path: root/actionpack
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4 files changed, 76 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb
index f35c42f929..c1a56deca4 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb
@@ -260,30 +260,44 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
include StatusCodes
- cattr_reader :protected_instance_variables
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# Controller specific instance variables which will not be accessible inside views.
+ cattr_reader :protected_instance_variables
@@protected_instance_variables = %w(@assigns @performed_redirect @performed_render @variables_added @request_origin @url @parent_controller
@action_name @before_filter_chain_aborted @action_cache_path @_session @_cookies @_headers @_params
@_flash @_response)
+ @@asset_host = ""
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# Prepends all the URL-generating helpers from AssetHelper. This makes it possible to easily move javascripts, stylesheets,
# and images to a dedicated asset server away from the main web server. Example:
# ActionController::Base.asset_host = "http://assets.example.com"
- @@asset_host = ""
cattr_accessor :asset_host
+ @@consider_all_requests_local = true
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# All requests are considered local by default, so everyone will be exposed to detailed debugging screens on errors.
# When the application is ready to go public, this should be set to false, and the protected method <tt>local_request?</tt>
# should instead be implemented in the controller to determine when debugging screens should be shown.
- @@consider_all_requests_local = true
cattr_accessor :consider_all_requests_local
+ @@allow_concurrency = false
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# Indicates whether to allow concurrent action processing. Your
# controller actions and any other code they call must also behave well
# when called from concurrent threads. Turned off by default.
- @@allow_concurrency = false
cattr_accessor :allow_concurrency
+ @@param_parsers = { Mime::MULTIPART_FORM => :multipart_form,
+ Mime::URL_ENCODED_FORM => :url_encoded_form,
+ Mime::XML => :xml_simple,
+ Mime::JSON => :json }
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# Modern REST web services often need to submit complex data to the web application.
# The <tt>@@param_parsers</tt> hash lets you register handlers which will process the HTTP body and add parameters to the
# <tt>params</tt> hash. These handlers are invoked for POST and PUT requests.
@@ -310,37 +324,47 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# A YAML parser is also available and can be turned on with:
# ActionController::Base.param_parsers[Mime::YAML] = :yaml
- @@param_parsers = { Mime::MULTIPART_FORM => :multipart_form,
- Mime::URL_ENCODED_FORM => :url_encoded_form,
- Mime::XML => :xml_simple,
- Mime::JSON => :json }
cattr_accessor :param_parsers
- # Controls the default charset for all renders.
@@default_charset = "utf-8"
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
+ # Controls the default charset for all renders.
cattr_accessor :default_charset
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# The logger is used for generating information on the action run-time (including benchmarking) if available.
# Can be set to nil for no logging. Compatible with both Ruby's own Logger and Log4r loggers.
cattr_accessor :logger
- # Controls the resource action separator
@@resource_action_separator = "/"
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
+ # Controls the resource action separator
cattr_accessor :resource_action_separator
- # Allow to override path names for default resources' actions
@@resources_path_names = { :new => 'new', :edit => 'edit' }
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
+ # Allow to override path names for default resources' actions
cattr_accessor :resources_path_names
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# Sets the token parameter name for RequestForgery. Calling +protect_from_forgery+
# sets it to <tt>:authenticity_token</tt> by default.
cattr_accessor :request_forgery_protection_token
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# Indicates whether or not optimise the generated named
# route helper methods
cattr_accessor :optimise_named_routes
self.optimise_named_routes = true
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# Indicates whether the response format should be determined by examining the Accept HTTP header,
# or by using the simpler params + ajax rules.
@@ -351,38 +375,54 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
cattr_accessor :use_accept_header
self.use_accept_header = true
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# Controls whether request forgergy protection is turned on or not. Turned off by default only in test mode.
class_inheritable_accessor :allow_forgery_protection
self.allow_forgery_protection = true
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# If you are deploying to a subdirectory, you will need to set
# <tt>config.action_controller.relative_url_root</tt>
# This defaults to ENV['RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT']
cattr_accessor :relative_url_root
self.relative_url_root = ENV['RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT']
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# Holds the request object that's primarily used to get environment variables through access like
# <tt>request.env["REQUEST_URI"]</tt>.
attr_internal :request
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# Holds a hash of all the GET, POST, and Url parameters passed to the action. Accessed like <tt>params["post_id"]</tt>
# to get the post_id. No type casts are made, so all values are returned as strings.
attr_internal :params
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# Holds the response object that's primarily used to set additional HTTP headers through access like
# <tt>response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache"</tt>. Can also be used to access the final body HTML after a template
# has been rendered through response.body -- useful for <tt>after_filter</tt>s that wants to manipulate the output,
# such as a OutputCompressionFilter.
attr_internal :response
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# Holds a hash of objects in the session. Accessed like <tt>session[:person]</tt> to get the object tied to the "person"
# key. The session will hold any type of object as values, but the key should be a string or symbol.
attr_internal :session
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# Holds a hash of header names and values. Accessed like <tt>headers["Cache-Control"]</tt> to get the value of the Cache-Control
# directive. Values should always be specified as strings.
attr_internal :headers
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# Returns the name of the action this controller is processing.
attr_accessor :action_name
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/caching/pages.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/caching/pages.rb
index a70ed72f03..22e4fbec43 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/caching/pages.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/caching/pages.rb
@@ -33,28 +33,26 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
# Additionally, you can expire caches using Sweepers that act on changes in the model to determine when a cache is supposed to be
# expired.
- #
- # == Setting the cache directory
- #
- # The cache directory should be the document root for the web server and is set using <tt>Base.page_cache_directory = "/document/root"</tt>.
- # For Rails, this directory has already been set to Rails.public_path (which is usually set to <tt>RAILS_ROOT + "/public"</tt>). Changing
- # this setting can be useful to avoid naming conflicts with files in <tt>public/</tt>, but doing so will likely require configuring your
- # web server to look in the new location for cached files.
- #
- # == Setting the cache extension
- #
- # Most Rails requests do not have an extension, such as <tt>/weblog/new</tt>. In these cases, the page caching mechanism will add one in
- # order to make it easy for the cached files to be picked up properly by the web server. By default, this cache extension is <tt>.html</tt>.
- # If you want something else, like <tt>.php</tt> or <tt>.shtml</tt>, just set Base.page_cache_extension. In cases where a request already has an
- # extension, such as <tt>.xml</tt> or <tt>.rss</tt>, page caching will not add an extension. This allows it to work well with RESTful apps.
module Pages
def self.included(base) #:nodoc:
base.class_eval do
@@page_cache_directory = defined?(Rails.public_path) ? Rails.public_path : ""
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
+ # The cache directory should be the document root for the web server and is set using <tt>Base.page_cache_directory = "/document/root"</tt>.
+ # For Rails, this directory has already been set to Rails.public_path (which is usually set to <tt>RAILS_ROOT + "/public"</tt>). Changing
+ # this setting can be useful to avoid naming conflicts with files in <tt>public/</tt>, but doing so will likely require configuring your
+ # web server to look in the new location for cached files.
cattr_accessor :page_cache_directory
@@page_cache_extension = '.html'
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
+ # Most Rails requests do not have an extension, such as <tt>/weblog/new</tt>. In these cases, the page caching mechanism will add one in
+ # order to make it easy for the cached files to be picked up properly by the web server. By default, this cache extension is <tt>.html</tt>.
+ # If you want something else, like <tt>.php</tt> or <tt>.shtml</tt>, just set Base.page_cache_extension. In cases where a request already has an
+ # extension, such as <tt>.xml</tt> or <tt>.rss</tt>, page caching will not add an extension. This allows it to work well with RESTful apps.
cattr_accessor :page_cache_extension
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/mime_type.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/mime_type.rb
index 8ca3a70341..5ef52f45a6 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/mime_type.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/mime_type.rb
@@ -22,10 +22,12 @@ module Mime
@@html_types = Set.new [:html, :all]
cattr_reader :html_types
+ @@browser_generated_types = Set.new [:html, :url_encoded_form, :multipart_form]
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# These are the content types which browsers can generate without using ajax, flash, etc
# i.e. following a link, getting an image or posting a form. CSRF protection
# only needs to protect against these types.
- @@browser_generated_types = Set.new [:html, :url_encoded_form, :multipart_form]
cattr_reader :browser_generated_types
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/session/active_record_store.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/session/active_record_store.rb
index 1e8eb57acb..fadf2a6b32 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/session/active_record_store.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/session/active_record_store.rb
@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ class CGI
class ActiveRecordStore
# The default Active Record class.
class Session < ActiveRecord::Base
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# Customizable data column name. Defaults to 'data'.
cattr_accessor :data_column_name
self.data_column_name = 'data'
@@ -166,17 +168,25 @@ class CGI
# binary session data in a +text+ column. For higher performance,
# store in a +blob+ column instead and forgo the Base64 encoding.
class SqlBypass
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# Use the ActiveRecord::Base.connection by default.
cattr_accessor :connection
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# The table name defaults to 'sessions'.
cattr_accessor :table_name
@@table_name = 'sessions'
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# The session id field defaults to 'session_id'.
cattr_accessor :session_id_column
@@session_id_column = 'session_id'
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
# The data field defaults to 'data'.
cattr_accessor :data_column
@@data_column = 'data'