, not in a before
+ - dependencies for the SUT should be manufactured using convenience methods (or whatever is most terse).
+- group conceptually related methods in a class within an inline module; immediately include that module. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/TODO b/doc/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d6b82082a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+- re-evaluate bind -- does bind belong inside the relation / predicate classes or in the factory methods?
+- - mock out database
+- #bind in Attribute and Expression should be doing a descend?
+- try to make aggegration testing in join spec to be a bit more unit-like
+- finish pending tests
+- test relation, table reset
+- standardize quoting
+ - use strings everywhere, not symbols ?
+- "unit" test sql strategies
+ - use real world examples, so they should be like a tutorial.
+- string passthrough:
+ :joins=>"INNER JOIN posts ON comments.post_id = posts.id"
+ - shit this one is hard at the moment.
+- need adapters for this form:
+ {:conditions=>["approved = ?", false]}
+ {:conditions=>{:approved=>false}}
+ {:conditions=>{"topics.approved"=>false}}
+ {:conditions=>{:address=>#<Address:0x3489b3c @street="Funny Street", @country="Loony Land", @city="Scary Town">, "customers.name"=>"David1"}}
+- cache expiry on write
+ - rewrite of querycache test in light of this
+- rename the tion (Selection) classes so that words that don't end in tion don't seem inconsistent
+. Relation <=> Relation -> InnerJoinOperation
+. Relation << Relation -> LeftOuterJoinOperation
+. InnerJoinOperation.on(*Predicate) -> InnerJoinRelation
+. LeftOuterJoinOperation.on(*Predicate) -> LeftOuterJoinRelation
+. Relation[Symbol] -> Attribute
+. Relation[Range] -> Relation
+. Attribute == Attribute -> EqualityPredicate
+. Attribute >= Attribute -> GreaterThanOrEqualToPredicate
+. Relation.include?(Column) -> Predicate
+. Relation.project(*Column) -> ProjectionRelation
+. Relation.select(*Predicate) -> SelectionRelation
+. Relation.order(*Column) -> OrderRelation
+. #to_sql
+. Remove Builder
+. Namespace
+. Audit SqlAlchemy for missing features
+- Generalized denormalizations on any aggregation (count, yes, but also max, min, average)
+- Remove operator overloading of << and <=> for joins. Make it just foo.join(bar) and foo.outer_join(bar).
+- Remove operator overloading of == for predicates. make it a.eq(b) (note lack of question mark).
+- hookup more predicates (=, <=, =>)
+- get some basic aggregations working: users.project(user[:points].max)
+- Alias Table Names
+- When joining with any sort of aggregation, it needs to be a nested select
+- get a value select working: users.project(users[:name], addresses.select(addresses[:user_id] == users[:id]).project(addresses[:id].count))
+- Session
+- sublimate values to deal with the fact that they must be quoted per engine
+- clean-up singleton monstrosity
+- extract hashing module
+- hash custom matcher
+- make session engine stuff follow laws of demeter - currently doing some odd method chaining? rethink who is responsible for what
+ - session just calls execute, passing in a connection; by default it gets a connection from the relation.
+- #formatter is now on value, attribute and relation; you must admit it's name is confusing given that e.g., relation already has a formatter (Sql::Relation) ... should it be called predicate formatter? operand1.to_sql(operand2.predicate) maybe prefer operand1.cast(operand2) or project or in light of
+ - renamed to #format: operand1.format(operand2)
+- rename sql strategies
+- need to_sql for ranges
+ - {:conditions=>{:id=>2..3}}
+- nested orderings
+- string passthrough
+ - conditions
+ - orderings
+- relation inclusion when given an array (1,2,3,4) should quote the elements using the appropriate quoting formatter taken from the attribute
+ - descend on array, along with bind written in terms of it