path: root/actiontext/lib/action_text/attribute.rb
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1 files changed, 48 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/actiontext/lib/action_text/attribute.rb b/actiontext/lib/action_text/attribute.rb
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+++ b/actiontext/lib/action_text/attribute.rb
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+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module ActionText
+ module Attribute
+ extend ActiveSupport::Concern
+ class_methods do
+ # Provides access to a dependent RichText model that holds the body and attachments for a single named rich text attribute.
+ # This dependent attribute is lazily instantiated and will be auto-saved when it's been changed. Example:
+ #
+ # class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
+ # has_rich_text :content
+ # end
+ #
+ # message = Message.create!(content: "<h1>Funny times!</h1>")
+ # message.content.to_s # => "<h1>Funny times!</h1>"
+ # message.content.to_plain_text # => "Funny times!"
+ #
+ # The dependent RichText model will also automatically process attachments links as sent via the Trix-powered editor.
+ # These attachments are associated with the RichText model using Active Storage.
+ #
+ # If you wish to preload the dependent RichText model, you can use the named scope:
+ #
+ # Message.all.with_rich_text_content # Avoids N+1 queries when you just want the body, not the attachments.
+ # Message.all.with_rich_text_content_and_embeds # Avoids N+1 queries when you just want the body and attachments.
+ def has_rich_text(name)
+ class_eval <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
+ def #{name}
+ self.rich_text_#{name} ||= ActionText::RichText.new(name: "#{name}", record: self)
+ end
+ def #{name}=(body)
+ self.#{name}.body = body
+ end
+ has_one :"rich_text_#{name}", -> { where(name: name) }, class_name: "ActionText::RichText", as: :record, inverse_of: :record, dependent: :destroy
+ scope :"with_rich_text_#{name}", -> { includes("rich_text_#{name}") }
+ scope :"with_rich_text_#{name}_and_embeds", -> { includes("rich_text_#{name}": { embeds_attachments: :blob }) }
+ after_save do
+ public_send(name).save if public_send(name).changed?
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end