path: root/guides
diff options
authorYves Senn <yves.senn@gmail.com>2013-11-28 17:48:54 +0100
committerYves Senn <yves.senn@gmail.com>2013-11-28 17:49:29 +0100
commitf6c1039dd4997fc7f618b870206ca576548f7f45 (patch)
tree807447f93f361fc706413a8edeea09b190a6b37e /guides
parent7c6d99e81e05be57b884cbfed4e12986669bd5b4 (diff)
delete obsolete KINDLE.md. Closes #13037. [ci skip].
Diffstat (limited to 'guides')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/guides/source/kindle/KINDLE.md b/guides/source/kindle/KINDLE.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c4fad18aa..0000000000
--- a/guides/source/kindle/KINDLE.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# Rails Guides on the Kindle
-## Synopsis
- 1. Obtain `kindlegen` from the link below and put the binary in your path
- 2. Run `KINDLE=1 rake generate_guides` to generate the guides and compile the `.mobi` file
- 3. Copy `output/kindle/rails_guides.mobi` to your Kindle
-## Resources
- * [Stack Overflow: Kindle Periodical Format](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5379565/kindle-periodical-format)
- * Example Periodical [.ncx](https://gist.github.com/mipearson/808c971ed087b839d462) and [.opf](https://gist.github.com/mipearson/d6349aa8488eca2ee6d0)
- * [Kindle Publishing Guidelines](http://kindlegen.s3.amazonaws.com/AmazonKindlePublishingGuidelines.pdf)
- * [KindleGen & Kindle Previewer](http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&docId=1000234621)
-## TODO
-### Post release
- * Integrate generated Kindle document into published HTML guides
- * Tweak heading styles (most docs use h3/h4/h5, which end up being smaller than the text under it)
- * Tweak table styles (smaller text? Many of the tables are unusable on a Kindle in portrait mode)
- * Have the HTML/XML TOC 'drill down' into the TOCs of the individual guides
- * `.epub` generation.