path: root/activesupport/test/hash_with_indifferent_access_test.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'activesupport/test/hash_with_indifferent_access_test.rb')
1 files changed, 734 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activesupport/test/hash_with_indifferent_access_test.rb b/activesupport/test/hash_with_indifferent_access_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee862320e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activesupport/test/hash_with_indifferent_access_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,734 @@
+require "abstract_unit"
+require "active_support/core_ext/hash"
+require "bigdecimal"
+require "active_support/core_ext/string/access"
+require "active_support/ordered_hash"
+require "active_support/core_ext/object/conversions"
+require "active_support/core_ext/object/deep_dup"
+require "active_support/inflections"
+class HashWithIndifferentAccessTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ HashWithIndifferentAccess = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
+ class IndifferentHash < ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
+ end
+ class SubclassingArray < Array
+ end
+ class SubclassingHash < Hash
+ end
+ class NonIndifferentHash < Hash
+ def nested_under_indifferent_access
+ self
+ end
+ end
+ class HashByConversion
+ def initialize(hash)
+ @hash = hash
+ end
+ def to_hash
+ @hash
+ end
+ end
+ def setup
+ @strings = { "a" => 1, "b" => 2 }
+ @nested_strings = { "a" => { "b" => { "c" => 3 } } }
+ @symbols = { a: 1, b: 2 }
+ @nested_symbols = { a: { b: { c: 3 } } }
+ @mixed = { :a => 1, "b" => 2 }
+ @nested_mixed = { "a" => { b: { "c" => 3 } } }
+ @integers = { 0 => 1, 1 => 2 }
+ @nested_integers = { 0 => { 1 => { 2 => 3 } } }
+ @illegal_symbols = { [] => 3 }
+ @nested_illegal_symbols = { [] => { [] => 3 } }
+ end
+ def test_symbolize_keys_for_hash_with_indifferent_access
+ assert_instance_of Hash, @symbols.with_indifferent_access.symbolize_keys
+ assert_equal @symbols, @symbols.with_indifferent_access.symbolize_keys
+ assert_equal @symbols, @strings.with_indifferent_access.symbolize_keys
+ assert_equal @symbols, @mixed.with_indifferent_access.symbolize_keys
+ end
+ def test_deep_symbolize_keys_for_hash_with_indifferent_access
+ assert_instance_of Hash, @nested_symbols.with_indifferent_access.deep_symbolize_keys
+ assert_equal @nested_symbols, @nested_symbols.with_indifferent_access.deep_symbolize_keys
+ assert_equal @nested_symbols, @nested_strings.with_indifferent_access.deep_symbolize_keys
+ assert_equal @nested_symbols, @nested_mixed.with_indifferent_access.deep_symbolize_keys
+ end
+ def test_symbolize_keys_bang_for_hash_with_indifferent_access
+ assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @symbols.with_indifferent_access.dup.symbolize_keys! }
+ assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @strings.with_indifferent_access.dup.symbolize_keys! }
+ assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @mixed.with_indifferent_access.dup.symbolize_keys! }
+ end
+ def test_deep_symbolize_keys_bang_for_hash_with_indifferent_access
+ assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @nested_symbols.with_indifferent_access.deep_dup.deep_symbolize_keys! }
+ assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @nested_strings.with_indifferent_access.deep_dup.deep_symbolize_keys! }
+ assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @nested_mixed.with_indifferent_access.deep_dup.deep_symbolize_keys! }
+ end
+ def test_symbolize_keys_preserves_keys_that_cant_be_symbolized_for_hash_with_indifferent_access
+ assert_equal @illegal_symbols, @illegal_symbols.with_indifferent_access.symbolize_keys
+ assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @illegal_symbols.with_indifferent_access.dup.symbolize_keys! }
+ end
+ def test_deep_symbolize_keys_preserves_keys_that_cant_be_symbolized_for_hash_with_indifferent_access
+ assert_equal @nested_illegal_symbols, @nested_illegal_symbols.with_indifferent_access.deep_symbolize_keys
+ assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @nested_illegal_symbols.with_indifferent_access.deep_dup.deep_symbolize_keys! }
+ end
+ def test_symbolize_keys_preserves_integer_keys_for_hash_with_indifferent_access
+ assert_equal @integers, @integers.with_indifferent_access.symbolize_keys
+ assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @integers.with_indifferent_access.dup.symbolize_keys! }
+ end
+ def test_deep_symbolize_keys_preserves_integer_keys_for_hash_with_indifferent_access
+ assert_equal @nested_integers, @nested_integers.with_indifferent_access.deep_symbolize_keys
+ assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @nested_integers.with_indifferent_access.deep_dup.deep_symbolize_keys! }
+ end
+ def test_stringify_keys_for_hash_with_indifferent_access
+ assert_instance_of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, @symbols.with_indifferent_access.stringify_keys
+ assert_equal @strings, @symbols.with_indifferent_access.stringify_keys
+ assert_equal @strings, @strings.with_indifferent_access.stringify_keys
+ assert_equal @strings, @mixed.with_indifferent_access.stringify_keys
+ end
+ def test_deep_stringify_keys_for_hash_with_indifferent_access
+ assert_instance_of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, @nested_symbols.with_indifferent_access.deep_stringify_keys
+ assert_equal @nested_strings, @nested_symbols.with_indifferent_access.deep_stringify_keys
+ assert_equal @nested_strings, @nested_strings.with_indifferent_access.deep_stringify_keys
+ assert_equal @nested_strings, @nested_mixed.with_indifferent_access.deep_stringify_keys
+ end
+ def test_stringify_keys_bang_for_hash_with_indifferent_access
+ assert_instance_of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, @symbols.with_indifferent_access.dup.stringify_keys!
+ assert_equal @strings, @symbols.with_indifferent_access.dup.stringify_keys!
+ assert_equal @strings, @strings.with_indifferent_access.dup.stringify_keys!
+ assert_equal @strings, @mixed.with_indifferent_access.dup.stringify_keys!
+ end
+ def test_deep_stringify_keys_bang_for_hash_with_indifferent_access
+ assert_instance_of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, @nested_symbols.with_indifferent_access.dup.deep_stringify_keys!
+ assert_equal @nested_strings, @nested_symbols.with_indifferent_access.deep_dup.deep_stringify_keys!
+ assert_equal @nested_strings, @nested_strings.with_indifferent_access.deep_dup.deep_stringify_keys!
+ assert_equal @nested_strings, @nested_mixed.with_indifferent_access.deep_dup.deep_stringify_keys!
+ end
+ def test_nested_under_indifferent_access
+ foo = { "foo" => SubclassingHash.new.tap { |h| h["bar"] = "baz" } }.with_indifferent_access
+ assert_kind_of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, foo["foo"]
+ foo = { "foo" => NonIndifferentHash.new.tap { |h| h["bar"] = "baz" } }.with_indifferent_access
+ assert_kind_of NonIndifferentHash, foo["foo"]
+ foo = { "foo" => IndifferentHash.new.tap { |h| h["bar"] = "baz" } }.with_indifferent_access
+ assert_kind_of IndifferentHash, foo["foo"]
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_assorted
+ @strings = @strings.with_indifferent_access
+ @symbols = @symbols.with_indifferent_access
+ @mixed = @mixed.with_indifferent_access
+ assert_equal "a", @strings.__send__(:convert_key, :a)
+ assert_equal 1, @strings.fetch("a")
+ assert_equal 1, @strings.fetch(:a.to_s)
+ assert_equal 1, @strings.fetch(:a)
+ hashes = { :@strings => @strings, :@symbols => @symbols, :@mixed => @mixed }
+ method_map = { '[]': 1, fetch: 1, values_at: [1],
+ has_key?: true, include?: true, key?: true,
+ member?: true }
+ hashes.each do |name, hash|
+ method_map.sort_by(&:to_s).each do |meth, expected|
+ assert_equal(expected, hash.__send__(meth, "a"),
+ "Calling #{name}.#{meth} 'a'")
+ assert_equal(expected, hash.__send__(meth, :a),
+ "Calling #{name}.#{meth} :a")
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal [1, 2], @strings.values_at("a", "b")
+ assert_equal [1, 2], @strings.values_at(:a, :b)
+ assert_equal [1, 2], @symbols.values_at("a", "b")
+ assert_equal [1, 2], @symbols.values_at(:a, :b)
+ assert_equal [1, 2], @mixed.values_at("a", "b")
+ assert_equal [1, 2], @mixed.values_at(:a, :b)
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_reading
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ hash["a"] = 1
+ hash["b"] = true
+ hash["c"] = false
+ hash["d"] = nil
+ assert_equal 1, hash[:a]
+ assert_equal true, hash[:b]
+ assert_equal false, hash[:c]
+ assert_nil hash[:d]
+ assert_nil hash[:e]
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_reading_with_nonnil_default
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(1)
+ hash["a"] = 1
+ hash["b"] = true
+ hash["c"] = false
+ hash["d"] = nil
+ assert_equal 1, hash[:a]
+ assert_equal true, hash[:b]
+ assert_equal false, hash[:c]
+ assert_nil hash[:d]
+ assert_equal 1, hash[:e]
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_writing
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ hash[:a] = 1
+ hash["b"] = 2
+ hash[3] = 3
+ assert_equal 1, hash["a"]
+ assert_equal 2, hash["b"]
+ assert_equal 1, hash[:a]
+ assert_equal 2, hash[:b]
+ assert_equal 3, hash[3]
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_update
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ hash[:a] = "a"
+ hash["b"] = "b"
+ updated_with_strings = hash.update(@strings)
+ updated_with_symbols = hash.update(@symbols)
+ updated_with_mixed = hash.update(@mixed)
+ assert_equal 1, updated_with_strings[:a]
+ assert_equal 1, updated_with_strings["a"]
+ assert_equal 2, updated_with_strings["b"]
+ assert_equal 1, updated_with_symbols[:a]
+ assert_equal 2, updated_with_symbols["b"]
+ assert_equal 2, updated_with_symbols[:b]
+ assert_equal 1, updated_with_mixed[:a]
+ assert_equal 2, updated_with_mixed["b"]
+ assert [updated_with_strings, updated_with_symbols, updated_with_mixed].all? { |h| h.keys.size == 2 }
+ end
+ def test_update_with_to_hash_conversion
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ hash.update HashByConversion.new(a: 1)
+ assert_equal 1, hash["a"]
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_merging
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ hash[:a] = "failure"
+ hash["b"] = "failure"
+ other = { "a" => 1, :b => 2 }
+ merged = hash.merge(other)
+ assert_equal HashWithIndifferentAccess, merged.class
+ assert_equal 1, merged[:a]
+ assert_equal 2, merged["b"]
+ hash.update(other)
+ assert_equal 1, hash[:a]
+ assert_equal 2, hash["b"]
+ end
+ def test_merge_with_to_hash_conversion
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ merged = hash.merge HashByConversion.new(a: 1)
+ assert_equal 1, merged["a"]
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_replace
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ hash[:a] = 42
+ replaced = hash.replace(b: 12)
+ assert hash.key?("b")
+ assert !hash.key?(:a)
+ assert_equal 12, hash[:b]
+ assert_same hash, replaced
+ end
+ def test_replace_with_to_hash_conversion
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ hash[:a] = 42
+ replaced = hash.replace(HashByConversion.new(b: 12))
+ assert hash.key?("b")
+ assert !hash.key?(:a)
+ assert_equal 12, hash[:b]
+ assert_same hash, replaced
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_merging_with_block
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ hash[:a] = 1
+ hash["b"] = 3
+ other = { "a" => 4, :b => 2, "c" => 10 }
+ merged = hash.merge(other) { |key, old, new| old > new ? old : new }
+ assert_equal HashWithIndifferentAccess, merged.class
+ assert_equal 4, merged[:a]
+ assert_equal 3, merged["b"]
+ assert_equal 10, merged[:c]
+ other_indifferent = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new("a" => 9, :b => 2)
+ merged = hash.merge(other_indifferent) { |key, old, new| old + new }
+ assert_equal HashWithIndifferentAccess, merged.class
+ assert_equal 10, merged[:a]
+ assert_equal 5, merged[:b]
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_reverse_merging
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new key: :old_value
+ hash.reverse_merge! key: :new_value
+ assert_equal :old_value, hash[:key]
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new("some" => "value", "other" => "value")
+ hash.reverse_merge!(some: "noclobber", another: "clobber")
+ assert_equal "value", hash[:some]
+ assert_equal "clobber", hash[:another]
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_with_defaults_aliases_reverse_merge
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new key: :old_value
+ actual = hash.with_defaults key: :new_value
+ assert_equal :old_value, actual[:key]
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new key: :old_value
+ hash.with_defaults! key: :new_value
+ assert_equal :old_value, hash[:key]
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_deleting
+ get_hash = proc { { a: "foo" }.with_indifferent_access }
+ hash = get_hash.call
+ assert_equal "foo", hash.delete(:a)
+ assert_nil hash.delete(:a)
+ hash = get_hash.call
+ assert_equal "foo", hash.delete("a")
+ assert_nil hash.delete("a")
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_select
+ hash = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(@strings).select { |k, v| v == 1 }
+ assert_equal({ "a" => 1 }, hash)
+ assert_instance_of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, hash
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_select_returns_enumerator
+ enum = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(@strings).select
+ assert_instance_of Enumerator, enum
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_select_returns_a_hash_when_unchanged
+ hash = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(@strings).select { |k, v| true }
+ assert_instance_of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, hash
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_select_bang
+ indifferent_strings = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(@strings)
+ indifferent_strings.select! { |k, v| v == 1 }
+ assert_equal({ "a" => 1 }, indifferent_strings)
+ assert_instance_of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, indifferent_strings
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_reject
+ hash = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(@strings).reject { |k, v| v != 1 }
+ assert_equal({ "a" => 1 }, hash)
+ assert_instance_of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, hash
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_reject_returns_enumerator
+ enum = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(@strings).reject
+ assert_instance_of Enumerator, enum
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_reject_bang
+ indifferent_strings = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(@strings)
+ indifferent_strings.reject! { |k, v| v != 1 }
+ assert_equal({ "a" => 1 }, indifferent_strings)
+ assert_instance_of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, indifferent_strings
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_compact
+ hash_contain_nil_value = @strings.merge("z" => nil)
+ hash = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(hash_contain_nil_value)
+ compacted_hash = hash.compact
+ assert_equal(@strings, compacted_hash)
+ assert_equal(hash_contain_nil_value, hash)
+ assert_instance_of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, compacted_hash
+ empty_hash = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ compacted_hash = empty_hash.compact
+ assert_equal compacted_hash, empty_hash
+ non_empty_hash = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(foo: :bar)
+ compacted_hash = non_empty_hash.compact
+ assert_equal compacted_hash, non_empty_hash
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_to_hash
+ # Should convert to a Hash with String keys.
+ assert_equal @strings, @mixed.with_indifferent_access.to_hash
+ # Should preserve the default value.
+ mixed_with_default = @mixed.dup
+ mixed_with_default.default = "1234"
+ roundtrip = mixed_with_default.with_indifferent_access.to_hash
+ assert_equal @strings, roundtrip
+ assert_equal "1234", roundtrip.default
+ # Ensure nested hashes are not HashWithIndiffereneAccess
+ new_to_hash = @nested_mixed.with_indifferent_access.to_hash
+ assert_not new_to_hash.instance_of?(HashWithIndifferentAccess)
+ assert_not new_to_hash["a"].instance_of?(HashWithIndifferentAccess)
+ assert_not new_to_hash["a"]["b"].instance_of?(HashWithIndifferentAccess)
+ end
+ def test_lookup_returns_the_same_object_that_is_stored_in_hash_indifferent_access
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] }
+ hash[:a] << 1
+ assert_equal [1], hash[:a]
+ end
+ def test_with_indifferent_access_has_no_side_effects_on_existing_hash
+ hash = { content: [{ :foo => :bar, "bar" => "baz" }] }
+ hash.with_indifferent_access
+ assert_equal [:foo, "bar"], hash[:content].first.keys
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_hash_with_array_of_hashes
+ hash = { "urls" => { "url" => [ { "address" => "1" }, { "address" => "2" } ] } }.with_indifferent_access
+ assert_equal "1", hash[:urls][:url].first[:address]
+ hash = hash.to_hash
+ assert_not hash.instance_of?(HashWithIndifferentAccess)
+ assert_not hash["urls"].instance_of?(HashWithIndifferentAccess)
+ assert_not hash["urls"]["url"].first.instance_of?(HashWithIndifferentAccess)
+ end
+ def test_should_preserve_array_subclass_when_value_is_array
+ array = SubclassingArray.new
+ array << { "address" => "1" }
+ hash = { "urls" => { "url" => array } }.with_indifferent_access
+ assert_equal SubclassingArray, hash[:urls][:url].class
+ end
+ def test_should_preserve_array_class_when_hash_value_is_frozen_array
+ array = SubclassingArray.new
+ array << { "address" => "1" }
+ hash = { "urls" => { "url" => array.freeze } }.with_indifferent_access
+ assert_equal SubclassingArray, hash[:urls][:url].class
+ end
+ def test_stringify_and_symbolize_keys_on_indifferent_preserves_hash
+ h = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ h[:first] = 1
+ h = h.stringify_keys
+ assert_equal 1, h["first"]
+ h = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ h["first"] = 1
+ h = h.symbolize_keys
+ assert_equal 1, h[:first]
+ end
+ def test_deep_stringify_and_deep_symbolize_keys_on_indifferent_preserves_hash
+ h = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ h[:first] = 1
+ h = h.deep_stringify_keys
+ assert_equal 1, h["first"]
+ h = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ h["first"] = 1
+ h = h.deep_symbolize_keys
+ assert_equal 1, h[:first]
+ end
+ def test_to_options_on_indifferent_preserves_hash
+ h = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ h["first"] = 1
+ h.to_options!
+ assert_equal 1, h["first"]
+ end
+ def test_to_options_on_indifferent_preserves_works_as_hash_with_dup
+ h = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(a: { b: "b" })
+ dup = h.dup
+ dup[:a][:c] = "c"
+ assert_equal "c", h[:a][:c]
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_sub_hashes
+ h = { "user" => { "id" => 5 } }.with_indifferent_access
+ ["user", :user].each { |user| [:id, "id"].each { |id| assert_equal 5, h[user][id], "h[#{user.inspect}][#{id.inspect}] should be 5" } }
+ h = { user: { id: 5 } }.with_indifferent_access
+ ["user", :user].each { |user| [:id, "id"].each { |id| assert_equal 5, h[user][id], "h[#{user.inspect}][#{id.inspect}] should be 5" } }
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_duplication
+ # Should preserve default value
+ h = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ h.default = "1234"
+ assert_equal h.default, h.dup.default
+ # Should preserve class for subclasses
+ h = IndifferentHash.new
+ assert_equal h.class, h.dup.class
+ end
+ def test_nested_dig_indifferent_access
+ skip if RUBY_VERSION < "2.3.0"
+ data = { "this" => { "views" => 1234 } }.with_indifferent_access
+ assert_equal 1234, data.dig(:this, :views)
+ end
+ def test_assorted_keys_not_stringified
+ original = { Object.new => 2, 1 => 2, [] => true }
+ indiff = original.with_indifferent_access
+ assert(!indiff.keys.any? { |k| k.kind_of? String }, "A key was converted to a string!")
+ end
+ def test_deep_merge_on_indifferent_access
+ hash_1 = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(a: "a", b: "b", c: { c1: "c1", c2: "c2", c3: { d1: "d1" } })
+ hash_2 = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(a: 1, c: { c1: 2, c3: { d2: "d2" } })
+ hash_3 = { a: 1, c: { c1: 2, c3: { d2: "d2" } } }
+ expected = { "a" => 1, "b" => "b", "c" => { "c1" => 2, "c2" => "c2", "c3" => { "d1" => "d1", "d2" => "d2" } } }
+ assert_equal expected, hash_1.deep_merge(hash_2)
+ assert_equal expected, hash_1.deep_merge(hash_3)
+ hash_1.deep_merge!(hash_2)
+ assert_equal expected, hash_1
+ end
+ def test_store_on_indifferent_access
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ hash.store(:test1, 1)
+ hash.store("test1", 11)
+ hash[:test2] = 2
+ hash["test2"] = 22
+ expected = { "test1" => 11, "test2" => 22 }
+ assert_equal expected, hash
+ end
+ def test_constructor_on_indifferent_access
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess[:foo, 1]
+ assert_equal 1, hash[:foo]
+ assert_equal 1, hash["foo"]
+ hash[:foo] = 3
+ assert_equal 3, hash[:foo]
+ assert_equal 3, hash["foo"]
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_slice
+ original = { a: "x", b: "y", c: 10 }.with_indifferent_access
+ expected = { a: "x", b: "y" }.with_indifferent_access
+ [["a", "b"], [:a, :b]].each do |keys|
+ # Should return a new hash with only the given keys.
+ assert_equal expected, original.slice(*keys), keys.inspect
+ assert_not_equal expected, original
+ end
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_slice_inplace
+ original = { a: "x", b: "y", c: 10 }.with_indifferent_access
+ expected = { c: 10 }.with_indifferent_access
+ [["a", "b"], [:a, :b]].each do |keys|
+ # Should replace the hash with only the given keys.
+ copy = original.dup
+ assert_equal expected, copy.slice!(*keys)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_slice_access_with_symbols
+ original = { "login" => "bender", "password" => "shiny", "stuff" => "foo" }
+ original = original.with_indifferent_access
+ slice = original.slice(:login, :password)
+ assert_equal "bender", slice[:login]
+ assert_equal "bender", slice["login"]
+ end
+ def test_indifferent_extract
+ original = { :a => 1, "b" => 2, :c => 3, "d" => 4 }.with_indifferent_access
+ expected = { a: 1, b: 2 }.with_indifferent_access
+ remaining = { c: 3, d: 4 }.with_indifferent_access
+ [["a", "b"], [:a, :b]].each do |keys|
+ copy = original.dup
+ assert_equal expected, copy.extract!(*keys)
+ assert_equal remaining, copy
+ end
+ end
+ def test_new_with_to_hash_conversion
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(HashByConversion.new(a: 1))
+ assert hash.key?("a")
+ assert_equal 1, hash[:a]
+ end
+ def test_dup_with_default_proc
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ hash.default_proc = proc { |h, v| raise "walrus" }
+ assert_nothing_raised { hash.dup }
+ end
+ def test_dup_with_default_proc_sets_proc
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ hash.default_proc = proc { |h, k| k + 1 }
+ new_hash = hash.dup
+ assert_equal 3, new_hash[2]
+ new_hash.default = 2
+ assert_equal 2, new_hash[:non_existent]
+ end
+ def test_to_hash_with_raising_default_proc
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ hash.default_proc = proc { |h, k| raise "walrus" }
+ assert_nothing_raised { hash.to_hash }
+ end
+ def test_new_with_to_hash_conversion_copies_default
+ normal_hash = Hash.new(3)
+ normal_hash[:a] = 1
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(HashByConversion.new(normal_hash))
+ assert_equal 1, hash[:a]
+ assert_equal 3, hash[:b]
+ end
+ def test_new_with_to_hash_conversion_copies_default_proc
+ normal_hash = Hash.new { 1 + 2 }
+ normal_hash[:a] = 1
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(HashByConversion.new(normal_hash))
+ assert_equal 1, hash[:a]
+ assert_equal 3, hash[:b]
+ end
+ def test_inheriting_from_top_level_hash_with_indifferent_access_preserves_ancestors_chain
+ klass = Class.new(::HashWithIndifferentAccess)
+ assert_equal ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, klass.ancestors[1]
+ end
+ def test_inheriting_from_hash_with_indifferent_access_properly_dumps_ivars
+ klass = Class.new(::HashWithIndifferentAccess) do
+ def initialize(*)
+ @foo = "bar"
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ yaml_output = klass.new.to_yaml
+ # `hash-with-ivars` was introduced in 2.0.9 (https://git.io/vyUQW)
+ if Gem::Version.new(Psych::VERSION) >= Gem::Version.new("2.0.9")
+ assert_includes yaml_output, "hash-with-ivars"
+ assert_includes yaml_output, "@foo: bar"
+ else
+ assert_includes yaml_output, "hash"
+ end
+ end
+ HashWithIndifferentAccess = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
+ def test_should_use_default_proc_for_unknown_key
+ hash_wia = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new { 1 + 2 }
+ assert_equal 3, hash_wia[:new_key]
+ end
+ def test_should_return_nil_if_no_key_is_supplied
+ hash_wia = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new { 1 + 2 }
+ assert_nil hash_wia.default
+ end
+ def test_should_use_default_value_for_unknown_key
+ hash_wia = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(3)
+ assert_equal 3, hash_wia[:new_key]
+ end
+ def test_should_use_default_value_if_no_key_is_supplied
+ hash_wia = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(3)
+ assert_equal 3, hash_wia.default
+ end
+ def test_should_nil_if_no_default_value_is_supplied
+ hash_wia = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ assert_nil hash_wia.default
+ end
+ def test_should_return_dup_for_with_indifferent_access
+ hash_wia = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ assert_equal hash_wia, hash_wia.with_indifferent_access
+ assert_not_same hash_wia, hash_wia.with_indifferent_access
+ end
+ def test_allows_setting_frozen_array_values_with_indifferent_access
+ value = [1, 2, 3].freeze
+ hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
+ hash[:key] = value
+ assert_equal hash[:key], value
+ end
+ def test_should_copy_the_default_value_when_converting_to_hash_with_indifferent_access
+ hash = Hash.new(3)
+ hash_wia = hash.with_indifferent_access
+ assert_equal 3, hash_wia.default
+ end
+ def test_should_copy_the_default_proc_when_converting_to_hash_with_indifferent_access
+ hash = Hash.new do
+ 2 + 1
+ end
+ assert_equal 3, hash[:foo]
+ hash_wia = hash.with_indifferent_access
+ assert_equal 3, hash_wia[:foo]
+ assert_equal 3, hash_wia[:bar]
+ end