path: root/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/has_and_belongs_to_many_association.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/has_and_belongs_to_many_association.rb')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/has_and_belongs_to_many_association.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/has_and_belongs_to_many_association.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..946f238f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/has_and_belongs_to_many_association.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+module ActiveRecord
+ module Associations
+ class HasAndBelongsToManyAssociation < AssociationCollection #:nodoc:
+ def initialize(owner, association_name, association_class_name, association_class_primary_key_name, join_table, options)
+ super(owner, association_name, association_class_name, association_class_primary_key_name, options)
+ @association_foreign_key = options[:association_foreign_key] || Inflector.underscore(Inflector.demodulize(association_class_name.downcase)) + "_id"
+ association_table_name = options[:table_name] || @association_class.table_name(association_class_name)
+ @join_table = join_table
+ @order = options[:order] || "t.#{@owner.class.primary_key}"
+ interpolate_sql_options!(options, :finder_sql, :delete_sql)
+ @finder_sql = options[:finder_sql] ||
+ "SELECT t.*, j.* FROM #{association_table_name} t, #{@join_table} j " +
+ "WHERE t.#{@owner.class.primary_key} = j.#{@association_foreign_key} AND " +
+ "j.#{association_class_primary_key_name} = '#{@owner.id}' " +
+ (options[:conditions] ? " AND " + options[:conditions] : "") + " " +
+ "ORDER BY #{@order}"
+ end
+ # Removes all records from this association. Returns +self+ so method calls may be chained.
+ def clear
+ return self if size == 0 # forces load_collection if hasn't happened already
+ if sql = @options[:delete_sql]
+ each { |record| @owner.connection.execute(sql) }
+ elsif @options[:conditions]
+ sql =
+ "DELETE FROM #{@join_table} WHERE #{@association_class_primary_key_name} = '#{@owner.id}' " +
+ "AND #{@association_foreign_key} IN (#{collect { |record| record.id }.join(", ")})"
+ @owner.connection.execute(sql)
+ else
+ sql = "DELETE FROM #{@join_table} WHERE #{@association_class_primary_key_name} = '#{@owner.id}'"
+ @owner.connection.execute(sql)
+ end
+ @collection = []
+ self
+ end
+ def find(association_id = nil, &block)
+ if block_given? || @options[:finder_sql]
+ load_collection
+ @collection.find(&block)
+ else
+ if loaded?
+ find_all { |record| record.id == association_id.to_i }.first
+ else
+ find_all_records(@finder_sql.sub(/ORDER BY/, "AND j.#{@association_foreign_key} = '#{association_id}' ORDER BY")).first
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def push_with_attributes(record, join_attributes = {})
+ raise_on_type_mismatch(record)
+ insert_record_with_join_attributes(record, join_attributes)
+ join_attributes.each { |key, value| record.send(:write_attribute, key, value) }
+ @collection << record if loaded?
+ self
+ end
+ alias :concat_with_attributes :push_with_attributes
+ def size
+ @options[:uniq] ? count_records : super
+ end
+ protected
+ def find_all_records(sql = @finder_sql)
+ records = @association_class.find_by_sql(sql)
+ @options[:uniq] ? uniq(records) : records
+ end
+ def count_records
+ load_collection
+ @collection.size
+ end
+ def insert_record(record)
+ if @options[:insert_sql]
+ @owner.connection.execute(interpolate_sql(@options[:insert_sql], record))
+ else
+ sql = "INSERT INTO #{@join_table} (#{@association_class_primary_key_name}, #{@association_foreign_key}) VALUES ('#{@owner.id}','#{record.id}')"
+ @owner.connection.execute(sql)
+ end
+ end
+ def insert_record_with_join_attributes(record, join_attributes)
+ attributes = { @association_class_primary_key_name => @owner.id, @association_foreign_key => record.id }.update(join_attributes)
+ sql =
+ "INSERT INTO #{@join_table} (#{@owner.send(:quoted_column_names, attributes).join(', ')}) " +
+ "VALUES (#{attributes.values.collect { |value| @owner.send(:quote, value) }.join(', ')})"
+ @owner.connection.execute(sql)
+ end
+ def delete_records(records)
+ if sql = @options[:delete_sql]
+ records.each { |record| @owner.connection.execute(sql) }
+ else
+ ids = quoted_record_ids(records)
+ sql = "DELETE FROM #{@join_table} WHERE #{@association_class_primary_key_name} = '#{@owner.id}' AND #{@association_foreign_key} IN (#{ids})"
+ @owner.connection.execute(sql)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file