path: root/activesupport
diff options
authorJosé Valim <jose.valim@gmail.com>2009-10-09 09:52:25 -0300
committerJosé Valim <jose.valim@gmail.com>2009-10-15 18:19:25 -0300
commita15e02d44ac2afb27a7e8e652c98a796d271b645 (patch)
tree4c9dabe41390eff440bfa3f24b5a153d644569c9 /activesupport
parentaeaabc6d2d6f9faaa98057f33c0635d8add54461 (diff)
Unify benchmark APIs.
Diffstat (limited to 'activesupport')
3 files changed, 147 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/autoload.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/autoload.rb
index a0fc2bb123..fa657ac99a 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/autoload.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/autoload.rb
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module ActiveSupport
autoload :BacktraceCleaner, 'active_support/backtrace_cleaner'
autoload :Base64, 'active_support/base64'
autoload :BasicObject, 'active_support/basic_object'
+ autoload :Benchmarkable, 'active_support/benchmarkable'
autoload :BufferedLogger, 'active_support/buffered_logger'
autoload :Cache, 'active_support/cache'
autoload :Callbacks, 'active_support/callbacks'
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/benchmarkable.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/benchmarkable.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a41aab166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/benchmarkable.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+require 'active_support/core_ext/benchmark'
+module ActiveSupport
+ module Benchmarkable
+ # Allows you to measure the execution time of a block
+ # in a template and records the result to the log. Wrap this block around
+ # expensive operations or possible bottlenecks to get a time reading
+ # for the operation. For example, let's say you thought your file
+ # processing method was taking too long; you could wrap it in a benchmark block.
+ #
+ # <% benchmark "Process data files" do %>
+ # <%= expensive_files_operation %>
+ # <% end %>
+ #
+ # That would add something like "Process data files (345.2ms)" to the log,
+ # which you can then use to compare timings when optimizing your code.
+ #
+ # You may give an optional logger level as the :level option.
+ # (:debug, :info, :warn, :error); the default value is :info.
+ #
+ # <% benchmark "Low-level files", :level => :debug do %>
+ # <%= lowlevel_files_operation %>
+ # <% end %>
+ #
+ # Finally, you can pass true as the third argument to silence all log activity
+ # inside the block. This is great for boiling down a noisy block to just a single statement:
+ #
+ # <% benchmark "Process data files", :level => :info, :silence => true do %>
+ # <%= expensive_and_chatty_files_operation %>
+ # <% end %>
+ def benchmark(message = "Benchmarking", options = {})
+ if logger
+ if options.is_a?(Symbol)
+ ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("use benchmark('#{message}', :level => :#{options}) instead", caller)
+ options = { :level => options, :silence => false }
+ else
+ options.assert_valid_keys(:level, :silence)
+ options[:level] ||= :info
+ end
+ result = nil
+ ms = Benchmark.ms { result = options[:silence] ? logger.silence { yield } : yield }
+ logger.send(options[:level], '%s (%.1fms)' % [ message, ms ])
+ result
+ else
+ yield
+ end
+ end
+ # Silence the logger during the execution of the block.
+ #
+ def silence
+ old_logger_level, logger.level = logger.level, ::Logger::ERROR if logger
+ yield
+ ensure
+ logger.level = old_logger_level if logger
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activesupport/test/benchmarkable_test.rb b/activesupport/test/benchmarkable_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e807bcb732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activesupport/test/benchmarkable_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+require 'action_view/helpers/benchmark_helper'
+class BenchmarkableTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable
+ def teardown
+ logger.send(:clear_buffer)
+ end
+ def test_without_block
+ assert_raise(LocalJumpError) { benchmark }
+ assert buffer.empty?
+ end
+ def test_defaults
+ i_was_run = false
+ benchmark { i_was_run = true }
+ assert i_was_run
+ assert_last_logged
+ end
+ def test_with_message
+ i_was_run = false
+ benchmark('test_run') { i_was_run = true }
+ assert i_was_run
+ assert_last_logged 'test_run'
+ end
+ def test_with_message_and_deprecated_level
+ i_was_run = false
+ assert_deprecated do
+ benchmark('debug_run', :debug) { i_was_run = true }
+ end
+ assert i_was_run
+ assert_last_logged 'debug_run'
+ end
+ def test_within_level
+ logger.level = ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger::DEBUG
+ benchmark('included_debug_run', :level => :debug) { }
+ assert_last_logged 'included_debug_run'
+ end
+ def test_outside_level
+ logger.level = ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger::ERROR
+ benchmark('skipped_debug_run', :level => :debug) { }
+ assert_no_match(/skipped_debug_run/, buffer.last)
+ ensure
+ logger.level = ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger::DEBUG
+ end
+ def test_without_silencing
+ benchmark('debug_run', :silence => false) do
+ logger.info "not silenced!"
+ end
+ assert_equal 2, buffer.size
+ end
+ def test_with_silencing
+ benchmark('debug_run', :silence => true) do
+ logger.info "silenced!"
+ end
+ assert_equal 1, buffer.size
+ end
+ private
+ def logger
+ @logger ||= begin
+ logger = ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.new(StringIO.new)
+ logger.auto_flushing = false
+ logger
+ end
+ end
+ def buffer
+ logger.send(:buffer)
+ end
+ def assert_last_logged(message = 'Benchmarking')
+ assert_match(/^#{message} \(.*\)$/, buffer.last)
+ end