path: root/actioncable/lib/action_cable/server/configuration.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'actioncable/lib/action_cable/server/configuration.rb')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/actioncable/lib/action_cable/server/configuration.rb b/actioncable/lib/action_cable/server/configuration.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7fcee019b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actioncable/lib/action_cable/server/configuration.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access'
+module ActionCable
+ module Server
+ # An instance of this configuration object is available via ActionCable.server.config, which allows you to tweak the configuration points
+ # in a Rails config initializer.
+ class Configuration
+ attr_accessor :logger, :log_tags
+ attr_accessor :connection_class, :worker_pool_size
+ attr_accessor :redis_path, :channels_path
+ attr_accessor :disable_request_forgery_protection, :allowed_request_origins
+ attr_accessor :url
+ def initialize
+ @logger = Rails.logger
+ @log_tags = []
+ @connection_class = ApplicationCable::Connection
+ @worker_pool_size = 100
+ @redis_path = Rails.root.join('config/redis/cable.yml')
+ @channels_path = Rails.root.join('app/channels')
+ @disable_request_forgery_protection = false
+ end
+ def log_to_stdout
+ console = ActiveSupport::Logger.new($stdout)
+ console.formatter = @logger.formatter
+ console.level = @logger.level
+ @logger.extend(ActiveSupport::Logger.broadcast(console))
+ end
+ def channel_paths
+ @channels ||= Dir["#{channels_path}/**/*_channel.rb"]
+ end
+ def channel_class_names
+ @channel_class_names ||= channel_paths.collect do |channel_path|
+ Pathname.new(channel_path).basename.to_s.split('.').first.camelize
+ end
+ end
+ def redis
+ @redis ||= config_for(redis_path).with_indifferent_access
+ end
+ private
+ # FIXME: Extract this from Rails::Application in a way it can be used here.
+ def config_for(path)
+ if path.exist?
+ require "yaml"
+ require "erb"
+ (YAML.load(ERB.new(path.read).result) || {})[Rails.env] || {}
+ else
+ raise "Could not load configuration. No such file - #{path}"
+ end
+ rescue Psych::SyntaxError => e
+ raise "YAML syntax error occurred while parsing #{path}. " \
+ "Please note that YAML must be consistently indented using spaces. Tabs are not allowed. " \
+ "Error: #{e.message}"
+ end
+ end
+ end