path: root/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base/chained
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3 files changed, 0 insertions, 973 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base/chained/benchmarking.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base/chained/benchmarking.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 57a1ac8314..0000000000
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base/chained/benchmarking.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-require 'active_support/core_ext/benchmark'
-module ActionController #:nodoc:
- # The benchmarking module times the performance of actions and reports to the logger. If the Active Record
- # package has been included, a separate timing section for database calls will be added as well.
- module Benchmarking #:nodoc:
- def self.included(base)
- base.extend(ClassMethods)
- base.class_eval do
- alias_method_chain :perform_action, :benchmark
- alias_method_chain :render, :benchmark
- end
- end
- module ClassMethods
- # Log and benchmark the workings of a single block and silence whatever logging that may have happened inside it
- # (unless <tt>use_silence</tt> is set to false).
- #
- # The benchmark is only recorded if the current level of the logger matches the <tt>log_level</tt>, which makes it
- # easy to include benchmarking statements in production software that will remain inexpensive because the benchmark
- # will only be conducted if the log level is low enough.
- def benchmark(title, log_level = Logger::DEBUG, use_silence = true)
- if logger && logger.level >= log_level
- result = nil
- ms = Benchmark.ms { result = use_silence ? silence { yield } : yield }
- logger.add(log_level, "#{title} (#{('%.1f' % ms)}ms)")
- result
- else
- yield
- end
- end
- # Silences the logger for the duration of the block.
- def silence
- old_logger_level, logger.level = logger.level, Logger::ERROR if logger
- yield
- ensure
- logger.level = old_logger_level if logger
- end
- end
- protected
- def render_with_benchmark(options = nil, extra_options = {}, &block)
- if logger
- if Object.const_defined?("ActiveRecord") && ActiveRecord::Base.connected?
- db_runtime = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reset_runtime
- end
- render_output = nil
- @view_runtime = Benchmark.ms { render_output = render_without_benchmark(options, extra_options, &block) }
- if Object.const_defined?("ActiveRecord") && ActiveRecord::Base.connected?
- @db_rt_before_render = db_runtime
- @db_rt_after_render = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reset_runtime
- @view_runtime -= @db_rt_after_render
- end
- render_output
- else
- render_without_benchmark(options, extra_options, &block)
- end
- end
- private
- def perform_action_with_benchmark
- if logger && logger.info?
- ms = [Benchmark.ms { perform_action_without_benchmark }, 0.01].max
- logging_view = defined?(@view_runtime)
- logging_active_record = Object.const_defined?("ActiveRecord") && ActiveRecord::Base.connected?
- log_message = 'Completed in %.0fms' % ms
- if logging_view || logging_active_record
- log_message << " ("
- log_message << view_runtime if logging_view
- if logging_active_record
- log_message << ", " if logging_view
- log_message << active_record_runtime + ")"
- else
- ")"
- end
- end
- log_message << " | #{response.status}"
- log_message << " [#{complete_request_uri rescue "unknown"}]"
- logger.info(log_message)
- response.headers["X-Runtime"] = "%.0f" % ms
- else
- perform_action_without_benchmark
- end
- end
- def view_runtime
- "View: %.0f" % @view_runtime
- end
- def active_record_runtime
- db_runtime = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reset_runtime
- db_runtime += @db_rt_before_render if @db_rt_before_render
- db_runtime += @db_rt_after_render if @db_rt_after_render
- "DB: %.0f" % db_runtime
- end
- end
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base/chained/filters.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base/chained/filters.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f528dd0686..0000000000
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base/chained/filters.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,670 +0,0 @@
-module ActionController #:nodoc:
- module Filters #:nodoc:
- extend ActiveSupport::Concern
- class FilterChain < ActiveSupport::Callbacks::CallbackChain #:nodoc:
- def append_filter_to_chain(filters, filter_type, &block)
- pos = find_filter_append_position(filters, filter_type)
- update_filter_chain(filters, filter_type, pos, &block)
- end
- def prepend_filter_to_chain(filters, filter_type, &block)
- pos = find_filter_prepend_position(filters, filter_type)
- update_filter_chain(filters, filter_type, pos, &block)
- end
- def create_filters(filters, filter_type, &block)
- filters, conditions = extract_options(filters, &block)
- filters.map! { |filter| find_or_create_filter(filter, filter_type, conditions) }
- filters
- end
- def skip_filter_in_chain(*filters, &test)
- filters, conditions = extract_options(filters)
- filters.each do |filter|
- if callback = find(filter) then delete(callback) end
- end if conditions.empty?
- update_filter_in_chain(filters, :skip => conditions, &test)
- end
- private
- def update_filter_chain(filters, filter_type, pos, &block)
- new_filters = create_filters(filters, filter_type, &block)
- insert(pos, new_filters).flatten!
- end
- def find_filter_append_position(filters, filter_type)
- # appending an after filter puts it at the end of the call chain
- # before and around filters go before the first after filter in the chain
- unless filter_type == :after
- each_with_index do |f,i|
- return i if f.after?
- end
- end
- return -1
- end
- def find_filter_prepend_position(filters, filter_type)
- # prepending a before or around filter puts it at the front of the call chain
- # after filters go before the first after filter in the chain
- if filter_type == :after
- each_with_index do |f,i|
- return i if f.after?
- end
- return -1
- end
- return 0
- end
- def find_or_create_filter(filter, filter_type, options = {})
- update_filter_in_chain([filter], options)
- if found_filter = find(filter) { |f| f.type == filter_type }
- found_filter
- else
- filter_kind = case
- when filter.respond_to?(:before) && filter_type == :before
- :before
- when filter.respond_to?(:after) && filter_type == :after
- :after
- else
- :filter
- end
- case filter_type
- when :before
- BeforeFilter.new(filter_kind, filter, options)
- when :after
- AfterFilter.new(filter_kind, filter, options)
- else
- AroundFilter.new(filter_kind, filter, options)
- end
- end
- end
- def update_filter_in_chain(filters, options, &test)
- filters.map! { |f| block_given? ? find(f, &test) : find(f) }
- filters.compact!
- map! do |filter|
- if filters.include?(filter)
- new_filter = filter.dup
- new_filter.update_options!(options)
- new_filter
- else
- filter
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class Filter < ActiveSupport::Callbacks::Callback #:nodoc:
- def initialize(kind, method, options = {})
- super
- update_options! options
- end
- # override these to return true in appropriate subclass
- def before?
- false
- end
- def after?
- false
- end
- def around?
- false
- end
- # Make sets of strings from :only/:except options
- def update_options!(other)
- if other
- convert_only_and_except_options_to_sets_of_strings(other)
- if other[:skip]
- convert_only_and_except_options_to_sets_of_strings(other[:skip])
- end
- end
- options.update(other)
- end
- private
- def should_not_skip?(controller)
- if options[:skip]
- !included_in_action?(controller, options[:skip])
- else
- true
- end
- end
- def included_in_action?(controller, options)
- if options[:only]
- options[:only].include?(controller.action_name)
- elsif options[:except]
- !options[:except].include?(controller.action_name)
- else
- true
- end
- end
- def should_run_callback?(controller)
- should_not_skip?(controller) && included_in_action?(controller, options) && super
- end
- def convert_only_and_except_options_to_sets_of_strings(opts)
- [:only, :except].each do |key|
- if values = opts[key]
- opts[key] = Array(values).map {|val| val.to_s }.to_set
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class AroundFilter < Filter #:nodoc:
- def type
- :around
- end
- def around?
- true
- end
- def call(controller, &block)
- if should_run_callback?(controller)
- method = filter_responds_to_before_and_after? ? around_proc : self.method
- # For around_filter do |controller, action|
- if method.is_a?(Proc) && method.arity == 2
- evaluate_method(method, controller, block)
- else
- evaluate_method(method, controller, &block)
- end
- else
- block.call
- end
- end
- private
- def filter_responds_to_before_and_after?
- method.respond_to?(:before) && method.respond_to?(:after)
- end
- def around_proc
- Proc.new do |controller, action|
- method.before(controller)
- if controller.__send__(:performed?)
- controller.__send__(:halt_filter_chain, method, :rendered_or_redirected)
- else
- begin
- action.call
- ensure
- method.after(controller)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class BeforeFilter < Filter #:nodoc:
- def type
- :before
- end
- def before?
- true
- end
- def call(controller, &block)
- super
- if controller.__send__(:performed?)
- controller.__send__(:halt_filter_chain, method, :rendered_or_redirected)
- end
- end
- end
- class AfterFilter < Filter #:nodoc:
- def type
- :after
- end
- def after?
- true
- end
- end
- # Filters enable controllers to run shared pre- and post-processing code for its actions. These filters can be used to do
- # authentication, caching, or auditing before the intended action is performed. Or to do localization or output
- # compression after the action has been performed. Filters have access to the request, response, and all the instance
- # variables set by other filters in the chain or by the action (in the case of after filters).
- #
- # == Filter inheritance
- #
- # Controller inheritance hierarchies share filters downwards, but subclasses can also add or skip filters without
- # affecting the superclass. For example:
- #
- # class BankController < ActionController::Base
- # before_filter :audit
- #
- # private
- # def audit
- # # record the action and parameters in an audit log
- # end
- # end
- #
- # class VaultController < BankController
- # before_filter :verify_credentials
- #
- # private
- # def verify_credentials
- # # make sure the user is allowed into the vault
- # end
- # end
- #
- # Now any actions performed on the BankController will have the audit method called before. On the VaultController,
- # first the audit method is called, then the verify_credentials method. If the audit method renders or redirects, then
- # verify_credentials and the intended action are never called.
- #
- # == Filter types
- #
- # A filter can take one of three forms: method reference (symbol), external class, or inline method (proc). The first
- # is the most common and works by referencing a protected or private method somewhere in the inheritance hierarchy of
- # the controller by use of a symbol. In the bank example above, both BankController and VaultController use this form.
- #
- # Using an external class makes for more easily reused generic filters, such as output compression. External filter classes
- # are implemented by having a static +filter+ method on any class and then passing this class to the filter method. Example:
- #
- # class OutputCompressionFilter
- # def self.filter(controller)
- # controller.response.body = compress(controller.response.body)
- # end
- # end
- #
- # class NewspaperController < ActionController::Base
- # after_filter OutputCompressionFilter
- # end
- #
- # The filter method is passed the controller instance and is hence granted access to all aspects of the controller and can
- # manipulate them as it sees fit.
- #
- # The inline method (using a proc) can be used to quickly do something small that doesn't require a lot of explanation.
- # Or just as a quick test. It works like this:
- #
- # class WeblogController < ActionController::Base
- # before_filter { |controller| head(400) if controller.params["stop_action"] }
- # end
- #
- # As you can see, the block expects to be passed the controller after it has assigned the request to the internal variables.
- # This means that the block has access to both the request and response objects complete with convenience methods for params,
- # session, template, and assigns. Note: The inline method doesn't strictly have to be a block; any object that responds to call
- # and returns 1 or -1 on arity will do (such as a Proc or an Method object).
- #
- # Please note that around_filters function a little differently than the normal before and after filters with regard to filter
- # types. Please see the section dedicated to around_filters below.
- #
- # == Filter chain ordering
- #
- # Using <tt>before_filter</tt> and <tt>after_filter</tt> appends the specified filters to the existing chain. That's usually
- # just fine, but some times you care more about the order in which the filters are executed. When that's the case, you
- # can use <tt>prepend_before_filter</tt> and <tt>prepend_after_filter</tt>. Filters added by these methods will be put at the
- # beginning of their respective chain and executed before the rest. For example:
- #
- # class ShoppingController < ActionController::Base
- # before_filter :verify_open_shop
- #
- # class CheckoutController < ShoppingController
- # prepend_before_filter :ensure_items_in_cart, :ensure_items_in_stock
- #
- # The filter chain for the CheckoutController is now <tt>:ensure_items_in_cart, :ensure_items_in_stock,</tt>
- # <tt>:verify_open_shop</tt>. So if either of the ensure filters renders or redirects, we'll never get around to see if the shop
- # is open or not.
- #
- # You may pass multiple filter arguments of each type as well as a filter block.
- # If a block is given, it is treated as the last argument.
- #
- # == Around filters
- #
- # Around filters wrap an action, executing code both before and after.
- # They may be declared as method references, blocks, or objects responding
- # to +filter+ or to both +before+ and +after+.
- #
- # To use a method as an +around_filter+, pass a symbol naming the Ruby method.
- # Yield (or <tt>block.call</tt>) within the method to run the action.
- #
- # around_filter :catch_exceptions
- #
- # private
- # def catch_exceptions
- # yield
- # rescue => exception
- # logger.debug "Caught exception! #{exception}"
- # raise
- # end
- #
- # To use a block as an +around_filter+, pass a block taking as args both
- # the controller and the action block. You can't call yield directly from
- # an +around_filter+ block; explicitly call the action block instead:
- #
- # around_filter do |controller, action|
- # logger.debug "before #{controller.action_name}"
- # action.call
- # logger.debug "after #{controller.action_name}"
- # end
- #
- # To use a filter object with +around_filter+, pass an object responding
- # to <tt>:filter</tt> or both <tt>:before</tt> and <tt>:after</tt>. With a
- # filter method, yield to the block as above:
- #
- # around_filter BenchmarkingFilter
- #
- # class BenchmarkingFilter
- # def self.filter(controller, &block)
- # Benchmark.measure(&block)
- # end
- # end
- #
- # With +before+ and +after+ methods:
- #
- # around_filter Authorizer.new
- #
- # class Authorizer
- # # This will run before the action. Redirecting aborts the action.
- # def before(controller)
- # unless user.authorized?
- # redirect_to(login_url)
- # end
- # end
- #
- # # This will run after the action if and only if before did not render or redirect.
- # def after(controller)
- # end
- # end
- #
- # If the filter has +before+ and +after+ methods, the +before+ method will be
- # called before the action. If +before+ renders or redirects, the filter chain is
- # halted and +after+ will not be run. See Filter Chain Halting below for
- # an example.
- #
- # == Filter chain skipping
- #
- # Declaring a filter on a base class conveniently applies to its subclasses,
- # but sometimes a subclass should skip some of its superclass' filters:
- #
- # class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
- # before_filter :authenticate
- # around_filter :catch_exceptions
- # end
- #
- # class WeblogController < ApplicationController
- # # Will run the :authenticate and :catch_exceptions filters.
- # end
- #
- # class SignupController < ApplicationController
- # # Skip :authenticate, run :catch_exceptions.
- # skip_before_filter :authenticate
- # end
- #
- # class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
- # # Skip :catch_exceptions, run :authenticate.
- # skip_filter :catch_exceptions
- # end
- #
- # class ClientsController < ApplicationController
- # # Skip :catch_exceptions and :authenticate unless action is index.
- # skip_filter :catch_exceptions, :authenticate, :except => :index
- # end
- #
- # == Filter conditions
- #
- # Filters may be limited to specific actions by declaring the actions to
- # include or exclude. Both options accept single actions
- # (<tt>:only => :index</tt>) or arrays of actions
- # (<tt>:except => [:foo, :bar]</tt>).
- #
- # class Journal < ActionController::Base
- # # Require authentication for edit and delete.
- # before_filter :authorize, :only => [:edit, :delete]
- #
- # # Passing options to a filter with a block.
- # around_filter(:except => :index) do |controller, action_block|
- # results = Profiler.run(&action_block)
- # controller.response.sub! "</body>", "#{results}</body>"
- # end
- #
- # private
- # def authorize
- # # Redirect to login unless authenticated.
- # end
- # end
- #
- # == Filter Chain Halting
- #
- # <tt>before_filter</tt> and <tt>around_filter</tt> may halt the request
- # before a controller action is run. This is useful, for example, to deny
- # access to unauthenticated users or to redirect from HTTP to HTTPS.
- # Simply call render or redirect. After filters will not be executed if the filter
- # chain is halted.
- #
- # Around filters halt the request unless the action block is called.
- # Given these filters
- # after_filter :after
- # around_filter :around
- # before_filter :before
- #
- # The filter chain will look like:
- #
- # ...
- # . \
- # . #around (code before yield)
- # . . \
- # . . #before (actual filter code is run)
- # . . . \
- # . . . execute controller action
- # . . . /
- # . . ...
- # . . /
- # . #around (code after yield)
- # . /
- # #after (actual filter code is run, unless the around filter does not yield)
- #
- # If +around+ returns before yielding, +after+ will still not be run. The +before+
- # filter and controller action will not be run. If +before+ renders or redirects,
- # the second half of +around+ and will still run but +after+ and the
- # action will not. If +around+ fails to yield, +after+ will not be run.
- module ClassMethods
- # The passed <tt>filters</tt> will be appended to the filter_chain and
- # will execute before the action on this controller is performed.
- def append_before_filter(*filters, &block)
- filter_chain.append_filter_to_chain(filters, :before, &block)
- end
- # The passed <tt>filters</tt> will be prepended to the filter_chain and
- # will execute before the action on this controller is performed.
- def prepend_before_filter(*filters, &block)
- filter_chain.prepend_filter_to_chain(filters, :before, &block)
- end
- # Shorthand for append_before_filter since it's the most common.
- alias :before_filter :append_before_filter
- # The passed <tt>filters</tt> will be appended to the array of filters
- # that run _after_ actions on this controller are performed.
- def append_after_filter(*filters, &block)
- filter_chain.append_filter_to_chain(filters, :after, &block)
- end
- # The passed <tt>filters</tt> will be prepended to the array of filters
- # that run _after_ actions on this controller are performed.
- def prepend_after_filter(*filters, &block)
- filter_chain.prepend_filter_to_chain(filters, :after, &block)
- end
- # Shorthand for append_after_filter since it's the most common.
- alias :after_filter :append_after_filter
- # If you <tt>append_around_filter A.new, B.new</tt>, the filter chain looks like
- #
- # B#before
- # A#before
- # # run the action
- # A#after
- # B#after
- #
- # With around filters which yield to the action block, +before+ and +after+
- # are the code before and after the yield.
- def append_around_filter(*filters, &block)
- filter_chain.append_filter_to_chain(filters, :around, &block)
- end
- # If you <tt>prepend_around_filter A.new, B.new</tt>, the filter chain looks like:
- #
- # A#before
- # B#before
- # # run the action
- # B#after
- # A#after
- #
- # With around filters which yield to the action block, +before+ and +after+
- # are the code before and after the yield.
- def prepend_around_filter(*filters, &block)
- filter_chain.prepend_filter_to_chain(filters, :around, &block)
- end
- # Shorthand for +append_around_filter+ since it's the most common.
- alias :around_filter :append_around_filter
- # Removes the specified filters from the +before+ filter chain. Note that this only works for skipping method-reference
- # filters, not procs. This is especially useful for managing the chain in inheritance hierarchies where only one out
- # of many sub-controllers need a different hierarchy.
- #
- # You can control the actions to skip the filter for with the <tt>:only</tt> and <tt>:except</tt> options,
- # just like when you apply the filters.
- def skip_before_filter(*filters)
- filter_chain.skip_filter_in_chain(*filters, &:before?)
- end
- # Removes the specified filters from the +after+ filter chain. Note that this only works for skipping method-reference
- # filters, not procs. This is especially useful for managing the chain in inheritance hierarchies where only one out
- # of many sub-controllers need a different hierarchy.
- #
- # You can control the actions to skip the filter for with the <tt>:only</tt> and <tt>:except</tt> options,
- # just like when you apply the filters.
- def skip_after_filter(*filters)
- filter_chain.skip_filter_in_chain(*filters, &:after?)
- end
- # Removes the specified filters from the filter chain. This only works for method reference (symbol)
- # filters, not procs. This method is different from skip_after_filter and skip_before_filter in that
- # it will match any before, after or yielding around filter.
- #
- # You can control the actions to skip the filter for with the <tt>:only</tt> and <tt>:except</tt> options,
- # just like when you apply the filters.
- def skip_filter(*filters)
- filter_chain.skip_filter_in_chain(*filters)
- end
- # Returns an array of Filter objects for this controller.
- def filter_chain
- read_inheritable_attribute('filter_chain') || write_inheritable_attribute('filter_chain', FilterChain.new)
- end
- # Returns all the before filters for this class and all its ancestors.
- # This method returns the actual filter that was assigned in the controller to maintain existing functionality.
- def before_filters #:nodoc:
- filter_chain.select(&:before?).map(&:method)
- end
- # Returns all the after filters for this class and all its ancestors.
- # This method returns the actual filter that was assigned in the controller to maintain existing functionality.
- def after_filters #:nodoc:
- filter_chain.select(&:after?).map(&:method)
- end
- end
- module InstanceMethods # :nodoc:
- def self.included(base)
- base.class_eval do
- alias_method_chain :perform_action, :filters
- alias_method_chain :process, :filters
- end
- end
- protected
- def process_with_filters(request, response, method = :perform_action, *arguments) #:nodoc:
- @before_filter_chain_aborted = false
- process_without_filters(request, response, method, *arguments)
- end
- def perform_action_with_filters
- call_filters(self.class.filter_chain, 0, 0)
- end
- private
- def call_filters(chain, index, nesting)
- index = run_before_filters(chain, index, nesting)
- aborted = @before_filter_chain_aborted
- perform_action_without_filters unless performed? || aborted
- return index if nesting != 0 || aborted
- run_after_filters(chain, index)
- end
- def run_before_filters(chain, index, nesting)
- while chain[index]
- filter, index = chain[index], index
- break unless filter # end of call chain reached
- case filter
- when BeforeFilter
- filter.call(self) # invoke before filter
- index = index.next
- break if @before_filter_chain_aborted
- when AroundFilter
- yielded = false
- filter.call(self) do
- yielded = true
- # all remaining before and around filters will be run in this call
- index = call_filters(chain, index.next, nesting.next)
- end
- halt_filter_chain(filter, :did_not_yield) unless yielded
- break
- else
- break # no before or around filters left
- end
- end
- index
- end
- def run_after_filters(chain, index)
- seen_after_filter = false
- while chain[index]
- filter, index = chain[index], index
- break unless filter # end of call chain reached
- case filter
- when AfterFilter
- seen_after_filter = true
- filter.call(self) # invoke after filter
- else
- # implementation error or someone has mucked with the filter chain
- raise ActionControllerError, "filter #{filter.inspect} was in the wrong place!" if seen_after_filter
- end
- index = index.next
- end
- index.next
- end
- def halt_filter_chain(filter, reason)
- @before_filter_chain_aborted = true
- logger.info "Filter chain halted as [#{filter.inspect}] #{reason}." if logger
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base/chained/flash.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base/chained/flash.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 42c6e430ca..0000000000
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base/chained/flash.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-module ActionController #:nodoc:
- # The flash provides a way to pass temporary objects between actions. Anything you place in the flash will be exposed
- # to the very next action and then cleared out. This is a great way of doing notices and alerts, such as a create
- # action that sets <tt>flash[:notice] = "Successfully created"</tt> before redirecting to a display action that can
- # then expose the flash to its template. Actually, that exposure is automatically done. Example:
- #
- # class PostsController < ActionController::Base
- # def create
- # # save post
- # flash[:notice] = "Successfully created post"
- # redirect_to posts_path(@post)
- # end
- #
- # def show
- # # doesn't need to assign the flash notice to the template, that's done automatically
- # end
- # end
- #
- # show.html.erb
- # <% if flash[:notice] %>
- # <div class="notice"><%= flash[:notice] %></div>
- # <% end %>
- #
- # This example just places a string in the flash, but you can put any object in there. And of course, you can put as
- # many as you like at a time too. Just remember: They'll be gone by the time the next action has been performed.
- #
- # See docs on the FlashHash class for more details about the flash.
- module Flash
- extend ActiveSupport::Concern
- # TODO : Remove the defined? check when new base is the main base
- include Session if defined?(ActionController::Http)
- included do
- # TODO : Remove the defined? check when new base is the main base
- if defined?(ActionController::Http)
- include InstanceMethodsForNewBase
- else
- include InstanceMethodsForBase
- alias_method_chain :perform_action, :flash
- alias_method_chain :reset_session, :flash
- end
- end
- class FlashNow #:nodoc:
- def initialize(flash)
- @flash = flash
- end
- def []=(k, v)
- @flash[k] = v
- @flash.discard(k)
- v
- end
- def [](k)
- @flash[k]
- end
- end
- class FlashHash < Hash
- def initialize #:nodoc:
- super
- @used = {}
- end
- def []=(k, v) #:nodoc:
- keep(k)
- super
- end
- def update(h) #:nodoc:
- h.keys.each { |k| keep(k) }
- super
- end
- alias :merge! :update
- def replace(h) #:nodoc:
- @used = {}
- super
- end
- # Sets a flash that will not be available to the next action, only to the current.
- #
- # flash.now[:message] = "Hello current action"
- #
- # This method enables you to use the flash as a central messaging system in your app.
- # When you need to pass an object to the next action, you use the standard flash assign (<tt>[]=</tt>).
- # When you need to pass an object to the current action, you use <tt>now</tt>, and your object will
- # vanish when the current action is done.
- #
- # Entries set via <tt>now</tt> are accessed the same way as standard entries: <tt>flash['my-key']</tt>.
- def now
- FlashNow.new(self)
- end
- # Keeps either the entire current flash or a specific flash entry available for the next action:
- #
- # flash.keep # keeps the entire flash
- # flash.keep(:notice) # keeps only the "notice" entry, the rest of the flash is discarded
- def keep(k = nil)
- use(k, false)
- end
- # Marks the entire flash or a single flash entry to be discarded by the end of the current action:
- #
- # flash.discard # discard the entire flash at the end of the current action
- # flash.discard(:warning) # discard only the "warning" entry at the end of the current action
- def discard(k = nil)
- use(k)
- end
- # Mark for removal entries that were kept, and delete unkept ones.
- #
- # This method is called automatically by filters, so you generally don't need to care about it.
- def sweep #:nodoc:
- keys.each do |k|
- unless @used[k]
- use(k)
- else
- delete(k)
- @used.delete(k)
- end
- end
- # clean up after keys that could have been left over by calling reject! or shift on the flash
- (@used.keys - keys).each{ |k| @used.delete(k) }
- end
- def store(session, key = "flash")
- return if self.empty?
- session[key] = self
- end
- private
- # Used internally by the <tt>keep</tt> and <tt>discard</tt> methods
- # use() # marks the entire flash as used
- # use('msg') # marks the "msg" entry as used
- # use(nil, false) # marks the entire flash as unused (keeps it around for one more action)
- # use('msg', false) # marks the "msg" entry as unused (keeps it around for one more action)
- # Returns the single value for the key you asked to be marked (un)used or the FlashHash itself
- # if no key is passed.
- def use(key = nil, used = true)
- Array(key || keys).each { |k| @used[k] = used }
- return key ? self[key] : self
- end
- end
- module InstanceMethodsForBase #:nodoc:
- protected
- def perform_action_with_flash
- perform_action_without_flash
- if defined? @_flash
- @_flash.store(session)
- remove_instance_variable(:@_flash)
- end
- end
- def reset_session_with_flash
- reset_session_without_flash
- remove_instance_variable(:@_flash) if defined?(@_flash)
- end
- end
- module InstanceMethodsForNewBase #:nodoc:
- protected
- def process_action(method_name)
- super
- if defined? @_flash
- @_flash.store(session)
- remove_instance_variable(:@_flash)
- end
- end
- def reset_session
- super
- remove_instance_variable(:@_flash) if defined?(@_flash)
- end
- end
- protected
- # Access the contents of the flash. Use <tt>flash["notice"]</tt> to
- # read a notice you put there or <tt>flash["notice"] = "hello"</tt>
- # to put a new one.
- def flash #:doc:
- if !defined?(@_flash)
- @_flash = session["flash"] || FlashHash.new
- @_flash.sweep
- end
- @_flash
- end
- end