path: root/actionpack/test
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Diffstat (limited to 'actionpack/test')
3 files changed, 183 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/cgi_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/cgi_test.rb
index 87f72fda77..f0f3a4b826 100755
--- a/actionpack/test/controller/cgi_test.rb
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/cgi_test.rb
@@ -114,3 +114,36 @@ class CgiRequestNeedsRewoundTest < BaseCgiTest
assert_equal 0, request.body.pos
+class CgiResponseTest < BaseCgiTest
+ def setup
+ super
+ @fake_cgi.expects(:header).returns("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nContent-Type: text/html\n")
+ @response = ActionController::CgiResponse.new(@fake_cgi)
+ @output = StringIO.new('')
+ end
+ def test_simple_output
+ @response.body = "Hello, World!"
+ @response.out(@output)
+ assert_equal "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nContent-Type: text/html\nHello, World!", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_head_request
+ @fake_cgi.env_table['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'HEAD'
+ @response.body = "Hello, World!"
+ @response.out(@output)
+ assert_equal "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nContent-Type: text/html\n", @output.string
+ end
+ def test_streaming_block
+ @response.body = Proc.new do |response, output|
+ 5.times { |n| output.write(n) }
+ end
+ @response.out(@output)
+ assert_equal "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nContent-Type: text/html\n01234", @output.string
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/rack_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/rack_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd4151783e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/rack_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+require 'action_controller/rack_process'
+class BaseRackTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @env = {"HTTP_MAX_FORWARDS"=>"10", "SERVER_NAME"=>"glu.ttono.us:8007", "FCGI_ROLE"=>"RESPONDER", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST"=>"glu.ttono.us", "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"=>"gzip, deflate", "HTTP_USER_AGENT"=>"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/312.5.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/312.3.1", "PATH_INFO"=>"", "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"=>"en", "HTTP_HOST"=>"glu.ttono.us:8007", "SERVER_PROTOCOL"=>"HTTP/1.1", "REDIRECT_URI"=>"/dispatch.fcgi", "SCRIPT_NAME"=>"/dispatch.fcgi", "SERVER_ADDR"=>"", "REMOTE_ADDR"=>"", "SERVER_SOFTWARE"=>"lighttpd/1.4.5", "HTTP_COOKIE"=>"_session_id=c84ace84796670c052c6ceb2451fb0f2; is_admin=yes", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER"=>"glu.ttono.us", "REQUEST_URI"=>"/admin", "DOCUMENT_ROOT"=>"/home/kevinc/sites/typo/public", "SERVER_PORT"=>"8007", "QUERY_STRING"=>"", "REMOTE_PORT"=>"63137", "GATEWAY_INTERFACE"=>"CGI/1.1", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"=>"", "HTTP_ACCEPT"=>"*/*", "SCRIPT_FILENAME"=>"/home/kevinc/sites/typo/public/dispatch.fcgi", "REDIRECT_STATUS"=>"200", "REQUEST_METHOD"=>"GET"}
+ # some Nokia phone browsers omit the space after the semicolon separator.
+ # some developers have grown accustomed to using comma in cookie values.
+ @alt_cookie_fmt_request_hash = {"HTTP_COOKIE"=>"_session_id=c84ace847,96670c052c6ceb2451fb0f2;is_admin=yes"}
+ @request = ActionController::RackRequest.new(@env)
+ end
+ def default_test; end
+class RackRequestTest < BaseRackTest
+ def test_proxy_request
+ assert_equal 'glu.ttono.us', @request.host_with_port
+ end
+ def test_http_host
+ @env.delete "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST"
+ @env['HTTP_HOST'] = "rubyonrails.org:8080"
+ assert_equal "rubyonrails.org:8080", @request.host_with_port
+ @env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] = "www.firsthost.org, www.secondhost.org"
+ assert_equal "www.secondhost.org", @request.host
+ end
+ def test_http_host_with_default_port_overrides_server_port
+ @env.delete "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST"
+ @env['HTTP_HOST'] = "rubyonrails.org"
+ assert_equal "rubyonrails.org", @request.host_with_port
+ end
+ def test_host_with_port_defaults_to_server_name_if_no_host_headers
+ @env.delete "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST"
+ @env.delete "HTTP_HOST"
+ assert_equal "glu.ttono.us:8007", @request.host_with_port
+ end
+ def test_host_with_port_falls_back_to_server_addr_if_necessary
+ @env.delete "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST"
+ @env.delete "HTTP_HOST"
+ @env.delete "SERVER_NAME"
+ assert_equal "", @request.host_with_port
+ end
+ def test_host_with_port_if_http_standard_port_is_specified
+ @env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] = "glu.ttono.us:80"
+ assert_equal "glu.ttono.us", @request.host_with_port
+ end
+ def test_host_with_port_if_https_standard_port_is_specified
+ @env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] = "https"
+ @env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] = "glu.ttono.us:443"
+ assert_equal "glu.ttono.us", @request.host_with_port
+ end
+ def test_host_if_ipv6_reference
+ @env.delete "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST"
+ @env['HTTP_HOST'] = "[2001:1234:5678:9abc:def0::dead:beef]"
+ assert_equal "[2001:1234:5678:9abc:def0::dead:beef]", @request.host
+ end
+ def test_host_if_ipv6_reference_with_port
+ @env.delete "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST"
+ @env['HTTP_HOST'] = "[2001:1234:5678:9abc:def0::dead:beef]:8008"
+ assert_equal "[2001:1234:5678:9abc:def0::dead:beef]", @request.host
+ end
+ def test_cookie_syntax_resilience
+ cookies = CGI::Cookie::parse(@env["HTTP_COOKIE"]);
+ assert_equal ["c84ace84796670c052c6ceb2451fb0f2"], cookies["_session_id"], cookies.inspect
+ assert_equal ["yes"], cookies["is_admin"], cookies.inspect
+ alt_cookies = CGI::Cookie::parse(@alt_cookie_fmt_request_hash["HTTP_COOKIE"]);
+ assert_equal ["c84ace847,96670c052c6ceb2451fb0f2"], alt_cookies["_session_id"], alt_cookies.inspect
+ assert_equal ["yes"], alt_cookies["is_admin"], alt_cookies.inspect
+ end
+class RackRequestParamsParsingTest < BaseRackTest
+ def test_doesnt_break_when_content_type_has_charset
+ data = 'flamenco=love'
+ @request.env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = data.length
+ @request.env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8'
+ @request.env['RAW_POST_DATA'] = data
+ assert_equal({"flamenco"=> "love"}, @request.request_parameters)
+ end
+ def test_doesnt_interpret_request_uri_as_query_string_when_missing
+ @request.env['REQUEST_URI'] = 'foo'
+ assert_equal({}, @request.query_parameters)
+ end
+class RackRequestNeedsRewoundTest < BaseRackTest
+ def test_body_should_be_rewound
+ data = 'foo'
+ @env['rack.input'] = StringIO.new(data)
+ @env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = data.length
+ @env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8'
+ # Read the request body by parsing params.
+ request = ActionController::RackRequest.new(@env)
+ request.request_parameters
+ # Should have rewound the body.
+ assert_equal 0, request.body.pos
+ end
+class RackResponseTest < BaseRackTest
+ def setup
+ super
+ @response = ActionController::RackResponse.new
+ @output = StringIO.new('')
+ end
+ def test_simple_output
+ @response.body = "Hello, World!"
+ status, headers, body = @response.out(@output)
+ assert_equal 200, status
+ assert_equal({"Content-Type" => "text/html", "Cache-Control" => "no-cache", "Set-Cookie" => ""}, headers)
+ parts = []
+ body.each { |part| parts << part }
+ assert_equal ["Hello, World!"], parts
+ end
+ def test_streaming_block
+ @response.body = Proc.new do |response, output|
+ 5.times { |n| output.write(n) }
+ end
+ status, headers, body = @response.out(@output)
+ assert_equal 200, status
+ assert_equal({"Content-Type" => "text/html", "Cache-Control" => "no-cache", "Set-Cookie" => ""}, headers)
+ parts = []
+ body.each { |part| parts << part }
+ assert_equal ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4"], parts
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/template/compiled_templates_test.rb b/actionpack/test/template/compiled_templates_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 73e7ec1d76..0000000000
--- a/actionpack/test/template/compiled_templates_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-require 'abstract_unit'
-require 'action_view/helpers/date_helper'
-require 'action_view/compiled_templates'
-class CompiledTemplateTests < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def setup
- @ct = ActionView::CompiledTemplates.new
- @v = Class.new
- @v.send :include, @ct
- @a = './test_compile_template_a.rhtml'
- @b = './test_compile_template_b.rhtml'
- @s = './test_compile_template_link.rhtml'
- end
- def teardown
- [@a, @b, @s].each do |f|
- FileUtils.rm(f) if File.exist?(f) || File.symlink?(f)
- end
- end
- attr_reader :ct, :v
- def test_name_allocation
- hi_world = ct.method_names['hi world']
- hi_sexy = ct.method_names['hi sexy']
- wish_upon_a_star = ct.method_names['I love seeing decent error messages']
- assert_equal hi_world, ct.method_names['hi world']
- assert_equal hi_sexy, ct.method_names['hi sexy']
- assert_equal wish_upon_a_star, ct.method_names['I love seeing decent error messages']
- assert_equal 3, [hi_world, hi_sexy, wish_upon_a_star].uniq.length
- end
- def test_wrap_source
- assert_equal(
- "def aliased_assignment(value)\nself.value = value\nend",
- @ct.wrap_source(:aliased_assignment, [:value], 'self.value = value')
- )
- assert_equal(
- "def simple()\nnil\nend",
- @ct.wrap_source(:simple, [], 'nil')
- )
- end
- def test_compile_source_single_method
- selector = ct.compile_source('doubling method', [:a], 'a + a')
- assert_equal 2, @v.new.send(selector, 1)
- assert_equal 4, @v.new.send(selector, 2)
- assert_equal -4, @v.new.send(selector, -2)
- assert_equal 0, @v.new.send(selector, 0)
- selector
- end
- def test_compile_source_two_method
- sel1 = test_compile_source_single_method # compile the method in the other test
- sel2 = ct.compile_source('doubling method', [:a, :b], 'a + b + a + b')
- assert_not_equal sel1, sel2
- assert_equal 2, @v.new.send(sel1, 1)
- assert_equal 4, @v.new.send(sel1, 2)
- assert_equal 6, @v.new.send(sel2, 1, 2)
- assert_equal 32, @v.new.send(sel2, 15, 1)
- end
- def test_mtime
- t1 = Time.now
- test_compile_source_single_method
- mtime = ct.mtime('doubling method', [:a])
- assert mtime < Time.now
- assert mtime > t1
- end
- uses_mocha 'test_compile_time' do
- def test_compile_time
- t = Time.now
- File.open(@a, "w"){|f| f.puts @a}
- File.open(@b, "w"){|f| f.puts @b}
- # windows doesn't support symlinks (even under cygwin)
- windows = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/)
- `ln -s #{@a} #{@s}` unless windows
- v = ActionView::Base.new
- v.base_path = '.'
- v.cache_template_loading = false
- ta = ActionView::Template.new(v, @a, false, {})
- tb = ActionView::Template.new(v, @b, false, {})
- ts = ActionView::Template.new(v, @s, false, {})
- @handler_class = ActionView::Template.handler_class_for_extension(:rhtml)
- @handler = @handler_class.new(v)
- # All templates were created at t+1
- File::Stat.any_instance.expects(:mtime).times(windows ? 2 : 3).returns(t + 1.second)
- # private methods template_changed_since? and compile_template?
- # should report true for all since they have not been compiled
- assert @handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @a, t)
- assert @handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @b, t)
- assert @handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @s, t) unless windows
- assert @handler.send(:compile_template?, ta)
- assert @handler.send(:compile_template?, tb)
- assert @handler.send(:compile_template?, ts) unless windows
- # All templates are rendered at t+2
- Time.expects(:now).times(windows ? 2 : 3).returns(t + 2.seconds)
- v.send(:render_template, ta)
- v.send(:render_template, tb)
- v.send(:render_template, ts) unless windows
- a_n = v.method_names[@a]
- b_n = v.method_names[@b]
- s_n = v.method_names[@s] unless windows
- # all of the files have changed since last compile
- assert @handler.compile_time[a_n] > t
- assert @handler.compile_time[b_n] > t
- assert @handler.compile_time[s_n] > t unless windows
- # private methods template_changed_since? and compile_template?
- # should report false for all since none have changed since compile
- File::Stat.any_instance.expects(:mtime).times(windows ? 6 : 12).returns(t + 1.second)
- assert !@handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @a, @handler.compile_time[a_n])
- assert !@handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @b, @handler.compile_time[b_n])
- assert !@handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @s, @handler.compile_time[s_n]) unless windows
- assert !@handler.send(:compile_template?, ta)
- assert !@handler.send(:compile_template?, tb)
- assert !@handler.send(:compile_template?, ts) unless windows
- v.send(:render_template, ta)
- v.send(:render_template, tb)
- v.send(:render_template, ts) unless windows
- # none of the files have changed since last compile
- assert @handler.compile_time[a_n] < t + 3.seconds
- assert @handler.compile_time[b_n] < t + 3.seconds
- assert @handler.compile_time[s_n] < t + 3.seconds unless windows
- `rm #{@s}; ln -s #{@b} #{@s}` unless windows
- # private methods template_changed_since? and compile_template?
- # should report true for symlink since it has changed since compile
- # t + 3.seconds is for the symlink
- File::Stat.any_instance.expects(:mtime).times(windows ? 6 : 9).returns(
- *(windows ? [ t + 1.second, t + 1.second ] :
- [ t + 1.second, t + 1.second, t + 3.second ]) * 3)
- assert !@handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @a, @handler.compile_time[a_n])
- assert !@handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @b, @handler.compile_time[b_n])
- assert @handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @s, @handler.compile_time[s_n]) unless windows
- assert !@handler.send(:compile_template?, ta)
- assert !@handler.send(:compile_template?, tb)
- assert @handler.send(:compile_template?, ts) unless windows
- # Only the symlink template gets rendered at t+3
- Time.stubs(:now).returns(t + 3.seconds) unless windows
- v.send(:render_template, ta)
- v.send(:render_template, tb)
- v.send(:render_template, ts) unless windows
- # the symlink has changed since last compile
- assert @handler.compile_time[a_n] < t + 3.seconds
- assert @handler.compile_time[b_n] < t + 3.seconds
- assert_equal @handler.compile_time[s_n], t + 3.seconds unless windows
- FileUtils.touch @b
- # private methods template_changed_since? and compile_template?
- # should report true for symlink and file at end of symlink
- # since it has changed since last compile
- #
- # t+4 is for @b and also for the file that @s points to, which is @b
- File::Stat.any_instance.expects(:mtime).times(windows ? 6 : 12).returns(
- *(windows ? [ t + 1.second, t + 4.seconds ] :
- [ t + 1.second, t + 4.seconds, t + 3.second, t + 4.seconds ]) * 3)
- assert !@handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @a, @handler.compile_time[a_n])
- assert @handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @b, @handler.compile_time[b_n])
- assert @handler.send(:template_changed_since?, @s, @handler.compile_time[s_n]) unless windows
- assert !@handler.send(:compile_template?, ta)
- assert @handler.send(:compile_template?, tb)
- assert @handler.send(:compile_template?, ts) unless windows
- Time.expects(:now).times(windows ? 1 : 2).returns(t + 5.seconds)
- v.send(:render_template, ta)
- v.send(:render_template, tb)
- v.send(:render_template, ts) unless windows
- # the file at the end of the symlink has changed since last compile
- # both the symlink and the file at the end of it should be recompiled
- assert @handler.compile_time[a_n] < t + 5.seconds
- assert_equal @handler.compile_time[b_n], t + 5.seconds
- assert_equal @handler.compile_time[s_n], t + 5.seconds unless windows
- end
- end