path: root/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'activestorage/lib/active_storage/service')
6 files changed, 366 insertions, 353 deletions
diff --git a/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/azure_storage_service.rb b/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/azure_storage_service.rb
index 527dc57eeb..62b13433fe 100644
--- a/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/azure_storage_service.rb
+++ b/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/azure_storage_service.rb
@@ -2,114 +2,116 @@ require "active_support/core_ext/numeric/bytes"
require "azure/storage"
require "azure/storage/core/auth/shared_access_signature"
-# Wraps the Microsoft Azure Storage Blob Service as a Active Storage service.
-# See `ActiveStorage::Service` for the generic API documentation that applies to all services.
-class ActiveStorage::Service::AzureStorageService < ActiveStorage::Service
- attr_reader :client, :path, :blobs, :container, :signer
- def initialize(path:, storage_account_name:, storage_access_key:, container:)
- @client = Azure::Storage::Client.create(storage_account_name: storage_account_name, storage_access_key: storage_access_key)
- @signer = Azure::Storage::Core::Auth::SharedAccessSignature.new(storage_account_name, storage_access_key)
- @blobs = client.blob_client
- @container = container
- @path = path
- end
+module ActiveStorage
+ # Wraps the Microsoft Azure Storage Blob Service as a Active Storage service.
+ # See `ActiveStorage::Service` for the generic API documentation that applies to all services.
+ class Service::AzureStorageService < Service
+ attr_reader :client, :path, :blobs, :container, :signer
+ def initialize(path:, storage_account_name:, storage_access_key:, container:)
+ @client = Azure::Storage::Client.create(storage_account_name: storage_account_name, storage_access_key: storage_access_key)
+ @signer = Azure::Storage::Core::Auth::SharedAccessSignature.new(storage_account_name, storage_access_key)
+ @blobs = client.blob_client
+ @container = container
+ @path = path
+ end
- def upload(key, io, checksum: nil)
- instrument :upload, key, checksum: checksum do
- begin
- blobs.create_block_blob(container, key, io, content_md5: checksum)
- rescue Azure::Core::Http::HTTPError => e
- raise ActiveStorage::IntegrityError
+ def upload(key, io, checksum: nil)
+ instrument :upload, key, checksum: checksum do
+ begin
+ blobs.create_block_blob(container, key, io, content_md5: checksum)
+ rescue Azure::Core::Http::HTTPError => e
+ raise ActiveStorage::IntegrityError
+ end
- end
- def download(key)
- if block_given?
- instrument :streaming_download, key do
- stream(key, &block)
- end
- else
- instrument :download, key do
- _, io = blobs.get_blob(container, key)
- io.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY)
+ def download(key)
+ if block_given?
+ instrument :streaming_download, key do
+ stream(key, &block)
+ end
+ else
+ instrument :download, key do
+ _, io = blobs.get_blob(container, key)
+ io.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY)
+ end
- end
- def delete(key)
- instrument :delete, key do
- begin
- blobs.delete_blob(container, key)
- rescue Azure::Core::Http::HTTPError
- false
+ def delete(key)
+ instrument :delete, key do
+ begin
+ blobs.delete_blob(container, key)
+ rescue Azure::Core::Http::HTTPError
+ false
+ end
- end
- def exist?(key)
- instrument :exist, key do |payload|
- answer = blob_for(key).present?
- payload[:exist] = answer
- answer
+ def exist?(key)
+ instrument :exist, key do |payload|
+ answer = blob_for(key).present?
+ payload[:exist] = answer
+ answer
+ end
- end
- def url(key, expires_in:, disposition:, filename:)
- instrument :url, key do |payload|
- base_url = url_for(key)
- generated_url = signer.signed_uri(URI(base_url), false, permissions: "r",
- expiry: format_expiry(expires_in), content_disposition: "#{disposition}; filename=\"#{filename}\"").to_s
+ def url(key, expires_in:, disposition:, filename:)
+ instrument :url, key do |payload|
+ base_url = url_for(key)
+ generated_url = signer.signed_uri(URI(base_url), false, permissions: "r",
+ expiry: format_expiry(expires_in), content_disposition: "#{disposition}; filename=\"#{filename}\"").to_s
- payload[:url] = generated_url
+ payload[:url] = generated_url
- generated_url
+ generated_url
+ end
- end
- def url_for_direct_upload(key, expires_in:, content_type:, content_length:, checksum:)
- instrument :url, key do |payload|
- base_url = url_for(key)
- generated_url = signer.signed_uri(URI(base_url), false, permissions: "rw",
- expiry: format_expiry(expires_in)).to_s
+ def url_for_direct_upload(key, expires_in:, content_type:, content_length:, checksum:)
+ instrument :url, key do |payload|
+ base_url = url_for(key)
+ generated_url = signer.signed_uri(URI(base_url), false, permissions: "rw",
+ expiry: format_expiry(expires_in)).to_s
- payload[:url] = generated_url
+ payload[:url] = generated_url
- generated_url
+ generated_url
+ end
- end
- def headers_for_direct_upload(key, content_type:, checksum:, **)
- { "Content-Type" => content_type, "Content-MD5" => checksum, "x-ms-blob-type" => "BlockBlob" }
- end
- private
- def url_for(key)
- "#{path}/#{container}/#{key}"
+ def headers_for_direct_upload(key, content_type:, checksum:, **)
+ { "Content-Type" => content_type, "Content-MD5" => checksum, "x-ms-blob-type" => "BlockBlob" }
- def blob_for(key)
- blobs.get_blob_properties(container, key)
- rescue Azure::Core::Http::HTTPError
- false
- end
+ private
+ def url_for(key)
+ "#{path}/#{container}/#{key}"
+ end
- def format_expiry(expires_in)
- expires_in ? Time.now.utc.advance(seconds: expires_in).iso8601 : nil
- end
+ def blob_for(key)
+ blobs.get_blob_properties(container, key)
+ rescue Azure::Core::Http::HTTPError
+ false
+ end
+ def format_expiry(expires_in)
+ expires_in ? Time.now.utc.advance(seconds: expires_in).iso8601 : nil
+ end
- # Reads the object for the given key in chunks, yielding each to the block.
- def stream(key, options = {}, &block)
- blob = blob_for(key)
+ # Reads the object for the given key in chunks, yielding each to the block.
+ def stream(key, options = {}, &block)
+ blob = blob_for(key)
- chunk_size = 5.megabytes
- offset = 0
+ chunk_size = 5.megabytes
+ offset = 0
- while offset < blob.properties[:content_length]
- _, io = blobs.get_blob(container, key, start_range: offset, end_range: offset + chunk_size - 1)
- yield io
- offset += chunk_size
+ while offset < blob.properties[:content_length]
+ _, io = blobs.get_blob(container, key, start_range: offset, end_range: offset + chunk_size - 1)
+ yield io
+ offset += chunk_size
+ end
- end
+ end
diff --git a/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/configurator.rb b/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/configurator.rb
index a0afdaa912..5d6475a8ae 100644
--- a/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/configurator.rb
+++ b/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/configurator.rb
@@ -1,28 +1,30 @@
-class ActiveStorage::Service::Configurator #:nodoc:
- attr_reader :configurations
+module ActiveStorage
+ class Service::Configurator #:nodoc:
+ attr_reader :configurations
- def self.build(service_name, configurations)
- new(configurations).build(service_name)
- end
+ def self.build(service_name, configurations)
+ new(configurations).build(service_name)
+ end
- def initialize(configurations)
- @configurations = configurations.deep_symbolize_keys
- end
+ def initialize(configurations)
+ @configurations = configurations.deep_symbolize_keys
+ end
- def build(service_name)
- config = config_for(service_name.to_sym)
- resolve(config.fetch(:service)).build(**config, configurator: self)
- end
+ def build(service_name)
+ config = config_for(service_name.to_sym)
+ resolve(config.fetch(:service)).build(**config, configurator: self)
+ end
- private
- def config_for(name)
- configurations.fetch name do
- raise "Missing configuration for the #{name.inspect} Active Storage service. Configurations available for #{configurations.keys.inspect}"
+ private
+ def config_for(name)
+ configurations.fetch name do
+ raise "Missing configuration for the #{name.inspect} Active Storage service. Configurations available for #{configurations.keys.inspect}"
+ end
- end
- def resolve(class_name)
- require "active_storage/service/#{class_name.to_s.underscore}_service"
- ActiveStorage::Service.const_get(:"#{class_name}Service")
- end
+ def resolve(class_name)
+ require "active_storage/service/#{class_name.to_s.underscore}_service"
+ ActiveStorage::Service.const_get(:"#{class_name}Service")
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/disk_service.rb b/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/disk_service.rb
index 35b0909297..3d92102cf0 100644
--- a/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/disk_service.rb
+++ b/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/disk_service.rb
@@ -3,122 +3,125 @@ require "pathname"
require "digest/md5"
require "active_support/core_ext/numeric/bytes"
-# Wraps a local disk path as a Active Storage service. See `ActiveStorage::Service` for the generic API
-# documentation that applies to all services.
-class ActiveStorage::Service::DiskService < ActiveStorage::Service
- attr_reader :root
- def initialize(root:)
- @root = root
- end
+module ActiveStorage
+ # Wraps a local disk path as a Active Storage service. See `ActiveStorage::Service` for the generic API
+ # documentation that applies to all services.
+ class Service::DiskService < Service
+ attr_reader :root
+ def initialize(root:)
+ @root = root
+ end
- def upload(key, io, checksum: nil)
- instrument :upload, key, checksum: checksum do
- IO.copy_stream(io, make_path_for(key))
- ensure_integrity_of(key, checksum) if checksum
+ def upload(key, io, checksum: nil)
+ instrument :upload, key, checksum: checksum do
+ IO.copy_stream(io, make_path_for(key))
+ ensure_integrity_of(key, checksum) if checksum
+ end
- end
- def download(key)
- if block_given?
- instrument :streaming_download, key do
- File.open(path_for(key), "rb") do |file|
- while data = file.read(64.kilobytes)
- yield data
+ def download(key)
+ if block_given?
+ instrument :streaming_download, key do
+ File.open(path_for(key), "rb") do |file|
+ while data = file.read(64.kilobytes)
+ yield data
+ end
- end
- else
- instrument :download, key do
- File.binread path_for(key)
+ else
+ instrument :download, key do
+ File.binread path_for(key)
+ end
- end
- def delete(key)
- instrument :delete, key do
- begin
- File.delete path_for(key)
- rescue Errno::ENOENT
- # Ignore files already deleted
+ def delete(key)
+ instrument :delete, key do
+ begin
+ File.delete path_for(key)
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ # Ignore files already deleted
+ end
- end
- def exist?(key)
- instrument :exist, key do |payload|
- answer = File.exist? path_for(key)
- payload[:exist] = answer
- answer
+ def exist?(key)
+ instrument :exist, key do |payload|
+ answer = File.exist? path_for(key)
+ payload[:exist] = answer
+ answer
+ end
- end
- def url(key, expires_in:, disposition:, filename:, content_type:)
- instrument :url, key do |payload|
- verified_key_with_expiration = ActiveStorage.verifier.generate(key, expires_in: expires_in, purpose: :blob_key)
- generated_url =
- if defined?(Rails.application)
- Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.rails_disk_service_path \
- verified_key_with_expiration,
- disposition: disposition, filename: filename, content_type: content_type
- else
- "/rails/active_storage/disk/#{verified_key_with_expiration}/#{filename}?disposition=#{disposition}&content_type=#{content_type}"
- end
+ def url(key, expires_in:, disposition:, filename:, content_type:)
+ instrument :url, key do |payload|
+ verified_key_with_expiration = ActiveStorage.verifier.generate(key, expires_in: expires_in, purpose: :blob_key)
+ generated_url =
+ if defined?(Rails.application)
+ Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.rails_disk_service_path \
+ verified_key_with_expiration,
+ disposition: disposition, filename: filename, content_type: content_type
+ else
+ "/rails/active_storage/disk/#{verified_key_with_expiration}/#{filename}?disposition=#{disposition}&content_type=#{content_type}"
+ end
- payload[:url] = generated_url
+ payload[:url] = generated_url
- generated_url
+ generated_url
+ end
- end
- def url_for_direct_upload(key, expires_in:, content_type:, content_length:, checksum:)
- instrument :url, key do |payload|
- verified_token_with_expiration = ActiveStorage.verifier.generate(
- {
- key: key,
- content_type: content_type,
- content_length: content_length,
- checksum: checksum
- },
- expires_in: expires_in,
- purpose: :blob_token
- )
- generated_url =
- if defined?(Rails.application)
- Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.update_rails_disk_service_path verified_token_with_expiration
- else
- "/rails/active_storage/disk/#{verified_token_with_expiration}"
- end
+ def url_for_direct_upload(key, expires_in:, content_type:, content_length:, checksum:)
+ instrument :url, key do |payload|
+ verified_token_with_expiration = ActiveStorage.verifier.generate(
+ {
+ key: key,
+ content_type: content_type,
+ content_length: content_length,
+ checksum: checksum
+ },
+ expires_in: expires_in,
+ purpose: :blob_token
+ )
+ generated_url =
+ if defined?(Rails.application)
+ Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.update_rails_disk_service_path verified_token_with_expiration
+ else
+ "/rails/active_storage/disk/#{verified_token_with_expiration}"
+ end
- payload[:url] = generated_url
+ payload[:url] = generated_url
- generated_url
+ generated_url
+ end
- end
- def headers_for_direct_upload(key, content_type:, **)
- { "Content-Type" => content_type }
- end
- private
- def path_for(key)
- File.join root, folder_for(key), key
+ def headers_for_direct_upload(key, content_type:, **)
+ { "Content-Type" => content_type }
- def folder_for(key)
- [ key[0..1], key[2..3] ].join("/")
- end
+ private
+ def path_for(key)
+ File.join root, folder_for(key), key
+ end
- def make_path_for(key)
- path_for(key).tap { |path| FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(path) }
- end
+ def folder_for(key)
+ [ key[0..1], key[2..3] ].join("/")
+ end
- def ensure_integrity_of(key, checksum)
- unless Digest::MD5.file(path_for(key)).base64digest == checksum
- delete key
- raise ActiveStorage::IntegrityError
+ def make_path_for(key)
+ path_for(key).tap { |path| FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(path) }
- end
+ def ensure_integrity_of(key, checksum)
+ unless Digest::MD5.file(path_for(key)).base64digest == checksum
+ delete key
+ raise ActiveStorage::IntegrityError
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/gcs_service.rb b/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/gcs_service.rb
index 73629f7486..ea4ec5a790 100644
--- a/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/gcs_service.rb
+++ b/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/gcs_service.rb
@@ -1,79 +1,81 @@
require "google/cloud/storage"
require "active_support/core_ext/object/to_query"
-# Wraps the Google Cloud Storage as a Active Storage service. See `ActiveStorage::Service` for the generic API
-# documentation that applies to all services.
-class ActiveStorage::Service::GCSService < ActiveStorage::Service
- attr_reader :client, :bucket
+module ActiveStorage
+ # Wraps the Google Cloud Storage as a Active Storage service. See `ActiveStorage::Service` for the generic API
+ # documentation that applies to all services.
+ class Service::GCSService < Service
+ attr_reader :client, :bucket
- def initialize(project:, keyfile:, bucket:)
- @client = Google::Cloud::Storage.new(project: project, keyfile: keyfile)
- @bucket = @client.bucket(bucket)
- end
+ def initialize(project:, keyfile:, bucket:)
+ @client = Google::Cloud::Storage.new(project: project, keyfile: keyfile)
+ @bucket = @client.bucket(bucket)
+ end
- def upload(key, io, checksum: nil)
- instrument :upload, key, checksum: checksum do
- begin
- bucket.create_file(io, key, md5: checksum)
- rescue Google::Cloud::InvalidArgumentError
- raise ActiveStorage::IntegrityError
+ def upload(key, io, checksum: nil)
+ instrument :upload, key, checksum: checksum do
+ begin
+ bucket.create_file(io, key, md5: checksum)
+ rescue Google::Cloud::InvalidArgumentError
+ raise ActiveStorage::IntegrityError
+ end
- end
- # FIXME: Add streaming when given a block
- def download(key)
- instrument :download, key do
- io = file_for(key).download
- io.rewind
- io.read
+ # FIXME: Add streaming when given a block
+ def download(key)
+ instrument :download, key do
+ io = file_for(key).download
+ io.rewind
+ io.read
+ end
- end
- def delete(key)
- instrument :delete, key do
- file_for(key).try(:delete)
+ def delete(key)
+ instrument :delete, key do
+ file_for(key).try(:delete)
+ end
- end
- def exist?(key)
- instrument :exist, key do |payload|
- answer = file_for(key).present?
- payload[:exist] = answer
- answer
+ def exist?(key)
+ instrument :exist, key do |payload|
+ answer = file_for(key).present?
+ payload[:exist] = answer
+ answer
+ end
- end
- def url(key, expires_in:, disposition:, filename:, content_type:)
- instrument :url, key do |payload|
- generated_url = file_for(key).signed_url expires: expires_in, query: {
- "response-content-disposition" => "#{disposition}; filename=\"#{filename}\"",
- "response-content-type" => content_type
- }
+ def url(key, expires_in:, disposition:, filename:, content_type:)
+ instrument :url, key do |payload|
+ generated_url = file_for(key).signed_url expires: expires_in, query: {
+ "response-content-disposition" => "#{disposition}; filename=\"#{filename}\"",
+ "response-content-type" => content_type
+ }
- payload[:url] = generated_url
+ payload[:url] = generated_url
- generated_url
+ generated_url
+ end
- end
- def url_for_direct_upload(key, expires_in:, content_type:, content_length:, checksum:)
- instrument :url, key do |payload|
- generated_url = bucket.signed_url key, method: "PUT", expires: expires_in,
- content_type: content_type, content_md5: checksum
+ def url_for_direct_upload(key, expires_in:, content_type:, content_length:, checksum:)
+ instrument :url, key do |payload|
+ generated_url = bucket.signed_url key, method: "PUT", expires: expires_in,
+ content_type: content_type, content_md5: checksum
- payload[:url] = generated_url
+ payload[:url] = generated_url
- generated_url
+ generated_url
+ end
- end
- def headers_for_direct_upload(key, content_type:, checksum:, **)
- { "Content-Type" => content_type, "Content-MD5" => checksum }
- end
- private
- def file_for(key)
- bucket.file(key)
+ def headers_for_direct_upload(key, content_type:, checksum:, **)
+ { "Content-Type" => content_type, "Content-MD5" => checksum }
+ private
+ def file_for(key)
+ bucket.file(key)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/mirror_service.rb b/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/mirror_service.rb
index 7c407f2730..2403eeb1e9 100644
--- a/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/mirror_service.rb
+++ b/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/mirror_service.rb
@@ -1,46 +1,48 @@
require "active_support/core_ext/module/delegation"
-# Wraps a set of mirror services and provides a single `ActiveStorage::Service` object that will all
-# have the files uploaded to them. A `primary` service is designated to answer calls to `download`, `exists?`,
-# and `url`.
-class ActiveStorage::Service::MirrorService < ActiveStorage::Service
- attr_reader :primary, :mirrors
- delegate :download, :exist?, :url, to: :primary
- # Stitch together from named services.
- def self.build(primary:, mirrors:, configurator:, **options) #:nodoc:
- new \
- primary: configurator.build(primary),
- mirrors: mirrors.collect { |name| configurator.build name }
- end
- def initialize(primary:, mirrors:)
- @primary, @mirrors = primary, mirrors
- end
- # Upload the `io` to the `key` specified to all services. If a `checksum` is provided, all services will
- # ensure a match when the upload has completed or raise an `ActiveStorage::IntegrityError`.
- def upload(key, io, checksum: nil)
- each_service.collect do |service|
- service.upload key, io.tap(&:rewind), checksum: checksum
+module ActiveStorage
+ # Wraps a set of mirror services and provides a single `ActiveStorage::Service` object that will all
+ # have the files uploaded to them. A `primary` service is designated to answer calls to `download`, `exists?`,
+ # and `url`.
+ class Service::MirrorService < Service
+ attr_reader :primary, :mirrors
+ delegate :download, :exist?, :url, to: :primary
+ # Stitch together from named services.
+ def self.build(primary:, mirrors:, configurator:, **options) #:nodoc:
+ new \
+ primary: configurator.build(primary),
+ mirrors: mirrors.collect { |name| configurator.build name }
- end
- # Delete the file at the `key` on all services.
- def delete(key)
- perform_across_services :delete, key
- end
- private
- def each_service(&block)
- [ primary, *mirrors ].each(&block)
+ def initialize(primary:, mirrors:)
+ @primary, @mirrors = primary, mirrors
- def perform_across_services(method, *args)
- # FIXME: Convert to be threaded
+ # Upload the `io` to the `key` specified to all services. If a `checksum` is provided, all services will
+ # ensure a match when the upload has completed or raise an `ActiveStorage::IntegrityError`.
+ def upload(key, io, checksum: nil)
each_service.collect do |service|
- service.public_send method, *args
+ service.upload key, io.tap(&:rewind), checksum: checksum
+ # Delete the file at the `key` on all services.
+ def delete(key)
+ perform_across_services :delete, key
+ end
+ private
+ def each_service(&block)
+ [ primary, *mirrors ].each(&block)
+ end
+ def perform_across_services(method, *args)
+ # FIXME: Convert to be threaded
+ each_service.collect do |service|
+ service.public_send method, *args
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/s3_service.rb b/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/s3_service.rb
index ca461c2994..5153f5db0d 100644
--- a/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/s3_service.rb
+++ b/activestorage/lib/active_storage/service/s3_service.rb
@@ -1,96 +1,98 @@
require "aws-sdk"
require "active_support/core_ext/numeric/bytes"
-# Wraps the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) as a Active Storage service.
-# See `ActiveStorage::Service` for the generic API documentation that applies to all services.
-class ActiveStorage::Service::S3Service < ActiveStorage::Service
- attr_reader :client, :bucket, :upload_options
+module ActiveStorage
+ # Wraps the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) as a Active Storage service.
+ # See `ActiveStorage::Service` for the generic API documentation that applies to all services.
+ class Service::S3Service < Service
+ attr_reader :client, :bucket, :upload_options
- def initialize(access_key_id:, secret_access_key:, region:, bucket:, upload: {}, **options)
- @client = Aws::S3::Resource.new(access_key_id: access_key_id, secret_access_key: secret_access_key, region: region, **options)
- @bucket = @client.bucket(bucket)
+ def initialize(access_key_id:, secret_access_key:, region:, bucket:, upload: {}, **options)
+ @client = Aws::S3::Resource.new(access_key_id: access_key_id, secret_access_key: secret_access_key, region: region, **options)
+ @bucket = @client.bucket(bucket)
- @upload_options = upload
- end
+ @upload_options = upload
+ end
- def upload(key, io, checksum: nil)
- instrument :upload, key, checksum: checksum do
- begin
- object_for(key).put(upload_options.merge(body: io, content_md5: checksum))
- rescue Aws::S3::Errors::BadDigest
- raise ActiveStorage::IntegrityError
+ def upload(key, io, checksum: nil)
+ instrument :upload, key, checksum: checksum do
+ begin
+ object_for(key).put(upload_options.merge(body: io, content_md5: checksum))
+ rescue Aws::S3::Errors::BadDigest
+ raise ActiveStorage::IntegrityError
+ end
- end
- def download(key)
- if block_given?
- instrument :streaming_download, key do
- stream(key, &block)
- end
- else
- instrument :download, key do
- object_for(key).get.body.read.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY)
+ def download(key)
+ if block_given?
+ instrument :streaming_download, key do
+ stream(key, &block)
+ end
+ else
+ instrument :download, key do
+ object_for(key).get.body.read.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY)
+ end
- end
- def delete(key)
- instrument :delete, key do
- object_for(key).delete
+ def delete(key)
+ instrument :delete, key do
+ object_for(key).delete
+ end
- end
- def exist?(key)
- instrument :exist, key do |payload|
- answer = object_for(key).exists?
- payload[:exist] = answer
- answer
+ def exist?(key)
+ instrument :exist, key do |payload|
+ answer = object_for(key).exists?
+ payload[:exist] = answer
+ answer
+ end
- end
- def url(key, expires_in:, disposition:, filename:, content_type:)
- instrument :url, key do |payload|
- generated_url = object_for(key).presigned_url :get, expires_in: expires_in,
- response_content_disposition: "#{disposition}; filename=\"#{filename}\"",
- response_content_type: content_type
+ def url(key, expires_in:, disposition:, filename:, content_type:)
+ instrument :url, key do |payload|
+ generated_url = object_for(key).presigned_url :get, expires_in: expires_in,
+ response_content_disposition: "#{disposition}; filename=\"#{filename}\"",
+ response_content_type: content_type
- payload[:url] = generated_url
+ payload[:url] = generated_url
- generated_url
+ generated_url
+ end
- end
- def url_for_direct_upload(key, expires_in:, content_type:, content_length:, checksum:)
- instrument :url, key do |payload|
- generated_url = object_for(key).presigned_url :put, expires_in: expires_in,
- content_type: content_type, content_length: content_length, content_md5: checksum
+ def url_for_direct_upload(key, expires_in:, content_type:, content_length:, checksum:)
+ instrument :url, key do |payload|
+ generated_url = object_for(key).presigned_url :put, expires_in: expires_in,
+ content_type: content_type, content_length: content_length, content_md5: checksum
- payload[:url] = generated_url
+ payload[:url] = generated_url
- generated_url
+ generated_url
+ end
- end
- def headers_for_direct_upload(key, content_type:, checksum:, **)
- { "Content-Type" => content_type, "Content-MD5" => checksum }
- end
- private
- def object_for(key)
- bucket.object(key)
+ def headers_for_direct_upload(key, content_type:, checksum:, **)
+ { "Content-Type" => content_type, "Content-MD5" => checksum }
- # Reads the object for the given key in chunks, yielding each to the block.
- def stream(key, options = {}, &block)
- object = object_for(key)
+ private
+ def object_for(key)
+ bucket.object(key)
+ end
+ # Reads the object for the given key in chunks, yielding each to the block.
+ def stream(key, options = {}, &block)
+ object = object_for(key)
- chunk_size = 5.megabytes
- offset = 0
+ chunk_size = 5.megabytes
+ offset = 0
- while offset < object.content_length
- yield object.read(options.merge(range: "bytes=#{offset}-#{offset + chunk_size - 1}"))
- offset += chunk_size
+ while offset < object.content_length
+ yield object.read(options.merge(range: "bytes=#{offset}-#{offset + chunk_size - 1}"))
+ offset += chunk_size
+ end
- end
+ end