path: root/activesupport/test
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authorMatthew Draper <matthew@trebex.net>2015-07-24 09:56:20 +0930
committerMatthew Draper <matthew@trebex.net>2015-07-24 09:56:20 +0930
commit40ce686b5732d0e3281c53e7a06d4d3f39a414ab (patch)
tree22fd17357aba0c04d6127dd906934a5d5339dd31 /activesupport/test
parent430b7c8b518fc628f2647323ba2bbb8dbb6cdd35 (diff)
parent5d6770754e1a4364ccfd476412d9abb538baf936 (diff)
Merge pull request #20928 from matthewd/unload-interlock
We need stricter locking before we can unload
Diffstat (limited to 'activesupport/test')
1 files changed, 333 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activesupport/test/share_lock_test.rb b/activesupport/test/share_lock_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad41db608b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activesupport/test/share_lock_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+require 'concurrent/atomics'
+require 'active_support/concurrency/share_lock'
+class ShareLockTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @lock = ActiveSupport::Concurrency::ShareLock.new
+ end
+ def test_reentrancy
+ thread = Thread.new do
+ @lock.sharing { @lock.sharing {} }
+ @lock.exclusive { @lock.exclusive {} }
+ end
+ assert_threads_not_stuck thread
+ end
+ def test_sharing_doesnt_block
+ with_thread_waiting_in_lock_section(:sharing) do |sharing_thread_latch|
+ assert_threads_not_stuck(Thread.new {@lock.sharing {} })
+ end
+ end
+ def test_sharing_blocks_exclusive
+ with_thread_waiting_in_lock_section(:sharing) do |sharing_thread_release_latch|
+ @lock.exclusive(no_wait: true) { flunk } # polling should fail
+ exclusive_thread = Thread.new { @lock.exclusive {} }
+ assert_threads_stuck_but_releasable_by_latch exclusive_thread, sharing_thread_release_latch
+ end
+ end
+ def test_exclusive_blocks_sharing
+ with_thread_waiting_in_lock_section(:exclusive) do |exclusive_thread_release_latch|
+ sharing_thread = Thread.new { @lock.sharing {} }
+ assert_threads_stuck_but_releasable_by_latch sharing_thread, exclusive_thread_release_latch
+ end
+ end
+ def test_multiple_exlusives_are_able_to_progress
+ with_thread_waiting_in_lock_section(:sharing) do |sharing_thread_release_latch|
+ exclusive_threads = (1..2).map do
+ Thread.new do
+ @lock.exclusive {}
+ end
+ end
+ assert_threads_stuck_but_releasable_by_latch exclusive_threads, sharing_thread_release_latch
+ end
+ end
+ def test_sharing_is_upgradeable_to_exclusive
+ upgrading_thread = Thread.new do
+ @lock.sharing do
+ @lock.exclusive {}
+ end
+ end
+ assert_threads_not_stuck upgrading_thread
+ end
+ def test_exclusive_upgrade_waits_for_other_sharers_to_leave
+ with_thread_waiting_in_lock_section(:sharing) do |sharing_thread_release_latch|
+ in_sharing = Concurrent::CountDownLatch.new
+ upgrading_thread = Thread.new do
+ @lock.sharing do
+ in_sharing.count_down
+ @lock.exclusive {}
+ end
+ end
+ in_sharing.wait
+ assert_threads_stuck_but_releasable_by_latch upgrading_thread, sharing_thread_release_latch
+ end
+ end
+ def test_exclusive_matching_purpose
+ [true, false].each do |use_upgrading|
+ with_thread_waiting_in_lock_section(:sharing) do |sharing_thread_release_latch|
+ exclusive_threads = (1..2).map do
+ Thread.new do
+ @lock.send(use_upgrading ? :sharing : :tap) do
+ @lock.exclusive(purpose: :load, compatible: [:load, :unload]) {}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ assert_threads_stuck_but_releasable_by_latch exclusive_threads, sharing_thread_release_latch
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_killed_thread_loses_lock
+ with_thread_waiting_in_lock_section(:sharing) do |sharing_thread_release_latch|
+ thread = Thread.new do
+ @lock.sharing do
+ @lock.exclusive {}
+ end
+ end
+ assert_threads_stuck thread
+ thread.kill
+ sharing_thread_release_latch.count_down
+ thread = Thread.new do
+ @lock.exclusive {}
+ end
+ assert_threads_not_stuck thread
+ end
+ end
+ def test_exclusive_conflicting_purpose
+ [true, false].each do |use_upgrading|
+ with_thread_waiting_in_lock_section(:sharing) do |sharing_thread_release_latch|
+ begin
+ conflicting_exclusive_threads = [
+ Thread.new do
+ @lock.send(use_upgrading ? :sharing : :tap) do
+ @lock.exclusive(purpose: :red, compatible: [:green, :purple]) {}
+ end
+ end,
+ Thread.new do
+ @lock.send(use_upgrading ? :sharing : :tap) do
+ @lock.exclusive(purpose: :blue, compatible: [:green]) {}
+ end
+ end
+ ]
+ assert_threads_stuck conflicting_exclusive_threads # wait for threads to get into their respective `exclusive {}` blocks
+ # This thread will be stuck as long as any other thread is in
+ # a sharing block. While it's blocked, it holds no lock, so it
+ # doesn't interfere with any other attempts.
+ no_purpose_thread = Thread.new do
+ @lock.exclusive {}
+ end
+ assert_threads_stuck no_purpose_thread
+ # This thread is compatible with both of the "primary"
+ # attempts above. It's initially stuck on the outer share
+ # lock, but as soon as that's released, it can run --
+ # regardless of whether those threads hold share locks.
+ compatible_thread = Thread.new do
+ @lock.exclusive(purpose: :green, compatible: []) {}
+ end
+ assert_threads_stuck compatible_thread
+ assert_threads_stuck conflicting_exclusive_threads
+ sharing_thread_release_latch.count_down
+ assert_threads_not_stuck compatible_thread # compatible thread is now able to squeak through
+ if use_upgrading
+ # The "primary" threads both each hold a share lock, and are
+ # mutually incompatible; they're still stuck.
+ assert_threads_stuck conflicting_exclusive_threads
+ # The thread without a specified purpose is also stuck; it's
+ # not compatible with anything.
+ assert_threads_stuck no_purpose_thread
+ else
+ # As the primaries didn't hold a share lock, as soon as the
+ # outer one was released, all the exclusive locks are free
+ # to be acquired in turn.
+ assert_threads_not_stuck conflicting_exclusive_threads
+ assert_threads_not_stuck no_purpose_thread
+ end
+ ensure
+ conflicting_exclusive_threads.each(&:kill)
+ no_purpose_thread.kill
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_exclusive_ordering
+ scratch_pad = []
+ scratch_pad_mutex = Mutex.new
+ load_params = [:load, [:load]]
+ unload_params = [:unload, [:unload, :load]]
+ [load_params, load_params, unload_params, unload_params].permutation do |thread_params|
+ with_thread_waiting_in_lock_section(:sharing) do |sharing_thread_release_latch|
+ threads = thread_params.map do |purpose, compatible|
+ Thread.new do
+ @lock.sharing do
+ @lock.exclusive(purpose: purpose, compatible: compatible) do
+ scratch_pad_mutex.synchronize { scratch_pad << purpose }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ sleep(0.01)
+ scratch_pad_mutex.synchronize { assert_empty scratch_pad }
+ sharing_thread_release_latch.count_down
+ assert_threads_not_stuck threads
+ scratch_pad_mutex.synchronize do
+ assert_equal [:load, :load, :unload, :unload], scratch_pad
+ scratch_pad.clear
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_in_shared_section_incompatible_non_upgrading_threads_cannot_preempt_upgrading_threads
+ scratch_pad = []
+ scratch_pad_mutex = Mutex.new
+ upgrading_load_params = [:load, [:load], true]
+ non_upgrading_unload_params = [:unload, [:load, :unload], false]
+ [upgrading_load_params, non_upgrading_unload_params].permutation do |thread_params|
+ with_thread_waiting_in_lock_section(:sharing) do |sharing_thread_release_latch|
+ threads = thread_params.map do |purpose, compatible, use_upgrading|
+ Thread.new do
+ @lock.send(use_upgrading ? :sharing : :tap) do
+ @lock.exclusive(purpose: purpose, compatible: compatible) do
+ scratch_pad_mutex.synchronize { scratch_pad << purpose }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ assert_threads_stuck threads
+ scratch_pad_mutex.synchronize { assert_empty scratch_pad }
+ sharing_thread_release_latch.count_down
+ assert_threads_not_stuck threads
+ scratch_pad_mutex.synchronize do
+ assert_equal [:load, :unload], scratch_pad
+ scratch_pad.clear
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ module CustomAssertions
+ private
+ def assert_threads_stuck_but_releasable_by_latch(threads, latch)
+ assert_threads_stuck threads
+ latch.count_down
+ assert_threads_not_stuck threads
+ end
+ def assert_threads_stuck(threads)
+ sleep(SUFFICIENT_TIMEOUT) # give threads time to do their business
+ assert(Array(threads).all? { |t| t.join(0.001).nil? })
+ end
+ def assert_threads_not_stuck(threads)
+ assert(Array(threads).all? { |t| t.join(SUFFICIENT_TIMEOUT) })
+ end
+ end
+ class CustomAssertionsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include CustomAssertions
+ def setup
+ @latch = Concurrent::CountDownLatch.new
+ @thread = Thread.new { @latch.wait }
+ end
+ def teardown
+ @latch.count_down
+ @thread.join
+ end
+ def test_happy_path
+ assert_threads_stuck_but_releasable_by_latch @thread, @latch
+ end
+ def test_detects_stuck_thread
+ assert_raises(Minitest::Assertion) do
+ assert_threads_not_stuck @thread
+ end
+ end
+ def test_detects_free_thread
+ @latch.count_down
+ assert_raises(Minitest::Assertion) do
+ assert_threads_stuck @thread
+ end
+ end
+ def test_detects_already_released
+ @latch.count_down
+ assert_raises(Minitest::Assertion) do
+ assert_threads_stuck_but_releasable_by_latch @thread, @latch
+ end
+ end
+ def test_detects_remains_latched
+ another_latch = Concurrent::CountDownLatch.new
+ assert_raises(Minitest::Assertion) do
+ assert_threads_stuck_but_releasable_by_latch @thread, another_latch
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ include CustomAssertions
+ def with_thread_waiting_in_lock_section(lock_section)
+ in_section = Concurrent::CountDownLatch.new
+ section_release = Concurrent::CountDownLatch.new
+ stuck_thread = Thread.new do
+ @lock.send(lock_section) do
+ in_section.count_down
+ section_release.wait
+ end
+ end
+ in_section.wait
+ yield section_release
+ ensure
+ section_release.count_down
+ stuck_thread.join # clean up
+ end