path: root/activesupport/test
diff options
authorXavier Noria <fxn@hashref.com>2015-11-11 07:09:36 +0100
committerXavier Noria <fxn@hashref.com>2015-11-11 07:09:36 +0100
commitd0ae8adfb715cc647b1d0c1c385a8e649cf87445 (patch)
tree4ebdb712cae3ae7cf3f131946816e16d3efb1d7d /activesupport/test
parent2af7338bdf32790a28e388a99dada84db0af1b5f (diff)
parent1583c8290a0bbb44ae684974e8fdd459f548f0f4 (diff)
Merge branch 'fxn-master'
Diffstat (limited to 'activesupport/test')
3 files changed, 372 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/activesupport/test/file_evented_update_checker_test.rb b/activesupport/test/file_evented_update_checker_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d09cbca8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activesupport/test/file_evented_update_checker_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+require 'pathname'
+require 'file_update_checker_shared_tests'
+class FileEventedUpdateCheckerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include FileUpdateCheckerSharedTests
+ def new_checker(files = [], dirs = {}, &block)
+ ActiveSupport::FileEventedUpdateChecker.new(files, dirs, &block).tap do
+ wait
+ end
+ end
+ def teardown
+ super
+ Listen.stop
+ end
+ def wait
+ sleep 1
+ end
+ def touch(files)
+ super
+ wait # wait for the events to fire
+ end
+ def rm_f(files)
+ super
+ wait
+ end
+class FileEventedUpdateCheckerPathHelperTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def pn(path)
+ Pathname.new(path)
+ end
+ setup do
+ @ph = ActiveSupport::FileEventedUpdateChecker::PathHelper.new
+ end
+ test '#xpath returns the expanded path as a Pathname object' do
+ assert_equal pn(__FILE__).expand_path, @ph.xpath(__FILE__)
+ end
+ test '#normalize_extension returns a bare extension as is' do
+ assert_equal 'rb', @ph.normalize_extension('rb')
+ end
+ test '#normalize_extension removes a leading dot' do
+ assert_equal 'rb', @ph.normalize_extension('.rb')
+ end
+ test '#normalize_extension supports symbols' do
+ assert_equal 'rb', @ph.normalize_extension(:rb)
+ end
+ test '#longest_common_subpath finds the longest common subpath, if there is one' do
+ paths = %w(
+ /foo/bar
+ /foo/baz
+ /foo/bar/baz/woo/zoo
+ ).map { |path| pn(path) }
+ assert_equal pn('/foo'), @ph.longest_common_subpath(paths)
+ end
+ test '#longest_common_subpath returns the root directory as an edge case' do
+ paths = %w(
+ /foo/bar
+ /foo/baz
+ /foo/bar/baz/woo/zoo
+ /wadus
+ ).map { |path| pn(path) }
+ assert_equal pn('/'), @ph.longest_common_subpath(paths)
+ end
+ test '#longest_common_subpath returns nil for an empty collection' do
+ assert_nil @ph.longest_common_subpath([])
+ end
+ test '#existing_parent returns the most specific existing ascendant' do
+ wd = Pathname.getwd
+ assert_equal wd, @ph.existing_parent(wd)
+ assert_equal wd, @ph.existing_parent(wd.join('non-existing/directory'))
+ assert_equal pn('/'), @ph.existing_parent(pn('/non-existing/directory'))
+ end
+ test '#filter_out_descendants returns the same collection if there are no descendants (empty)' do
+ assert_equal [], @ph.filter_out_descendants([])
+ end
+ test '#filter_out_descendants returns the same collection if there are no descendants (one)' do
+ assert_equal ['/foo'], @ph.filter_out_descendants(['/foo'])
+ end
+ test '#filter_out_descendants returns the same collection if there are no descendants (several)' do
+ paths = %w(
+ /Rails.root/app/controllers
+ /Rails.root/app/models
+ /Rails.root/app/helpers
+ ).map { |path| pn(path) }
+ assert_equal paths, @ph.filter_out_descendants(paths)
+ end
+ test '#filter_out_descendants filters out descendants preserving order' do
+ paths = %w(
+ /Rails.root/app/controllers
+ /Rails.root/app/controllers/concerns
+ /Rails.root/app/models
+ /Rails.root/app/models/concerns
+ /Rails.root/app/helpers
+ ).map { |path| pn(path) }
+ assert_equal paths.values_at(0, 2, 4), @ph.filter_out_descendants(paths)
+ end
diff --git a/activesupport/test/file_update_checker_shared_tests.rb b/activesupport/test/file_update_checker_shared_tests.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6be3ab6047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activesupport/test/file_update_checker_shared_tests.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+require 'fileutils'
+module FileUpdateCheckerSharedTests
+ extend ActiveSupport::Testing::Declarative
+ include FileUtils
+ def tmpdir
+ @tmpdir ||= Dir.mktmpdir(nil, __dir__)
+ end
+ def tmpfile(name)
+ "#{tmpdir}/#{name}"
+ end
+ def tmpfiles
+ @tmpfiles ||= %w(foo.rb bar.rb baz.rb).map { |f| tmpfile(f) }
+ end
+ def teardown
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(@tmpdir) if @tmpdir
+ end
+ test 'should not execute the block if no paths are given' do
+ i = 0
+ checker = new_checker { i += 1 }
+ assert !checker.execute_if_updated
+ assert_equal 0, i
+ end
+ test 'should not execute the block if no files change' do
+ i = 0
+ FileUtils.touch(tmpfiles)
+ checker = new_checker(tmpfiles) { i += 1 }
+ assert !checker.execute_if_updated
+ assert_equal 0, i
+ end
+ test 'should execute the block once when files are created' do
+ i = 0
+ checker = new_checker(tmpfiles) { i += 1 }
+ touch(tmpfiles)
+ assert checker.execute_if_updated
+ assert_equal 1, i
+ end
+ test 'should execute the block once when files are modified' do
+ i = 0
+ FileUtils.touch(tmpfiles)
+ checker = new_checker(tmpfiles) { i += 1 }
+ touch(tmpfiles)
+ assert checker.execute_if_updated
+ assert_equal 1, i
+ end
+ test 'should execute the block once when files are deleted' do
+ i = 0
+ FileUtils.touch(tmpfiles)
+ checker = new_checker(tmpfiles) { i += 1 }
+ rm_f(tmpfiles)
+ assert checker.execute_if_updated
+ assert_equal 1, i
+ end
+ test 'updated should become true when watched files are created' do
+ i = 0
+ checker = new_checker(tmpfiles) { i += 1 }
+ assert !checker.updated?
+ touch(tmpfiles)
+ assert checker.updated?
+ end
+ test 'updated should become true when watched files are modified' do
+ i = 0
+ FileUtils.touch(tmpfiles)
+ checker = new_checker(tmpfiles) { i += 1 }
+ assert !checker.updated?
+ touch(tmpfiles)
+ assert checker.updated?
+ end
+ test 'updated should become true when watched files are deleted' do
+ i = 0
+ FileUtils.touch(tmpfiles)
+ checker = new_checker(tmpfiles) { i += 1 }
+ assert !checker.updated?
+ rm_f(tmpfiles)
+ assert checker.updated?
+ end
+ test 'should be robust to handle files with wrong modified time' do
+ i = 0
+ FileUtils.touch(tmpfiles)
+ now = Time.now
+ time = Time.mktime(now.year + 1, now.month, now.day) # wrong mtime from the future
+ File.utime(time, time, tmpfiles[0])
+ checker = new_checker(tmpfiles) { i += 1 }
+ touch(tmpfiles[1..-1])
+ assert checker.execute_if_updated
+ assert_equal 1, i
+ end
+ test 'should cache updated result until execute' do
+ i = 0
+ checker = new_checker(tmpfiles) { i += 1 }
+ assert !checker.updated?
+ touch(tmpfiles)
+ assert checker.updated?
+ checker.execute
+ assert !checker.updated?
+ end
+ test 'should execute the block if files change in a watched directory one extension' do
+ i = 0
+ checker = new_checker([], tmpdir => :rb) { i += 1 }
+ touch(tmpfile('foo.rb'))
+ assert checker.execute_if_updated
+ assert_equal 1, i
+ end
+ test 'should execute the block if files change in a watched directory several extensions' do
+ i = 0
+ checker = new_checker([], tmpdir => [:rb, :txt]) { i += 1 }
+ touch(tmpfile('foo.rb'))
+ assert checker.execute_if_updated
+ assert_equal 1, i
+ touch(tmpfile('foo.txt'))
+ assert checker.execute_if_updated
+ assert_equal 2, i
+ end
+ test 'should not execute the block if the file extension is not watched' do
+ i = 0
+ checker = new_checker([], tmpdir => :txt) { i += 1 }
+ touch(tmpfile('foo.rb'))
+ assert !checker.execute_if_updated
+ assert_equal 0, i
+ end
+ test 'does not assume files exist on instantiation' do
+ i = 0
+ non_existing = tmpfile('non_existing.rb')
+ checker = new_checker([non_existing]) { i += 1 }
+ touch(non_existing)
+ assert checker.execute_if_updated
+ assert_equal 1, i
+ end
+ test 'detects files in new subdirectories' do
+ i = 0
+ checker = new_checker([], tmpdir => :rb) { i += 1 }
+ subdir = tmpfile('subdir')
+ mkdir(subdir)
+ wait
+ assert !checker.execute_if_updated
+ assert_equal 0, i
+ touch("#{subdir}/nested.rb")
+ assert checker.execute_if_updated
+ assert_equal 1, i
+ end
+ test 'looked up extensions are inherited in subdirectories not listening to them' do
+ i = 0
+ subdir = tmpfile('subdir')
+ mkdir(subdir)
+ checker = new_checker([], tmpdir => :rb, subdir => :txt) { i += 1 }
+ touch(tmpfile('new.txt'))
+ assert !checker.execute_if_updated
+ assert_equal 0, i
+ # subdir does not look for Ruby files, but its parent tmpdir does.
+ touch("#{subdir}/nested.rb")
+ assert checker.execute_if_updated
+ assert_equal 1, i
+ touch("#{subdir}/nested.txt")
+ assert checker.execute_if_updated
+ assert_equal 2, i
+ end
diff --git a/activesupport/test/file_update_checker_test.rb b/activesupport/test/file_update_checker_test.rb
index bd1df0f858..752f7836cd 100644
--- a/activesupport/test/file_update_checker_test.rb
+++ b/activesupport/test/file_update_checker_test.rb
@@ -1,112 +1,19 @@
require 'abstract_unit'
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'thread'
+require 'file_update_checker_shared_tests'
-MTIME_FIXTURES_PATH = File.expand_path("../fixtures", __FILE__)
+class FileUpdateCheckerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include FileUpdateCheckerSharedTests
-class FileUpdateCheckerWithEnumerableTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- FILES = %w(1.txt 2.txt 3.txt)
- def setup
- FileUtils.mkdir_p("tmp_watcher")
- FileUtils.touch(FILES)
- end
- def teardown
- FileUtils.rm_rf("tmp_watcher")
- FileUtils.rm_rf(FILES)
- end
- def test_should_not_execute_the_block_if_no_paths_are_given
- i = 0
- checker = ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker.new([]){ i += 1 }
- checker.execute_if_updated
- assert_equal 0, i
- end
- def test_should_not_invoke_the_block_if_no_file_has_changed
- i = 0
- checker = ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker.new(FILES){ i += 1 }
- 5.times { assert !checker.execute_if_updated }
- assert_equal 0, i
- end
- def test_should_invoke_the_block_if_a_file_has_changed
- i = 0
- checker = ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker.new(FILES){ i += 1 }
- sleep(1)
- FileUtils.touch(FILES)
- assert checker.execute_if_updated
- assert_equal 1, i
- end
- def test_should_be_robust_enough_to_handle_deleted_files
- i = 0
- checker = ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker.new(FILES){ i += 1 }
- FileUtils.rm(FILES)
- assert checker.execute_if_updated
- assert_equal 1, i
- end
- def test_should_be_robust_to_handle_files_with_wrong_modified_time
- i = 0
- now = Time.now
- time = Time.mktime(now.year + 1, now.month, now.day) # wrong mtime from the future
- File.utime time, time, FILES[2]
- checker = ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker.new(FILES){ i += 1 }
- sleep(1)
- FileUtils.touch(FILES[0..1])
- assert checker.execute_if_updated
- assert_equal 1, i
- end
- def test_should_cache_updated_result_until_execute
- i = 0
- checker = ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker.new(FILES){ i += 1 }
- assert !checker.updated?
- sleep(1)
- FileUtils.touch(FILES)
- assert checker.updated?
- checker.execute
- assert !checker.updated?
- end
- def test_should_invoke_the_block_if_a_watched_dir_changed_its_glob
- i = 0
- checker = ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker.new([], "tmp_watcher" => [:txt]){ i += 1 }
- FileUtils.cd "tmp_watcher" do
- FileUtils.touch(FILES)
- end
- assert checker.execute_if_updated
- assert_equal 1, i
+ def new_checker(files = [], dirs = {}, &block)
+ ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker.new(files, dirs, &block)
- def test_should_not_invoke_the_block_if_a_watched_dir_changed_its_glob
- i = 0
- checker = ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker.new([], "tmp_watcher" => :rb){ i += 1 }
- FileUtils.cd "tmp_watcher" do
- FileUtils.touch(FILES)
- end
- assert !checker.execute_if_updated
- assert_equal 0, i
+ def wait
+ # noop
- def test_should_not_block_if_a_strange_filename_used
- FileUtils.mkdir_p("tmp_watcher/valid,yetstrange,path,")
- FileUtils.touch(FILES.map { |file_name| "tmp_watcher/valid,yetstrange,path,/#{file_name}" })
- test = Thread.new do
- ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker.new([],"tmp_watcher/valid,yetstrange,path," => :txt) { i += 1 }
- Thread.exit
- end
- test.priority = -1
- test.join(5)
- assert !test.alive?
+ def touch(files)
+ sleep 1 # let's wait a bit to ensure there's a new mtime
+ super