path: root/lib/arel/visitors
diff options
authorAaron Patterson <aaron.patterson@gmail.com>2012-10-12 16:19:39 -0700
committerAaron Patterson <aaron.patterson@gmail.com>2012-10-12 16:19:39 -0700
commite2322265cc84ddd204fddbc1398db42179f6a31b (patch)
tree62dea182c567a309dd631d68f093d2a7a38eeb19 /lib/arel/visitors
parentde7e7c84856a628493ab6f14a7ab41f0011cd83f (diff)
adding some roflscale to the sql visitor
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/arel/visitors')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb b/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb
index b194319002..ee6ca6fb92 100644
--- a/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb
+++ b/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb
@@ -4,6 +4,54 @@ require 'date'
module Arel
module Visitors
class ToSql < Arel::Visitors::Visitor
+ ##
+ # This is some roflscale crazy stuff. I'm roflscaling this because
+ # building SQL queries is a hotspot. I will explain the roflscale so that
+ # others will not rm this code.
+ #
+ # In YARV, string literals in a method body will get duped when the byte
+ # code is executed. Let's take a look:
+ #
+ # > puts RubyVM::InstructionSequence.new('def foo; "bar"; end').disasm
+ #
+ # == disasm: <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:foo@<compiled>>=====
+ # 0000 trace 8
+ # 0002 trace 1
+ # 0004 putstring "bar"
+ # 0006 trace 16
+ # 0008 leave
+ #
+ # The `putstring` bytecode will dup the string and push it on the stack.
+ # In many cases in our SQL visitor, that string is never mutated, so there
+ # is no need to dup the literal.
+ #
+ # If we change to a constant lookup, the string will not be duped, and we
+ # can reduce the objects in our system:
+ #
+ # > puts RubyVM::InstructionSequence.new('BAR = "bar"; def foo; BAR; end').disasm
+ #
+ # == disasm: <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:foo@<compiled>>========
+ # 0000 trace 8
+ # 0002 trace 1
+ # 0004 getinlinecache 11, <ic:0>
+ # 0007 getconstant :BAR
+ # 0009 setinlinecache <ic:0>
+ # 0011 trace 16
+ # 0013 leave
+ #
+ # `getconstant` should be a hash lookup, and no object is duped when the
+ # value of the constant is pushed on the stack. Hence the crazy
+ # constants below.
+ WHERE = ' WHERE ' # :nodoc:
+ SPACE = ' ' # :nodoc:
+ COMMA = ', ' # :nodoc:
+ GROUP_BY = ' GROUP BY ' # :nodoc:
+ WINDOW = ' WINDOW ' # :nodoc:
+ AND = ' AND ' # :nodoc:
+ DISTINCT = 'DISTINCT' # :nodoc:
attr_accessor :last_column
def initialize connection
@@ -23,7 +71,7 @@ module Arel
def visit_Arel_Nodes_DeleteStatement o
"DELETE FROM #{visit o.relation}",
- ("WHERE #{o.wheres.map { |x| visit x }.join ' AND '}" unless o.wheres.empty?)
+ ("WHERE #{o.wheres.map { |x| visit x }.join AND}" unless o.wheres.empty?)
].compact.join ' '
@@ -127,17 +175,52 @@ key on UpdateManager using UpdateManager#key=
def visit_Arel_Nodes_SelectCore o
- [
- (visit(o.top) if o.top),
- (visit(o.set_quantifier) if o.set_quantifier),
- ("#{o.projections.map { |x| visit x }.join ', '}" unless o.projections.empty?),
- ("FROM #{visit(o.source)}" if o.source && !o.source.empty?),
- ("WHERE #{o.wheres.map { |x| visit x }.join ' AND ' }" unless o.wheres.empty?),
- ("GROUP BY #{o.groups.map { |x| visit x }.join ', ' }" unless o.groups.empty?),
- (visit(o.having) if o.having),
- ("WINDOW #{o.windows.map { |x| visit x }.join ', ' }" unless o.windows.empty?)
- ].compact.join ' '
+ str = "SELECT"
+ str << " #{visit(o.top)}" if o.top
+ str << " #{visit(o.set_quantifier)}" if o.set_quantifier
+ unless o.projections.empty?
+ str << SPACE
+ len = o.projections.length - 1
+ o.projections.each_with_index do |x, i|
+ str << visit(x)
+ str << COMMA unless len == i
+ end
+ end
+ str << " FROM #{visit(o.source)}" if o.source && !o.source.empty?
+ unless o.wheres.empty?
+ str << WHERE
+ len = o.wheres.length - 1
+ o.wheres.each_with_index do |x, i|
+ str << visit(x)
+ str << AND unless len == i
+ end
+ end
+ unless o.groups.empty?
+ str << GROUP_BY
+ len = o.groups.length - 1
+ o.groups.each_with_index do |x, i|
+ str << visit(x)
+ str << COMMA unless len == i
+ end
+ end
+ str << " #{visit(o.having)}" if o.having
+ unless o.windows.empty?
+ str << WINDOW
+ len = o.windows.length - 1
+ o.windows.each_with_index do |x, i|
+ str << visit(x)
+ str << COMMA unless len == i
+ end
+ end
+ str
def visit_Arel_Nodes_Bin o
@@ -145,7 +228,7 @@ key on UpdateManager using UpdateManager#key=
def visit_Arel_Nodes_Distinct o
def visit_Arel_Nodes_DistinctOn o