path: root/activerecord/test/cases
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases')
3 files changed, 1 insertions, 338 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/dirty_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/dirty_test.rb
index d3cbd839f6..55ee066cda 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/dirty_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/dirty_test.rb
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class Pirate # Just reopening it, not defining it
after_update :check_changes
- # after_save/update in sweepers, observers, and the model itself
+ # after_save/update and the model itself
# can end up checking dirty status and acting on the results
def check_changes
if self.changed?
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/lifecycle_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/lifecycle_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b78f2e46b..0000000000
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/lifecycle_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-require 'cases/helper'
-require 'models/topic'
-require 'models/developer'
-require 'models/reply'
-require 'models/minimalistic'
-require 'models/comment'
-class SpecialDeveloper < Developer; end
-class DeveloperObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
- def calls
- @calls ||= []
- end
- def before_save(developer)
- calls << developer
- end
-class SalaryChecker < ActiveRecord::Observer
- observe :special_developer
- attr_accessor :last_saved
- def before_save(developer)
- return developer.salary > 80000
- end
- module Implementation
- def after_save(developer)
- self.last_saved = developer
- end
- end
- include Implementation
-class TopicaAuditor < ActiveRecord::Observer
- observe :topic
- attr_reader :topic
- def after_find(topic)
- @topic = topic
- end
-class TopicObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
- attr_reader :topic
- def after_find(topic)
- @topic = topic
- end
- # Create an after_save callback, so a notify_observer hook is created
- # on :topic.
- def after_save(nothing)
- end
-class MinimalisticObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
- attr_reader :minimalistic
- def after_find(minimalistic)
- @minimalistic = minimalistic
- end
-class MultiObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
- attr_reader :record
- def self.observed_class() [ Topic, Developer ] end
- cattr_reader :last_inherited
- @@last_inherited = nil
- def observed_class_inherited_with_testing(subclass)
- observed_class_inherited_without_testing(subclass)
- @@last_inherited = subclass
- end
- alias_method_chain :observed_class_inherited, :testing
- def after_find(record)
- @record = record
- end
-class ValidatedComment < Comment
- attr_accessor :callers
- before_validation :record_callers
- after_validation do
- record_callers
- end
- def record_callers
- callers << self.class if callers
- end
-class ValidatedCommentObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
- attr_accessor :callers
- def after_validation(model)
- callers << self.class if callers
- end
-class AroundTopic < Topic
-class AroundTopicObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
- observe :around_topic
- def topic_ids
- @topic_ids ||= []
- end
- def around_save(topic)
- topic_ids << topic.id
- yield(topic)
- topic_ids << topic.id
- end
-class LifecycleTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
- fixtures :topics, :developers, :minimalistics
- def test_before_destroy
- topic = Topic.find(1)
- assert_difference 'Topic.count', -(1 + topic.replies.size) do
- topic.destroy
- end
- end
- def test_auto_observer
- topic_observer = TopicaAuditor.instance
- assert_nil TopicaAuditor.observed_class
- assert_equal [Topic], TopicaAuditor.observed_classes.to_a
- topic = Topic.find(1)
- assert_equal topic.title, topic_observer.topic.title
- end
- def test_inferred_auto_observer
- topic_observer = TopicObserver.instance
- assert_equal Topic, TopicObserver.observed_class
- topic = Topic.find(1)
- assert_equal topic.title, topic_observer.topic.title
- end
- def test_observing_two_classes
- multi_observer = MultiObserver.instance
- topic = Topic.find(1)
- assert_equal topic.title, multi_observer.record.title
- developer = Developer.find(1)
- assert_equal developer.name, multi_observer.record.name
- end
- def test_observing_subclasses
- multi_observer = MultiObserver.instance
- developer = SpecialDeveloper.find(1)
- assert_equal developer.name, multi_observer.record.name
- klass = Class.new(Developer)
- assert_equal klass, multi_observer.last_inherited
- developer = klass.find(1)
- assert_equal developer.name, multi_observer.record.name
- end
- def test_after_find_can_be_observed_when_its_not_defined_on_the_model
- observer = MinimalisticObserver.instance
- assert_equal Minimalistic, MinimalisticObserver.observed_class
- minimalistic = Minimalistic.find(1)
- assert_equal minimalistic, observer.minimalistic
- end
- def test_after_find_can_be_observed_when_its_defined_on_the_model
- observer = TopicObserver.instance
- assert_equal Topic, TopicObserver.observed_class
- topic = Topic.find(1)
- assert_equal topic, observer.topic
- end
- def test_invalid_observer
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.observers = Object.new; Topic.instantiate_observers }
- end
- test "model callbacks fire before observers are notified" do
- callers = []
- comment = ValidatedComment.new
- comment.callers = ValidatedCommentObserver.instance.callers = callers
- comment.valid?
- assert_equal [ValidatedComment, ValidatedComment, ValidatedCommentObserver], callers,
- "model callbacks did not fire before observers were notified"
- end
- test "able to save developer" do
- SalaryChecker.instance # activate
- developer = SpecialDeveloper.new :name => 'Roger', :salary => 100000
- assert developer.save, "developer with normal salary failed to save"
- end
- test "unable to save developer with low salary" do
- SalaryChecker.instance # activate
- developer = SpecialDeveloper.new :name => 'Rookie', :salary => 50000
- assert !developer.save, "allowed to save a developer with too low salary"
- end
- test "able to call methods defined with included module" do # https://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8994/tickets/6065-activerecordobserver-is-not-aware-of-method-added-by-including-modules
- SalaryChecker.instance # activate
- developer = SpecialDeveloper.create! :name => 'Roger', :salary => 100000
- assert_equal developer, SalaryChecker.instance.last_saved
- end
- test "around filter from observer should accept block" do
- observer = AroundTopicObserver.instance
- topic = AroundTopic.new
- topic.save
- assert_nil observer.topic_ids.first
- assert_not_nil observer.topic_ids.last
- end
- test "able to disable observers" do
- observer = DeveloperObserver.instance # activate
- observer.calls.clear
- ActiveRecord::Base.observers.disable DeveloperObserver do
- Developer.create! :name => 'Ancestor', :salary => 100000
- SpecialDeveloper.create! :name => 'Descendent', :salary => 100000
- end
- assert_equal [], observer.calls
- end
- def test_observer_is_called_once
- observer = DeveloperObserver.instance # activate
- observer.calls.clear
- developer = Developer.create! :name => 'Ancestor', :salary => 100000
- special_developer = SpecialDeveloper.create! :name => 'Descendent', :salary => 100000
- assert_equal [developer, special_developer], observer.calls
- end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/transaction_callbacks_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/transaction_callbacks_test.rb
index 961ba8d9ba..2ddc449c12 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/transaction_callbacks_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/transaction_callbacks_test.rb
@@ -247,87 +247,6 @@ class TransactionCallbacksTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
-class TransactionObserverCallbacksTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
- self.use_transactional_fixtures = false
- fixtures :topics
- class TopicWithObserverAttached < ActiveRecord::Base
- self.table_name = :topics
- def history
- @history ||= []
- end
- end
- class TopicWithObserverAttachedObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
- def after_commit(record)
- record.history.push "after_commit"
- end
- def after_rollback(record)
- record.history.push "after_rollback"
- end
- end
- def test_after_commit_called
- assert TopicWithObserverAttachedObserver.instance, 'should have observer'
- topic = TopicWithObserverAttached.new
- topic.save!
- assert_equal %w{ after_commit }, topic.history
- end
- def test_after_rollback_called
- assert TopicWithObserverAttachedObserver.instance, 'should have observer'
- topic = TopicWithObserverAttached.new
- Topic.transaction do
- topic.save!
- raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
- end
- assert topic.id.nil?
- assert !topic.persisted?
- assert_equal %w{ after_rollback }, topic.history
- end
- class TopicWithManualRollbackObserverAttached < ActiveRecord::Base
- self.table_name = :topics
- def history
- @history ||= []
- end
- end
- class TopicWithManualRollbackObserverAttachedObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
- def after_save(record)
- record.history.push "after_save"
- raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
- end
- end
- def test_after_save_called_with_manual_rollback
- assert TopicWithManualRollbackObserverAttachedObserver.instance, 'should have observer'
- topic = TopicWithManualRollbackObserverAttached.new
- assert !topic.save
- assert_equal nil, topic.id
- assert !topic.persisted?
- assert_equal %w{ after_save }, topic.history
- end
- def test_after_save_called_with_manual_rollback_bang
- assert TopicWithManualRollbackObserverAttachedObserver.instance, 'should have observer'
- topic = TopicWithManualRollbackObserverAttached.new
- topic.save!
- assert_equal nil, topic.id
- assert !topic.persisted?
- assert_equal %w{ after_save }, topic.history
- end
class SaveFromAfterCommitBlockTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
self.use_transactional_fixtures = false