path: root/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth
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Diffstat (limited to 'actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth')
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diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/abstract/handler.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/abstract/handler.rb
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--- a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/abstract/handler.rb
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-module Rack
- module Auth
- # Rack::Auth::AbstractHandler implements common authentication functionality.
- #
- # +realm+ should be set for all handlers.
- class AbstractHandler
- attr_accessor :realm
- def initialize(app, realm=nil, &authenticator)
- @app, @realm, @authenticator = app, realm, authenticator
- end
- private
- def unauthorized(www_authenticate = challenge)
- return [ 401,
- { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain',
- 'Content-Length' => '0',
- 'WWW-Authenticate' => www_authenticate.to_s },
- []
- ]
- end
- def bad_request
- return [ 400,
- { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain',
- 'Content-Length' => '0' },
- []
- ]
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/abstract/request.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/abstract/request.rb
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--- a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/abstract/request.rb
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-module Rack
- module Auth
- class AbstractRequest
- def initialize(env)
- @env = env
- end
- def provided?
- !authorization_key.nil?
- end
- def parts
- @parts ||= @env[authorization_key].split(' ', 2)
- end
- def scheme
- @scheme ||= parts.first.downcase.to_sym
- end
- def params
- @params ||= parts.last
- end
- private
- def authorization_key
- @authorization_key ||= AUTHORIZATION_KEYS.detect { |key| @env.has_key?(key) }
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/basic.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/basic.rb
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-require 'rack/auth/abstract/handler'
-require 'rack/auth/abstract/request'
-module Rack
- module Auth
- # Rack::Auth::Basic implements HTTP Basic Authentication, as per RFC 2617.
- #
- # Initialize with the Rack application that you want protecting,
- # and a block that checks if a username and password pair are valid.
- #
- # See also: <tt>example/protectedlobster.rb</tt>
- class Basic < AbstractHandler
- def call(env)
- auth = Basic::Request.new(env)
- return unauthorized unless auth.provided?
- return bad_request unless auth.basic?
- if valid?(auth)
- env['REMOTE_USER'] = auth.username
- return @app.call(env)
- end
- unauthorized
- end
- private
- def challenge
- 'Basic realm="%s"' % realm
- end
- def valid?(auth)
- @authenticator.call(*auth.credentials)
- end
- class Request < Auth::AbstractRequest
- def basic?
- :basic == scheme
- end
- def credentials
- @credentials ||= params.unpack("m*").first.split(/:/, 2)
- end
- def username
- credentials.first
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/digest/md5.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/digest/md5.rb
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--- a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/digest/md5.rb
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-require 'rack/auth/abstract/handler'
-require 'rack/auth/digest/request'
-require 'rack/auth/digest/params'
-require 'rack/auth/digest/nonce'
-require 'digest/md5'
-module Rack
- module Auth
- module Digest
- # Rack::Auth::Digest::MD5 implements the MD5 algorithm version of
- # HTTP Digest Authentication, as per RFC 2617.
- #
- # Initialize with the [Rack] application that you want protecting,
- # and a block that looks up a plaintext password for a given username.
- #
- # +opaque+ needs to be set to a constant base64/hexadecimal string.
- #
- class MD5 < AbstractHandler
- attr_accessor :opaque
- attr_writer :passwords_hashed
- def initialize(*args)
- super
- @passwords_hashed = nil
- end
- def passwords_hashed?
- !!@passwords_hashed
- end
- def call(env)
- auth = Request.new(env)
- unless auth.provided?
- return unauthorized
- end
- if !auth.digest? || !auth.correct_uri? || !valid_qop?(auth)
- return bad_request
- end
- if valid?(auth)
- if auth.nonce.stale?
- return unauthorized(challenge(:stale => true))
- else
- env['REMOTE_USER'] = auth.username
- return @app.call(env)
- end
- end
- unauthorized
- end
- private
- QOP = 'auth'.freeze
- def params(hash = {})
- Params.new do |params|
- params['realm'] = realm
- params['nonce'] = Nonce.new.to_s
- params['opaque'] = H(opaque)
- params['qop'] = QOP
- hash.each { |k, v| params[k] = v }
- end
- end
- def challenge(hash = {})
- "Digest #{params(hash)}"
- end
- def valid?(auth)
- valid_opaque?(auth) && valid_nonce?(auth) && valid_digest?(auth)
- end
- def valid_qop?(auth)
- QOP == auth.qop
- end
- def valid_opaque?(auth)
- H(opaque) == auth.opaque
- end
- def valid_nonce?(auth)
- auth.nonce.valid?
- end
- def valid_digest?(auth)
- digest(auth, @authenticator.call(auth.username)) == auth.response
- end
- def md5(data)
- ::Digest::MD5.hexdigest(data)
- end
- alias :H :md5
- def KD(secret, data)
- H([secret, data] * ':')
- end
- def A1(auth, password)
- [ auth.username, auth.realm, password ] * ':'
- end
- def A2(auth)
- [ auth.method, auth.uri ] * ':'
- end
- def digest(auth, password)
- password_hash = passwords_hashed? ? password : H(A1(auth, password))
- KD(password_hash, [ auth.nonce, auth.nc, auth.cnonce, QOP, H(A2(auth)) ] * ':')
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/digest/nonce.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/digest/nonce.rb
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index dbe109f29a..0000000000
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/digest/nonce.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-require 'digest/md5'
-module Rack
- module Auth
- module Digest
- # Rack::Auth::Digest::Nonce is the default nonce generator for the
- # Rack::Auth::Digest::MD5 authentication handler.
- #
- # +private_key+ needs to set to a constant string.
- #
- # +time_limit+ can be optionally set to an integer (number of seconds),
- # to limit the validity of the generated nonces.
- class Nonce
- class << self
- attr_accessor :private_key, :time_limit
- end
- def self.parse(string)
- new(*string.unpack("m*").first.split(' ', 2))
- end
- def initialize(timestamp = Time.now, given_digest = nil)
- @timestamp, @given_digest = timestamp.to_i, given_digest
- end
- def to_s
- [([ @timestamp, digest ] * ' ')].pack("m*").strip
- end
- def digest
- ::Digest::MD5.hexdigest([ @timestamp, self.class.private_key ] * ':')
- end
- def valid?
- digest == @given_digest
- end
- def stale?
- !self.class.time_limit.nil? && (@timestamp - Time.now.to_i) < self.class.time_limit
- end
- def fresh?
- !stale?
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/digest/params.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/digest/params.rb
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--- a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/digest/params.rb
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-module Rack
- module Auth
- module Digest
- class Params < Hash
- def self.parse(str)
- split_header_value(str).inject(new) do |header, param|
- k, v = param.split('=', 2)
- header[k] = dequote(v)
- header
- end
- end
- def self.dequote(str) # From WEBrick::HTTPUtils
- ret = (/\A"(.*)"\Z/ =~ str) ? $1 : str.dup
- ret.gsub!(/\\(.)/, "\\1")
- ret
- end
- def self.split_header_value(str)
- str.scan( /(\w+\=(?:"[^\"]+"|[^,]+))/n ).collect{ |v| v[0] }
- end
- def initialize
- super
- yield self if block_given?
- end
- def [](k)
- super k.to_s
- end
- def []=(k, v)
- super k.to_s, v.to_s
- end
- UNQUOTED = ['qop', 'nc', 'stale']
- def to_s
- inject([]) do |parts, (k, v)|
- parts << "#{k}=" + (UNQUOTED.include?(k) ? v.to_s : quote(v))
- parts
- end.join(', ')
- end
- def quote(str) # From WEBrick::HTTPUtils
- '"' << str.gsub(/[\\\"]/o, "\\\1") << '"'
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/digest/request.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/digest/request.rb
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--- a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/digest/request.rb
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-require 'rack/auth/abstract/request'
-require 'rack/auth/digest/params'
-require 'rack/auth/digest/nonce'
-module Rack
- module Auth
- module Digest
- class Request < Auth::AbstractRequest
- def method
- @env['rack.methodoverride.original_method'] || @env['REQUEST_METHOD']
- end
- def digest?
- :digest == scheme
- end
- def correct_uri?
- (@env['SCRIPT_NAME'].to_s + @env['PATH_INFO'].to_s) == uri
- end
- def nonce
- @nonce ||= Nonce.parse(params['nonce'])
- end
- def params
- @params ||= Params.parse(parts.last)
- end
- def method_missing(sym)
- if params.has_key? key = sym.to_s
- return params[key]
- end
- super
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/openid.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/openid.rb
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--- a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/vendor/rack-1.1.pre/rack/auth/openid.rb
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-# AUTHOR: blink <blinketje@gmail.com>; blink#ruby-lang@irc.freenode.net
-gem 'ruby-openid', '~> 2' if defined? Gem
-require 'rack/request'
-require 'rack/utils'
-require 'rack/auth/abstract/handler'
-require 'uri'
-require 'openid' #gem
-require 'openid/extension' #gem
-require 'openid/store/memory' #gem
-module Rack
- class Request
- def openid_request
- @env['rack.auth.openid.request']
- end
- def openid_response
- @env['rack.auth.openid.response']
- end
- end
- module Auth
- # Rack::Auth::OpenID provides a simple method for setting up an OpenID
- # Consumer. It requires the ruby-openid library from janrain to operate,
- # as well as a rack method of session management.
- #
- # The ruby-openid home page is at http://openidenabled.com/ruby-openid/.
- #
- # The OpenID specifications can be found at
- # http://openid.net/specs/openid-authentication-1_1.html
- # and
- # http://openid.net/specs/openid-authentication-2_0.html. Documentation
- # for published OpenID extensions and related topics can be found at
- # http://openid.net/developers/specs/.
- #
- # It is recommended to read through the OpenID spec, as well as
- # ruby-openid's documentation, to understand what exactly goes on. However
- # a setup as simple as the presented examples is enough to provide
- # Consumer functionality.
- #
- # This library strongly intends to utilize the OpenID 2.0 features of the
- # ruby-openid library, which provides OpenID 1.0 compatiblity.
- #
- # NOTE: Due to the amount of data that this library stores in the
- # session, Rack::Session::Cookie may fault.
- class OpenID
- class NoSession < RuntimeError; end
- class BadExtension < RuntimeError; end
- # Required for ruby-openid
- ValidStatus = [:success, :setup_needed, :cancel, :failure]
- # = Arguments
- #
- # The first argument is the realm, identifying the site they are trusting
- # with their identity. This is required, also treated as the trust_root
- # in OpenID 1.x exchanges.
- #
- # The optional second argument is a hash of options.
- #
- # == Options
- #
- # <tt>:return_to</tt> defines the url to return to after the client
- # authenticates with the openid service provider. This url should point
- # to where Rack::Auth::OpenID is mounted. If <tt>:return_to</tt> is not
- # provided, return_to will be the current url which allows flexibility
- # with caveats.
- #
- # <tt>:session_key</tt> defines the key to the session hash in the env.
- # It defaults to 'rack.session'.
- #
- # <tt>:openid_param</tt> defines at what key in the request parameters to
- # find the identifier to resolve. As per the 2.0 spec, the default is
- # 'openid_identifier'.
- #
- # <tt>:store</tt> defined what OpenID Store to use for persistant
- # information. By default a Store::Memory will be used.
- #
- # <tt>:immediate</tt> as true will make initial requests to be of an
- # immediate type. This is false by default. See OpenID specification
- # documentation.
- #
- # <tt>:extensions</tt> should be a hash of openid extension
- # implementations. The key should be the extension main module, the value
- # should be an array of arguments for extension::Request.new.
- # The hash is iterated over and passed to #add_extension for processing.
- # Please see #add_extension for further documentation.
- #
- # == Examples
- #
- # simple_oid = OpenID.new('http://mysite.com/')
- #
- # return_oid = OpenID.new('http://mysite.com/', {
- # :return_to => 'http://mysite.com/openid'
- # })
- #
- # complex_oid = OpenID.new('http://mysite.com/',
- # :immediate => true,
- # :extensions => {
- # ::OpenID::SReg => [['email'],['nickname']]
- # }
- # )
- #
- # = Advanced
- #
- # Most of the functionality of this library is encapsulated such that
- # expansion and overriding functions isn't difficult nor tricky.
- # Alternately, to avoid opening up singleton objects or subclassing, a
- # wrapper rack middleware can be composed to act upon Auth::OpenID's
- # responses. See #check and #finish for locations of pertinent data.
- #
- # == Responses
- #
- # To change the responses that Auth::OpenID returns, override the methods
- # #redirect, #bad_request, #unauthorized, #access_denied, and
- # #foreign_server_failure.
- #
- # Additionally #confirm_post_params is used when the URI would exceed
- # length limits on a GET request when doing the initial verification
- # request.
- #
- # == Processing
- #
- # To change methods of processing completed transactions, override the
- # methods #success, #setup_needed, #cancel, and #failure. Please ensure
- # the returned object is a rack compatible response.
- #
- # The first argument is an OpenID::Response, the second is a
- # Rack::Request of the current request, the last is the hash used in
- # ruby-openid handling, which can be found manually at
- # env['rack.session'][:openid].
- #
- # This is useful if you wanted to expand the processing done, such as
- # setting up user accounts.
- #
- # oid_app = Rack::Auth::OpenID.new realm, :return_to => return_to
- # def oid_app.success oid, request, session
- # user = Models::User[oid.identity_url]
- # user ||= Models::User.create_from_openid oid
- # request['rack.session'][:user] = user.id
- # redirect MyApp.site_home
- # end
- #
- # site_map['/openid'] = oid_app
- # map = Rack::URLMap.new site_map
- # ...
- def initialize(realm, options={})
- realm = URI(realm)
- raise ArgumentError, "Invalid realm: #{realm}" \
- unless realm.absolute? \
- and realm.fragment.nil? \
- and realm.scheme =~ /^https?$/ \
- and realm.host =~ /^(\*\.)?#{URI::REGEXP::PATTERN::URIC_NO_SLASH}+/
- realm.path = '/' if realm.path.empty?
- @realm = realm.to_s
- if ruri = options[:return_to]
- ruri = URI(ruri)
- raise ArgumentError, "Invalid return_to: #{ruri}" \
- unless ruri.absolute? \
- and ruri.scheme =~ /^https?$/ \
- and ruri.fragment.nil?
- raise ArgumentError, "return_to #{ruri} not within realm #{realm}" \
- unless self.within_realm?(ruri)
- @return_to = ruri.to_s
- end
- @session_key = options[:session_key] || 'rack.session'
- @openid_param = options[:openid_param] || 'openid_identifier'
- @store = options[:store] || ::OpenID::Store::Memory.new
- @immediate = !!options[:immediate]
- @extensions = {}
- if extensions = options.delete(:extensions)
- extensions.each do |ext, args|
- add_extension ext, *args
- end
- end
- # Undocumented, semi-experimental
- @anonymous = !!options[:anonymous]
- end
- attr_reader :realm, :return_to, :session_key, :openid_param, :store,
- :immediate, :extensions
- # Sets up and uses session data at <tt>:openid</tt> within the session.
- # Errors in this setup will raise a NoSession exception.
- #
- # If the parameter 'openid.mode' is set, which implies a followup from
- # the openid server, processing is passed to #finish and the result is
- # returned. However, if there is no appropriate openid information in the
- # session, a 400 error is returned.
- #
- # If the parameter specified by <tt>options[:openid_param]</tt> is
- # present, processing is passed to #check and the result is returned.
- #
- # If neither of these conditions are met, #unauthorized is called.
- def call(env)
- env['rack.auth.openid'] = self
- env_session = env[@session_key]
- unless env_session and env_session.is_a?(Hash)
- raise NoSession, 'No compatible session'
- end
- # let us work in our own namespace...
- session = (env_session[:openid] ||= {})
- unless session and session.is_a?(Hash)
- raise NoSession, 'Incompatible openid session'
- end
- request = Rack::Request.new(env)
- consumer = ::OpenID::Consumer.new(session, @store)
- if mode = request.GET['openid.mode']
- if session.key?(:openid_param)
- finish(consumer, session, request)
- else
- bad_request
- end
- elsif request.GET[@openid_param]
- check(consumer, session, request)
- else
- unauthorized
- end
- end
- # As the first part of OpenID consumer action, #check retrieves the data
- # required for completion.
- #
- # If all parameters fit within the max length of a URI, a 303 redirect
- # will be returned. Otherwise #confirm_post_params will be called.
- #
- # Any messages from OpenID's request are logged to env['rack.errors']
- #
- # <tt>env['rack.auth.openid.request']</tt> is the openid checkid request
- # instance.
- #
- # <tt>session[:openid_param]</tt> is set to the openid identifier
- # provided by the user.
- #
- # <tt>session[:return_to]</tt> is set to the return_to uri given to the
- # identity provider.
- def check(consumer, session, req)
- oid = consumer.begin(req.GET[@openid_param], @anonymous)
- req.env['rack.auth.openid.request'] = oid
- req.env['rack.errors'].puts(oid.message)
- p oid if $DEBUG
- ## Extension support
- extensions.each do |ext,args|
- oid.add_extension(ext::Request.new(*args))
- end
- session[:openid_param] = req.GET[openid_param]
- return_to_uri = return_to ? return_to : req.url
- session[:return_to] = return_to_uri
- immediate = session.key?(:setup_needed) ? false : immediate
- if oid.send_redirect?(realm, return_to_uri, immediate)
- uri = oid.redirect_url(realm, return_to_uri, immediate)
- redirect(uri)
- else
- confirm_post_params(oid, realm, return_to_uri, immediate)
- end
- rescue ::OpenID::DiscoveryFailure => e
- # thrown from inside OpenID::Consumer#begin by yadis stuff
- req.env['rack.errors'].puts([e.message, *e.backtrace]*"\n")
- return foreign_server_failure
- end
- # This is the final portion of authentication.
- # If successful, a redirect to the realm is be returned.
- # Data gathered from extensions are stored in session[:openid] with the
- # extension's namespace uri as the key.
- #
- # Any messages from OpenID's response are logged to env['rack.errors']
- #
- # <tt>env['rack.auth.openid.response']</tt> will contain the openid
- # response.
- def finish(consumer, session, req)
- oid = consumer.complete(req.GET, req.url)
- req.env['rack.auth.openid.response'] = oid
- req.env['rack.errors'].puts(oid.message)
- p oid if $DEBUG
- raise unless ValidStatus.include?(oid.status)
- __send__(oid.status, oid, req, session)
- end
- # The first argument should be the main extension module.
- # The extension module should contain the constants:
- # * class Request, should have OpenID::Extension as an ancestor
- # * class Response, should have OpenID::Extension as an ancestor
- # * string NS_URI, which defining the namespace of the extension
- #
- # All trailing arguments will be passed to extension::Request.new in
- # #check.
- # The openid response will be passed to
- # extension::Response#from_success_response, #get_extension_args will be
- # called on the result to attain the gathered data.
- #
- # This method returns the key at which the response data will be found in
- # the session, which is the namespace uri by default.
- def add_extension(ext, *args)
- raise BadExtension unless valid_extension?(ext)
- extensions[ext] = args
- return ext::NS_URI
- end
- # Checks the validitity, in the context of usage, of a submitted
- # extension.
- def valid_extension?(ext)
- if not %w[NS_URI Request Response].all?{|c| ext.const_defined?(c) }
- raise ArgumentError, 'Extension is missing constants.'
- elsif not ext::Response.respond_to?(:from_success_response)
- raise ArgumentError, 'Response is missing required method.'
- end
- return true
- rescue
- return false
- end
- # Checks the provided uri to ensure it'd be considered within the realm.
- # is currently not compatible with wildcard realms.
- def within_realm? uri
- uri = URI.parse(uri.to_s)
- realm = URI.parse(self.realm)
- return false unless uri.absolute?
- return false unless uri.path[0, realm.path.size] == realm.path
- return false unless uri.host == realm.host or realm.host[/^\*\./]
- # for wildcard support, is awkward with URI limitations
- realm_match = Regexp.escape(realm.host).
- sub(/^\*\./,"^#{URI::REGEXP::PATTERN::URIC_NO_SLASH}+.")+'$'
- return false unless uri.host.match(realm_match)
- return true
- end
- alias_method :include?, :within_realm?
- protected
- ### These methods define some of the boilerplate responses.
- # Returns an html form page for posting to an Identity Provider if the
- # GET request would exceed the upper URI length limit.
- def confirm_post_params(oid, realm, return_to, immediate)
- Rack::Response.new.finish do |r|
- r.write '<html><head><title>Confirm...</title></head><body>'
- r.write oid.form_markup(realm, return_to, immediate)
- r.write '</body></html>'
- end
- end
- # Returns a 303 redirect with the destination of that provided by the
- # argument.
- def redirect(uri)
- [ 303, {'Content-Length'=>'0', 'Content-Type'=>'text/plain',
- 'Location' => uri},
- [] ]
- end
- # Returns an empty 400 response.
- def bad_request
- [ 400, {'Content-Type'=>'text/plain', 'Content-Length'=>'0'},
- [''] ]
- end
- # Returns a basic unauthorized 401 response.
- def unauthorized
- [ 401, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', 'Content-Length' => '13'},
- ['Unauthorized.'] ]
- end
- # Returns a basic access denied 403 response.
- def access_denied
- [ 403, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', 'Content-Length' => '14'},
- ['Access denied.'] ]
- end
- # Returns a 503 response to be used if communication with the remote
- # OpenID server fails.
- def foreign_server_failure
- [ 503, {'Content-Type'=>'text/plain', 'Content-Length' => '23'},
- ['Foreign server failure.'] ]
- end
- private
- ### These methods are called after a transaction is completed, depending
- # on its outcome. These should all return a rack compatible response.
- # You'd want to override these to provide additional functionality.
- # Called to complete processing on a successful transaction.
- # Within the openid session, :openid_identity and :openid_identifier are
- # set to the user friendly and the standard representation of the
- # validated identity. All other data in the openid session is cleared.
- def success(oid, request, session)
- session.clear
- session[:openid_identity] = oid.display_identifier
- session[:openid_identifier] = oid.identity_url
- extensions.keys.each do |ext|
- label = ext.name[/[^:]+$/].downcase
- response = ext::Response.from_success_response(oid)
- session[label] = response.data
- end
- redirect(realm)
- end
- # Called if the Identity Provider indicates further setup by the user is
- # required.
- # The identifier is retrived from the openid session at :openid_param.
- # And :setup_needed is set to true to prevent looping.
- def setup_needed(oid, request, session)
- identifier = session[:openid_param]
- session[:setup_needed] = true
- redirect req.script_name + '?' + openid_param + '=' + identifier
- end
- # Called if the user indicates they wish to cancel identification.
- # Data within openid session is cleared.
- def cancel(oid, request, session)
- session.clear
- access_denied
- end
- # Called if the Identity Provider indicates the user is unable to confirm
- # their identity. Data within the openid session is left alone, in case
- # of swarm auth attacks.
- def failure(oid, request, session)
- unauthorized
- end
- end
- # A class developed out of the request to use OpenID as an authentication
- # middleware. The request will be sent to the OpenID instance unless the
- # block evaluates to true. For example in rackup, you can use it as such:
- #
- # use Rack::Session::Pool
- # use Rack::Auth::OpenIDAuth, realm, openid_options do |env|
- # env['rack.session'][:authkey] == a_string
- # end
- # run RackApp
- #
- # Or simply:
- #
- # app = Rack::Auth::OpenIDAuth.new app, realm, openid_options, &auth
- class OpenIDAuth < Rack::Auth::AbstractHandler
- attr_reader :oid
- def initialize(app, realm, options={}, &auth)
- @oid = OpenID.new(realm, options)
- super(app, &auth)
- end
- def call(env)
- to = auth.call(env) ? @app : @oid
- to.call env
- end
- end
- end