path: root/spec/attributes
diff options
authorAaron Patterson <aaron.patterson@gmail.com>2010-09-24 15:21:54 -0700
committerAaron Patterson <aaron.patterson@gmail.com>2010-09-24 15:21:54 -0700
commit6b86ae4f9f2fb8cd145f958753fedf16aae3a0d4 (patch)
treefff66461830df50e3211d8ced131584e6d75f9d4 /spec/attributes
parent245d797a8ccab3ed2de9a0eedf455d3094a091ce (diff)
shuffling around the spec directory
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/attributes')
7 files changed, 168 insertions, 404 deletions
diff --git a/spec/attributes/attribute_spec.rb b/spec/attributes/attribute_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..faef096792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/attributes/attribute_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+module Arel
+ module Attributes
+ describe 'attribute' do
+ describe '#not_eq' do
+ it 'should create a NotEqual node' do
+ relation = Table.new(:users)
+ relation[:id].not_eq(10).should be_kind_of Nodes::NotEqual
+ end
+ it 'should generate != in sql' do
+ relation = Table.new(:users)
+ mgr = relation.project relation[:id]
+ mgr.where relation[:id].not_eq(10)
+ mgr.to_sql.should be_like %{
+ SELECT "users"."id" FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" != 10
+ }
+ end
+ it 'should handle nil' do
+ relation = Table.new(:users)
+ mgr = relation.project relation[:id]
+ mgr.where relation[:id].not_eq(nil)
+ mgr.to_sql.should be_like %{
+ SELECT "users"."id" FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" IS NOT NULL
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#gt' do
+ it 'should create a GreaterThan node' do
+ relation = Table.new(:users)
+ relation[:id].gt(10).should be_kind_of Nodes::GreaterThan
+ end
+ it 'should generate >= in sql' do
+ relation = Table.new(:users)
+ mgr = relation.project relation[:id]
+ mgr.where relation[:id].gt(10)
+ mgr.to_sql.should be_like %{
+ SELECT "users"."id" FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" > 10
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#gteq' do
+ it 'should create a GreaterThanOrEqual node' do
+ relation = Table.new(:users)
+ relation[:id].gteq(10).should be_kind_of Nodes::GreaterThanOrEqual
+ end
+ it 'should generate >= in sql' do
+ relation = Table.new(:users)
+ mgr = relation.project relation[:id]
+ mgr.where relation[:id].gteq(10)
+ mgr.to_sql.should be_like %{
+ SELECT "users"."id" FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" >= 10
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#average' do
+ it 'should create a AVG node' do
+ relation = Table.new(:users)
+ relation[:id].average.should be_kind_of Nodes::Avg
+ end
+ # FIXME: backwards compat. Is this really necessary?
+ it 'should set the alias to "avg_id"' do
+ relation = Table.new(:users)
+ mgr = relation.project relation[:id].average
+ mgr.to_sql.should be_like %{
+ SELECT AVG("users"."id") AS avg_id
+ FROM "users"
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#maximum' do
+ it 'should create a MAX node' do
+ relation = Table.new(:users)
+ relation[:id].maximum.should be_kind_of Nodes::Max
+ end
+ # FIXME: backwards compat. Is this really necessary?
+ it 'should set the alias to "max_id"' do
+ relation = Table.new(:users)
+ mgr = relation.project relation[:id].maximum
+ mgr.to_sql.should be_like %{
+ SELECT MAX("users"."id") AS max_id
+ FROM "users"
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#minimum' do
+ it 'should create a Min node' do
+ relation = Table.new(:users)
+ relation[:id].minimum.should be_kind_of Nodes::Min
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#sum' do
+ it 'should create a SUM node' do
+ relation = Table.new(:users)
+ relation[:id].sum.should be_kind_of Nodes::Sum
+ end
+ # FIXME: backwards compat. Is this really necessary?
+ it 'should set the alias to "sum_id"' do
+ relation = Table.new(:users)
+ mgr = relation.project relation[:id].sum
+ mgr.to_sql.should be_like %{
+ SELECT SUM("users"."id") AS sum_id
+ FROM "users"
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#count' do
+ it 'should return a count node' do
+ relation = Table.new(:users)
+ relation[:id].count.should be_kind_of Nodes::Count
+ end
+ it 'should take a distinct param' do
+ relation = Table.new(:users)
+ count = relation[:id].count(nil)
+ count.should be_kind_of Nodes::Count
+ count.distinct.should be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#eq' do
+ it 'should return an equality node' do
+ attribute = Attribute.new nil, nil, nil
+ equality = attribute.eq 1
+ check equality.left.should == attribute
+ check equality.right.should == 1
+ equality.should be_kind_of Nodes::Equality
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#in' do
+ it 'can be constructed with a list' do
+ end
+ it 'should return an in node' do
+ attribute = Attribute.new nil, nil, nil
+ node = Nodes::In.new attribute, [1,2,3]
+ check node.left.should == attribute
+ check node.right.should == [1, 2, 3]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'equality' do
+ describe '#to_sql' do
+ it 'should produce sql' do
+ table = Table.new :users
+ condition = table['id'].eq 1
+ condition.to_sql.should == '"users"."id" = 1'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/attributes/boolean_spec.rb b/spec/attributes/boolean_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 12b243e828..0000000000
--- a/spec/attributes/boolean_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-module Arel
- describe "Attributes::Boolean" do
- before :all do
- @relation = Model.build do |r|
- r.engine Testing::Engine.new
- r.attribute :awesome, Attributes::Boolean
- end
- end
- def type_cast(val)
- @relation[:awesome].type_cast(val)
- end
- describe "#type_cast" do
- it "returns same value if passed a boolean" do
- val = true
- type_cast(val).should eql(val)
- end
- it "returns boolean representation (false) of nil" do
- type_cast(nil).should eql(false)
- end
- it "returns boolean representation of 'true', 'false'" do
- type_cast('true').should eql(true)
- type_cast('false').should eql(false)
- end
- it "returns boolean representation of :true, :false" do
- type_cast(:true).should eql(true)
- type_cast(:false).should eql(false)
- end
- it "returns boolean representation of 0, 1" do
- type_cast(1).should == true
- type_cast(0).should == false
- end
- it "calls #to_s on arbitrary objects" do
- obj = Object.new
- obj.extend Module.new { def to_s ; 'true' ; end }
- type_cast(obj).should == true
- end
- [ Object.new, 'string', '00.0', 5 ].each do |value|
- it "raises exception when attempting type_cast of non-boolean value #{value.inspect}" do
- lambda do
- type_cast(value)
- end.should raise_error(TypecastError, /could not typecast/)
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/attributes/float_spec.rb b/spec/attributes/float_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a9a8debbc..0000000000
--- a/spec/attributes/float_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-require 'bigdecimal'
-module Arel
- describe "Attributes::Float" do
- before :all do
- @relation = Model.build do |r|
- r.engine Testing::Engine.new
- r.attribute :percentage, Attributes::Float
- end
- end
- def type_cast(val)
- @relation[:percentage].type_cast(val)
- end
- describe "#type_cast" do
- it "returns same value if an float" do
- type_cast(24.01).should eql(24.01)
- end
- it "returns nil if passed nil" do
- type_cast(nil).should be_nil
- end
- it "returns nil if passed empty string" do
- type_cast('').should be_nil
- end
- it "returns float representation of a zero string float" do
- type_cast('0').should eql(0.0)
- end
- it "returns float representation of a positive string integer" do
- type_cast('24').should eql(24.0)
- end
- it "returns float representation of a positive string integer with spaces" do
- type_cast(' 24').should eql(24.0)
- type_cast('24 ').should eql(24.0)
- end
- it "returns float representation of a negative string float" do
- type_cast('-24.23').should eql(-24.23)
- end
- it "returns float representation of a negative string integer with spaces" do
- type_cast('-24 ').should eql(-24.0)
- type_cast(' -24').should eql(-24.0)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a zero string float" do
- type_cast('0.0').should eql(0.0)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a positive string float" do
- type_cast('24.35').should eql(24.35)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a positive string float with spaces" do
- type_cast(' 24.35').should eql(24.35)
- type_cast('24.35 ').should eql(24.35)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a negative string float" do
- type_cast('-24.35').should eql(-24.35)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a negative string float with spaces" do
- type_cast(' -24.35 ').should eql(-24.35)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a zero string float, with no leading digits" do
- type_cast('.0').should eql(0.0)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a zero string float, with no leading digits with spaces" do
- type_cast(' .0').should eql(0.0)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a positive string float, with no leading digits" do
- type_cast('.41').should eql(0.41)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a zero float" do
- type_cast(0.0).should eql(0.0)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a positive float" do
- type_cast(24.35).should eql(24.35)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a negative float" do
- type_cast(-24.35).should eql(-24.35)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a zero decimal" do
- type_cast(BigDecimal('0.0')).should eql(0.0)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a positive decimal" do
- type_cast(BigDecimal('24.35')).should eql(24.35)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a negative decimal" do
- type_cast(BigDecimal('-24.35')).should eql(-24.35)
- end
- [ Object.new, true, '00.0', '0.', 'string' ].each do |value|
- it "raises exception when attempting type_cast of non-numeric value #{value.inspect}" do
- lambda do
- type_cast(value)
- end.should raise_error(TypecastError, /could not typecast/)
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/attributes/header_spec.rb b/spec/attributes/header_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 51cba93df3..0000000000
--- a/spec/attributes/header_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-module Arel
- describe "Header" do
- before :all do
- @relation = Model.build do |r|
- r.attribute :id, Attributes::Integer
- r.attribute :name, Attributes::String
- r.attribute :age, Attributes::Integer
- end
- @other = Model.build do |r|
- r.attribute :foo, Attributes::String
- end
- @subset = Model.build do |r|
- r.attribute :id, Attributes::Integer
- end
- end
- describe "attribute lookup" do
- it "finds attributes by name" do
- @relation.attributes[:name].should == Attributes::String.new(@relation, :name)
- end
- it "returns nil if no attribute is found" do
- @relation.attributes[:does_not_exist].should be_nil
- @relation[:does_not_exist].should be_nil
- end
- end
- describe "#union" do
- it "keeps all attributes from disjoint headers" do
- (@relation.attributes.union @other.attributes).to_ary.should have(4).items
- end
- it "keeps all attributes from both relations even if they seem like subsets" do
- (@relation.attributes.union @subset.attributes).to_ary.should have(4).items
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/attributes/integer_spec.rb b/spec/attributes/integer_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 59b7afb2b4..0000000000
--- a/spec/attributes/integer_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-require 'bigdecimal'
-module Arel
- describe "Attributes::Integer" do
- before :all do
- @relation = Model.build do |r|
- r.engine Testing::Engine.new
- r.attribute :age, Attributes::Integer
- end
- end
- def type_cast(val)
- @relation[:age].type_cast(val)
- end
- describe "#type_cast" do
- it "returns same value if an integer" do
- type_cast(24).should eql(24)
- end
- it "returns nil if passed nil" do
- type_cast(nil).should be_nil
- end
- it "returns nil if passed empty string" do
- type_cast('').should be_nil
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a zero string integer" do
- type_cast('0').should eql(0)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a positive string integer" do
- type_cast('24').should eql(24)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a positive string integer with spaces" do
- type_cast(' 24').should eql(24)
- type_cast('24 ').should eql(24)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a negative string integer" do
- type_cast('-24').should eql(-24)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a negative string integer with spaces" do
- type_cast('-24 ').should eql(-24)
- type_cast(' -24').should eql(-24)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a zero string float" do
- type_cast('0.0').should eql(0)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a positive string float" do
- type_cast('24.35').should eql(24)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a positive string float with spaces" do
- type_cast(' 24.35').should eql(24)
- type_cast('24.35 ').should eql(24)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a negative string float" do
- type_cast('-24.35').should eql(-24)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a negative string float with spaces" do
- type_cast(' -24.35 ').should eql(-24)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a zero string float, with no leading digits" do
- type_cast('.0').should eql(0)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a zero string float, with no leading digits with spaces" do
- type_cast(' .0').should eql(0)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a positive string float, with no leading digits" do
- type_cast('.41').should eql(0)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a zero float" do
- type_cast(0.0).should eql(0)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a positive float" do
- type_cast(24.35).should eql(24)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a negative float" do
- type_cast(-24.35).should eql(-24)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a zero decimal" do
- type_cast(BigDecimal('0.0')).should eql(0)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a positive decimal" do
- type_cast(BigDecimal('24.35')).should eql(24)
- end
- it "returns integer representation of a negative decimal" do
- type_cast(BigDecimal('-24.35')).should eql(-24)
- end
- [ Object.new, true, '00.0', '0.', 'string' ].each do |value|
- it "raises exception when attempting type_cast of non-numeric value #{value.inspect}" do
- lambda do
- type_cast(value)
- end.should raise_error(TypecastError, /could not typecast/)
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/attributes/string_spec.rb b/spec/attributes/string_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 487d82249d..0000000000
--- a/spec/attributes/string_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-require 'bigdecimal'
-module Arel
- describe "Attributes::String" do
- before :all do
- @relation = Model.build do |r|
- r.engine Testing::Engine.new
- r.attribute :name, Attributes::String
- end
- end
- def type_cast(val)
- @relation[:name].type_cast(val)
- end
- describe "#type_cast" do
- it "returns same value if passed a String" do
- val = "hell"
- type_cast(val).should eql(val)
- end
- it "returns nil if passed nil" do
- type_cast(nil).should be_nil
- end
- it "returns String representation of Symbol" do
- type_cast(:hello).should == "hello"
- end
- it "returns string representation of Integer" do
- type_cast(1).should == '1'
- end
- it "calls #to_s on arbitrary objects" do
- obj = Object.new
- obj.extend Module.new { def to_s ; 'hello' ; end }
- type_cast(obj).should == 'hello'
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/attributes/time_spec.rb b/spec/attributes/time_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 15384e2073..0000000000
--- a/spec/attributes/time_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-require 'bigdecimal'
-module Arel
- describe "Attributes::Time" do
- before :all do
- @relation = Model.build do |r|
- r.engine Testing::Engine.new
- r.attribute :created_at, Attributes::Time
- end
- end
- def type_cast(val)
- @relation[:created_at].type_cast(val)
- end
- describe "#type_cast" do
- it "works" do
- pending
- end
- end
- end