path: root/railties/test/generators
diff options
authorJosé Valim <jose.valim@gmail.com>2009-06-23 19:10:42 +0200
committerJosé Valim <jose.valim@gmail.com>2009-06-23 19:10:42 +0200
commit4494a752c3c568c65fa899c54486153a1a5fa187 (patch)
tree60149451a075242bd36c5298ea9838d1d2d50f2f /railties/test/generators
parent75fbd7393606b9b026418229eb3eb38542753d43 (diff)
Change current sstructure.
Diffstat (limited to 'railties/test/generators')
10 files changed, 345 insertions, 627 deletions
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/actions_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/actions_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6030504fa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/actions_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+require 'generators/generator_test_helper'
+class ActionsTest < GeneratorTestCase
+ def setup
+ super
+ @git_plugin_uri = 'git://github.com/technoweenie/restful-authentication.git'
+ @svn_plugin_uri = 'svn://svnhub.com/technoweenie/restful-authentication/trunk'
+ end
+ def test_apply_loads_and_evaluates_a_template
+ template = <<-TEMPLATE
+ @foo = "FOO"
+ template.instance_eval "def read; self; end" # Make the string respond to read
+ generator.expects(:open).with("http://gist.github.com/103208.txt").returns(template)
+ action :apply, "http://gist.github.com/103208.txt"
+ assert_equal generator.instance_variable_get("@foo"), "FOO"
+ end
+ def test_file_should_write_data_to_file_path
+ action :file, 'lib/test_file.rb', 'heres test data'
+ assert_file 'lib/test_file.rb', 'heres test data'
+ end
+ def test_file_should_write_block_contents_to_file_path
+ action(:file, 'lib/test_file.rb'){ 'heres block data' }
+ assert_file 'lib/test_file.rb', 'heres block data'
+ end
+ def test_plugin_with_git_option_should_run_plugin_install
+ generator.expects(:run).once.with("ruby script/plugin install #{@git_plugin_uri}", false)
+ action :plugin, 'restful-authentication', :git => @git_plugin_uri
+ end
+ def test_plugin_with_svn_option_should_run_plugin_install
+ generator.expects(:run).once.with("ruby script/plugin install #{@svn_plugin_uri}", false)
+ action :plugin, 'restful-authentication', :svn => @svn_plugin_uri
+ end
+ def test_plugin_with_git_option_and_submodule_should_use_git_scm
+ generator.expects(:run).with("git submodule add #{@git_plugin_uri} vendor/plugins/rest_auth", false)
+ action :plugin, 'rest_auth', :git => @git_plugin_uri, :submodule => true
+ end
+ def test_plugin_with_no_options_should_skip_method
+ generator.expects(:run).never
+ action :plugin, 'rest_auth', {}
+ end
+ def test_gem_should_put_gem_dependency_in_enviroment
+ run_generator
+ action :gem, 'will-paginate'
+ assert_file 'config/environment.rb', /config\.gem 'will\-paginate'/
+ end
+ def test_gem_with_options_should_include_options_in_gem_dependency_in_environment
+ run_generator
+ action :gem, 'mislav-will-paginate', :lib => 'will-paginate', :source => 'http://gems.github.com'
+ regexp = /#{Regexp.escape("config.gem 'mislav-will-paginate', :lib => 'will-paginate', :source => 'http://gems.github.com'")}/
+ assert_file 'config/environment.rb', regexp
+ end
+ def test_gem_with_env_string_should_put_gem_dependency_in_specified_environment
+ run_generator
+ action :gem, 'rspec', :env => 'test'
+ assert_file 'config/environments/test.rb', /config\.gem 'rspec'/
+ end
+ def test_gem_with_env_array_should_put_gem_dependency_in_specified_environments
+ run_generator
+ action :gem, 'quietbacktrace', :env => %w[ development test ]
+ assert_file 'config/environments/development.rb', /config\.gem 'quietbacktrace'/
+ assert_file 'config/environments/test.rb', /config\.gem 'quietbacktrace'/
+ end
+ def test_gem_with_lib_option_set_to_false_should_put_gem_dependency_in_enviroment_correctly
+ run_generator
+ action :gem, 'mislav-will-paginate', :lib => false
+ assert_file 'config/environment.rb', /config\.gem 'mislav\-will\-paginate'\, :lib => false/
+ end
+ def test_environment_should_include_data_in_environment_initializer_block
+ run_generator
+ load_paths = 'config.load_paths += %w["#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/extras"]'
+ action :environment, load_paths
+ assert_file 'config/environment.rb', /#{Regexp.escape(load_paths)}/
+ end
+ def test_environment_with_block_should_include_block_contents_in_environment_initializer_block
+ run_generator
+ action :environment do
+ '# This wont be added'
+ '# This will be added'
+ end
+ assert_file 'config/environment.rb', /# This will be added/
+ end
+ def test_git_with_symbol_should_run_command_using_git_scm
+ generator.expects(:run).once.with('git init')
+ action :git, :init
+ end
+ def test_git_with_hash_should_run_each_command_using_git_scm
+ generator.expects(:run).times(2)
+ action :git, :rm => 'README', :add => '.'
+ end
+ def test_vendor_should_write_data_to_file_in_vendor
+ action :vendor, 'vendor_file.rb', '# vendor data'
+ assert_file 'vendor/vendor_file.rb', '# vendor data'
+ end
+ def test_lib_should_write_data_to_file_in_lib
+ action :lib, 'my_library.rb', 'class MyLibrary'
+ assert_file 'lib/my_library.rb', 'class MyLibrary'
+ end
+ def test_rakefile_should_write_date_to_file_in_lib_tasks
+ action :rakefile, 'myapp.rake', 'task :run => [:environment]'
+ assert_file 'lib/tasks/myapp.rake', 'task :run => [:environment]'
+ end
+ def test_initializer_should_write_date_to_file_in_config_initializers
+ action :initializer, 'constants.rb', 'MY_CONSTANT = 42'
+ assert_file 'config/initializers/constants.rb', 'MY_CONSTANT = 42'
+ end
+ def test_generate_should_run_script_generate_with_argument_and_options
+ generator.expects(:run).once.with('ruby script/generate model MyModel', false)
+ action :generate, 'model', 'MyModel'
+ end
+ def test_rake_should_run_rake_command_with_development_env
+ generator.expects(:run).once.with('rake log:clear RAILS_ENV=development', false)
+ action :rake, 'log:clear'
+ end
+ def test_rake_with_env_option_should_run_rake_command_in_env
+ generator.expects(:run).once.with('rake log:clear RAILS_ENV=production', false)
+ action :rake, 'log:clear', :env => 'production'
+ end
+ def test_rake_with_sudo_option_should_run_rake_command_with_sudo
+ generator.expects(:run).once.with('sudo rake log:clear RAILS_ENV=development', false)
+ action :rake, 'log:clear', :sudo => true
+ end
+ def test_capify_should_run_the_capify_command
+ generator.expects(:run).once.with('capify .', false)
+ action :capify!
+ end
+ def test_freeze_should_freeze_rails_edge
+ generator.expects(:run).once.with('rake rails:freeze:edge', false)
+ action :freeze!
+ end
+ def test_route_should_add_data_to_the_routes_block_in_config_routes
+ run_generator
+ route_command = "map.route '/login', :controller => 'sessions', :action => 'new'"
+ action :route, route_command
+ assert_file 'config/routes.rb', /#{Regexp.escape(route_command)}/
+ end
+ protected
+ def run_generator
+ silence(:stdout) { Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.start [destination_root] }
+ end
+ def generator(config={})
+ @generator ||= Rails::Generators::Base.new([], {}, { :root => destination_root }.merge!(config))
+ end
+ def action(*args, &block)
+ silence(:stdout){ generator.send(*args, &block) }
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/app_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/app_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a67f7e4926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/app_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+require 'generators/generator_test_helper'
+class AppTest < GeneratorTestCase
+ def test_application_skeleton_is_created
+ run_generator
+ %w(
+ app/controllers
+ app/helpers
+ app/models
+ app/views/layouts
+ config/environments
+ config/initializers
+ config/locales
+ db
+ doc
+ lib
+ lib/tasks
+ log
+ public/images
+ public/javascripts
+ public/stylesheets
+ script/performance
+ test/fixtures
+ test/functional
+ test/integration
+ test/performance
+ test/unit
+ vendor
+ vendor/plugins
+ tmp/sessions
+ tmp/sockets
+ tmp/cache
+ tmp/pids
+ ).each{ |path| assert_file path }
+ end
+ def test_invalid_database_option_raises_an_error
+ content = capture(:stderr){ run_generator(["-d", "unknown"]) }
+ assert_match /Invalid value for \-\-database option/, content
+ end
+ def test_dispatchers_are_not_added_by_default
+ run_generator
+ assert_no_file "config.ru"
+ assert_no_file "public/dispatch.cgi"
+ assert_no_file "public/dispatch.fcgi"
+ end
+ def test_dispatchers_are_added_if_required
+ run_generator ["--with-dispatchers"]
+ assert_file "config.ru"
+ assert_file "public/dispatch.cgi"
+ assert_file "public/dispatch.fcgi"
+ end
+ def test_config_database_is_added_by_default
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "config/database.yml", /sqlite3/
+ end
+ def test_config_database_is_not_added_if_skip_activerecord_is_given
+ run_generator ["--skip-activerecord"]
+ assert_no_file "config/database.yml"
+ end
+ def test_activerecord_is_removed_from_frameworks_if_skip_activerecord_is_given
+ run_generator ["--skip-activerecord"]
+ assert_file "config/environment.rb", /config\.frameworks \-= \[ :active_record \]/
+ end
+ def test_prototype_and_test_unit_are_added_by_default
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "public/javascripts/prototype.js"
+ assert_file "test"
+ end
+ def test_prototype_and_test_unit_are_skipped_if_required
+ run_generator ["--skip-prototype", "--skip-testunit"]
+ assert_no_file "public/javascripts/prototype.js"
+ assert_no_file "test"
+ end
+ def test_shebang_is_added_to_files
+ run_generator ["--ruby", "foo/bar/baz"]
+ %w(
+ about
+ console
+ dbconsole
+ destroy
+ generate
+ plugin
+ runner
+ server
+ ).each { |path| assert_file "script/#{path}", /#!foo\/bar\/baz/ }
+ end
+ def test_rails_is_frozen
+ generator(:freeze => true, :database => "sqlite3").expects(:run).with("rake rails:freeze:edge", false)
+ silence(:stdout){ generator.invoke(:all) }
+ assert_file 'config/environment.rb', /# RAILS_GEM_VERSION/
+ end
+ def test_template_raises_an_error_with_invalid_path
+ content = capture(:stderr){ run_generator(["-m", "non/existant/path"]) }
+ assert_match /The template \[.*\] could not be loaded/, content
+ assert_match /non\/existant\/path/, content
+ end
+ def test_template_is_executed_when_supplied
+ path = "http://gist.github.com/103208.txt"
+ template = %{ say "It works!" }
+ template.instance_eval "def read; self; end" # Make the string respond to read
+ generator(:template => path, :database => "sqlite3").expects(:open).with(path).returns(template)
+ assert_match /It works!/, silence(:stdout){ generator.invoke(:all) }
+ end
+ protected
+ def run_generator(args=[])
+ silence(:stdout) { Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.start [destination_root].concat(args) }
+ end
+ def generator(options={})
+ @generator ||= Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.new([destination_root], options, :root => destination_root)
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/generator_test_helper.rb b/railties/test/generators/generator_test_helper.rb
index 01bf1c90bd..2b988bde7a 100644
--- a/railties/test/generators/generator_test_helper.rb
+++ b/railties/test/generators/generator_test_helper.rb
@@ -1,303 +1,56 @@
require 'test/unit'
require 'fileutils'
-# Mock out what we need from AR::Base
-module ActiveRecord
- class Base
- class << self
- attr_accessor :pluralize_table_names, :timestamped_migrations
- end
- self.pluralize_table_names = true
- self.timestamped_migrations = true
- end
- module ConnectionAdapters
- class Column
- attr_reader :name, :default, :type, :limit, :null, :sql_type, :precision, :scale
- def initialize(name, default, sql_type = nil)
- @name = name
- @default = default
- @type = @sql_type = sql_type
- end
- def human_name
- @name.humanize
- end
- end
- end
-# Mock up necessities from ActionView
-module ActionView
- module Helpers
- module ActionRecordHelper; end
- class InstanceTag; end
- end
-# Set RAILS_ROOT appropriately fixture generation
-tmp_dir = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../fixtures/tmp"
-if defined? RAILS_ROOT
- RAILS_ROOT.replace tmp_dir
- RAILS_ROOT = tmp_dir
-FileUtils.mkdir_p RAILS_ROOT
$LOAD_PATH.unshift "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../lib"
-require 'initializer'
-# Mocks out the configuration
-module Rails
- def self.configuration
- Rails::Configuration.new
- end
-require 'rails_generator'
+# For this while, let's load all generators by hand
+require 'generators'
+require 'generators/rails/app/app_generator'
class GeneratorTestCase < Test::Unit::TestCase
include FileUtils
- def setup
- ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = true
- mkdir_p "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/views/layouts"
- mkdir_p "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config"
- mkdir_p "#{RAILS_ROOT}/db"
- mkdir_p "#{RAILS_ROOT}/test/fixtures"
- mkdir_p "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/stylesheets"
- File.open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/routes.rb", 'w') do |f|
- f << "ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|\n\nend"
- end
+ def destination_root
+ @destination_root ||= File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../fixtures/tmp")
- def teardown
- rm_rf "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app"
- rm_rf "#{RAILS_ROOT}/test"
- rm_rf "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config"
- rm_rf "#{RAILS_ROOT}/db"
- rm_rf "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public"
+ def setup
+ mkdir_p(destination_root)
+ rm_rf(destination_root)
def test_truth
# don't complain, test/unit
- # Instantiates the Generator.
- def build_generator(name, params)
- Rails::Generator::Base.instance(name, params)
- end
- # Runs the +create+ command (like the command line does).
- def run_generator(name, params)
- silence_generator do
- build_generator(name, params).command(:create).invoke!
- end
- end
- # Silences the logger temporarily and returns the output as a String.
- def silence_generator
- logger_original = Rails::Generator::Base.logger
- myout = StringIO.new
- Rails::Generator::Base.logger = Rails::Generator::SimpleLogger.new(myout)
- yield if block_given?
- Rails::Generator::Base.logger = logger_original
- myout.string
- end
- # Asserts that the given controller was generated.
- # It takes a name or symbol without the <tt>_controller</tt> part and an optional super class.
- # The contents of the class source file is passed to a block.
- def assert_generated_controller_for(name, parent = "ApplicationController")
- assert_generated_class "app/controllers/#{name.to_s.underscore}_controller", parent do |body|
- yield body if block_given?
- end
- end
- # Asserts that the given model was generated.
- # It takes a name or symbol and an optional super class.
- # The contents of the class source file is passed to a block.
- def assert_generated_model_for(name, parent = "ActiveRecord::Base")
- assert_generated_class "app/models/#{name.to_s.underscore}", parent do |body|
- yield body if block_given?
- end
- end
- # Asserts that the given helper was generated.
- # It takes a name or symbol without the <tt>_helper</tt> part.
- # The contents of the module source file is passed to a block.
- def assert_generated_helper_for(name)
- assert_generated_module "app/helpers/#{name.to_s.underscore}_helper" do |body|
- yield body if block_given?
- end
- end
- # Asserts that the given functional test was generated.
- # It takes a name or symbol without the <tt>_controller_test</tt> part and an optional super class.
- # The contents of the class source file is passed to a block.
- def assert_generated_functional_test_for(name, parent = "ActionController::TestCase")
- assert_generated_class "test/functional/#{name.to_s.underscore}_controller_test",parent do |body|
- yield body if block_given?
- end
- end
- # Asserts that the given helper test test was generated.
- # It takes a name or symbol without the <tt>_helper_test</tt> part and an optional super class.
- # The contents of the class source file is passed to a block.
- def assert_generated_helper_test_for(name, parent = "ActionView::TestCase")
- path = "test/unit/helpers/#{name.to_s.underscore}_helper_test"
- # Have to pass the path without the "test/" part so that class_name_from_path will return a correct result
- class_name = class_name_from_path(path.gsub(/^test\//, ''))
- assert_generated_class path,parent,class_name do |body|
- yield body if block_given?
- end
- end
- # Asserts that the given unit test was generated.
- # It takes a name or symbol without the <tt>_test</tt> part and an optional super class.
- # The contents of the class source file is passed to a block.
- def assert_generated_unit_test_for(name, parent = "ActiveSupport::TestCase")
- assert_generated_class "test/unit/#{name.to_s.underscore}_test", parent do |body|
- yield body if block_given?
- end
- end
- # Asserts that the given file was generated.
- # The contents of the file is passed to a block.
- def assert_generated_file(path)
- assert_file_exists(path)
- File.open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/#{path}") do |f|
- yield f.read if block_given?
- end
- end
- # asserts that the given file exists
- def assert_file_exists(path)
- assert File.exist?("#{RAILS_ROOT}/#{path}"),
- "The file '#{RAILS_ROOT}/#{path}' should exist"
- end
- # Asserts that the given class source file was generated.
- # It takes a path without the <tt>.rb</tt> part and an optional super class.
- # The contents of the class source file is passed to a block.
- def assert_generated_class(path, parent = nil, class_name = class_name_from_path(path))
- assert_generated_file("#{path}.rb") do |body|
- assert_match /class #{class_name}#{parent.nil? ? '':" < #{parent}"}/, body, "the file '#{path}.rb' should be a class"
- yield body if block_given?
- end
- end
- def class_name_from_path(path)
- # FIXME: Sucky way to detect namespaced classes
- if path.split('/').size > 3
- path =~ /\/?(\d+_)?(\w+)\/(\w+)$/
- "#{$2.camelize}::#{$3.camelize}"
- else
- path =~ /\/?(\d+_)?(\w+)$/
- $2.camelize
- end
- end
- # Asserts that the given module source file was generated.
- # It takes a path without the <tt>.rb</tt> part.
- # The contents of the class source file is passed to a block.
- def assert_generated_module(path)
- # FIXME: Sucky way to detect namespaced modules
- if path.split('/').size > 3
- path =~ /\/?(\w+)\/(\w+)$/
- module_name = "#{$1.camelize}::#{$2.camelize}"
- else
- path =~ /\/?(\w+)$/
- module_name = $1.camelize
+ def capture(stream)
+ begin
+ stream = stream.to_s
+ eval "$#{stream} = StringIO.new"
+ yield
+ result = eval("$#{stream}").string
+ ensure
+ eval("$#{stream} = #{stream.upcase}")
- assert_generated_file("#{path}.rb") do |body|
- assert_match /module #{module_name}/, body, "the file '#{path}.rb' should be a module"
- yield body if block_given?
- end
- end
- # Asserts that the given CSS stylesheet file was generated.
- # It takes a path without the <tt>.css</tt> part.
- # The contents of the stylesheet source file is passed to a block.
- def assert_generated_stylesheet(path)
- assert_generated_file("public/stylesheets/#{path}.css") do |body|
- yield body if block_given?
- end
- end
- # Asserts that the given YAML file was generated.
- # It takes a path without the <tt>.yml</tt> part.
- # The parsed YAML tree is passed to a block.
- def assert_generated_yaml(path)
- assert_generated_file("#{path}.yml") do |body|
- yaml = YAML.load(body)
- assert yaml, 'YAML data missing'
- yield yaml if block_given?
- end
- end
- # Asserts that the given fixtures YAML file was generated.
- # It takes a fixture name without the <tt>.yml</tt> part.
- # The parsed YAML tree is passed to a block.
- def assert_generated_fixtures_for(name)
- assert_generated_yaml "test/fixtures/#{name.to_s.underscore}" do |yaml|
- yield yaml if block_given?
- end
+ result
+ alias :silence :capture
- # Asserts that the given views were generated.
- # It takes a controller name and a list of views (including extensions).
- # The body of each view is passed to a block.
- def assert_generated_views_for(name, *actions)
- actions.each do |action|
- assert_generated_file("app/views/#{name.to_s.underscore}/#{action}") do |body|
- yield body if block_given?
- end
- end
- end
- def assert_generated_migration(name, parent = "ActiveRecord::Migration")
- file = Dir.glob("#{RAILS_ROOT}/db/migrate/*_#{name.to_s.underscore}.rb").first
- file = file.match(/db\/migrate\/[0-9]+_\w+/).to_s
- assert_generated_class file, parent do |body|
- assert_match /timestamps/, body, "should have timestamps defined"
- yield body if block_given?
- end
- end
- # Asserts that the given migration file was not generated.
- # It takes the name of the migration as a parameter.
- def assert_skipped_migration(name)
- migration_file = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/db/migrate/001_#{name.to_s.underscore}.rb"
- assert !File.exist?(migration_file), "should not create migration #{migration_file}"
- end
- # Asserts that the given resource was added to the routes.
- def assert_added_route_for(name)
- assert_generated_file("config/routes.rb") do |body|
- assert_match /map.resources :#{name.to_s.underscore}/, body,
- "should add route for :#{name.to_s.underscore}"
- end
- end
+ def assert_file(relative, content=nil)
+ absolute = File.join(destination_root, relative)
+ assert File.exists?(absolute)
- # Asserts that the given methods are defined in the body.
- # This does assume standard rails code conventions with regards to the source code.
- # The body of each individual method is passed to a block.
- def assert_has_method(body, *methods)
- methods.each do |name|
- assert body =~ /^ def #{name}(\(.+\))?\n((\n| .*\n)*) end/, "should have method #{name}"
- yield(name, $2) if block_given?
+ case content
+ when String
+ assert_equal content, File.read(absolute)
+ when Regexp
+ assert_match content, File.read(absolute)
- # Asserts that the given column is defined in the migration.
- def assert_generated_column(body, name, type)
- assert_match /t\.#{type.to_s} :#{name.to_s}/, body, "should have column #{name.to_s} defined"
+ def assert_no_file(relative, content=nil)
+ absolute = File.join(destination_root, relative)
+ assert !File.exists?(absolute)
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/rails_controller_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/rails_controller_generator_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 43fbe972e2..0000000000
--- a/railties/test/generators/rails_controller_generator_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-require 'generators/generator_test_helper'
-module Admin
-class RailsControllerGeneratorTest < GeneratorTestCase
- def test_controller_generates_controller
- run_generator('controller', %w(products))
- assert_generated_controller_for :products
- assert_generated_functional_test_for :products
- assert_generated_helper_for :products
- assert_generated_helper_test_for :products
- end
- def test_controller_generates_namespaced_controller
- run_generator('controller', %w(admin::products))
- assert_generated_controller_for "admin::products"
- assert_generated_functional_test_for "admin::products"
- assert_generated_helper_for "admin::products"
- assert_generated_helper_test_for "admin::products"
- end
- def test_controller_generates_namespaced_and_not_namespaced_controllers
- run_generator('controller', %w(products))
- # We have to require the generated helper to show the problem because
- # the test helpers just check for generated files and contents but
- # do not actually load them. But they have to be loaded (as in a real environment)
- # to make the second generator run fail
- require "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/helpers/products_helper"
- assert_nothing_raised do
- begin
- run_generator('controller', %w(admin::products))
- ensure
- # cleanup
- Object.send(:remove_const, :ProductsHelper)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/rails_helper_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/rails_helper_generator_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d05f555e6..0000000000
--- a/railties/test/generators/rails_helper_generator_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/generator_test_helper'
-class RailsHelperGeneratorTest < GeneratorTestCase
- def test_helper_generates_helper
- run_generator('helper', %w(products))
- assert_generated_helper_for :products
- assert_generated_helper_test_for :products
- end
- def test_helper_generates_namespaced_helper
- run_generator('helper', %w(admin::products))
- assert_generated_helper_for "admin::products"
- assert_generated_helper_test_for "admin::products"
- end
- def test_helper_generates_namespaced_and_not_namespaced_helpers
- run_generator('helper', %w(products))
- # We have to require the generated helper to show the problem because
- # the test helpers just check for generated files and contents but
- # do not actually load them. But they have to be loaded (as in a real environment)
- # to make the second generator run fail
- require "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/helpers/products_helper"
- assert_nothing_raised do
- begin
- run_generator('helper', %w(admin::products))
- ensure
- # cleanup
- Object.send(:remove_const, :ProductsHelper)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/rails_mailer_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/rails_mailer_generator_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index de61e6736d..0000000000
--- a/railties/test/generators/rails_mailer_generator_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-require 'generators/generator_test_helper'
-class RailsMailerGeneratorTest < GeneratorTestCase
- def test_generates_mailer
- run_generator('mailer', %w(Notifier reset_password))
- assert_generated_model_for :notifier, 'ActionMailer::Base' do |model|
- assert_has_method model, :reset_password do |name, body|
- assert_equal [
- "subject 'Notifier#reset_password'",
- "recipients ''",
- "from ''",
- "sent_on sent_at",
- "",
- "body :greeting => 'Hi,'"
- ],
- body.split("\n").map{|line| line.sub(' '*4, '') }
- end
- assert_no_match /(self.default_url_options =|default_url_options\[.*\] =)/, model,
- 'individual mailer models should not set default_url_options because the options are shared by all mailers'
- end
- assert_generated_views_for :notifier, 'reset_password.erb'
- assert_generated_unit_test_for :notifier, 'ActionMailer::TestCase'
- assert_generated_file "test/fixtures/notifier/reset_password"
- end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/rails_model_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/rails_model_generator_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index aea2abafba..0000000000
--- a/railties/test/generators/rails_model_generator_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-require 'generators/generator_test_helper'
-class RailsModelGeneratorTest < GeneratorTestCase
- def test_model_generates_resources
- run_generator('model', %w(Product name:string))
- assert_generated_model_for :product
- assert_generated_fixtures_for :products
- assert_generated_migration :create_products
- end
- def test_model_skip_migration_skips_migration
- run_generator('model', %w(Product name:string --skip-migration))
- assert_generated_model_for :product
- assert_generated_fixtures_for :products
- assert_skipped_migration :create_products
- end
- def test_model_with_attributes_generates_resources_with_attributes
- run_generator('model', %w(Product name:string supplier_id:integer created_at:timestamp))
- assert_generated_model_for :product
- assert_generated_fixtures_for :products
- assert_generated_migration :create_products do |t|
- assert_generated_column t, :name, :string
- assert_generated_column t, :supplier_id, :integer
- assert_generated_column t, :created_at, :timestamp
- end
- end
- def test_model_with_reference_attributes_generates_belongs_to_associations
- run_generator('model', %w(Product name:string supplier:references))
- assert_generated_model_for :product do |body|
- assert body =~ /^\s+belongs_to :supplier/, "#{body.inspect} should contain 'belongs_to :supplier'"
- end
- end
- def test_model_with_belongs_to_attributes_generates_belongs_to_associations
- run_generator('model', %w(Product name:string supplier:belongs_to))
- assert_generated_model_for :product do |body|
- assert body =~ /^\s+belongs_to :supplier/, "#{body.inspect} should contain 'belongs_to :supplier'"
- end
- end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/rails_model_subclass_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/rails_model_subclass_generator_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 30066b5a3c..0000000000
--- a/railties/test/generators/rails_model_subclass_generator_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-require 'generators/generator_test_helper'
-class RailsModelSubclassGeneratorTest < GeneratorTestCase
- def test_model_subclass_generates_resources
- run_generator('model_subclass', %w(Car Product))
- assert_generated_model_for :car, "Product"
- assert_generated_unit_test_for :car
- end
- def test_model_subclass_must_have_a_parent_class_name
- assert_raise(Rails::Generator::UsageError) { run_generator('model_subclass', %w(Car)) }
- end
-end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/rails_resource_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/rails_resource_generator_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f5bd0ef1e..0000000000
--- a/railties/test/generators/rails_resource_generator_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-require 'generators/generator_test_helper'
-class RailsResourceGeneratorTest < GeneratorTestCase
- def test_resource_generates_resources
- run_generator('resource', %w(Product name:string))
- assert_generated_controller_for :products
- assert_generated_model_for :product
- assert_generated_fixtures_for :products
- assert_generated_functional_test_for :products
- assert_generated_helper_for :products
- assert_generated_helper_test_for :products
- assert_generated_migration :create_products
- assert_added_route_for :products
- end
- def test_resource_skip_migration_skips_migration
- run_generator('resource', %w(Product name:string --skip-migration))
- assert_generated_controller_for :products
- assert_generated_model_for :product
- assert_generated_fixtures_for :products
- assert_generated_functional_test_for :products
- assert_generated_helper_for :products
- assert_generated_helper_test_for :products
- assert_skipped_migration :create_products
- assert_added_route_for :products
- end
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/rails_scaffold_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/rails_scaffold_generator_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 70829a77fd..0000000000
--- a/railties/test/generators/rails_scaffold_generator_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-require 'generators/generator_test_helper'
-require 'abstract_unit'
-class RailsScaffoldGeneratorTest < GeneratorTestCase
- def test_scaffolded_names
- g = Rails::Generator::Base.instance('scaffold', %w(ProductLine))
- assert_equal "ProductLines", g.controller_name
- assert_equal "ProductLines", g.controller_class_name
- assert_equal "ProductLine", g.controller_singular_name
- assert_equal "product_lines", g.controller_plural_name
- assert_equal "product_lines", g.controller_file_name
- assert_equal "product_lines", g.controller_table_name
- end
- def test_scaffold_generates_resources
- run_generator('scaffold', %w(Product name:string))
- assert_generated_controller_for :products do |f|
- assert_has_method f, :index do |name, m|
- assert_match /@products = Product\.all/, m, "#{name} should query products table"
- end
- assert_has_method f, :show, :edit, :update, :destroy do |name, m|
- assert_match /@product = Product\.find\(params\[:id\]\)/, m, "#{name.to_s} should query products table"
- end
- assert_has_method f, :new do |name, m|
- assert_match /@product = Product\.new/, m, "#{name.to_s} should instantiate a product"
- end
- assert_has_method f, :create do |name, m|
- assert_match /@product = Product\.new\(params\[:product\]\)/, m, "#{name.to_s} should instantiate a product"
- assert_match /format.xml \{ render :xml => @product.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity \}/, m, "#{name.to_s} should set status to :unprocessable_entity code for xml"
- end
- end
- assert_generated_model_for :product
- assert_generated_functional_test_for :products
- assert_generated_unit_test_for :product
- assert_generated_fixtures_for :products
- assert_generated_helper_for :products
- assert_generated_helper_test_for :products
- assert_generated_stylesheet :scaffold
- assert_generated_views_for :products, "index.html.erb", "new.html.erb", "edit.html.erb", "show.html.erb"
- assert_generated_migration :create_products
- assert_added_route_for :products
- end
- def test_scaffold_skip_migration_skips_migration
- run_generator('scaffold', %w(Product name:string --skip-migration))
- assert_generated_model_for :product
- assert_generated_functional_test_for :products
- assert_generated_unit_test_for :product
- assert_generated_fixtures_for :products
- assert_generated_helper_for :products
- assert_generated_helper_test_for :products
- assert_generated_stylesheet :scaffold
- assert_generated_views_for :products, "index.html.erb","new.html.erb","edit.html.erb","show.html.erb"
- assert_skipped_migration :create_products
- assert_added_route_for :products
- end
- def test_scaffold_generates_resources_with_attributes
- run_generator('scaffold', %w(Product name:string supplier_id:integer created_at:timestamp))
- assert_generated_controller_for :products do |f|
- assert_has_method f, :index do |name, m|
- assert_match /@products = Product\.all/, m, "#{name} should query products table"
- end
- assert_has_method f, :show, :edit, :update, :destroy do |name, m|
- assert_match /@product = Product\.find\(params\[:id\]\)/, m, "#{name.to_s} should query products table"
- end
- assert_has_method f, :new do |name, m|
- assert_match /@product = Product\.new/, m, "#{name.to_s} should instantiate a product"
- end
- assert_has_method f, :create do |name, m|
- assert_match /@product = Product\.new\(params\[:product\]\)/, m, "#{name.to_s} should instantiate a product"
- assert_match /format.xml \{ render :xml => @product.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity \}/, m, "#{name.to_s} should set status to :unprocessable_entity code for xml"
- end
- end
- assert_generated_model_for :product
- assert_generated_functional_test_for :products
- assert_generated_unit_test_for :product
- assert_generated_fixtures_for :products
- assert_generated_helper_for :products
- assert_generated_helper_test_for :products
- assert_generated_stylesheet :scaffold
- assert_generated_views_for :products, "index.html.erb", "new.html.erb", "edit.html.erb", "show.html.erb"
- assert_generated_migration :create_products do |t|
- assert_generated_column t, :name, :string
- assert_generated_column t, :supplier_id, :integer
- assert_generated_column t, :created_at, :timestamp
- end
- assert_added_route_for :products
- end
- def test_scaffolded_plural_names
- Rails::Generator::Base.logger.expects(:warning)
- g = Rails::Generator::Base.instance('scaffold', %w(ProductLines))
- assert_equal "ProductLines", g.controller_name
- assert_equal "ProductLines", g.controller_class_name
- assert_equal "ProductLine", g.controller_singular_name
- assert_equal "product_lines", g.controller_plural_name
- assert_equal "product_lines", g.controller_file_name
- assert_equal "product_lines", g.controller_table_name
- end
- def test_scaffold_plural_model_name_without_force_plural_generates_singular_model
- run_generator('scaffold', %w(Products name:string))
- assert_generated_model_for :product
- assert_generated_functional_test_for :products
- assert_generated_unit_test_for :product
- assert_generated_fixtures_for :products
- assert_generated_helper_for :products
- assert_generated_helper_test_for :products
- assert_generated_stylesheet :scaffold
- assert_generated_views_for :products, "index.html.erb","new.html.erb","edit.html.erb","show.html.erb"
- assert_skipped_migration :create_products
- assert_added_route_for :products
- end
- def test_scaffold_plural_model_name_with_force_plural_forces_plural_model
- run_generator('scaffold', %w(Products name:string --force-plural))
- assert_generated_model_for :products
- assert_generated_functional_test_for :products
- assert_generated_unit_test_for :products
- assert_generated_fixtures_for :products
- assert_generated_helper_for :products
- assert_generated_helper_test_for :products
- assert_generated_stylesheet :scaffold
- assert_generated_views_for :products, "index.html.erb","new.html.erb","edit.html.erb","show.html.erb"
- assert_skipped_migration :create_products
- assert_added_route_for :products
- end