path: root/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/form_helper.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/form_helper.rb')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/form_helper.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/form_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..389aa302a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/form_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+require 'cgi'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/date_helper'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/tag_helper'
+module ActionView
+ module Helpers
+ # Provides a set of methods for working with forms and especially forms related to objects assigned to the template.
+ # The following is an example of a complete form for a person object that works for both creates and updates built
+ # with all the form helpers. The <tt>@person</tt> object was assigned by an action on the controller:
+ # <form action="save_person" method="post">
+ # Name:
+ # <%= text_field "person", "name", "size" => 20 %>
+ #
+ # Password:
+ # <%= password_field "person", "password", "maxsize" => 20 %>
+ #
+ # Single?:
+ # <%= check_box "person", "single" %>
+ #
+ # Description:
+ # <%= text_area "person", "description", "cols" => 20 %>
+ #
+ # <input type="submit" value="Save">
+ # </form>
+ #
+ # ...is compiled to:
+ #
+ # <form action="save_person" method="post">
+ # Name:
+ # <input type="text" id="person_name" name="person[name]"
+ # size="20" value="<%= @person.name %>" />
+ #
+ # Password:
+ # <input type="password" id="person_password" name="person[password]"
+ # size="20" maxsize="20" value="<%= @person.password %>" />
+ #
+ # Single?:
+ # <input type="checkbox" id="person_single" name="person[single] value="1" />
+ #
+ # Description:
+ # <textarea cols="20" rows="40" id="person_description" name="person[description]">
+ # <%= @person.description %>
+ # </textarea>
+ #
+ # <input type="submit" value="Save">
+ # </form>
+ #
+ # There's also methods for helping to build form tags in link:classes/ActionView/Helpers/FormOptionsHelper.html,
+ # link:classes/ActionView/Helpers/DateHelper.html, and link:classes/ActionView/Helpers/ActiveRecordHelper.html
+ module FormHelper
+ # Returns an input tag of the "text" type tailored for accessing a specified attribute (identified by +method+) on an object
+ # assigned to the template (identified by +object+). Additional options on the input tag can be passed as a
+ # hash with +options+.
+ #
+ # Examples (call, result):
+ # text_field("post", "title", "size" => 20)
+ # <input type="text" id="post_title" name="post[title]" size="20" value="#{@post.title}" />
+ def text_field(object, method, options = {})
+ InstanceTag.new(object, method, self).to_input_field_tag("text", options)
+ end
+ # Works just like text_field, but returns a input tag of the "password" type instead.
+ def password_field(object, method, options = {})
+ InstanceTag.new(object, method, self).to_input_field_tag("password", options)
+ end
+ # Works just like text_field, but returns a input tag of the "hidden" type instead.
+ def hidden_field(object, method, options = {})
+ InstanceTag.new(object, method, self).to_input_field_tag("hidden", options)
+ end
+ # Returns a textarea opening and closing tag set tailored for accessing a specified attribute (identified by +method+)
+ # on an object assigned to the template (identified by +object+). Additional options on the input tag can be passed as a
+ # hash with +options+.
+ #
+ # Example (call, result):
+ # text_area("post", "body", "cols" => 20, "rows" => 40)
+ # <textarea cols="20" rows="40" id="post_body" name="post[body]">
+ # #{@post.body}
+ # </textarea>
+ def text_area(object, method, options = {})
+ InstanceTag.new(object, method, self).to_text_area_tag(options)
+ end
+ # Returns a checkbox tag tailored for accessing a specified attribute (identified by +method+) on an object
+ # assigned to the template (identified by +object+). It's intended that +method+ returns an integer and if that
+ # integer is above zero, then the checkbox is checked. Additional options on the input tag can be passed as a
+ # hash with +options+. The +checked_value+ defaults to 1 while the default +unchecked_value+
+ # is set to 0 which is convenient for boolean values. Usually unchecked checkboxes don't post anything.
+ # We work around this problem by adding a hidden value with the same name as the checkbox.
+ #
+ # Example (call, result). Imagine that @post.validated? returns 1:
+ # check_box("post", "validated")
+ # <input type="checkbox" id="post_validate" name="post[validated] value="1" checked="checked" /><input name="post[validated]" type="hidden" value="0" />
+ #
+ # Example (call, result). Imagine that @puppy.gooddog returns no:
+ # check_box("puppy", "gooddog", {}, "yes", "no")
+ # <input type="checkbox" id="puppy_gooddog" name="puppy[gooddog] value="yes" /><input name="puppy[gooddog]" type="hidden" value="no" />
+ def check_box(object, method, options = {}, checked_value = "1", unchecked_value = "0")
+ InstanceTag.new(object, method, self).to_check_box_tag(options, checked_value, unchecked_value)
+ end
+ end
+ class InstanceTag #:nodoc:
+ include Helpers::TagHelper
+ attr_reader :method_name, :object_name
+ DEFAULT_FIELD_OPTIONS = { "size" => 30 } unless const_defined?("DEFAULT_FIELD_OPTIONS")
+ DEFAULT_TEXT_AREA_OPTIONS = { "wrap" => "virtual", "cols" => 40, "rows" => 20 } unless const_defined?("DEFAULT_TEXT_AREA_OPTIONS")
+ def initialize(object_name, method_name, template_object, local_binding = nil)
+ @object_name, @method_name = object_name, method_name
+ @template_object, @local_binding = template_object, local_binding
+ end
+ def to_input_field_tag(field_type, options = {})
+ html_options = DEFAULT_FIELD_OPTIONS.merge(options)
+ html_options.merge!({ "size" => options["maxlength"]}) if options["maxlength"] && !options["size"]
+ html_options.merge!({ "type" => field_type, "value" => value.to_s })
+ add_default_name_and_id(html_options)
+ tag("input", html_options)
+ end
+ def to_text_area_tag(options = {})
+ options = DEFAULT_TEXT_AREA_OPTIONS.merge(options)
+ add_default_name_and_id(options)
+ content_tag("textarea", html_escape(value), options)
+ end
+ def to_check_box_tag(options = {}, checked_value = "1", unchecked_value = "0")
+ options.merge!({"checked" => "checked"}) if !value.nil? && ((value.is_a?(TrueClass) || value.is_a?(FalseClass)) ? value : value.to_i > 0)
+ options.merge!({ "type" => "checkbox", "value" => checked_value })
+ add_default_name_and_id(options)
+ tag("input", options) << tag("input", ({ "name" => options['name'], "type" => "hidden", "value" => unchecked_value }))
+ end
+ def to_date_tag()
+ defaults = { "discard_type" => true }
+ date = value || Date.today
+ options = Proc.new { |position| defaults.update({ :prefix => "#{@object_name}[#{@method_name}(#{position}i)]" }) }
+ html_day_select(date, options.call(3)) +
+ html_month_select(date, options.call(2)) +
+ html_year_select(date, options.call(1))
+ end
+ def to_boolean_select_tag(options = {})
+ add_default_name_and_id(options)
+ tag_text = "<select"
+ tag_text << tag_options(options)
+ tag_text << "><option value=\"false\""
+ tag_text << " selected" if value == false
+ tag_text << ">False</option><option value=\"true\""
+ tag_text << " selected" if value
+ tag_text << ">True</option></select>"
+ end
+ def object
+ @template_object.instance_variable_get "@#{@object_name}"
+ end
+ def value
+ object.send(@method_name) unless object.nil?
+ end
+ private
+ def add_default_name_and_id(options)
+ options['name'] = tag_name unless options.has_key? "name"
+ options['id'] = tag_id unless options.has_key? "id"
+ end
+ def tag_name
+ "#{@object_name}[#{@method_name}]"
+ end
+ def tag_id
+ "#{@object_name}_#{@method_name}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file