diff options
9 files changed, 176 insertions, 163 deletions
diff --git a/lib/action_cable/channel/base.rb b/lib/action_cable/channel/base.rb
index 83ba2cb3d2..6c55a8ed65 100644
--- a/lib/action_cable/channel/base.rb
+++ b/lib/action_cable/channel/base.rb
@@ -10,16 +10,10 @@ module ActionCable
attr_reader :params, :connection
delegate :logger, to: :connection
- class_attribute :channel_name
class << self
def matches?(identifier)
raise "Please implement #{name}#matches? method"
- def find_name
- @name ||= channel_name || to_s.demodulize.underscore
- end
def initialize(connection, channel_identifier, params = {})
@@ -138,4 +132,4 @@ module ActionCable
-end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/action_cable/connection/subscriptions.rb b/lib/action_cable/connection/subscriptions.rb
index 9e7a8a5f73..ae191c7795 100644
--- a/lib/action_cable/connection/subscriptions.rb
+++ b/lib/action_cable/connection/subscriptions.rb
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module ActionCable
id_options = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(id_key).with_indifferent_access
subscription_klass = connection.server.registered_channels.detect do |channel_klass|
- channel_klass.find_name == id_options[:channel]
+ channel_klass == id_options[:channel].safe_constantize
if subscription_klass
@@ -66,4 +66,4 @@ module ActionCable
-end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/assets/javascripts/cable.js.coffee b/lib/assets/javascripts/cable.js.coffee
index 7c033d3b08..0bd1757505 100644
--- a/lib/assets/javascripts/cable.js.coffee
+++ b/lib/assets/javascripts/cable.js.coffee
@@ -1,124 +1,8 @@
#= require_self
-#= require_tree .
+#= require cable/consumer
-class @Cable
+@Cable =
- constructor: (@cableUrl) ->
- @subscribers = {}
- @resetPingTime()
- @resetConnectionAttemptsCount()
- @connect()
- connect: ->
- @connection = @createConnection()
- createConnection: ->
- connection = new WebSocket(@cableUrl)
- connection.onmessage = @receiveData
- connection.onopen = @connected
- connection.onclose = @reconnect
- connection.onerror = @reconnect
- connection
- isConnected: =>
- @connection?.readyState is 1
- sendData: (identifier, data) =>
- if @isConnected()
- @connection.send JSON.stringify { command: 'message', identifier: identifier, data: data }
- receiveData: (message) =>
- data = JSON.parse message.data
- if data.identifier is '_ping'
- @pingReceived(data.message)
- else
- @subscribers[data.identifier]?.onReceiveData(data.message)
- connected: =>
- @startWaitingForPing()
- @resetConnectionAttemptsCount()
- for identifier, callbacks of @subscribers
- @subscribeOnServer(identifier)
- callbacks['onConnect']?()
- reconnect: =>
- @removeExistingConnection()
- @resetPingTime()
- @disconnected()
- setTimeout =>
- @incrementConnectionAttemptsCount()
- @connect()
- , @generateReconnectInterval()
- removeExistingConnection: =>
- if @connection?
- @clearPingWaitTimeout()
- @connection.onclose = -> # no-op
- @connection.onerror = -> # no-op
- @connection.close()
- @connection = null
- resetConnectionAttemptsCount: =>
- @connectionAttempts = 1
- incrementConnectionAttemptsCount: =>
- @connectionAttempts += 1
- generateReconnectInterval: () ->
- interval = (Math.pow(2, @connectionAttempts) - 1) * 1000
- if interval > @MAX_CONNECTION_INTERVAL then @MAX_CONNECTION_INTERVAL else interval
- startWaitingForPing: =>
- @clearPingWaitTimeout()
- @waitForPingTimeout = setTimeout =>
- console.log "Ping took too long to arrive. Reconnecting.."
- @reconnect()
- clearPingWaitTimeout: =>
- clearTimeout(@waitForPingTimeout)
- resetPingTime: =>
- @lastPingTime = null
- disconnected: =>
- callbacks['onDisconnect']?() for identifier, callbacks of @subscribers
- giveUp: =>
- # Show an error message
- subscribe: (identifier, callbacks) =>
- @subscribers[identifier] = callbacks
- if @isConnected()
- @subscribeOnServer(identifier)
- @subscribers[identifier]['onConnect']?()
- unsubscribe: (identifier) =>
- @unsubscribeOnServer(identifier, 'unsubscribe')
- delete @subscribers[identifier]
- subscribeOnServer: (identifier) =>
- if @isConnected()
- @connection.send JSON.stringify { command: 'subscribe', identifier: identifier }
- unsubscribeOnServer: (identifier) =>
- if @isConnected()
- @connection.send JSON.stringify { command: 'unsubscribe', identifier: identifier }
- pingReceived: (timestamp) =>
- if @lastPingTime? and (timestamp - @lastPingTime) > @PING_STALE_INTERVAL
- console.log "Websocket connection is stale. Reconnecting.."
- @reconnect()
- else
- @startWaitingForPing()
- @lastPingTime = timestamp
+ createConsumer: (url) ->
+ new Cable.Consumer url
diff --git a/lib/assets/javascripts/cable/connection.js.coffee b/lib/assets/javascripts/cable/connection.js.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd9539a6aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/assets/javascripts/cable/connection.js.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#= require cable/connection_monitor
+class Cable.Connection
+ constructor: (@consumer) ->
+ new Cable.ConnectionMonitor @consumer
+ @open()
+ send: (data) ->
+ if @isOpen()
+ @websocket.send(JSON.stringify(data))
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ open: ->
+ @websocket = new WebSocket(@consumer.url)
+ @websocket.onmessage = @onMessage
+ @websocket.onopen = @onOpen
+ @websocket.onclose = @onClose
+ @websocket.onerror = @onError
+ @websocket
+ close: ->
+ @websocket.close() unless @isClosed()
+ reopen: ->
+ @close()
+ @open()
+ isOpen: ->
+ @websocket.readyState is WebSocket.OPEN
+ isClosed: ->
+ @websocket.readyState in [ WebSocket.CLOSED, WebSocket.CLOSING ]
+ onMessage: (message) =>
+ data = JSON.parse message.data
+ @consumer.subscribers.notify(data.identifier, "received", data.message)
+ onOpen: =>
+ @consumer.subscribers.reload()
+ onClose: =>
+ @disconnect()
+ onError: =>
+ @disconnect()
+ @websocket.onclose = -> # no-op
+ @websocket.onerror = -> # no-op
+ try @close()
+ disconnect: ->
+ @consumer.subscribers.notifyAll("disconnected")
diff --git a/lib/assets/javascripts/cable/connection_monitor.js.coffee b/lib/assets/javascripts/cable/connection_monitor.js.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb4ee8f7f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/assets/javascripts/cable/connection_monitor.js.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+class Cable.ConnectionMonitor
+ identifier: Cable.PING_IDENTIFIER
+ constructor: (@consumer) ->
+ @reset()
+ @consumer.subscribers.add(this)
+ @pollConnection()
+ connected: ->
+ @reset()
+ @pingedAt = now()
+ received: ->
+ @pingedAt = now()
+ reset: ->
+ @connectionAttempts = 1
+ pollConnection: ->
+ setTimeout =>
+ @reconnect() if @connectionIsStale()
+ @pollConnection()
+ , @getPollTimeout()
+ getPollTimeout: ->
+ interval = (Math.pow(2, @connectionAttempts) - 1) * 1000
+ if interval > @MAX_CONNECTION_INTERVAL then @MAX_CONNECTION_INTERVAL else interval
+ connectionIsStale: ->
+ @pingedAt? and (now() - @pingedAt) > @PING_STALE_INTERVAL
+ reconnect: ->
+ console.log "Ping took too long to arrive. Reconnecting.."
+ @connectionAttempts += 1
+ @consumer.connection.reopen()
+ now = ->
+ new Date().getTime()
diff --git a/lib/assets/javascripts/cable/consumer.js.coffee b/lib/assets/javascripts/cable/consumer.js.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a9abd6256a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/assets/javascripts/cable/consumer.js.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#= require cable/connection
+#= require cable/subscription
+#= require cable/subscriber_manager
+class Cable.Consumer
+ constructor: (@url) ->
+ @subscribers = new Cable.SubscriberManager this
+ @connection = new Cable.Connection this
+ createSubscription: (channelName, mixin) ->
+ channel = channelName
+ params = if typeof channel is "object" then channel else {channel}
+ new Cable.Subscription this, params, mixin
+ send: (data) ->
+ @connection.send(data)
diff --git a/lib/assets/javascripts/cable/subscriber_manager.js.coffee b/lib/assets/javascripts/cable/subscriber_manager.js.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..922c74808c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/assets/javascripts/cable/subscriber_manager.js.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+class Cable.SubscriberManager
+ constructor: (@consumer) ->
+ @subscribers = []
+ add: (subscriber) ->
+ @subscribers.push(subscriber)
+ @notify(subscriber, "initialized")
+ if @sendCommand(subscriber, "subscribe")
+ @notify(subscriber, "connected")
+ reload: ->
+ for subscriber in @subscribers
+ if @sendCommand(subscriber, "subscribe")
+ @notify(subscriber, "connected")
+ remove: (subscriber) ->
+ @sendCommand(subscriber, "unsubscribe")
+ @subscribers = (s for s in @subscribers when s isnt subscriber)
+ notifyAll: (callbackName, args...) ->
+ for subscriber in @subscribers
+ @notify(subscriber, callbackName, args...)
+ notify: (subscriber, callbackName, args...) ->
+ if typeof subscriber is "string"
+ subscribers = (s for s in @subscribers when s.identifier is subscriber)
+ else
+ subscribers = [subscriber]
+ for subscriber in subscribers
+ subscriber[callbackName]?(args...)
+ sendCommand: (subscriber, command) ->
+ {identifier} = subscriber
+ return true if identifier is Cable.PING_IDENTIFIER
+ @consumer.send({command, identifier})
diff --git a/lib/assets/javascripts/cable/subscription.js.coffee b/lib/assets/javascripts/cable/subscription.js.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74cc35a7a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/assets/javascripts/cable/subscription.js.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+class Cable.Subscription
+ constructor: (@consumer, params = {}, mixin) ->
+ @identifier = JSON.stringify(params)
+ extend(this, mixin)
+ @consumer.subscribers.add(this)
+ # Perform a channel action with the optional data passed as an attribute
+ perform: (action, data = {}) ->
+ data.action = action
+ @send(data)
+ send: (data) ->
+ @consumer.send(command: "message", identifier: @identifier, data: JSON.stringify(data))
+ unsubscribe: ->
+ @consumer.subscribers.remove(this)
+ extend = (object, properties) ->
+ if properties?
+ for key, value of properties
+ object[key] = value
+ object
diff --git a/lib/assets/javascripts/channel.js.coffee b/lib/assets/javascripts/channel.js.coffee
deleted file mode 100644
index c972334140..0000000000
--- a/lib/assets/javascripts/channel.js.coffee
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-class @Cable.Channel
- constructor: (params = {}) ->
- {channelName} = @constructor
- if channelName?
- params['channel'] = channelName
- @channelIdentifier = JSON.stringify params
- else
- throw new Error "This channel's constructor is missing the required 'channelName' property"
- cable.subscribe(@channelIdentifier, {
- onConnect: @connected
- onDisconnect: @disconnected
- onReceiveData: @received
- })
- connected: =>
- # Override in the subclass
- disconnected: =>
- # Override in the subclass
- received: (data) =>
- # Override in the subclass
- # Perform a channel action with the optional data passed as an attribute
- perform: (action, data = {}) ->
- data.action = action
- cable.sendData @channelIdentifier, JSON.stringify data
- send: (data) ->
- cable.sendData @channelIdentifier, JSON.stringify data