path: root/railties
diff options
authorJoshua Peek <josh@joshpeek.com>2008-11-22 14:00:58 -0600
committerJoshua Peek <josh@joshpeek.com>2008-11-22 14:00:58 -0600
commit0ecf2f6bdb7423516a18f45a65e1301cf8cd9c7d (patch)
treef62b6225b7389dd697b42246a708e6186c0ff90a /railties
parent2144c0f8ff9bdd3dceb085ddb1c4b8711ef329a4 (diff)
Kill dead "new_mongrel" handler
Diffstat (limited to 'railties')
4 files changed, 2 insertions, 415 deletions
diff --git a/railties/lib/commands/server.rb b/railties/lib/commands/server.rb
index 15f417b5be..54628d8bb1 100644
--- a/railties/lib/commands/server.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/commands/server.rb
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ rescue Exception
server = case ARGV.first
- when "lighttpd", "mongrel", "new_mongrel", "webrick", "thin"
+ when "lighttpd", "mongrel", "webrick", "thin"
if defined?(Mongrel)
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ case server
puts "=> Booting WEBrick..."
when "lighttpd"
puts "=> Booting lighttpd (use 'script/server webrick' to force WEBrick)"
- when "mongrel", "new_mongrel"
+ when "mongrel"
puts "=> Booting Mongrel (use 'script/server webrick' to force WEBrick)"
when "thin"
puts "=> Booting Thin (use 'script/server webrick' to force WEBrick)"
diff --git a/railties/lib/commands/servers/new_mongrel.rb b/railties/lib/commands/servers/new_mongrel.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 174dbf8a37..0000000000
--- a/railties/lib/commands/servers/new_mongrel.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-unless defined?(Mongrel)
- abort "PROBLEM: Mongrel is not available on your system (or not in your path)"
-require 'rails/mongrel_server/commands'
-GemPlugin::Manager.instance.load "rails::mongrel" => GemPlugin::INCLUDE, "rails" => GemPlugin::EXCLUDE
-case ARGV[0] ||= 'start'
-when 'start', 'stop', 'restart'
- ARGV[0] = "rails::mongrelserver::#{ARGV[0]}"
-if not Mongrel::Command::Registry.instance.run ARGV
- exit 1
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/mongrel_server/commands.rb b/railties/lib/rails/mongrel_server/commands.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d29b18712f..0000000000
--- a/railties/lib/rails/mongrel_server/commands.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005 Zed A. Shaw
-# You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Ruby.
-# Additional work donated by contributors. See http://mongrel.rubyforge.org/attributions.html
-# for more information.
-require 'optparse'
-require 'yaml'
-require 'etc'
-require 'mongrel'
-require 'rails/mongrel_server/handler'
-module Rails
- module MongrelServer
- def self.send_signal(signal, pid_file)
- pid = open(pid_file).read.to_i
- print "Sending #{signal} to Mongrel at PID #{pid}..."
- begin
- Process.kill(signal, pid)
- rescue Errno::ESRCH
- puts "Process does not exist. Not running."
- end
- puts "Done."
- end
- class RailsConfigurator < Mongrel::Configurator
- def setup_mime_types
- mime = {}
- if defaults[:mime_map]
- Mongrel.log("Loading additional MIME types from #{defaults[:mime_map]}")
- mime = load_mime_map(defaults[:mime_map], mime)
- end
- mime.each {|k,v| Mongrel::DirHandler::add_mime_type(k,v) }
- end
- def mount_rails(prefix)
- ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = defaults[:environment]
- ::RAILS_ENV.replace(defaults[:environment]) if defined?(::RAILS_ENV)
- env_location = "#{defaults[:cwd]}/config/environment"
- require env_location
- ActionController::Base.relative_url_root = defaults[:prefix]
- uri prefix, :handler => Rails::MongrelServer::RailsHandler.new
- end
- end
- class Start < GemPlugin::Plugin "/commands"
- include Mongrel::Command::Base
- def configure
- options [
- ["-e", "--environment ENV", "Rails environment to run as", :@environment, ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || "development"],
- ["-d", "--daemonize", "Run daemonized in the background", :@daemon, false],
- ['-p', '--port PORT', "Which port to bind to", :@port, 3000],
- ['-a', '--address ADDR', "Address to bind to", :@address, ""],
- ['-l', '--log FILE', "Where to write log messages", :@log_file, "log/mongrel.log"],
- ['-P', '--pid FILE', "Where to write the PID", :@pid_file, "tmp/pids/mongrel.pid"],
- ['-n', '--num-procs INT', "Number of processors active before clients denied", :@num_procs, 1024],
- ['-o', '--timeout TIME', "Time to wait (in seconds) before killing a stalled thread", :@timeout, 60],
- ['-t', '--throttle TIME', "Time to pause (in hundredths of a second) between accepting clients", :@throttle, 0],
- ['-m', '--mime PATH', "A YAML file that lists additional MIME types", :@mime_map, nil],
- ['-c', '--chdir PATH', "Change to dir before starting (will be expanded)", :@cwd, RAILS_ROOT],
- ['-r', '--root PATH', "Set the document root (default 'public')", :@docroot, "public"],
- ['-B', '--debug', "Enable debugging mode", :@debug, false],
- ['-C', '--config PATH', "Use a config file", :@config_file, nil],
- ['-S', '--script PATH', "Load the given file as an extra config script", :@config_script, nil],
- ['-G', '--generate PATH', "Generate a config file for use with -C", :@generate, nil],
- ['', '--user USER', "User to run as", :@user, nil],
- ['', '--group GROUP', "Group to run as", :@group, nil],
- ['', '--prefix PATH', "URL prefix for Rails app", :@prefix, nil],
- ['-b', '--binding ADDR', "Address to bind to (deprecated, use -a)", :@address, ""],
- ['-u', '--debugger', "Enable debugging mode (deprecated, use -B)", :@debug, false]
- ]
- end
- def validate
- if @config_file
- valid_exists?(@config_file, "Config file not there: #@config_file")
- return false unless @valid
- @config_file = File.expand_path(@config_file)
- load_config
- return false unless @valid
- end
- @cwd = File.expand_path(@cwd)
- valid_dir? @cwd, "Invalid path to change to during daemon mode: #@cwd"
- # Change there to start, then we'll have to come back after daemonize
- Dir.chdir(@cwd)
- valid?(@prefix[0] == ?/ && @prefix[-1] != ?/, "Prefix must begin with / and not end in /") if @prefix
- valid_dir? File.dirname(@log_file), "Path to log file not valid: #@log_file"
- valid_dir? File.dirname(@pid_file), "Path to pid file not valid: #@pid_file"
- valid_dir? @docroot, "Path to docroot not valid: #@docroot"
- valid_exists? @mime_map, "MIME mapping file does not exist: #@mime_map" if @mime_map
- valid_exists? @config_file, "Config file not there: #@config_file" if @config_file
- valid_dir? File.dirname(@generate), "Problem accessing directory to #@generate" if @generate
- valid_user? @user if @user
- valid_group? @group if @group
- return @valid
- end
- def run
- if @generate
- @generate = File.expand_path(@generate)
- Mongrel.log(:error, "** Writing config to \"#@generate\".")
- open(@generate, "w") {|f| f.write(settings.to_yaml) }
- Mongrel.log(:error, "** Finished. Run \"mongrel_rails start -C #@generate\" to use the config file.")
- exit 0
- end
- config = RailsConfigurator.new(settings) do
- defaults[:log] = $stdout if defaults[:environment] == 'development'
- Mongrel.log("=> Rails #{Rails.version} application starting on http://#{defaults[:host]}:#{defaults[:port]}")
- unless defaults[:daemon]
- Mongrel.log("=> Call with -d to detach")
- Mongrel.log("=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server")
- start_debugger if defaults[:debug]
- end
- if defaults[:daemon]
- if File.exist? defaults[:pid_file]
- Mongrel.log(:error, "!!! PID file #{defaults[:pid_file]} already exists. Mongrel could be running already. Check your #{defaults[:log_file]} for errors.")
- Mongrel.log(:error, "!!! Exiting with error. You must stop mongrel and clear the .pid before I'll attempt a start.")
- exit 1
- end
- daemonize
- Mongrel.log("Daemonized, any open files are closed. Look at #{defaults[:pid_file]} and #{defaults[:log_file]} for info.")
- Mongrel.log("Settings loaded from #{@config_file} (they override command line).") if @config_file
- end
- Mongrel.log("Starting Mongrel listening at #{defaults[:host]}:#{defaults[:port]}, further information can be found in log/mongrel-#{defaults[:host]}-#{defaults[:port]}.log")
- listener do
- prefix = defaults[:prefix] || '/'
- if defaults[:debug]
- Mongrel.log("Installing debugging prefixed filters. Look in log/mongrel_debug for the files.")
- debug(prefix)
- end
- setup_mime_types
- dir_handler = Mongrel::DirHandler.new(defaults[:docroot], false)
- dir_handler.passthrough_missing_files = true
- unless defaults[:environment] == 'production'
- Mongrel.log("Mounting DirHandler at #{prefix}...")
- uri prefix, :handler => dir_handler
- end
- Mongrel.log("Starting Rails with #{defaults[:environment]} environment...")
- Mongrel.log("Mounting Rails at #{prefix}...")
- mount_rails(prefix)
- Mongrel.log("Rails loaded.")
- Mongrel.log("Loading any Rails specific GemPlugins" )
- load_plugins
- if defaults[:config_script]
- Mongrel.log("Loading #{defaults[:config_script]} external config script")
- run_config(defaults[:config_script])
- end
- setup_signals
- end
- end
- config.run
- Mongrel.log("Mongrel #{Mongrel::Const::MONGREL_VERSION} available at #{@address}:#{@port}")
- if config.defaults[:daemon]
- config.write_pid_file
- else
- Mongrel.log("Use CTRL-C to stop.")
- tail "log/#{config.defaults[:environment]}.log"
- end
- config.join
- if config.needs_restart
- unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /djgpp|(cyg|ms|bcc)win|mingw/
- cmd = "ruby #{__FILE__} start #{original_args.join(' ')}"
- Mongrel.log("Restarting with arguments: #{cmd}")
- config.stop(false, true)
- config.remove_pid_file
- if config.defaults[:daemon]
- system cmd
- else
- Mongrel.log(:error, "Can't restart unless in daemon mode.")
- exit 1
- end
- else
- Mongrel.log("Win32 does not support restarts. Exiting.")
- end
- end
- end
- def load_config
- settings = {}
- begin
- settings = YAML.load_file(@config_file)
- ensure
- Mongrel.log(:error, "** Loading settings from #{@config_file} (they override command line).") unless @daemon || settings[:daemon]
- end
- settings[:includes] ||= ["mongrel"]
- # Config file settings will override command line settings
- settings.each do |key, value|
- key = key.to_s
- if config_keys.include?(key)
- key = 'address' if key == 'host'
- self.instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value)
- else
- failure "Unknown configuration setting: #{key}"
- @valid = false
- end
- end
- end
- def config_keys
- @config_keys ||=
- %w(address host port cwd log_file pid_file environment docroot mime_map daemon debug includes config_script num_processors timeout throttle user group prefix)
- end
- def settings
- config_keys.inject({}) do |hash, key|
- value = self.instance_variable_get("@#{key}")
- key = 'host' if key == 'address'
- hash[key.to_sym] ||= value
- hash
- end
- end
- def start_debugger
- require_library_or_gem 'ruby-debug'
- Debugger.start
- Debugger.settings[:autoeval] = true if Debugger.respond_to?(:settings)
- Mongrel.log("=> Debugger enabled")
- rescue Exception
- Mongrel.log(:error, "You need to install ruby-debug to run the server in debugging mode. With gems, use 'gem install ruby-debug'")
- exit
- end
- def tail(log_file)
- cursor = File.size(log_file)
- last_checked = Time.now
- tail_thread = Thread.new do
- File.open(log_file, 'r') do |f|
- loop do
- f.seek cursor
- if f.mtime > last_checked
- last_checked = f.mtime
- contents = f.read
- cursor += contents.length
- print contents
- end
- sleep 1
- end
- end
- end
- tail_thread
- end
- end
- class Stop < GemPlugin::Plugin "/commands"
- include Mongrel::Command::Base
- def configure
- options [
- ['-c', '--chdir PATH', "Change to dir before starting (will be expanded).", :@cwd, "."],
- ['-f', '--force', "Force the shutdown (kill -9).", :@force, false],
- ['-w', '--wait SECONDS', "Wait SECONDS before forcing shutdown", :@wait, "0"],
- ['-P', '--pid FILE', "Where the PID file is located.", :@pid_file, "log/mongrel.pid"]
- ]
- end
- def validate
- @cwd = File.expand_path(@cwd)
- valid_dir? @cwd, "Invalid path to change to during daemon mode: #@cwd"
- Dir.chdir @cwd
- valid_exists? @pid_file, "PID file #@pid_file does not exist. Not running?"
- return @valid
- end
- def run
- if @force
- @wait.to_i.times do |waiting|
- exit(0) if not File.exist? @pid_file
- sleep 1
- end
- Mongrel::send_signal("KILL", @pid_file) if File.exist? @pid_file
- else
- Mongrel::send_signal("TERM", @pid_file)
- end
- end
- end
- class Restart < GemPlugin::Plugin "/commands"
- include Mongrel::Command::Base
- def configure
- options [
- ['-c', '--chdir PATH', "Change to dir before starting (will be expanded)", :@cwd, '.'],
- ['-P', '--pid FILE', "Where the PID file is located", :@pid_file, "log/mongrel.pid"]
- ]
- end
- def validate
- @cwd = File.expand_path(@cwd)
- valid_dir? @cwd, "Invalid path to change to during daemon mode: #@cwd"
- Dir.chdir @cwd
- valid_exists? @pid_file, "PID file #@pid_file does not exist. Not running?"
- return @valid
- end
- def run
- MongrelServer::send_signal("USR2", @pid_file)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/mongrel_server/handler.rb b/railties/lib/rails/mongrel_server/handler.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a19eca7259..0000000000
--- a/railties/lib/rails/mongrel_server/handler.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005 Zed A. Shaw
-# You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Ruby.
-# Additional work donated by contributors. See http://mongrel.rubyforge.org/attributions.html
-# for more information.
-require 'mongrel'
-require 'cgi'
-require 'action_controller/dispatcher'
-module Rails
- module MongrelServer
- # Implements a handler that can run Rails and serve files out of the
- # Rails application's public directory. This lets you run your Rails
- # application with Mongrel during development and testing, then use it
- # also in production behind a server that's better at serving the
- # static files.
- #
- # The RailsHandler takes a mime_map parameter which is a simple suffix=mimetype
- # mapping that it should add to the list of valid mime types.
- #
- # It also supports page caching directly and will try to resolve a request
- # in the following order:
- #
- # * If the requested exact PATH_INFO exists as a file then serve it.
- # * If it exists at PATH_INFO+".html" exists then serve that.
- # * Finally, construct a Mongrel::CGIWrapper and run Dispatcher.dispatch to have Rails go.
- #
- # This means that if you are using page caching it will actually work with Mongrel
- # and you should see a decent speed boost (but not as fast as if you use a static
- # server like Apache or Litespeed).
- class RailsHandler < Mongrel::HttpHandler
- # Construct a Mongrel::CGIWrapper and dispatch.
- def process(request, response)
- return if response.socket.closed?
- cgi = Mongrel::CGIWrapper.new(request, response)
- cgi.handler = self
- # We don't want the output to be really final until we're out of the lock
- cgi.default_really_final = false
- ActionController::Dispatcher.dispatch(cgi, ActionController::CgiRequest::DEFAULT_SESSION_OPTIONS, response.body)
- # This finalizes the output using the proper HttpResponse way
- cgi.out("text/html",true) {""}
- rescue Errno::EPIPE
- response.socket.close
- rescue Object => rails_error
- STDERR.puts "#{Time.now.httpdate}: Error dispatching #{rails_error.inspect}"
- STDERR.puts rails_error.backtrace.join("\n")
- end
- end
- end