path: root/activesupport
diff options
authorGuillermo Iguaran <guilleiguaran@gmail.com>2013-01-10 08:10:22 -0800
committerGuillermo Iguaran <guilleiguaran@gmail.com>2013-01-10 08:10:22 -0800
commit416a179ddf5cf3c328b5c91163ec89334aab0b4f (patch)
tree36132829e7350b7770c881eb9bb6a3ac4d3b3606 /activesupport
parent2b5019e234b89a201e11ade6e280f3fc0e64f577 (diff)
parent5ca7ddcb490662b6d4eaa66d244ba2f5705c7428 (diff)
Merge pull request #8876 from senny/extract_performance_tests
Extract ActionDispatch::PerformanceTest
Diffstat (limited to 'activesupport')
6 files changed, 8 insertions, 740 deletions
diff --git a/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md b/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md
index 5848f9712f..2c0d1de70f 100644
--- a/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
## Rails 4.0.0 (unreleased) ##
+* Extract `ActiveSupport::Testing::Performance` into https://github.com/rails/rails-perftest
+ You can add the gem to your Gemfile to keep using performance tests.
+ gem 'rails-perftest'
+ *Yves Senn*
* Hash.from_xml raises when it encounters type="symbol" or type="yaml".
Use Hash.from_trusted_xml to parse this XML.
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/performance.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/performance.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7102ffe2ed..0000000000
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/performance.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'active_support/concern'
-require 'active_support/core_ext/class/delegating_attributes'
-require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections'
-require 'active_support/core_ext/module/delegation'
-require 'active_support/number_helper'
-module ActiveSupport
- module Testing
- module Performance
- extend ActiveSupport::Concern
- included do
- superclass_delegating_accessor :profile_options
- self.profile_options = {}
- end
- # each implementation should define metrics and freeze the defaults
- if ARGV.include?('--benchmark') # HAX for rake test
- { :runs => 4,
- :output => 'tmp/performance',
- :benchmark => true }
- else
- { :runs => 1,
- :output => 'tmp/performance',
- :benchmark => false }
- end
- def full_profile_options
- DEFAULTS.merge(profile_options)
- end
- def full_test_name
- "#{self.class.name}##{method_name}"
- end
- def run(runner)
- @runner = runner
- run_warmup
- if full_profile_options && metrics = full_profile_options[:metrics]
- metrics.each do |metric_name|
- if klass = Metrics[metric_name.to_sym]
- run_profile(klass.new)
- end
- end
- end
- return
- end
- def run_test(metric, mode)
- result = '.'
- begin
- run_callbacks :setup
- setup
- metric.send(mode) { __send__ method_name }
- rescue Exception => e
- result = @runner.puke(self.class, method_name, e)
- ensure
- begin
- teardown
- run_callbacks :teardown
- rescue Exception => e
- result = @runner.puke(self.class, method_name, e)
- end
- end
- result
- end
- protected
- # overridden by each implementation.
- def run_gc; end
- def run_warmup
- run_gc
- time = Metrics::Time.new
- run_test(time, :benchmark)
- puts "%s (%s warmup)" % [full_test_name, time.format(time.total)]
- run_gc
- end
- def run_profile(metric)
- klass = full_profile_options[:benchmark] ? Benchmarker : Profiler
- performer = klass.new(self, metric)
- performer.run
- puts performer.report
- performer.record
- end
- class Performer
- delegate :run_test, :full_profile_options, :full_test_name, :to => :@harness
- def initialize(harness, metric)
- @harness, @metric, @supported = harness, metric, false
- end
- def report
- if @supported
- rate = @total / full_profile_options[:runs]
- '%20s: %s' % [@metric.name, @metric.format(rate)]
- else
- '%20s: unsupported' % @metric.name
- end
- end
- protected
- def output_filename
- "#{full_profile_options[:output]}/#{full_test_name}_#{@metric.name}"
- end
- end
- # overridden by each implementation.
- class Profiler < Performer
- def time_with_block
- before = Time.now
- yield
- Time.now - before
- end
- def run; end
- def record; end
- end
- class Benchmarker < Performer
- def initialize(*args)
- super
- @supported = @metric.respond_to?('measure')
- end
- def run
- return unless @supported
- full_profile_options[:runs].to_i.times { run_test(@metric, :benchmark) }
- @total = @metric.total
- end
- def record
- avg = @metric.total / full_profile_options[:runs].to_i
- now = Time.now.utc.xmlschema
- with_output_file do |file|
- file.puts "#{avg},#{now},#{environment}"
- end
- end
- def environment
- @env ||= [].tap do |env|
- env << "#{$1}.#{$2}" if File.directory?('.git') && `git branch -v` =~ /^\* (\S+)\s+(\S+)/
- env << rails_version if defined?(Rails::VERSION::STRING)
- end.join(',')
- end
- protected
- if defined?(Rails::VERSION::STRING)
- HEADER = 'measurement,created_at,app,rails,ruby,platform'
- else
- HEADER = 'measurement,created_at,app,ruby,platform'
- end
- def with_output_file
- fname = output_filename
- if new = !File.exist?(fname)
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(fname))
- end
- File.open(fname, 'ab') do |file|
- file.puts(HEADER) if new
- yield file
- end
- end
- def output_filename
- "#{super}.csv"
- end
- def rails_version
- "rails-#{Rails::VERSION::STRING}#{rails_branch}"
- end
- def rails_branch
- if File.directory?('vendor/rails/.git')
- Dir.chdir('vendor/rails') do
- ".#{$1}.#{$2}" if `git branch -v` =~ /^\* (\S+)\s+(\S+)/
- end
- end
- end
- end
- module Metrics
- def self.[](name)
- const_get(name.to_s.camelize)
- rescue NameError
- nil
- end
- class Base
- include ActiveSupport::NumberHelper
- attr_reader :total
- def initialize
- @total = 0
- end
- def name
- @name ||= self.class.name.demodulize.underscore
- end
- def benchmark
- with_gc_stats do
- before = measure
- yield
- @total += (measure - before)
- end
- end
- # overridden by each implementation.
- def profile; end
- protected
- # overridden by each implementation.
- def with_gc_stats; end
- end
- class Time < Base
- def measure
- ::Time.now.to_f
- end
- def format(measurement)
- if measurement < 1
- '%d ms' % (measurement * 1000)
- else
- '%.2f sec' % measurement
- end
- end
- end
- class Amount < Base
- def format(measurement)
- number_to_delimited(measurement.floor)
- end
- end
- class DigitalInformationUnit < Base
- def format(measurement)
- number_to_human_size(measurement, :precision => 2)
- end
- end
- # each implementation provides its own metrics like ProcessTime, Memory or GcRuns
- end
- end
- end
- when 'ruby' then require 'active_support/testing/performance/ruby'
- when 'rbx' then require 'active_support/testing/performance/rubinius'
- when 'jruby' then require 'active_support/testing/performance/jruby'
- else
- $stderr.puts 'Your ruby interpreter is not supported for benchmarking.'
- exit
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/performance/jruby.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/performance/jruby.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 34e3f9f45f..0000000000
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/performance/jruby.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-require 'jruby/profiler'
-require 'java'
-java_import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory
-module ActiveSupport
- module Testing
- module Performance
- DEFAULTS.merge!(
- if ARGV.include?('--benchmark')
- {:metrics => [:wall_time, :user_time, :memory, :gc_runs, :gc_time]}
- else
- { :metrics => [:wall_time],
- :formats => [:flat, :graph] }
- end).freeze
- protected
- def run_gc
- ManagementFactory.memory_mx_bean.gc
- end
- class Profiler < Performer
- def initialize(*args)
- super
- @supported = @metric.is_a?(Metrics::WallTime)
- end
- def run
- return unless @supported
- @total = time_with_block do
- @data = JRuby::Profiler.profile do
- full_profile_options[:runs].to_i.times { run_test(@metric, :profile) }
- end
- end
- end
- def record
- return unless @supported
- klasses = full_profile_options[:formats].map { |f| JRuby::Profiler.const_get("#{f.to_s.camelize}ProfilePrinter") }.compact
- klasses.each do |klass|
- fname = output_filename(klass)
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(fname))
- File.open(fname, 'wb') do |file|
- klass.new(@data).printProfile(file)
- end
- end
- end
- protected
- def output_filename(printer_class)
- suffix =
- case printer_class.name.demodulize
- when 'FlatProfilePrinter'; 'flat.txt'
- when 'GraphProfilePrinter'; 'graph.txt'
- else printer_class.name.sub(/ProfilePrinter$/, '').underscore
- end
- "#{super()}_#{suffix}"
- end
- end
- module Metrics
- class Base
- def profile
- yield
- end
- protected
- def with_gc_stats
- ManagementFactory.memory_mx_bean.gc
- yield
- end
- end
- class WallTime < Time
- def measure
- super
- end
- end
- class CpuTime < Time
- def measure
- ManagementFactory.thread_mx_bean.get_current_thread_cpu_time / 1000 / 1000 / 1000.0 # seconds
- end
- end
- class UserTime < Time
- def measure
- ManagementFactory.thread_mx_bean.get_current_thread_user_time / 1000 / 1000 / 1000.0 # seconds
- end
- end
- class Memory < DigitalInformationUnit
- def measure
- ManagementFactory.memory_mx_bean.non_heap_memory_usage.used + ManagementFactory.memory_mx_bean.heap_memory_usage.used
- end
- end
- class GcRuns < Amount
- def measure
- ManagementFactory.garbage_collector_mx_beans.inject(0) { |total_runs, current_gc| total_runs += current_gc.collection_count }
- end
- end
- class GcTime < Time
- def measure
- ManagementFactory.garbage_collector_mx_beans.inject(0) { |total_time, current_gc| total_time += current_gc.collection_time } / 1000.0 # seconds
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/performance/rubinius.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/performance/rubinius.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d9ebfbe352..0000000000
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/performance/rubinius.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-require 'rubinius/agent'
-module ActiveSupport
- module Testing
- module Performance
- DEFAULTS.merge!(
- if ARGV.include?('--benchmark')
- {:metrics => [:wall_time, :memory, :objects, :gc_runs, :gc_time]}
- else
- { :metrics => [:wall_time],
- :formats => [:flat, :graph] }
- end).freeze
- protected
- def run_gc
- GC.run(true)
- end
- class Performer; end
- class Profiler < Performer
- def initialize(*args)
- super
- @supported = @metric.is_a?(Metrics::WallTime)
- end
- def run
- return unless @supported
- @profiler = Rubinius::Profiler::Instrumenter.new
- @total = time_with_block do
- @profiler.profile(false) do
- full_profile_options[:runs].to_i.times { run_test(@metric, :profile) }
- end
- end
- end
- def record
- return unless @supported
- if(full_profile_options[:formats].include?(:flat))
- create_path_and_open_file(:flat) do |file|
- @profiler.show(file)
- end
- end
- if(full_profile_options[:formats].include?(:graph))
- create_path_and_open_file(:graph) do |file|
- @profiler.show(file)
- end
- end
- end
- protected
- def create_path_and_open_file(printer_name)
- fname = "#{output_filename}_#{printer_name}.txt"
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(fname))
- File.open(fname, 'wb') do |file|
- yield(file)
- end
- end
- end
- module Metrics
- class Base
- attr_reader :loopback
- def profile
- yield
- end
- protected
- def with_gc_stats
- @loopback = Rubinius::Agent.loopback
- GC.run(true)
- yield
- end
- end
- class WallTime < Time
- def measure
- super
- end
- end
- class Memory < DigitalInformationUnit
- def measure
- loopback.get("system.memory.counter.bytes").last
- end
- end
- class Objects < Amount
- def measure
- loopback.get("system.memory.counter.objects").last
- end
- end
- class GcRuns < Amount
- def measure
- loopback.get("system.gc.full.count").last + loopback.get("system.gc.young.count").last
- end
- end
- class GcTime < Time
- def measure
- (loopback.get("system.gc.full.wallclock").last + loopback.get("system.gc.young.wallclock").last) / 1000.0
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/performance/ruby.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/performance/ruby.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c149df1e4..0000000000
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/performance/ruby.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
- require 'ruby-prof'
-rescue LoadError
- $stderr.puts 'Specify ruby-prof as application\'s dependency in Gemfile to run benchmarks.'
- raise
-module ActiveSupport
- module Testing
- module Performance
- DEFAULTS.merge!(
- if ARGV.include?('--benchmark')
- { :metrics => [:wall_time, :memory, :objects, :gc_runs, :gc_time] }
- else
- { :min_percent => 0.01,
- :metrics => [:process_time, :memory, :objects],
- :formats => [:flat, :graph_html, :call_tree, :call_stack] }
- end).freeze
- protected
- remove_method :run_gc
- def run_gc
- GC.start
- end
- class Profiler < Performer
- def initialize(*args)
- super
- @supported = @metric.measure_mode rescue false
- end
- remove_method :run
- def run
- return unless @supported
- RubyProf.measure_mode = @metric.measure_mode
- RubyProf.start
- RubyProf.pause
- full_profile_options[:runs].to_i.times { run_test(@metric, :profile) }
- @data = RubyProf.stop
- @total = @data.threads.sum(0) { |thread| thread.methods.max.total_time }
- end
- remove_method :record
- def record
- return unless @supported
- klasses = full_profile_options[:formats].map { |f| RubyProf.const_get("#{f.to_s.camelize}Printer") }.compact
- klasses.each do |klass|
- fname = output_filename(klass)
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(fname))
- File.open(fname, 'wb') do |file|
- klass.new(@data).print(file, full_profile_options.slice(:min_percent))
- end
- end
- end
- protected
- def output_filename(printer_class)
- suffix =
- case printer_class.name.demodulize
- when 'FlatPrinter'; 'flat.txt'
- when 'FlatPrinterWithLineNumbers'; 'flat_line_numbers.txt'
- when 'GraphPrinter'; 'graph.txt'
- when 'GraphHtmlPrinter'; 'graph.html'
- when 'GraphYamlPrinter'; 'graph.yml'
- when 'CallTreePrinter'; 'tree.txt'
- when 'CallStackPrinter'; 'stack.html'
- when 'DotPrinter'; 'graph.dot'
- else printer_class.name.sub(/Printer$/, '').underscore
- end
- "#{super()}_#{suffix}"
- end
- end
- module Metrics
- class Base
- def measure_mode
- self.class::Mode
- end
- remove_method :profile
- def profile
- RubyProf.resume
- yield
- ensure
- RubyProf.pause
- end
- protected
- remove_method :with_gc_stats
- def with_gc_stats
- GC::Profiler.enable
- GC.start
- yield
- ensure
- GC::Profiler.disable
- end
- end
- class ProcessTime < Time
- Mode = RubyProf::PROCESS_TIME if RubyProf.const_defined?(:PROCESS_TIME)
- def measure
- RubyProf.measure_process_time
- end
- end
- class WallTime < Time
- Mode = RubyProf::WALL_TIME if RubyProf.const_defined?(:WALL_TIME)
- def measure
- RubyProf.measure_wall_time
- end
- end
- class CpuTime < Time
- Mode = RubyProf::CPU_TIME if RubyProf.const_defined?(:CPU_TIME)
- def initialize(*args)
- # FIXME: yeah my CPU is 2.33 GHz
- RubyProf.cpu_frequency = 2.33e9 unless RubyProf.cpu_frequency > 0
- super
- end
- def measure
- RubyProf.measure_cpu_time
- end
- end
- class Memory < DigitalInformationUnit
- Mode = RubyProf::MEMORY if RubyProf.const_defined?(:MEMORY)
- # Ruby 1.9 + GCdata patch
- if GC.respond_to?(:malloc_allocated_size)
- def measure
- GC.malloc_allocated_size
- end
- end
- end
- class Objects < Amount
- Mode = RubyProf::ALLOCATIONS if RubyProf.const_defined?(:ALLOCATIONS)
- # Ruby 1.9 + GCdata patch
- if GC.respond_to?(:malloc_allocations)
- def measure
- GC.malloc_allocations
- end
- end
- end
- class GcRuns < Amount
- Mode = RubyProf::GC_RUNS if RubyProf.const_defined?(:GC_RUNS)
- def measure
- GC.count
- end
- end
- class GcTime < Time
- Mode = RubyProf::GC_TIME if RubyProf.const_defined?(:GC_TIME)
- def measure
- GC::Profiler.total_time
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/activesupport/test/testing/performance_test.rb b/activesupport/test/testing/performance_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6918110cce..0000000000
--- a/activesupport/test/testing/performance_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-require 'abstract_unit'
-module ActiveSupport
- module Testing
- class PerformanceTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- begin
- require 'active_support/testing/performance'
- rescue LoadError
- end
- def setup
- skip "no rubyprof" unless HAVE_RUBYPROF
- end
- def test_amount_format
- amount_metric = ActiveSupport::Testing::Performance::Metrics[:amount].new
- assert_equal "0", amount_metric.format(0)
- assert_equal "1", amount_metric.format(1.23)
- assert_equal "40,000,000", amount_metric.format(40000000)
- end
- def test_time_format
- time_metric = ActiveSupport::Testing::Performance::Metrics[:time].new
- assert_equal "0 ms", time_metric.format(0)
- assert_equal "40 ms", time_metric.format(0.04)
- assert_equal "41 ms", time_metric.format(0.0415)
- assert_equal "1.23 sec", time_metric.format(1.23)
- assert_equal "40000.00 sec", time_metric.format(40000)
- assert_equal "-5000 ms", time_metric.format(-5)
- end
- def test_space_format
- space_metric = ActiveSupport::Testing::Performance::Metrics[:digital_information_unit].new
- assert_equal "0 Bytes", space_metric.format(0)
- assert_equal "0 Bytes", space_metric.format(0.4)
- assert_equal "1 Byte", space_metric.format(1.23)
- assert_equal "123 Bytes", space_metric.format(123)
- assert_equal "123 Bytes", space_metric.format(123.45)
- assert_equal "12 KB", space_metric.format(12345)
- assert_equal "1.2 MB", space_metric.format(1234567)
- assert_equal "9.3 GB", space_metric.format(10**10)
- assert_equal "91 TB", space_metric.format(10**14)
- assert_equal "910000 TB", space_metric.format(10**18)
- end
- def test_environment_format_without_rails
- metric = ActiveSupport::Testing::Performance::Metrics[:time].new
- benchmarker = ActiveSupport::Testing::Performance::Benchmarker.new(self, metric)
- assert_equal "#{RUBY_ENGINE}-#{RUBY_VERSION}.#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL},#{RUBY_PLATFORM}", benchmarker.environment
- end
- def test_environment_format_with_rails
- rails, version = Module.new, Module.new
- version.const_set :STRING, "4.0.0"
- rails.const_set :VERSION, version
- Object.const_set :Rails, rails
- metric = ActiveSupport::Testing::Performance::Metrics[:time].new
- benchmarker = ActiveSupport::Testing::Performance::Benchmarker.new(self, metric)
- assert_equal "rails-4.0.0,#{RUBY_ENGINE}-#{RUBY_VERSION}.#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL},#{RUBY_PLATFORM}", benchmarker.environment
- ensure
- Object.send :remove_const, :Rails
- end
- end
- end