path: root/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/rack-0.4.0/rack/file.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/rack-0.4.0/rack/file.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/rack-0.4.0/rack/file.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/rack-0.4.0/rack/file.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index afb213836c..0000000000
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/rack-0.4.0/rack/file.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-require 'time'
-module Rack
- # Rack::File serves files below the +root+ given, according to the
- # path info of the Rack request.
- #
- # Handlers can detect if bodies are a Rack::File, and use mechanisms
- # like sendfile on the +path+.
- class File
- attr_accessor :root
- attr_accessor :path
- def initialize(root)
- @root = root
- end
- def call(env)
- dup._call(env)
- end
- F = ::File
- def _call(env)
- if env["PATH_INFO"].include? ".."
- body = "Forbidden\n"
- size = body.respond_to?(:bytesize) ? body.bytesize : body.size
- return [403, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain","Content-Length" => size.to_s}, [body]]
- end
- @path = F.join(@root, Utils.unescape(env["PATH_INFO"]))
- ext = F.extname(@path)[1..-1]
- if F.file?(@path) && F.readable?(@path)
- [200, {
- "Last-Modified" => F.mtime(@path).httpdate,
- "Content-Type" => MIME_TYPES[ext] || "text/plain",
- "Content-Length" => F.size(@path).to_s
- }, self]
- else
- body = "File not found: #{env["PATH_INFO"]}\n"
- size = body.respond_to?(:bytesize) ? body.bytesize : body.size
- [404, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain", "Content-Length" => size.to_s}, [body]]
- end
- end
- def each
- F.open(@path, "rb") { |file|
- while part = file.read(8192)
- yield part
- end
- }
- end
- # :stopdoc:
- # From WEBrick with some additions.
- "ai" => "application/postscript",
- "asc" => "text/plain",
- "avi" => "video/x-msvideo",
- "bin" => "application/octet-stream",
- "bmp" => "image/bmp",
- "class" => "application/octet-stream",
- "cer" => "application/pkix-cert",
- "crl" => "application/pkix-crl",
- "crt" => "application/x-x509-ca-cert",
- #"crl" => "application/x-pkcs7-crl",
- "css" => "text/css",
- "dms" => "application/octet-stream",
- "doc" => "application/msword",
- "dvi" => "application/x-dvi",
- "eps" => "application/postscript",
- "etx" => "text/x-setext",
- "exe" => "application/octet-stream",
- "gif" => "image/gif",
- "htm" => "text/html",
- "html" => "text/html",
- "jpe" => "image/jpeg",
- "jpeg" => "image/jpeg",
- "jpg" => "image/jpeg",
- "js" => "text/javascript",
- "lha" => "application/octet-stream",
- "lzh" => "application/octet-stream",
- "mov" => "video/quicktime",
- "mp3" => "audio/mpeg",
- "mpe" => "video/mpeg",
- "mpeg" => "video/mpeg",
- "mpg" => "video/mpeg",
- "pbm" => "image/x-portable-bitmap",
- "pdf" => "application/pdf",
- "pgm" => "image/x-portable-graymap",
- "png" => "image/png",
- "pnm" => "image/x-portable-anymap",
- "ppm" => "image/x-portable-pixmap",
- "ppt" => "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint",
- "ps" => "application/postscript",
- "qt" => "video/quicktime",
- "ras" => "image/x-cmu-raster",
- "rb" => "text/plain",
- "rd" => "text/plain",
- "rtf" => "application/rtf",
- "sgm" => "text/sgml",
- "sgml" => "text/sgml",
- "tif" => "image/tiff",
- "tiff" => "image/tiff",
- "txt" => "text/plain",
- "xbm" => "image/x-xbitmap",
- "xls" => "application/vnd.ms-excel",
- "xml" => "text/xml",
- "xpm" => "image/x-xpixmap",
- "xwd" => "image/x-xwindowdump",
- "zip" => "application/zip",
- }
- # :startdoc:
- end