path: root/railties/lib/rails
diff options
authorwangjohn <wangjohn@mit.edu>2013-06-26 09:09:57 -0700
committerwangjohn <wangjohn@mit.edu>2013-06-24 09:35:15 -0400
commit3e5dbda5bbcd0fdaa91b63fcfd22076c41b6a6db (patch)
tree499018c59a4092996afbf4e71fc3869e490af38c /railties/lib/rails
parent9dfa926874cf1c3f851fd884761f76957867d2bd (diff)
Removing deprecated rake tasks.
The `rake test:recent` and `rake test:uncommitted` tasks were deprecated and are now being removed.
Diffstat (limited to 'railties/lib/rails')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/test_unit/testing.rake b/railties/lib/rails/test_unit/testing.rake
index 9263b9b81d..f1f20293f0 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/test_unit/testing.rake
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/test_unit/testing.rake
@@ -3,34 +3,6 @@ require 'rake/testtask'
require 'rails/test_unit/sub_test_task'
require 'active_support/deprecation'
-TEST_CHANGES_SINCE = Time.now - 600
-# Look up tests for recently modified sources.
-def recent_tests(source_pattern, test_path, touched_since = 10.minutes.ago)
- FileList[source_pattern].map do |path|
- if File.mtime(path) > touched_since
- tests = []
- source_dir = File.dirname(path).split("/")
- source_file = File.basename(path, '.rb')
- # Support subdirs in app/models and app/controllers
- modified_test_path = source_dir.length > 2 ? "#{test_path}/" << source_dir[1..source_dir.length].join('/') : test_path
- # For modified files in app/ run the tests for it. ex. /test/controllers/account_controller.rb
- test = "#{modified_test_path}/#{source_file}_test.rb"
- tests.push test if File.exist?(test)
- # For modified files in app, run tests in subdirs too. ex. /test/controllers/account/*_test.rb
- test = "#{modified_test_path}/#{File.basename(path, '.rb').sub("_controller","")}"
- FileList["#{test}/*_test.rb"].each { |f| tests.push f } if File.exist?(test)
- return tests
- end
- end.flatten.compact
# Recreated here from Active Support because :uncommitted needs it before Rails is available
module Kernel
remove_method :silence_stderr # Removing old method to prevent method redefined warning
@@ -85,40 +57,6 @@ namespace :test do
ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn "`rake #{ARGV.first}` is deprecated with no replacement."
- Rake::TestTask.new(recent: ["test:deprecated", "test:prepare"]) do |t|
- touched = FileList['test/**/*_test.rb'].select { |path| File.mtime(path) > since } +
- recent_tests('app/models/**/*.rb', 'test/models', since) +
- recent_tests('app/models/**/*.rb', 'test/unit', since) +
- recent_tests('app/controllers/**/*.rb', 'test/controllers', since) +
- recent_tests('app/controllers/**/*.rb', 'test/functional', since)
- t.test_files = touched.uniq
- end
- Rake::Task['test:recent'].comment = "Deprecated; Test recent changes"
- Rake::TestTask.new(uncommitted: ["test:deprecated", "test:prepare"]) do |t|
- def t.file_list
- if File.directory?(".svn")
- changed_since_checkin = silence_stderr { `svn status` }.split.map { |path| path.chomp[7 .. -1] }
- elsif system "git rev-parse --git-dir 2>&1 >/dev/null"
- changed_since_checkin = silence_stderr { `git ls-files --modified --others --exclude-standard` }.split.map { |path| path.chomp }
- else
- abort "Not a Subversion or Git checkout."
- end
- models = changed_since_checkin.select { |path| path =~ /app[\\\/]models[\\\/].*\.rb$/ }
- controllers = changed_since_checkin.select { |path| path =~ /app[\\\/]controllers[\\\/].*\.rb$/ }
- unit_tests = models.map { |model| "test/models/#{File.basename(model, '.rb')}_test.rb" } +
- models.map { |model| "test/unit/#{File.basename(model, '.rb')}_test.rb" } +
- functional_tests = controllers.map { |controller| "test/controllers/#{File.basename(controller, '.rb')}_test.rb" } +
- controllers.map { |controller| "test/functional/#{File.basename(controller, '.rb')}_test.rb" }
- (unit_tests + functional_tests).uniq.select { |file| File.exist?(file) }
- end
- end
- Rake::Task['test:uncommitted'].comment = "Deprecated; Test changes since last checkin (only Subversion and Git)"
Rails::TestTask.new(single: "test:prepare")
["models", "helpers", "controllers", "mailers", "integration"].each do |name|