path: root/guides
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authorJeffrey Guenther <guenther.jeffrey@gmail.com>2017-11-09 08:51:14 -0800
committerJeffrey Guenther <guenther.jeffrey@gmail.com>2017-11-09 08:51:14 -0800
commitd58078d8d65de38d9dca9c629c91e13df291dbb3 (patch)
treebd18b8d91046810ed4f1ebed10be2c4ef666ea29 /guides
parent142424334bc7be815e7911a0c3849f4d776c2c9c (diff)
Adds content from README and conversations with George
Diffstat (limited to 'guides')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/guides/source/active_storage_overview.md b/guides/source/active_storage_overview.md
index 5300a2111f..afbc071f60 100644
--- a/guides/source/active_storage_overview.md
+++ b/guides/source/active_storage_overview.md
@@ -10,13 +10,193 @@ After reading this guide, you will know:
* How to attach a file(s) to a model.
* How to remove the attached file.
* How to link to the attached file.
-* How to generate a preview for files other than images
+* How to create variations of an image.
+* How to generate a preview for files other than images.
+* How to upload files directly to a service.
* How to implement a download link.
-* How to approach implementing a custom service.
+* How to add support for additional cloud services.
-... general discussion of how things are meant to work....
+Active Storage makes it simple to upload and reference files in cloud services
+like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Microsoft Azure Storage, and attach
+those files to Active Records. Supports having one main service and mirrors in
+other services for redundancy. It also provides a disk service for testing or
+local deployments, but the focus is on cloud storage.
-Attaching Files to a Model
+Files can be uploaded from the server to the cloud or directly from the client
+to the cloud.
+Image files can furthermore be transformed using on-demand variants for quality,
+aspect ratio, size, or any other
+[MiniMagick](https://github.com/minimagick/minimagick) supported transformation.
+## Compared to other storage solutions
+A key difference to how Active Storage works compared to other attachment
+solutions in Rails is through the use of built-in
+models (backed by Active Record). This means existing application models do not
+need to be modified with additional columns to associate with files. Active
+Storage uses polymorphic associations via the `Attachment` join model, which
+then connects to the actual `Blob`.
+`Blob` models store attachment metadata (filename, content-type, etc.), and
+their identifier key in the storage service. Blob models do not store the actual
+binary data. They are intended to be immutable in spirit. One file, one blob.
+You can associate the same blob with multiple application models as well. And if
+you want to do transformations of a given `Blob`, the idea is that you'll simply
+create a new one, rather than attempt to mutate the existing one (though of
+course you can delete the previous version later if you don't need it).
+Attach Files to a Model
+One attachment:
+class User < ApplicationRecord
+ # Associates an attachment and a blob. When the user is destroyed they are
+ # purged by default (models destroyed, and resource files deleted).
+ has_one_attached :avatar
+# Attach an avatar to the user.
+user.avatar.attach(io: File.open("/path/to/face.jpg"), filename: "face.jpg", content_type: "image/jpg")
+class AvatarsController < ApplicationController
+ def update
+ # params[:avatar] contains a ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile object
+ Current.user.avatar.attach(params.require(:avatar))
+ redirect_to Current.user
+ end
+Many attachments:
+class Message < ApplicationRecord
+ has_many_attached :images
+<%= form_with model: @message, local: true do |form| %>
+ <%= form.text_field :title, placeholder: "Title" %><br>
+ <%= form.text_area :content %><br><br>
+ <%= form.file_field :images, multiple: true %><br>
+ <%= form.submit %>
+<% end %>
+class MessagesController < ApplicationController
+ def index
+ # Use the built-in with_attached_images scope to avoid N+1
+ @messages = Message.all.with_attached_images
+ end
+ def create
+ message = Message.create! params.require(:message).permit(:title, :content)
+ message.images.attach(params[:message][:images])
+ redirect_to message
+ end
+ def show
+ @message = Message.find(params[:id])
+ end
+Remove File Attached to Model
+# Synchronously destroy the avatar and actual resource files.
+# Destroy the associated models and actual resource files async, via Active Job.
+Link to Attachments
+# Generate a permanent URL for the blob that points to the application.
+# Upon access, a redirect to the actual service endpoint is returned.
+# This indirection decouples the public URL from the actual one, and
+# allows for example mirroring attachments in different services for
+# high-availability. The redirection has an HTTP expiration of 5 min.
+Create Variations of Attached Image
+<%# Hitting the variant URL will lazy transform the original blob and then redirect to its new service location %>
+<%= image_tag user.avatar.variant(resize: "100x100") %>
+Create Image Previews of Attachments
+ <% @message.files.each do |file| %>
+ <li>
+ <%= image_tag file.preview(resize: "100x100>") %>
+ </li>
+ <% end %>
+Upload Directly to Service
+Active Storage, with its included JavaScript library, supports uploading
+directly from the client to the cloud.
+### Direct upload installation
+1. Include `activestorage.js` in your application's JavaScript bundle.
+ Using the asset pipeline:
+ ```js
+ //= require activestorage
+ ```
+ Using the npm package:
+ ```js
+ import * as ActiveStorage from "activestorage"
+ ActiveStorage.start()
+ ```
+2. Annotate file inputs with the direct upload URL.
+ ```ruby
+ <%= form.file_field :attachments, multiple: true, direct_upload: true %>
+ ```
+3. That's it! Uploads begin upon form submission.
+### Direct upload JavaScript events
+| Event name | Event target | Event data (`event.detail`) | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| `direct-uploads:start` | `<form>` | None | A form containing files for direct upload fields was submitted. |
+| `direct-upload:initialize` | `<input>` | `{id, file}` | Dispatched for every file after form submission. |
+| `direct-upload:start` | `<input>` | `{id, file}` | A direct upload is starting. |
+| `direct-upload:before-blob-request` | `<input>` | `{id, file, xhr}` | Before making a request to your application for direct upload metadata. |
+| `direct-upload:before-storage-request` | `<input>` | `{id, file, xhr}` | Before making a request to store a file. |
+| `direct-upload:progress` | `<input>` | `{id, file, progress}` | As requests to store files progress. |
+| `direct-upload:error` | `<input>` | `{id, file, error}` | An error occurred. An `alert` will display unless this event is canceled. |
+| `direct-upload:end` | `<input>` | `{id, file}` | A direct upload has ended. |
+| `direct-uploads:end` | `<form>` | None | All direct uploads have ended. |
+Implement Direct Download Link
+Add Support Additional Cloud Service