path: root/railties/guides/source/i18n.textile
diff options
authoreparreno <emili@eparreno.com>2010-11-15 19:21:40 +0100
committerXavier Noria <fxn@hashref.com>2010-11-21 03:29:43 +0100
commit3d377454dbeb9ab9fc0a4d491498c237e33e8d4b (patch)
treeeb472ff9c113bc07386cf0973e166b9abf14badb /railties/guides/source/i18n.textile
parentd5779efaf2375466ab557868e586b9dbd942abc1 (diff)
remove old school validations and replaced with new validates method. Pending: fix active_record guide
Diffstat (limited to 'railties/guides/source/i18n.textile')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/i18n.textile b/railties/guides/source/i18n.textile
index 825185c832..12901e4dac 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/i18n.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/i18n.textile
@@ -672,11 +672,11 @@ Active Record validation error messages can also be translated easily. Active Re
This gives you quite powerful means to flexibly adjust your messages to your application's needs.
-Consider a User model with a +validates_presence_of+ validation for the name attribute like this:
+Consider a User model with a validation for the name attribute like this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
- validates_presence_of :name
+ validates :name, :presence => true
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ For example, you might have an Admin model inheriting from User:
class Admin < User
- validates_presence_of :name
+ validates :name, :presence => true
@@ -733,27 +733,27 @@ So, for example, instead of the default error message +"can not be blank"+ you c
* +count+, where available, can be used for pluralization if present:
|_. validation |_.with option |_.message |_.interpolation|
-| validates_confirmation_of | - | :confirmation | -|
-| validates_acceptance_of | - | :accepted | -|
-| validates_presence_of | - | :blank | -|
-| validates_length_of | :within, :in | :too_short | count|
-| validates_length_of | :within, :in | :too_long | count|
-| validates_length_of | :is | :wrong_length | count|
-| validates_length_of | :minimum | :too_short | count|
-| validates_length_of | :maximum | :too_long | count|
-| validates_uniqueness_of | - | :taken | -|
-| validates_format_of | - | :invalid | -|
-| validates_inclusion_of | - | :inclusion | -|
-| validates_exclusion_of | - | :exclusion | -|
-| validates_associated | - | :invalid | -|
-| validates_numericality_of | - | :not_a_number | -|
-| validates_numericality_of | :greater_than | :greater_than | count|
-| validates_numericality_of | :greater_than_or_equal_to | :greater_than_or_equal_to | count|
-| validates_numericality_of | :equal_to | :equal_to | count|
-| validates_numericality_of | :less_than | :less_than | count|
-| validates_numericality_of | :less_than_or_equal_to | :less_than_or_equal_to | count|
-| validates_numericality_of | :odd | :odd | -|
-| validates_numericality_of | :even | :even | -|
+| confirmation | - | :confirmation | -|
+| acceptance | - | :accepted | -|
+| presence | - | :blank | -|
+| length | :within, :in | :too_short | count|
+| length | :within, :in | :too_long | count|
+| length | :is | :wrong_length | count|
+| length | :minimum | :too_short | count|
+| length | :maximum | :too_long | count|
+| uniqueness | - | :taken | -|
+| format | - | :invalid | -|
+| inclusion | - | :inclusion | -|
+| exclusion | - | :exclusion | -|
+| associated | - | :invalid | -|
+| numericality | - | :not_a_number | -|
+| numericality | :greater_than | :greater_than | count|
+| numericality | :greater_than_or_equal_to | :greater_than_or_equal_to | count|
+| numericality | :equal_to | :equal_to | count|
+| numericality | :less_than | :less_than | count|
+| numericality | :less_than_or_equal_to | :less_than_or_equal_to | count|
+| numericality | :odd | :odd | -|
+| numericality | :even | :even | -|
h5. Translations for the Active Record +error_messages_for+ Helper