path: root/activesupport/lib
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diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb
index 0bedbf093c..6d5adb6605 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb
@@ -68,136 +68,6 @@ module Dependencies #:nodoc:
# Record history *after* loading so first load gets warnings.
history << file_name
- # LoadingModules implement namespace-safe dynamic loading.
- # They support automatic loading via const_missing, allowing contained items to be automatically
- # loaded when required. No extra syntax is required, as expressions such as Controller::Admin::UserController
- # load the relavent files automatically.
- #
- # Ruby-style modules are supported, as a folder named 'submodule' will load 'submodule.rb' when available.
- class LoadingModule < Module #:nodoc:
- attr_reader :path
- attr_reader :root
- class << self
- def root(*load_paths)
- RootLoadingModule.new(*load_paths)
- end
- end
- def initialize(root, path=[])
- @path = path.clone.freeze
- @root = root
- end
- def root?() self.root == self end
- def load_paths() self.root.load_paths end
- # Load missing constants if possible.
- def const_missing(name)
- const_load!(name) ? const_get(name) : super(name)
- end
- # Load the controller class or a parent module.
- def const_load!(name, file_name = nil)
- file_name ||= 'application' if root? && name.to_s == 'ApplicationController'
- path = self.path + [file_name || name]
- load_paths.each do |load_path|
- fs_path = load_path.filesystem_path(path)
- next unless fs_path
- case
- when File.directory?(fs_path)
- new_module = LoadingModule.new(self.root, self.path + [name])
- self.const_set name, new_module
- if self.root?
- if Object.const_defined?(name)
- msg = "Cannot load module #{name}: Object::#{name} is set to #{Object.const_get(name).inspect}"
- raise NameError, msg
- end
- Object.const_set(name, new_module)
- end
- break
- when File.file?(fs_path)
- loaded_file = self.root.load_file!(fs_path)
- # Import the loaded constant from Object provided we are the root node.
- self.const_set(name, Object.const_get(name)) if self.root? && Object.const_defined?(name)
- # Throw an error if we load the file but we don't find the Object we expect
- if loaded_file and not self.const_defined?(name)
- msg = "Already loaded file '#{fs_path}' but '#{name.to_s}' was not set, perhaps you need to rename '#{fs_path}'?"
- raise LoadError, msg
- end
- break
- end
- end
- self.const_defined?(name)
- end
- # Is this name present or loadable?
- # This method is used by Routes to find valid controllers.
- def const_available?(name)
- self.const_defined?(name) || load_paths.any? {|lp| lp.filesystem_path(path + [name])}
- end
- # Erase all items in this module
- def clear!
- constants.each do |name|
- Object.send(:remove_const, name) if Object.const_defined?(name) && Object.const_get(name).object_id == self.const_get(name).object_id
- self.send(:remove_const, name)
- end
- end
- end
- class RootLoadingModule < LoadingModule #:nodoc:
- attr_reader :load_paths
- def initialize(*paths)
- @load_paths = paths.flatten.collect {|p| p.kind_of?(ConstantLoadPath) ? p : ConstantLoadPath.new(p)}
- end
- def root() self end
- def path() [] end
- # Load the source file at the given file path
- def load_file!(file_path)
- require_dependency(file_path)
- end
- end
- # This object defines a path from which Constants can be loaded.
- class ConstantLoadPath #:nodoc:
- # Create a new load path with the filesystem path
- def initialize(root) @root = root end
- # Return nil if the path does not exist, or the path to a directory
- # if the path leads to a module, or the path to a file if it leads to an object.
- def filesystem_path(path, allow_module=true)
- fs_path = [@root]
- fs_path += path[0..-2].map {|name| const_name_to_module_name name}
- if allow_module
- result = File.join(fs_path, const_name_to_module_name(path.last))
- return result if File.directory? result # Return the module path if one exists
- end
- result = File.join(fs_path, const_name_to_file_name(path.last))
- File.file?(result) ? result : nil
- end
- def const_name_to_file_name(name)
- name.to_s.underscore + '.rb'
- end
- def const_name_to_module_name(name)
- name.to_s.underscore
- end
- end
Object.send(:define_method, :require_or_load) { |file_name| Dependencies.require_or_load(file_name) } unless Object.respond_to?(:require_or_load)