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2 files changed, 124 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/lib/arel/visitors/mssql.rb b/lib/arel/visitors/mssql.rb
index ea7ab6394c..713ad0f0f8 100644
--- a/lib/arel/visitors/mssql.rb
+++ b/lib/arel/visitors/mssql.rb
@@ -3,19 +3,79 @@ module Arel
class MSSQL < Arel::Visitors::ToSql
- def build_subselect key, o
- stmt = super
- core = stmt.cores.first
- core.top = Nodes::Top.new(o.limit.expr) if o.limit
- stmt
+ # `top` wouldn't really work here. I.e. User.select("distinct first_name").limit(10) would generate
+ # "select top 10 distinct first_name from users", which is invalid query! it should be
+ # "select distinct top 10 first_name from users"
+ def visit_Arel_Nodes_Top o
+ ""
- def visit_Arel_Nodes_Limit o
- ""
+ def visit_Arel_Nodes_SelectStatement o
+ if !o.limit && !o.offset
+ return super o
+ end
+ select_order_by = "ORDER BY #{o.orders.map { |x| visit x }.join(', ')}" unless o.orders.empty?
+ is_select_count = false
+ sql = o.cores.map { |x|
+ core_order_by = select_order_by || determine_order_by(x)
+ if select_count? x
+ x.projections = [row_num_literal(core_order_by)]
+ is_select_count = true
+ else
+ guard_against_select_constant! x
+ x.projections << row_num_literal(core_order_by)
+ end
+ visit_Arel_Nodes_SelectCore x
+ }.join
+ sql = "SELECT _t.* FROM (#{sql}) as _t WHERE #{get_offset_limit_clause(o)}"
+ # fixme count distinct wouldn't work with limit or offset
+ sql = "SELECT COUNT(1) as count_id FROM (#{sql}) AS subquery" if is_select_count
+ sql
- def visit_Arel_Nodes_Top o
- "TOP #{visit o.expr}"
+ def get_offset_limit_clause o
+ first_row = o.offset ? o.offset.expr.to_i + 1 : 1
+ last_row = o.limit ? o.limit.expr.to_i - 1 + first_row : nil
+ if last_row
+ " _row_num BETWEEN #{first_row} AND #{last_row}"
+ else
+ " _row_num >= #{first_row}"
+ end
+ end
+ def determine_order_by x
+ unless x.groups.empty?
+ "ORDER BY #{x.groups.map { |g| visit g }.join ', ' }"
+ else
+ "ORDER BY #{find_left_table_pk(x.froms)}"
+ end
+ end
+ def row_num_literal order_by
+ Nodes::SqlLiteral.new("ROW_NUMBER() OVER (#{order_by}) as _row_num")
+ end
+ def select_count? x
+ x.projections.length == 1 && Arel::Nodes::Count === x.projections.first
+ end
+ def guard_against_select_constant! x
+ # guard against .select(1) (i.e. validate_uniqueness uses it to minimize qry result set)
+ # todo it won't work for .select('a'), which is probably ok. 'coz of workaround: .select("'a' as a")
+ x.projections.map! do |p|
+ p.kind_of?(Fixnum) ? Nodes::SqlLiteral.new("#{p} as _fld_#{p}") : p
+ end
+ end
+ # fixme raise exception of there is no pk?
+ # fixme!! Table.primary_key will be depricated. What is the replacement??
+ def find_left_table_pk o
+ return visit o.primary_key if o.instance_of? Arel::Table
+ find_left_table_pk o.left if o.kind_of? Arel::Nodes::Join
diff --git a/test/visitors/test_mssql.rb b/test/visitors/test_mssql.rb
index ccaea395fe..4e8d5c4bce 100644
--- a/test/visitors/test_mssql.rb
+++ b/test/visitors/test_mssql.rb
@@ -5,21 +5,68 @@ module Arel
describe 'the mssql visitor' do
before do
@visitor = MSSQL.new Table.engine
+ @table = Arel::Table.new "users"
- it 'uses TOP to limit results' do
+ it 'should not modify query if no offset or limit' do
stmt = Nodes::SelectStatement.new
- stmt.cores.last.top = Nodes::Top.new(1)
sql = @visitor.accept(stmt)
- sql.must_be_like "SELECT TOP 1"
+ sql.must_be_like "SELECT"
- it 'uses TOP in updates with a limit' do
- stmt = Nodes::UpdateStatement.new
- stmt.limit = Nodes::Limit.new(1)
- stmt.key = 'id'
+ it 'should go over table PK if no .order() or .group()' do
+ stmt = Nodes::SelectStatement.new
+ stmt.cores.first.from = @table
+ stmt.limit = Nodes::Limit.new(10)
+ sql = @visitor.accept(stmt)
+ sql.must_be_like "SELECT _t.* FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY \"users\".\"id\") as _row_num FROM \"users\" ) as _t WHERE _row_num BETWEEN 1 AND 10"
+ end
+ it 'should go over query ORDER BY if .order()' do
+ stmt = Nodes::SelectStatement.new
+ stmt.limit = Nodes::Limit.new(10)
+ stmt.orders << Nodes::SqlLiteral.new('order_by')
+ sql = @visitor.accept(stmt)
+ sql.must_be_like "SELECT _t.* FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY order_by) as _row_num) as _t WHERE _row_num BETWEEN 1 AND 10"
+ end
+ it 'should go over query GROUP BY if no .order() and there is .group()' do
+ stmt = Nodes::SelectStatement.new
+ stmt.cores.first.groups << Nodes::SqlLiteral.new('group_by')
+ stmt.limit = Nodes::Limit.new(10)
+ sql = @visitor.accept(stmt)
+ sql.must_be_like "SELECT _t.* FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY group_by) as _row_num GROUP BY group_by) as _t WHERE _row_num BETWEEN 1 AND 10"
+ end
+ it 'should use BETWEEN if both .limit() and .offset' do
+ stmt = Nodes::SelectStatement.new
+ stmt.limit = Nodes::Limit.new(10)
+ stmt.offset = Nodes::Offset.new(20)
+ sql = @visitor.accept(stmt)
+ sql.must_be_like "SELECT _t.* FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ) as _row_num) as _t WHERE _row_num BETWEEN 21 AND 30"
+ end
+ it 'should use >= if only .offset' do
+ stmt = Nodes::SelectStatement.new
+ stmt.offset = Nodes::Offset.new(20)
+ sql = @visitor.accept(stmt)
+ sql.must_be_like "SELECT _t.* FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ) as _row_num) as _t WHERE _row_num >= 21"
+ end
+ it 'should guard FixNums' do
+ stmt = Nodes::SelectStatement.new
+ stmt.limit = Nodes::Limit.new(10)
+ stmt.cores.first.projections << 1
+ sql = @visitor.accept(stmt)
+ sql.must_be_like "SELECT _t.* FROM (SELECT 1 as _fld_1, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ) as _row_num) as _t WHERE _row_num BETWEEN 1 AND 10"
+ end
+ it 'should generate subquery for .count' do
+ stmt = Nodes::SelectStatement.new
+ stmt.limit = Nodes::Limit.new(10)
+ stmt.cores.first.projections << Nodes::Count.new('*')
sql = @visitor.accept(stmt)
- sql.must_be_like "UPDATE NULL WHERE 'id' IN (SELECT TOP 1 'id' )"
+ sql.must_be_like "SELECT COUNT(1) as count_id FROM (SELECT _t.* FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ) as _row_num) as _t WHERE _row_num BETWEEN 1 AND 10) AS subquery"