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diff --git a/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md b/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md
index d12cbc34dd..6f99155199 100644
--- a/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,628 +1 @@
-* Fixed bug in `DateAndTime::Compatibility#to_time` that caused it to
- raise `RuntimeError: can't modify frozen Time` when called on any frozen `Time`.
- Properly pass through the frozen `Time` or `ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone` object
- when calling `#to_time`.
- *Kevin McPhillips* & *Andrew White*
-* Remove implicit coercion deprecation of durations
- In #28204 we deprecated implicit conversion of durations to a numeric which
- represented the number of seconds in the duration because of unwanted side
- effects with calculations on durations and dates. This unfortunately had
- the side effect of forcing a explicit cast when configuring third-party
- libraries like expiration in Redis, e.g:
- redis.expire("foo", 5.minutes)
- To work around this we've removed the deprecation and added a private class
- that wraps the numeric and can perform calculation involving durations and
- ensure that they remain a duration irrespective of the order of operations.
- *Andrew White*
-* Update `titleize` regex to allow apostrophes
- In 4b685aa the regex in `titleize` was updated to not match apostrophes to
- better reflect the nature of the transformation. Unfortunately, this had the
- side effect of breaking capitalization on the first word of a sub-string, e.g:
- >> "This was 'fake news'".titleize
- => "This Was 'fake News'"
- This is fixed by extending the look-behind to also check for a word
- character on the other side of the apostrophe.
- Fixes #28312.
- *Andrew White*
-* Add `rfc3339` aliases to `xmlschema` for `Time` and `ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone`
- For naming consistency when using the RFC 3339 profile of ISO 8601 in applications.
- *Andrew White*
-* Add `Time.rfc3339` parsing method
- `Time.xmlschema` and consequently its alias `iso8601` accepts timestamps
- without a offset in contravention of the RFC 3339 standard. This method
- enforces that constraint and raises an `ArgumentError` if it doesn't.
- *Andrew White*
-* Add `ActiveSupport::TimeZone.rfc3339` parsing method
- Previously, there was no way to get a RFC 3339 timestamp into a specific
- timezone without either using `parse` or chaining methods. The new method
- allows parsing directly into the timezone, e.g:
- >> Time.zone = "Hawaii"
- => "Hawaii"
- >> Time.zone.rfc3339("1999-12-31T14:00:00Z")
- => Fri, 31 Dec 1999 14:00:00 HST -10:00
- This new method has stricter semantics than the current `parse` method,
- and will raise an `ArgumentError` instead of returning nil, e.g:
- >> Time.zone = "Hawaii"
- => "Hawaii"
- >> Time.zone.rfc3339("foobar")
- ArgumentError: invalid date
- >> Time.zone.parse("foobar")
- => nil
- It will also raise an `ArgumentError` when either the time or offset
- components are missing, e.g:
- >> Time.zone = "Hawaii"
- => "Hawaii"
- >> Time.zone.rfc3339("1999-12-31")
- ArgumentError: invalid date
- >> Time.zone.rfc3339("1999-12-31T14:00:00")
- ArgumentError: invalid date
- *Andrew White*
-* Add `ActiveSupport::TimeZone.iso8601` parsing method
- Previously, there was no way to get a ISO 8601 timestamp into a specific
- timezone without either using `parse` or chaining methods. The new method
- allows parsing directly into the timezone, e.g:
- >> Time.zone = "Hawaii"
- => "Hawaii"
- >> Time.zone.iso8601("1999-12-31T14:00:00Z")
- => Fri, 31 Dec 1999 14:00:00 HST -10:00
- If the timestamp is a ISO 8601 date (YYYY-MM-DD), then the time is set
- to midnight, e.g:
- >> Time.zone = "Hawaii"
- => "Hawaii"
- >> Time.zone.iso8601("1999-12-31")
- => Fri, 31 Dec 1999 00:00:00 HST -10:00
- This new method has stricter semantics than the current `parse` method,
- and will raise an `ArgumentError` instead of returning nil, e.g:
- >> Time.zone = "Hawaii"
- => "Hawaii"
- >> Time.zone.iso8601("foobar")
- ArgumentError: invalid date
- >> Time.zone.parse("foobar")
- => nil
- *Andrew White*
-* Deprecate implicit coercion of `ActiveSupport::Duration`
- Currently `ActiveSupport::Duration` implicitly converts to a seconds
- value when used in a calculation except for the explicit examples of
- addition and subtraction where the duration is the receiver, e.g:
- >> 2 * 1.day
- => 172800
- This results in lots of confusion especially when using durations
- with dates because adding/subtracting a value from a date treats
- integers as a day and not a second, e.g:
- >> Date.today
- => Wed, 01 Mar 2017
- >> Date.today + 2 * 1.day
- => Mon, 10 Apr 2490
- To fix this we're implementing `coerce` so that we can provide a
- deprecation warning with the intent of removing the implicit coercion
- in Rails 5.2, e.g:
- >> 2 * 1.day
- DEPRECATION WARNING: Implicit coercion of ActiveSupport::Duration
- to a Numeric is deprecated and will raise a TypeError in Rails 5.2.
- => 172800
- In Rails 5.2 it will raise `TypeError`, e.g:
- >> 2 * 1.day
- TypeError: ActiveSupport::Duration can't be coerced into Integer
- This is the same behavior as with other types in Ruby, e.g:
- >> 2 * "foo"
- TypeError: String can't be coerced into Integer
- >> "foo" * 2
- => "foofoo"
- As part of this deprecation add `*` and `/` methods to `AS::Duration`
- so that calculations that keep the duration as the receiver work
- correctly whether the final receiver is a `Date` or `Time`, e.g:
- >> Date.today
- => Wed, 01 Mar 2017
- >> Date.today + 1.day * 2
- => Fri, 03 Mar 2017
- Fixes #27457.
- *Andrew White*
-* Update `DateTime#change` to support `:usec` and `:nsec` options.
- Adding support for these options now allows us to update the `DateTime#end_of`
- methods to match the equivalent `Time#end_of` methods, e.g:
- datetime = DateTime.now.end_of_day
- datetime.nsec == 999999999 # => true
- Fixes #21424.
- *Dan Moore*, *Andrew White*
-* Add `ActiveSupport::Duration#before` and `#after` as aliases for `#until` and `#since`
- These read more like English and require less mental gymnastics to read and write.
- Before:
- 2.weeks.since(customer_start_date)
- 5.days.until(today)
- After:
- 2.weeks.after(customer_start_date)
- 5.days.before(today)
- *Nick Johnstone*
-* Soft-deprecated the top-level `HashWithIndifferentAccess` constant.
- `ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess` should be used instead.
- Fixes #28157.
- *Robin Dupret*
-* In Core Extensions, make `MarshalWithAutoloading#load` pass through the second, optional
- argument for `Marshal#load( source [, proc] )`. This way we don't have to do
- `Marshal.method(:load).super_method.call(source, proc)` just to be able to pass a proc.
- *Jeff Latz*
-* `ActiveSupport::Gzip.decompress` now checks checksum and length in footer.
- *Dylan Thacker-Smith*
-## Rails 5.1.0.beta1 (February 23, 2017) ##
-* Cache `ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone#to_datetime` before freezing.
- *Adam Rice*
-* Deprecate `ActiveSupport.halt_callback_chains_on_return_false`.
- *Rafael Mendonça França*
-* Remove deprecated behavior that halts callbacks when the return is false.
- *Rafael Mendonça França*
-* Deprecate passing string to `:if` and `:unless` conditional options
- on `set_callback` and `skip_callback`.
- *Ryuta Kamizono*
-* Raise `ArgumentError` when passing string to define callback.
- *Ryuta Kamizono*
-* Updated Unicode version to 9.0.0
- Now we can handle new emojis such like "πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦" ("\u{1F469}\u{200D}\u{1F469}\u{200D}\u{1F467}\u{200D}\u{1F466}").
- version 8.0.0
- "πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦".mb_chars.grapheme_length # => 4
- "πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦".mb_chars.reverse # => "πŸ‘¦πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘©β€"
- version 9.0.0
- "πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦".mb_chars.grapheme_length # => 1
- "πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦".mb_chars.reverse # => "πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦"
- *Fumiaki MATSUSHIMA*
-* Changed `ActiveSupport::Inflector#transliterate` to raise `ArgumentError` when it receives
- anything except a string.
- *Kevin McPhillips*
-* Fixed bugs that `StringInquirer#respond_to_missing?` and
- `ArrayInquirer#respond_to_missing?` do not fallback to `super`.
- *Akira Matsuda*
-* Fix inconsistent results when parsing large durations and constructing durations from code
- ActiveSupport::Duration.parse('P3Y') == 3.years # It should be true
- Duration parsing made independent from any moment of time:
- Fixed length in seconds is assigned to each duration part during parsing.
- Changed duration of months and years in seconds to more accurate and logical:
- 1. The value of 365.2425 days in Gregorian year is more accurate
- as it accounts for every 400th non-leap year.
- 2. Month's length is bound to year's duration, which makes
- sensible comparisons like `12.months == 1.year` to be `true`
- and nonsensical ones like `30.days == 1.month` to be `false`.
- Calculations on times and dates with durations shouldn't be affected as
- duration's numeric value isn't used in calculations, only parts are used.
- Methods on `Numeric` like `2.days` now use these predefined durations
- to avoid duplication of duration constants through the codebase and
- eliminate creation of intermediate durations.
- *Andrey Novikov*, *Andrew White*
-* Change return value of `Rational#duplicable?`, `ComplexClass#duplicable?`
- to false.
- *utilum*
-* Change return value of `NilClass#duplicable?`, `FalseClass#duplicable?`,
- `TrueClass#duplicable?`, `Symbol#duplicable?` and `Numeric#duplicable?`
- to true with Ruby 2.4+. These classes can dup with Ruby 2.4+.
- *Yuji Yaginuma*
-* Remove deprecated class `ActiveSupport::Concurrency::Latch`.
- *Andrew White*
-* Remove deprecated separator argument from `parameterize`.
- *Andrew White*
-* Remove deprecated method `Numeric#to_formatted_s`.
- *Andrew White*
-* Remove deprecated method `alias_method_chain`.
- *Andrew White*
-* Remove deprecated constant `MissingSourceFile`.
- *Andrew White*
-* Remove deprecated methods `Module.qualified_const_defined?`,
- `Module.qualified_const_get` and `Module.qualified_const_set`.
- *Andrew White*
-* Remove deprecated `:prefix` option from `number_to_human_size`.
- *Andrew White*
-* Remove deprecated method `ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new_from_hash_copying_default`.
- *Andrew White*
-* Remove deprecated file `active_support/core_ext/time/marshal.rb`.
- *Andrew White*
-* Remove deprecated file `active_support/core_ext/struct.rb`.
- *Andrew White*
-* Remove deprecated file `active_support/core_ext/module/method_transplanting.rb`.
- *Andrew White*
-* Remove deprecated method `Module.local_constants`.
- *Andrew White*
-* Remove deprecated file `active_support/core_ext/kernel/debugger.rb`.
- *Andrew White*
-* Remove deprecated method `ActiveSupport::Cache::Store#namespaced_key`.
- *Andrew White*
-* Remove deprecated method `ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache::LocalStore#set_cache_value`.
- *Andrew White*
-* Remove deprecated method `ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore#escape_key`.
- *Andrew White*
-* Remove deprecated method `ActiveSupport::Cache::FileStore#key_file_path`.
- *Andrew White*
-* Ensure duration parsing is consistent across DST changes.
- Previously `ActiveSupport::Duration.parse` used `Time.current` and
- `Time#advance` to calculate the number of seconds in the duration
- from an arbitrary collection of parts. However as `advance` tries to
- be consistent across DST boundaries this meant that either the
- duration was shorter or longer depending on the time of year.
- This was fixed by using an absolute reference point in UTC which
- isn't subject to DST transitions. An arbitrary date of Jan 1st, 2000
- was chosen for no other reason that it seemed appropriate.
- Additionally, duration parsing should now be marginally faster as we
- are no longer creating instances of `ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone`
- every time we parse a duration string.
- Fixes #26941.
- *Andrew White*
-* Use `Hash#compact` and `Hash#compact!` from Ruby 2.4. Old Ruby versions
- will continue to get these methods from Active Support as before.
- *Prathamesh Sonpatki*
-* Fix `ActiveSupport::TimeZone#strptime`.
- Support for timestamps in format of seconds (%s) and milliseconds (%Q).
- Fixes #26840.
- *Lev Denisov*
-* Fix `DateAndTime::Calculations#copy_time_to`. Copy `nsec` instead of `usec`.
- Jumping forward or backward between weeks now preserves nanosecond digits.
- *Josua Schmid*
-* Fix `ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone#in` across DST boundaries.
- Previously calls to `in` were being sent to the non-DST aware
- method `Time#since` via `method_missing`. It is now aliased to
- the DST aware `ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone#+` which handles
- transitions across DST boundaries, e.g:
- Time.zone = "US/Eastern"
- t = Time.zone.local(2016,11,6,1)
- # => Sun, 06 Nov 2016 01:00:00 EDT -05:00
- t.in(1.hour)
- # => Sun, 06 Nov 2016 01:00:00 EST -05:00
- Fixes #26580.
- *Thomas Balthazar*
-* Remove unused parameter `options = nil` for `#clear` of
- `ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache::LocalStore` and
- `ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache`.
- *Yosuke Kabuto*
-* Fix `thread_mattr_accessor` subclass no longer overwrites parent.
- Assigning a value to a subclass using `thread_mattr_accessor` no
- longer changes the value of the parent class. This brings the
- behavior inline with the documentation.
- Given:
- class Account
- thread_mattr_accessor :user
- end
- class Customer < Account
- end
- Account.user = "DHH"
- Customer.user = "Rafael"
- Before:
- Account.user # => "Rafael"
- After:
- Account.user # => "DHH"
- *Shinichi Maeshima*
-* Since weeks are no longer converted to days, add `:weeks` to the list of
- parts that `ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone` will recognize as possibly being
- of variable duration to take account of DST transitions.
- Fixes #26039.
- *Andrew White*
-* Defines `Regexp.match?` for Ruby versions prior to 2.4. The predicate
- has the same interface, but it does not have the performance boost. Its
- purpose is to be able to write 2.4 compatible code.
- *Xavier Noria*
-* Allow `MessageEncryptor` to take advantage of authenticated encryption modes.
- AEAD modes like `aes-256-gcm` provide both confidentiality and data
- authenticity, eliminating the need to use `MessageVerifier` to check if the
- encrypted data has been tampered with. This speeds up encryption/decryption
- and results in shorter cipher text.
- *Bart de Water*
-* Introduce `assert_changes` and `assert_no_changes`.
- `assert_changes` is a more general `assert_difference` that works with any
- value.
- assert_changes 'Error.current', from: nil, to: 'ERR' do
- expected_bad_operation
- end
- Can be called with strings, to be evaluated in the binding (context) of
- the block given to the assertion, or a lambda.
- assert_changes -> { Error.current }, from: nil, to: 'ERR' do
- expected_bad_operation
- end
- The `from` and `to` arguments are compared with the case operator (`===`).
- assert_changes 'Error.current', from: nil, to: Error do
- expected_bad_operation
- end
- This is pretty useful, if you need to loosely compare a value. For example,
- you need to test a token has been generated and it has that many random
- characters.
- user = User.start_registration
- assert_changes 'user.token', to: /\w{32}/ do
- user.finish_registration
- end
- *Genadi Samokovarov*
-* Fix `ActiveSupport::TimeZone#strptime`. Now raises `ArgumentError` when the
- given time doesn't match the format. The error is the same as the one given
- by Ruby's `Date.strptime`. Previously it raised
- `NoMethodError: undefined method empty? for nil:NilClass.` due to a bug.
- Fixes #25701.
- *John Gesimondo*
-* `travel/travel_to` travel time helpers, now raise on nested calls,
- as this can lead to confusing time stubbing.
- Instead of:
- travel_to 2.days.from_now do
- # 2 days from today
- travel_to 3.days.from_now do
- # 5 days from today
- end
- end
- preferred way to achieve above is:
- travel 2.days do
- # 2 days from today
- end
- travel 5.days do
- # 5 days from today
- end
- *Vipul A M*
-* Support parsing JSON time in ISO8601 local time strings in
- `ActiveSupport::JSON.decode` when `parse_json_times` is enabled.
- Strings in the format of `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss` (without a `Z` at
- the end) will be parsed in the local timezone (`Time.zone`). In
- addition, date strings (`YYYY-MM-DD`) are now parsed into `Date`
- objects.
- *Grzegorz Witek*
-* Fixed `ActiveSupport::Logger.broadcast` so that calls to `#silence` now
- properly delegate to all loggers. Silencing now properly suppresses logging
- to both the log and the console.
- *Kevin McPhillips*
-* Remove deprecated arguments in `assert_nothing_raised`.
- *Rafel Mendonça França*
-* `Date.to_s` doesn't produce too many spaces. For example, `to_s(:short)`
- will now produce `01 Feb` instead of ` 1 Feb`.
- Fixes #25251.
- *Sean Griffin*
-* Introduce `Module#delegate_missing_to`.
- When building a decorator, a common pattern emerges:
- class Partition
- def initialize(first_event)
- @events = [ first_event ]
- end
- def people
- if @events.first.detail.people.any?
- @events.collect { |e| Array(e.detail.people) }.flatten.uniq
- else
- @events.collect(&:creator).uniq
- end
- end
- private
- def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = false)
- @events.respond_to?(name, include_private)
- end
- def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
- @events.send(method, *args, &block)
- end
- end
- With `Module#delegate_missing_to`, the above is condensed to:
- class Partition
- delegate_missing_to :@events
- def initialize(first_event)
- @events = [ first_event ]
- end
- def people
- if @events.first.detail.people.any?
- @events.collect { |e| Array(e.detail.people) }.flatten.uniq
- else
- @events.collect(&:creator).uniq
- end
- end
- end
- *Genadi Samokovarov*, *DHH*
-* Rescuable: If a handler doesn't match the exception, check for handlers
- matching the exception's cause.
- *Jeremy Daer*
-Please check [5-0-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/5-0-stable/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.
+Please check [5-1-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/5-1-stable/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/deprecation.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/deprecation.rb
index 191e582de8..c78ec67dc5 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/deprecation.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/deprecation.rb
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module ActiveSupport
# and the second is a library name
# ActiveSupport::Deprecation.new('2.0', 'MyLibrary')
- def initialize(deprecation_horizon = "5.2", gem_name = "Rails")
+ def initialize(deprecation_horizon = "5.3", gem_name = "Rails")
self.gem_name = gem_name
self.deprecation_horizon = deprecation_horizon
# By default, warnings are not silenced and debugging is off.
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/gem_version.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/gem_version.rb
index a641b96c57..371a39a5e6 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/gem_version.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/gem_version.rb
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ module ActiveSupport
module VERSION
- MINOR = 1
+ MINOR = 2
TINY = 0
- PRE = "beta1"
+ PRE = "alpha"
STRING = [MAJOR, MINOR, TINY, PRE].compact.join(".")