diff options
6 files changed, 162 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md b/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md
index c0ebb892aa..73dfc1d647 100644
--- a/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+* Added the `#or` method on ActiveRecord::Relation, allowing use of the OR
+ operator to combine WHERE or HAVING clauses.
+ Example:
+ Post.where('id = 1').or(Post.where('id = 2'))
+ # => SELECT * FROM posts WHERE (id = 1) OR (id = 2)
+ *Sean Griffin*, *Matthew Draper*, *Gael Muller*, *Olivier El Mekki*
* Don't define autosave association callbacks twice from
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/null_relation.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/null_relation.rb
index b406da14dc..802adca908 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/null_relation.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/null_relation.rb
@@ -75,5 +75,13 @@ module ActiveRecord
def exists?(_id = false)
+ def or(other)
+ if other.is_a?(NullRelation)
+ super
+ else
+ other.or(self)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/querying.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/querying.rb
index 91c9a0db99..4e597590e9 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/querying.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/querying.rb
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module ActiveRecord
delegate :find_by, :find_by!, to: :all
delegate :destroy, :destroy_all, :delete, :delete_all, :update, :update_all, to: :all
delegate :find_each, :find_in_batches, to: :all
- delegate :select, :group, :order, :except, :reorder, :limit, :offset, :joins,
+ delegate :select, :group, :order, :except, :reorder, :limit, :offset, :joins, :or,
:where, :rewhere, :preload, :eager_load, :includes, :from, :lock, :readonly,
:having, :create_with, :uniq, :distinct, :references, :none, :unscope, to: :all
delegate :count, :average, :minimum, :maximum, :sum, :calculate, to: :all
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation/query_methods.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation/query_methods.rb
index 0078b0f32e..78ee8b4580 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation/query_methods.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation/query_methods.rb
@@ -582,6 +582,65 @@ module ActiveRecord
unscope(where: conditions.keys).where(conditions)
+ # Returns a new relation, which is the logical union of this relation and the one passed as an
+ # argument.
+ #
+ # The two relations must be structurally compatible: they must be scoping the same model, and
+ # they must differ only by +where+ (if no +group+ has been defined) or +having+ (if a +group+ is
+ # present). Neither relation may have a +limit+, +offset+, or +uniq+ set.
+ #
+ # Post.where("id = 1").or(Post.where("id = 2"))
+ # # SELECT `posts`.* FROM `posts` WHERE (('id = 1' OR 'id = 2'))
+ #
+ def or(other)
+ spawn.or!(other)
+ end
+ def or!(other)
+ combining = group_values.any? ? :having : :where
+ unless structurally_compatible?(other, combining)
+ raise ArgumentError, 'Relation passed to #or must be structurally compatible'
+ end
+ unless other.is_a?(NullRelation)
+ left_values = send("#{combining}_values")
+ right_values = other.send("#{combining}_values")
+ common = left_values & right_values
+ mine = left_values - common
+ theirs = right_values - common
+ if mine.any? && theirs.any?
+ mine = mine.map { |x| String === x ? Arel.sql(x) : x }
+ theirs = theirs.map { |x| String === x ? Arel.sql(x) : x }
+ mine = [Arel::Nodes::And.new(mine)] if mine.size > 1
+ theirs = [Arel::Nodes::And.new(theirs)] if theirs.size > 1
+ common << Arel::Nodes::Or.new(mine.first, theirs.first)
+ end
+ send("#{combining}_values=", common)
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def structurally_compatible?(other, allowed_to_vary)
+ Relation::SINGLE_VALUE_METHODS.all? do |name|
+ send("#{name}_value") == other.send("#{name}_value")
+ end &&
+ (Relation::MULTI_VALUE_METHODS - [allowed_to_vary, :extending]).all? do |name|
+ send("#{name}_values") == other.send("#{name}_values")
+ end &&
+ (extending_values - [NullRelation]) == (other.extending_values - [NullRelation]) &&
+ !limit_value &&
+ !offset_value &&
+ !uniq_value
+ end
+ private :structurally_compatible?
# Allows to specify a HAVING clause. Note that you can't use HAVING
# without also specifying a GROUP clause.
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/relation/or_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/or_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2115d8aa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/or_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+require "cases/helper"
+require 'models/post'
+module ActiveRecord
+ class OrTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :posts
+ def test_or_with_relation
+ expected = Post.where('id = 1 or id = 2').to_a
+ assert_equal expected, Post.where('id = 1').or(Post.where('id = 2')).to_a
+ end
+ def test_or_identity
+ expected = Post.where('id = 1').to_a
+ assert_equal expected, Post.where('id = 1').or(Post.where('id = 1')).to_a
+ end
+ def test_or_with_null_left
+ expected = Post.where('id = 1').to_a
+ assert_equal expected, Post.none.or(Post.where('id = 1')).to_a
+ end
+ def test_or_with_null_right
+ expected = Post.where('id = 1').to_a
+ assert_equal expected, Post.where('id = 1').or(Post.none).to_a
+ end
+ def test_or_with_null_both
+ expected = Post.none.to_a
+ assert_equal expected, Post.none.or(Post.none).to_a
+ end
+ def test_or_without_left_where
+ expected = Post.all.to_a
+ assert_equal expected, Post.or(Post.where('id = 1')).to_a
+ end
+ def test_or_without_right_where
+ expected = Post.all.to_a
+ assert_equal expected, Post.where('id = 1').or(Post.all).to_a
+ end
+ def test_or_preserves_other_querying_methods
+ expected = Post.where('id = 1 or id = 2 or id = 3').order('body asc').to_a
+ partial = Post.order('body asc')
+ assert_equal expected, partial.where('id = 1').or(partial.where(:id => [2, 3])).to_a
+ assert_equal expected, Post.order('body asc').where('id = 1').or(Post.order('body asc').where(:id => [2, 3])).to_a
+ end
+ def test_or_with_incompatible_relations
+ assert_raises ArgumentError do
+ Post.order('body asc').where('id = 1').or(Post.order('id desc').where(:id => [2, 3])).to_a
+ end
+ end
+ def test_or_when_grouping
+ groups = Post.where('id < 10').group('body').select('body, COUNT(*) AS c')
+ expected = groups.having("COUNT(*) > 1 OR body like 'Such%'").to_a.map {|o| [o.body, o.c] }
+ assert_equal expected, groups.having('COUNT(*) > 1').or(groups.having("body like 'Such%'")).to_a.map {|o| [o.body, o.c] }
+ end
+ def test_or_with_named_scope
+ expected = Post.where("id = 1 or body LIKE '\%a\%'").to_a
+ assert_equal expected, Post.where('id = 1').or(Post.containing_the_letter_a)
+ end
+ def test_or_inside_named_scope
+ expected = Post.where("body LIKE '\%a\%' OR title LIKE ?", "%'%").order('id DESC').to_a
+ assert_equal expected, Post.order(id: :desc).typographically_interesting
+ end
+ def test_or_on_loaded_relation
+ expected = Post.where('id = 1 or id = 2').to_a
+ p = Post.where('id = 1')
+ p.load
+ assert_equal p.loaded?, true
+ assert_equal expected, p.or(Post.where('id = 2')).to_a
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/models/post.rb b/activerecord/test/models/post.rb
index 7b637c9e3f..052b1c9690 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/models/post.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/models/post.rb
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :containing_the_letter_a, -> { where("body LIKE '%a%'") }
+ scope :titled_with_an_apostrophe, -> { where("title LIKE '%''%'") }
scope :ranked_by_comments, -> { order("comments_count DESC") }
scope :limit_by, lambda {|l| limit(l) }
@@ -43,6 +44,8 @@ class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :tagged_with, ->(id) { joins(:taggings).where(taggings: { tag_id: id }) }
scope :tagged_with_comment, ->(comment) { joins(:taggings).where(taggings: { comment: comment }) }
+ scope :typographically_interesting, -> { containing_the_letter_a.or(titled_with_an_apostrophe) }
has_many :comments do
def find_most_recent
order("id DESC").first