path: root/guides
diff options
authorIain Beeston <iain.beeston@gmail.com>2013-04-14 18:29:47 +1000
committerIain Beeston <iain.beeston@gmail.com>2013-04-14 18:30:53 +1000
commit5495bac3548011c1c60b156e6306ed12a632047b (patch)
tree643d3ae773b5ddbc4ba8cbd2812e54430a042870 /guides
parent3f52e5aa161859d291e23dd9080eb1238b8afced (diff)
Tried to make the response status code table more readable
By making it the last thing in it's section and adding pseudo row headers
Diffstat (limited to 'guides')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/guides/source/layouts_and_rendering.md b/guides/source/layouts_and_rendering.md
index addc0a5430..cdf3dbd77f 100644
--- a/guides/source/layouts_and_rendering.md
+++ b/guides/source/layouts_and_rendering.md
@@ -283,8 +283,8 @@ Calls to the `render` method generally accept four options:
* `:content_type`
* `:layout`
-* `:status`
* `:location`
+* `:status`
##### The `:content_type` Option
@@ -310,80 +310,80 @@ You can also tell Rails to render with no layout at all:
render layout: false
-##### The `:status` Option
+##### The `:location` Option
-Rails will automatically generate a response with the correct HTTP status code (in most cases, this is `200 OK`). You can use the `:status` option to change this:
+You can use the `:location` option to set the HTTP `Location` header:
-render status: 500
-render status: :forbidden
+render xml: photo, location: photo_url(photo)
-Rails understands both numeric status codes and the corresponding symbols shown below:
-| HTTP Status Code | Symbol |
-| ---------------- | -------------------------------- |
-| 100 | :continue |
-| 101 | :switching_protocols |
-| 102 | :processing |
-| 200 | :ok |
-| 201 | :created |
-| 202 | :accepted |
-| 203 | :non_authoritative_information |
-| 204 | :no_content |
-| 205 | :reset_content |
-| 206 | :partial_content |
-| 207 | :multi_status |
-| 226 | :im_used |
-| 300 | :multiple_choices |
-| 301 | :moved_permanently |
-| 302 | :found |
-| 303 | :see_other |
-| 304 | :not_modified |
-| 305 | :use_proxy |
-| 306 | :reserved |
-| 307 | :temporary_redirect |
-| 400 | :bad_request |
-| 401 | :unauthorized |
-| 402 | :payment_required |
-| 403 | :forbidden |
-| 404 | :not_found |
-| 405 | :method_not_allowed |
-| 406 | :not_acceptable |
-| 407 | :proxy_authentication_required |
-| 408 | :request_timeout |
-| 409 | :conflict |
-| 410 | :gone |
-| 411 | :length_required |
-| 412 | :precondition_failed |
-| 413 | :request_entity_too_large |
-| 414 | :request_uri_too_long |
-| 415 | :unsupported_media_type |
-| 416 | :requested_range_not_satisfiable |
-| 417 | :expectation_failed |
-| 418 | :i'm_a_teapot |
-| 422 | :unprocessable_entity |
-| 423 | :locked |
-| 424 | :failed_dependency |
-| 426 | :upgrade_required |
-| 500 | :internal_server_error |
-| 501 | :not_implemented |
-| 502 | :bad_gateway |
-| 503 | :service_unavailable |
-| 504 | :gateway_timeout |
-| 505 | :http_version_not_supported |
-| 506 | :variant_also_negotiates |
-| 507 | :insufficient_storage |
-| 510 | :not_extended |
-##### The `:location` Option
+##### The `:status` Option
-You can use the `:location` option to set the HTTP `Location` header:
+Rails will automatically generate a response with the correct HTTP status code (in most cases, this is `200 OK`). You can use the `:status` option to change this:
-render xml: photo, location: photo_url(photo)
+render status: 500
+render status: :forbidden
+Rails understands both numeric status codes and the corresponding symbols shown below.
+| Response Class | HTTP Status Code | Symbol |
+| ------------------- | ---------------- | -------------------------------- |
+| **Informational** | 100 | :continue |
+| | 101 | :switching_protocols |
+| | 102 | :processing |
+| **Success** | 200 | :ok |
+| | 201 | :created |
+| | 202 | :accepted |
+| | 203 | :non_authoritative_information |
+| | 204 | :no_content |
+| | 205 | :reset_content |
+| | 206 | :partial_content |
+| | 207 | :multi_status |
+| | 226 | :im_used |
+| **Redirection** | 300 | :multiple_choices |
+| | 301 | :moved_permanently |
+| | 302 | :found |
+| | 303 | :see_other |
+| | 304 | :not_modified |
+| | 305 | :use_proxy |
+| | 306 | :reserved |
+| | 307 | :temporary_redirect |
+| **Client Error** | 400 | :bad_request |
+| | 401 | :unauthorized |
+| | 402 | :payment_required |
+| | 403 | :forbidden |
+| | 404 | :not_found |
+| | 405 | :method_not_allowed |
+| | 406 | :not_acceptable |
+| | 407 | :proxy_authentication_required |
+| | 408 | :request_timeout |
+| | 409 | :conflict |
+| | 410 | :gone |
+| | 411 | :length_required |
+| | 412 | :precondition_failed |
+| | 413 | :request_entity_too_large |
+| | 414 | :request_uri_too_long |
+| | 415 | :unsupported_media_type |
+| | 416 | :requested_range_not_satisfiable |
+| | 417 | :expectation_failed |
+| | 418 | :i'm_a_teapot |
+| | 422 | :unprocessable_entity |
+| | 423 | :locked |
+| | 424 | :failed_dependency |
+| | 426 | :upgrade_required |
+| **Server Error** | 500 | :internal_server_error |
+| | 501 | :not_implemented |
+| | 502 | :bad_gateway |
+| | 503 | :service_unavailable |
+| | 504 | :gateway_timeout |
+| | 505 | :http_version_not_supported |
+| | 506 | :variant_also_negotiates |
+| | 507 | :insufficient_storage |
+| | 510 | :not_extended |
#### Finding Layouts
To find the current layout, Rails first looks for a file in `app/views/layouts` with the same base name as the controller. For example, rendering actions from the `PhotosController` class will use `app/views/layouts/photos.html.erb` (or `app/views/layouts/photos.builder`). If there is no such controller-specific layout, Rails will use `app/views/layouts/application.html.erb` or `app/views/layouts/application.builder`. If there is no `.erb` layout, Rails will use a `.builder` layout if one exists. Rails also provides several ways to more precisely assign specific layouts to individual controllers and actions.