path: root/activeresource/test/cases/base/schema_test.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'activeresource/test/cases/base/schema_test.rb')
1 files changed, 419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activeresource/test/cases/base/schema_test.rb b/activeresource/test/cases/base/schema_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1afb9f439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activeresource/test/cases/base/schema_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+require "fixtures/person"
+require "fixtures/street_address"
+# Testing the schema of your Active Resource models
+class SchemaTest < ActiveModel::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @matz = { :id => 1, :name => 'Matz' }.to_xml(:root => 'person')
+ @david = { :id => 2, :name => 'David' }.to_xml(:root => 'person')
+ @greg = { :id => 3, :name => 'Greg' }.to_xml(:root => 'person')
+ @addy = { :id => 1, :street => '12345 Street', :country => 'Australia' }.to_xml(:root => 'address')
+ @default_request_headers = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/xml' }
+ @rick = { :name => "Rick", :age => 25 }.to_xml(:root => "person")
+ @people = [{ :id => 1, :name => 'Matz' }, { :id => 2, :name => 'David' }].to_xml(:root => 'people')
+ @people_david = [{ :id => 2, :name => 'David' }].to_xml(:root => 'people')
+ @addresses = [{ :id => 1, :street => '12345 Street', :country => 'Australia' }].to_xml(:root => 'addresses')
+ ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to do |mock|
+ mock.get "/people/1.xml", {}, @matz
+ mock.get "/people/2.xml", {}, @david
+ mock.get "/people/Greg.xml", {}, @greg
+ mock.get "/people/4.xml", {'key' => 'value'}, nil, 404
+ mock.get "/people/5.xml", {}, @rick
+ mock.put "/people/1.xml", {}, nil, 204
+ mock.delete "/people/1.xml", {}, nil, 200
+ mock.delete "/people/2.xml", {}, nil, 400
+ mock.get "/people/99.xml", {}, nil, 404
+ mock.post "/people.xml", {}, @rick, 201, 'Location' => '/people/5.xml'
+ mock.get "/people.xml", {}, @people
+ mock.get "/people/1/addresses.xml", {}, @addresses
+ mock.get "/people/1/addresses/1.xml", {}, @addy
+ mock.get "/people/1/addresses/2.xml", {}, nil, 404
+ mock.get "/people/2/addresses/1.xml", {}, nil, 404
+ mock.get "/people/Greg/addresses/1.xml", {}, @addy
+ mock.put "/people/1/addresses/1.xml", {}, nil, 204
+ mock.delete "/people/1/addresses/1.xml", {}, nil, 200
+ mock.post "/people/1/addresses.xml", {}, nil, 201, 'Location' => '/people/1/addresses/5'
+ mock.get "/people//addresses.xml", {}, nil, 404
+ mock.get "/people//addresses/1.xml", {}, nil, 404
+ mock.put "/people//addressaddresseses/1.xml", {}, nil, 404
+ mock.delete "/people//addresses/1.xml", {}, nil, 404
+ mock.post "/people//addresses.xml", {}, nil, 404
+ mock.head "/people/1.xml", {}, nil, 200
+ mock.head "/people/Greg.xml", {}, nil, 200
+ mock.head "/people/99.xml", {}, nil, 404
+ mock.head "/people/1/addresses/1.xml", {}, nil, 200
+ mock.head "/people/1/addresses/2.xml", {}, nil, 404
+ mock.head "/people/2/addresses/1.xml", {}, nil, 404
+ mock.head "/people/Greg/addresses/1.xml", {}, nil, 200
+ end
+ Person.user = nil
+ Person.password = nil
+ end
+ def teardown
+ Person.schema = nil # hack to stop test bleedthrough...
+ end
+ #####################################################
+ # Passing in a schema directly and returning it
+ ####
+ test "schema on a new model should be empty" do
+ assert Person.schema.blank?, "should have a blank class schema"
+ assert Person.new.schema.blank?, "should have a blank instance schema"
+ end
+ test "schema should only accept a hash" do
+ ["blahblah", ['one','two'], [:age, :name], Person.new].each do |bad_schema|
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError,"should only accept a hash (or nil), but accepted: #{bad_schema.inspect}") do
+ Person.schema = bad_schema
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test "schema should accept a simple hash" do
+ new_schema = {'age' => 'integer', 'name' => 'string'}
+ assert_nothing_raised { Person.schema = new_schema }
+ assert_equal new_schema, Person.schema
+ end
+ test "schema should accept a hash with simple values" do
+ new_schema = {'age' => 'integer', 'name' => 'string', 'height' => 'float', 'mydatetime' => 'string'}
+ assert_nothing_raised { Person.schema = new_schema }
+ assert_equal new_schema, Person.schema
+ end
+ test "schema should accept all known attribute types as values" do
+ # I'd prefer to use here...
+ ActiveResource::Schema::KNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_TYPES.each do |the_type|
+ assert_nothing_raised("should have accepted #{the_type.inspect}"){ Person.schema = {'my_key' => the_type }}
+ end
+ end
+ test "schema should not accept unknown values" do
+ bad_values = [ :oogle, :blob, 'thing']
+ bad_values.each do |bad_value|
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError,"should only accept a known attribute type, but accepted: #{bad_value.inspect}") do
+ Person.schema = {'key' => bad_value}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test "schema should accept nil and remove the schema" do
+ new_schema = {'age' => 'integer', 'name' => 'string'}
+ assert_nothing_raised { Person.schema = new_schema }
+ assert_equal new_schema, Person.schema # sanity check
+ assert_nothing_raised { Person.schema = nil }
+ assert_nil Person.schema, "should have nulled out the schema, but still had: #{Person.schema.inspect}"
+ end
+ test "schema should be with indifferent access" do
+ new_schema = {:age => :integer, 'name' => 'string'}
+ new_schema_syms = new_schema.keys
+ assert_nothing_raised { Person.schema = new_schema }
+ new_schema_syms.each do |col|
+ assert Person.new.respond_to?(col.to_s), "should respond to the schema's string key, but failed on: #{col.to_s}"
+ assert Person.new.respond_to?(col.to_sym), "should respond to the schema's symbol key, but failed on: #{col.to_sym}"
+ end
+ end
+ test "schema on a fetched resource should return all the attributes of that model instance" do
+ p = Person.find(1)
+ s = p.schema
+ assert s.present?, "should have found a non-empty schema!"
+ p.attributes.each do |the_attr, val|
+ assert s.has_key?(the_attr), "should have found attr: #{the_attr} in schema, but only had: #{s.inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+ test "with two instances, default schema should match the attributes of the individual instances - even if they differ" do
+ matz = Person.find(1)
+ rick = Person.find(5)
+ m_attrs = matz.attributes.keys.sort
+ r_attrs = rick.attributes.keys.sort
+ assert_not_equal m_attrs, r_attrs, "should have different attributes on each model"
+ assert_not_equal matz.schema, rick.schema, "should have had different schemas too"
+ end
+ test "defining a schema should return it when asked" do
+ assert Person.schema.blank?, "should have a blank class schema"
+ new_schema = {'name' => 'string', 'age' => 'integer', 'height' => 'float', 'weight' => 'float'}
+ assert_nothing_raised {
+ Person.schema = new_schema
+ assert_equal new_schema, Person.schema, "should have saved the schema on the class"
+ assert_equal new_schema, Person.new.schema, "should have mde the schema available to every instance"
+ }
+ end
+ test "defining a schema, then fetching a model should still match the defined schema" do
+ # sanity checks
+ assert Person.schema.blank?, "should have a blank class schema"
+ new_schema = {'name' => 'string', 'age' => 'integer', 'height' => 'float', 'weight' => 'float'}
+ matz = Person.find(1)
+ assert !matz.schema.blank?, "should have some sort of schema on an instance variable"
+ assert_not_equal new_schema, matz.schema, "should not have the class-level schema until it's been added to the class!"
+ assert_nothing_raised {
+ Person.schema = new_schema
+ assert_equal new_schema, matz.schema, "class-level schema should override instance-level schema"
+ }
+ end
+ #####################################################
+ # Using the schema syntax
+ ####
+ test "should be able to use schema" do
+ assert Person.respond_to?(:schema), "should at least respond to the schema method"
+ assert_nothing_raised("Should allow the schema to take a block") do
+ Person.schema { }
+ end
+ end
+ test "schema definition should store and return attribute set" do
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ s = nil
+ Person.schema do
+ s = self
+ attribute :foo, :string
+ end
+ assert s.respond_to?(:attrs), "should return attributes in theory"
+ assert_equal({'foo' => 'string' }, s.attrs, "should return attributes in practice")
+ end
+ end
+ test "should be able to add attributes through schema" do
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ s = nil
+ Person.schema do
+ s = self
+ attribute('foo', 'string')
+ end
+ assert s.attrs.has_key?('foo'), "should have saved the attribute name"
+ assert_equal 'string', s.attrs['foo'], "should have saved the attribute type"
+ end
+ end
+ test "should convert symbol attributes to strings" do
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ s = nil
+ Person.schema do
+ attribute(:foo, :integer)
+ s = self
+ end
+ assert s.attrs.has_key?('foo'), "should have saved the attribute name as a string"
+ assert_equal 'integer', s.attrs['foo'], "should have saved the attribute type as a string"
+ end
+ end
+ test "should be able to add all known attribute types" do
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ ActiveResource::Schema::KNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_TYPES.each do |the_type|
+ s = nil
+ Person.schema do
+ s = self
+ attribute('foo', the_type)
+ end
+ assert s.attrs.has_key?('foo'), "should have saved the attribute name"
+ assert_equal the_type.to_s, s.attrs['foo'], "should have saved the attribute type of: #{the_type}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test "attributes should not accept unknown values" do
+ bad_values = [ :oogle, :blob, 'thing']
+ bad_values.each do |bad_value|
+ s = nil
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError,"should only accept a known attribute type, but accepted: #{bad_value.inspect}") do
+ Person.schema do
+ s = self
+ attribute 'key', bad_value
+ end
+ end
+ assert !self.respond_to?(bad_value), "should only respond to a known attribute type, but accepted: #{bad_value.inspect}"
+ assert_raises(NoMethodError,"should only have methods for known attribute types, but accepted: #{bad_value.inspect}") do
+ Person.schema do
+ send bad_value, 'key'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test "should accept attribute types as the type's name as the method" do
+ ActiveResource::Schema::KNOWN_ATTRIBUTE_TYPES.each do |the_type|
+ s = nil
+ Person.schema do
+ s = self
+ send(the_type,'foo')
+ end
+ assert s.attrs.has_key?('foo'), "should now have saved the attribute name"
+ assert_equal the_type.to_s, s.attrs['foo'], "should have saved the attribute type of: #{the_type}"
+ end
+ end
+ test "should accept multiple attribute names for an attribute method" do
+ names = ['foo','bar','baz']
+ s = nil
+ Person.schema do
+ s = self
+ string(*names)
+ end
+ names.each do |the_name|
+ assert s.attrs.has_key?(the_name), "should now have saved the attribute name: #{the_name}"
+ assert_equal 'string', s.attrs[the_name], "should have saved the attribute as a string"
+ end
+ end
+ #####################################################
+ # What a schema does for us
+ ####
+ # respond_to?
+ test "should respond positively to attributes that are only in the schema" do
+ new_attr_name = :my_new_schema_attribute
+ new_attr_name_two = :another_new_schema_attribute
+ assert Person.schema.blank?, "sanity check - should have a blank class schema"
+ assert !Person.new.respond_do?(new_attr_name), "sanity check - should not respond to the brand-new attribute yet"
+ assert !Person.new.respond_do?(new_attr_name_two), "sanity check - should not respond to the brand-new attribute yet"
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Person.schema = {new_attr_name.to_s => 'string'}
+ Person.schema { string new_attr_name_two }
+ end
+ assert Person.new.respond_to?(new_attr_name), "should respond to the attribute in a passed-in schema, but failed on: #{new_attr_name}"
+ assert Person.new.respond_to?(new_attr_name_two), "should respond to the attribute from the schema, but failed on: #{new_attr_name_two}"
+ end
+ test "should not care about ordering of schema definitions" do
+ new_attr_name = :my_new_schema_attribute
+ new_attr_name_two = :another_new_schema_attribute
+ assert Person.schema.blank?, "sanity check - should have a blank class schema"
+ assert !Person.new.respond_do?(new_attr_name), "sanity check - should not respond to the brand-new attribute yet"
+ assert !Person.new.respond_do?(new_attr_name_two), "sanity check - should not respond to the brand-new attribute yet"
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Person.schema { string new_attr_name_two }
+ Person.schema = {new_attr_name.to_s => 'string'}
+ end
+ assert Person.new.respond_to?(new_attr_name), "should respond to the attribute in a passed-in schema, but failed on: #{new_attr_name}"
+ assert Person.new.respond_to?(new_attr_name_two), "should respond to the attribute from the schema, but failed on: #{new_attr_name_two}"
+ end
+ # method_missing effects
+ test "should not give method_missing for attribute only in schema" do
+ new_attr_name = :another_new_schema_attribute
+ new_attr_name_two = :another_new_schema_attribute
+ assert Person.schema.blank?, "sanity check - should have a blank class schema"
+ assert_raises(NoMethodError, "should not have found the attribute: #{new_attr_name} as a method") do
+ Person.new.send(new_attr_name)
+ end
+ assert_raises(NoMethodError, "should not have found the attribute: #{new_attr_name_two} as a method") do
+ Person.new.send(new_attr_name_two)
+ end
+ Person.schema = {new_attr_name.to_s => :float}
+ Person.schema { string new_attr_name_two }
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Person.new.send(new_attr_name)
+ Person.new.send(new_attr_name_two)
+ end
+ end
+ ########
+ # Known attributes
+ #
+ # Attributes can be known to be attributes even if they aren't actually
+ # 'set' on a particular instance.
+ # This will only differ from 'attributes' if a schema has been set.
+ test "new model should have no known attributes" do
+ assert Person.known_attributes.blank?, "should have no known attributes"
+ assert Person.new.known_attributes.blank?, "should have no known attributes on a new instance"
+ end
+ test "setting schema should set known attributes on class and instance" do
+ new_schema = {'age' => 'integer', 'name' => 'string'}
+ assert_nothing_raised { Person.schema = new_schema }
+ assert_equal new_schema.keys, Person.known_attributes
+ assert_equal new_schema.keys, Person.new.known_attributes
+ end
+ test "known attributes on a fetched resource should return all the attributes of the instance" do
+ p = Person.find(1)
+ attrs = p.known_attributes
+ assert attrs.present?, "should have found some attributes!"
+ p.attributes.each do |the_attr, val|
+ assert attrs.include?(the_attr), "should have found attr: #{the_attr} in known attributes, but only had: #{attrs.inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+ test "with two instances, known attributes should match the attributes of the individual instances - even if they differ" do
+ matz = Person.find(1)
+ rick = Person.find(5)
+ m_attrs = matz.attributes.keys.sort
+ r_attrs = rick.attributes.keys.sort
+ assert_not_equal m_attrs, r_attrs, "should have different attributes on each model"
+ assert_not_equal matz.known_attributes, rick.known_attributes, "should have had different known attributes too"
+ end
+ test "setting schema then fetching should add schema attributes to the intance attributes" do
+ # an attribute in common with fetched instance and one that isn't
+ new_schema = {'name' => 'string', 'my_strange_attribute' => 'string'}
+ assert_nothing_raised { Person.schema = new_schema }
+ matz = Person.find(1)
+ known_attrs = matz.known_attributes
+ matz.attributes.keys.each do |the_attr|
+ assert known_attrs.include?(the_attr), "should have found instance attr: #{the_attr} in known attributes, but only had: #{known_attrs.inspect}"
+ end
+ new_schema.keys.each do |the_attr|
+ assert known_attrs.include?(the_attr), "should have found schema attr: #{the_attr} in known attributes, but only had: #{known_attrs.inspect}"
+ end
+ end