path: root/activerecord
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4 files changed, 89 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md b/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md
index 8daa6c0ce5..59669ca26e 100644
--- a/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+* Add `ActiveRecord::Relation#cache_version` to support recyclable cache keys via
+ the versioned entries in `ActiveSupport::Cache`. This also means that
+ `ActiveRecord::Relation#cache_key` will now return a stable key that does not
+ include the max timestamp or count any more.
+ NOTE: This feature is turned off by default, and `cache_key` will still return
+ cache keys with timestamps until you set `ActiveRecord::Base.collection_cache_versioning = true`.
+ That's the setting for all new apps on Rails 6.0+
+ *Lachlan Sylvester*
* Fix dirty tracking for `touch` to track saved changes.
Fixes #33429.
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/integration.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/integration.rb
index b769541e95..c745bc1330 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/integration.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/integration.rb
@@ -22,6 +22,14 @@ module ActiveRecord
# This is +true+, by default on Rails 5.2 and above.
class_attribute :cache_versioning, instance_writer: false, default: false
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
+ # Indicates whether to use a stable #cache_key method that is accompanied
+ # by a changing version in the #cache_version method on collections.
+ #
+ # This is +false+, by default until Rails 6.1.
+ class_attribute :collection_cache_versioning, instance_writer: false, default: false
# Returns a +String+, which Action Pack uses for constructing a URL to this
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb
index cd62b0b881..8eb71e6454 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb
@@ -291,27 +291,23 @@ module ActiveRecord
limit_value ? records.many? : size > 1
- # Returns a cache key that can be used to identify the records fetched by
- # this query. The cache key is built with a fingerprint of the sql query,
- # the number of records matched by the query and a timestamp of the last
- # updated record. When a new record comes to match the query, or any of
- # the existing records is updated or deleted, the cache key changes.
+ # Returns a stable cache key that can be used to identify this query.
+ # The cache key is built with a fingerprint of the SQL query.
- # Product.where("name like ?", "%Cosmic Encounter%").cache_key
- # # => "products/query-1850ab3d302391b85b8693e941286659-1-20150714212553907087000"
+ # Product.where("name like ?", "%Cosmic Encounter%").cache_key
+ # # => "products/query-1850ab3d302391b85b8693e941286659"
- # If the collection is loaded, the method will iterate through the records
- # to generate the timestamp, otherwise it will trigger one SQL query like:
+ # If ActiveRecord::Base.collection_cache_versioning is turned off, as it was
+ # in Rails 6.0 and earlier, the cache key will also include a version.
- # SELECT COUNT(*), MAX("products"."updated_at") FROM "products" WHERE (name like '%Cosmic Encounter%')
+ # ActiveRecord::Base.collection_cache_versioning = false
+ # Product.where("name like ?", "%Cosmic Encounter%").cache_key
+ # # => "products/query-1850ab3d302391b85b8693e941286659-1-20150714212553907087000"
# You can also pass a custom timestamp column to fetch the timestamp of the
# last updated record.
# Product.where("name like ?", "%Game%").cache_key(:last_reviewed_at)
- #
- # You can customize the strategy to generate the key on a per model basis
- # overriding ActiveRecord::Base#collection_cache_key.
def cache_key(timestamp_column = :updated_at)
@cache_keys ||= {}
@cache_keys[timestamp_column] ||= @klass.collection_cache_key(self, timestamp_column)
@@ -321,6 +317,31 @@ module ActiveRecord
query_signature = ActiveSupport::Digest.hexdigest(to_sql)
key = "#{klass.model_name.cache_key}/query-#{query_signature}"
+ if cache_version(timestamp_column)
+ key
+ else
+ "#{key}-#{compute_cache_version(timestamp_column)}"
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns a cache version that can be used together with the cache key to form
+ # a recyclable caching scheme. The cache version is built with the number of records
+ # matching the query, and the timestamp of the last updated record. When a new record
+ # comes to match the query, or any of the existing records is updated or deleted,
+ # the cache version changes.
+ #
+ # If the collection is loaded, the method will iterate through the records
+ # to generate the timestamp, otherwise it will trigger one SQL query like:
+ #
+ # SELECT COUNT(*), MAX("products"."updated_at") FROM "products" WHERE (name like '%Cosmic Encounter%')
+ def cache_version(timestamp_column = :updated_at)
+ if collection_cache_versioning
+ @cache_versions ||= {}
+ @cache_versions[timestamp_column] ||= compute_cache_version(timestamp_column)
+ end
+ end
+ def compute_cache_version(timestamp_column) # :nodoc:
if loaded? || distinct_value
size = records.size
if size > 0
@@ -356,9 +377,9 @@ module ActiveRecord
if timestamp
- "#{key}-#{size}-#{timestamp.utc.to_s(cache_timestamp_format)}"
+ "#{size}-#{timestamp.utc.to_s(cache_timestamp_format)}"
- "#{key}-#{size}"
+ "#{size}"
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/collection_cache_key_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/collection_cache_key_test.rb
index 483383257b..f07f3c42e6 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/collection_cache_key_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/collection_cache_key_test.rb
@@ -171,5 +171,39 @@ module ActiveRecord
assert_match(/\Adevelopers\/query-(\h+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\z/, developers.cache_key)
+ test "cache_key should be stable when using collection_cache_versioning" do
+ with_collection_cache_versioning do
+ developers = Developer.where(salary: 100000)
+ assert_match(/\Adevelopers\/query-(\h+)\z/, developers.cache_key)
+ /\Adevelopers\/query-(\h+)\z/ =~ developers.cache_key
+ assert_equal ActiveSupport::Digest.hexdigest(developers.to_sql), $1
+ end
+ end
+ test "cache_version for relation" do
+ with_collection_cache_versioning do
+ developers = Developer.where(salary: 100000).order(updated_at: :desc)
+ last_developer_timestamp = developers.first.updated_at
+ assert_match(/(\d+)-(\d+)\z/, developers.cache_version)
+ /(\d+)-(\d+)\z/ =~ developers.cache_version
+ assert_equal developers.count.to_s, $1
+ assert_equal last_developer_timestamp.to_s(ActiveRecord::Base.cache_timestamp_format), $2
+ end
+ end
+ def with_collection_cache_versioning(value = true)
+ @old_collection_cache_versioning = ActiveRecord::Base.collection_cache_versioning
+ ActiveRecord::Base.collection_cache_versioning = value
+ yield
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.collection_cache_versioning = @old_collection_cache_versioning
+ end