path: root/activesupport/lib/active_support/multibyte/handlers
diff options
authorManfred Stienstra <manfred@fngtps.com>2008-09-21 17:21:30 +0200
committerManfred Stienstra <manfred@fngtps.com>2008-09-21 17:21:30 +0200
commit22f75d539dca7b6f33cbf86e4e9d1944bb22731f (patch)
treef3c775cda7f82f5b527864adc363deb3c5eee354 /activesupport/lib/active_support/multibyte/handlers
parent5f83e1844c83c19cf97c6415b943c6ec3cb4bb06 (diff)
Simplify ActiveSupport::Multibyte and make it run on Ruby 1.9.
* Unicode methods are now defined directly on Chars instead of a handler * Updated Unicode database to Unicode 5.1.0 * Improved documentation
Diffstat (limited to 'activesupport/lib/active_support/multibyte/handlers')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 616 deletions
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/multibyte/handlers/passthru_handler.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/multibyte/handlers/passthru_handler.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 916215c2ce..0000000000
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/multibyte/handlers/passthru_handler.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# Chars uses this handler when $KCODE is not set to 'UTF8'. Because this handler doesn't define any methods all call
-# will be forwarded to String.
-class ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Handlers::PassthruHandler #:nodoc:
- # Return the original byteoffset
- def self.translate_offset(string, byte_offset) #:nodoc:
- byte_offset
- end
-end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/multibyte/handlers/utf8_handler.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/multibyte/handlers/utf8_handler.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index aa9c16f575..0000000000
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/multibyte/handlers/utf8_handler.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,564 +0,0 @@
-# Contains all the handlers and helper classes
-module ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Handlers #:nodoc:
- class EncodingError < ArgumentError #:nodoc:
- end
- class Codepoint #:nodoc:
- attr_accessor :code, :combining_class, :decomp_type, :decomp_mapping, :uppercase_mapping, :lowercase_mapping
- end
- class UnicodeDatabase #:nodoc:
- attr_writer :codepoints, :composition_exclusion, :composition_map, :boundary, :cp1252
- # self-expiring methods that lazily load the Unicode database and then return the value.
- [:codepoints, :composition_exclusion, :composition_map, :boundary, :cp1252].each do |attr_name|
- class_eval(<<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__)
- def #{attr_name}
- load
- @#{attr_name}
- end
- end
- # Shortcut to ucd.codepoints[]
- def [](index); codepoints[index]; end
- # Returns the directory in which the data files are stored
- def self.dirname
- File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../values/'
- end
- # Returns the filename for the data file for this version
- def self.filename
- File.expand_path File.join(dirname, "unicode_tables.dat")
- end
- # Loads the unicode database and returns all the internal objects of UnicodeDatabase
- # Once the values have been loaded, define attr_reader methods for the instance variables.
- def load
- begin
- @codepoints, @composition_exclusion, @composition_map, @boundary, @cp1252 = File.open(self.class.filename, 'rb') { |f| Marshal.load f.read }
- rescue Exception => e
- raise IOError.new("Couldn't load the unicode tables for UTF8Handler (#{e.message}), handler is unusable")
- end
- @codepoints ||= Hash.new(Codepoint.new)
- @composition_exclusion ||= []
- @composition_map ||= {}
- @boundary ||= {}
- @cp1252 ||= {}
- # Redefine the === method so we can write shorter rules for grapheme cluster breaks
- @boundary.each do |k,_|
- @boundary[k].instance_eval do
- def ===(other)
- detect { |i| i === other } ? true : false
- end
- end if @boundary[k].kind_of?(Array)
- end
- # define attr_reader methods for the instance variables
- class << self
- attr_reader :codepoints, :composition_exclusion, :composition_map, :boundary, :cp1252
- end
- end
- end
- # UTF8Handler implements Unicode aware operations for strings, these operations will be used by the Chars
- # proxy when $KCODE is set to 'UTF8'.
- class UTF8Handler
- # Hangul character boundaries and properties
- HANGUL_LBASE = 0x1100
- HANGUL_VBASE = 0x1161
- # All the unicode whitespace
- (0x0009..0x000D).to_a, # White_Space # Cc [5] <control-0009>..<control-000D>
- 0x0020, # White_Space # Zs SPACE
- 0x0085, # White_Space # Cc <control-0085>
- 0x00A0, # White_Space # Zs NO-BREAK SPACE
- 0x1680, # White_Space # Zs OGHAM SPACE MARK
- 0x180E, # White_Space # Zs MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR
- (0x2000..0x200A).to_a, # White_Space # Zs [11] EN QUAD..HAIR SPACE
- 0x2028, # White_Space # Zl LINE SEPARATOR
- 0x2029, # White_Space # Zp PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR
- 0x202F, # White_Space # Zs NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE
- 0x205F, # White_Space # Zs MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE
- 0x3000, # White_Space # Zs IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE
- ].flatten.freeze
- # BOM (byte order mark) can also be seen as whitespace, it's a non-rendering character used to distinguish
- # between little and big endian. This is not an issue in utf-8, so it must be ignored.
- # Borrowed from the Kconv library by Shinji KONO - (also as seen on the W3C site)
- UTF8_PAT = /\A(?:
- [\x00-\x7f] |
- [\xc2-\xdf] [\x80-\xbf] |
- \xe0 [\xa0-\xbf] [\x80-\xbf] |
- [\xe1-\xef] [\x80-\xbf] [\x80-\xbf] |
- \xf0 [\x90-\xbf] [\x80-\xbf] [\x80-\xbf] |
- [\xf1-\xf3] [\x80-\xbf] [\x80-\xbf] [\x80-\xbf] |
- \xf4 [\x80-\x8f] [\x80-\xbf] [\x80-\xbf]
- )*\z/xn
- # Returns a regular expression pattern that matches the passed Unicode codepoints
- def self.codepoints_to_pattern(array_of_codepoints) #:nodoc:
- array_of_codepoints.collect{ |e| [e].pack 'U*' }.join('|')
- end
- class << self
- # ///
- # /// BEGIN String method overrides
- # ///
- # Inserts the passed string at specified codepoint offsets
- def insert(str, offset, fragment)
- str.replace(
- u_unpack(str).insert(
- offset,
- u_unpack(fragment)
- ).flatten.pack('U*')
- )
- end
- # Returns the position of the passed argument in the string, counting in codepoints
- def index(str, *args)
- bidx = str.index(*args)
- bidx ? (u_unpack(str.slice(0...bidx)).size) : nil
- end
- # Works just like the indexed replace method on string, except instead of byte offsets you specify
- # character offsets.
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # s = "Müller"
- # s.chars[2] = "e" # Replace character with offset 2
- # s # => "Müeler"
- #
- # s = "Müller"
- # s.chars[1, 2] = "ö" # Replace 2 characters at character offset 1
- # s # => "Möler"
- def []=(str, *args)
- replace_by = args.pop
- # Indexed replace with regular expressions already works
- return str[*args] = replace_by if args.first.is_a?(Regexp)
- result = u_unpack(str)
- if args[0].is_a?(Fixnum)
- raise IndexError, "index #{args[0]} out of string" if args[0] >= result.length
- min = args[0]
- max = args[1].nil? ? min : (min + args[1] - 1)
- range = Range.new(min, max)
- replace_by = [replace_by].pack('U') if replace_by.is_a?(Fixnum)
- elsif args.first.is_a?(Range)
- raise RangeError, "#{args[0]} out of range" if args[0].min >= result.length
- range = args[0]
- else
- needle = args[0].to_s
- min = index(str, needle)
- max = min + length(needle) - 1
- range = Range.new(min, max)
- end
- result[range] = u_unpack(replace_by)
- str.replace(result.pack('U*'))
- end
- # Works just like String#rjust, only integer specifies characters instead of bytes.
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # "¾ cup".chars.rjust(8).to_s
- # # => " ¾ cup"
- #
- # "¾ cup".chars.rjust(8, " ").to_s # Use non-breaking whitespace
- # # => "   ¾ cup"
- def rjust(str, integer, padstr=' ')
- justify(str, integer, :right, padstr)
- end
- # Works just like String#ljust, only integer specifies characters instead of bytes.
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # "¾ cup".chars.rjust(8).to_s
- # # => "¾ cup "
- #
- # "¾ cup".chars.rjust(8, " ").to_s # Use non-breaking whitespace
- # # => "¾ cup   "
- def ljust(str, integer, padstr=' ')
- justify(str, integer, :left, padstr)
- end
- # Works just like String#center, only integer specifies characters instead of bytes.
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # "¾ cup".chars.center(8).to_s
- # # => " ¾ cup "
- #
- # "¾ cup".chars.center(8, " ").to_s # Use non-breaking whitespace
- # # => " ¾ cup  "
- def center(str, integer, padstr=' ')
- justify(str, integer, :center, padstr)
- end
- # Does Unicode-aware rstrip
- def rstrip(str)
- str.gsub(UNICODE_TRAILERS_PAT, '')
- end
- # Does Unicode-aware lstrip
- def lstrip(str)
- str.gsub(UNICODE_LEADERS_PAT, '')
- end
- # Removed leading and trailing whitespace
- def strip(str)
- end
- # Returns the number of codepoints in the string
- def size(str)
- u_unpack(str).size
- end
- alias_method :length, :size
- # Reverses codepoints in the string.
- def reverse(str)
- u_unpack(str).reverse.pack('U*')
- end
- # Implements Unicode-aware slice with codepoints. Slicing on one point returns the codepoints for that
- # character.
- def slice(str, *args)
- if args.size > 2
- raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{args.size} for 1)" # Do as if we were native
- elsif (args.size == 2 && !(args.first.is_a?(Numeric) || args.first.is_a?(Regexp)))
- raise TypeError, "cannot convert #{args.first.class} into Integer" # Do as if we were native
- elsif (args.size == 2 && !args[1].is_a?(Numeric))
- raise TypeError, "cannot convert #{args[1].class} into Integer" # Do as if we were native
- elsif args[0].kind_of? Range
- cps = u_unpack(str).slice(*args)
- cps.nil? ? nil : cps.pack('U*')
- elsif args[0].kind_of? Regexp
- str.slice(*args)
- elsif args.size == 1 && args[0].kind_of?(Numeric)
- u_unpack(str)[args[0]]
- else
- u_unpack(str).slice(*args).pack('U*')
- end
- end
- alias_method :[], :slice
- # Convert characters in the string to uppercase
- def upcase(str); to_case :uppercase_mapping, str; end
- # Convert characters in the string to lowercase
- def downcase(str); to_case :lowercase_mapping, str; end
- # Returns a copy of +str+ with the first character converted to uppercase and the remainder to lowercase
- def capitalize(str)
- upcase(slice(str, 0..0)) + downcase(slice(str, 1..-1) || '')
- end
- # ///
- # /// Extra String methods for unicode operations
- # ///
- # Returns the KC normalization of the string by default. NFKC is considered the best normalization form for
- # passing strings to databases and validations.
- #
- # * <tt>str</tt> - The string to perform normalization on.
- # * <tt>form</tt> - The form you want to normalize in. Should be one of the following:
- # <tt>:c</tt>, <tt>:kc</tt>, <tt>:d</tt>, or <tt>:kd</tt>. Default is
- # ActiveSupport::Multibyte::DEFAULT_NORMALIZATION_FORM.
- def normalize(str, form=ActiveSupport::Multibyte::DEFAULT_NORMALIZATION_FORM)
- # See http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15, Table 1
- codepoints = u_unpack(str)
- case form
- when :d
- reorder_characters(decompose_codepoints(:canonical, codepoints))
- when :c
- compose_codepoints reorder_characters(decompose_codepoints(:canonical, codepoints))
- when :kd
- reorder_characters(decompose_codepoints(:compatability, codepoints))
- when :kc
- compose_codepoints reorder_characters(decompose_codepoints(:compatability, codepoints))
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "#{form} is not a valid normalization variant", caller
- end.pack('U*')
- end
- # Perform decomposition on the characters in the string
- def decompose(str)
- decompose_codepoints(:canonical, u_unpack(str)).pack('U*')
- end
- # Perform composition on the characters in the string
- def compose(str)
- compose_codepoints u_unpack(str).pack('U*')
- end
- # ///
- # /// BEGIN Helper methods for unicode operation
- # ///
- # Used to translate an offset from bytes to characters, for instance one received from a regular expression match
- def translate_offset(str, byte_offset)
- return nil if byte_offset.nil?
- return 0 if str == ''
- chunk = str[0..byte_offset]
- begin
- begin
- chunk.unpack('U*').length - 1
- rescue ArgumentError => e
- chunk = str[0..(byte_offset+=1)]
- # Stop retrying at the end of the string
- raise e unless byte_offset < chunk.length
- # We damaged a character, retry
- retry
- end
- # Catch the ArgumentError so we can throw our own
- rescue ArgumentError
- raise EncodingError.new('malformed UTF-8 character')
- end
- end
- # Checks if the string is valid UTF8.
- def consumes?(str)
- # Unpack is a little bit faster than regular expressions
- begin
- str.unpack('U*')
- true
- rescue ArgumentError
- false
- end
- end
- # Returns the number of grapheme clusters in the string. This method is very likely to be moved or renamed
- # in future versions.
- def g_length(str)
- g_unpack(str).length
- end
- # Replaces all the non-utf-8 bytes by their iso-8859-1 or cp1252 equivalent resulting in a valid utf-8 string
- def tidy_bytes(str)
- str.split(//u).map do |c|
- if !UTF8_PAT.match(c)
- n = c.unpack('C')[0]
- n < 128 ? n.chr :
- n < 160 ? [UCD.cp1252[n] || n].pack('U') :
- n < 192 ? "\xC2" + n.chr : "\xC3" + (n-64).chr
- else
- c
- end
- end.join
- end
- protected
- # Detect whether the codepoint is in a certain character class. Primarily used by the
- # grapheme cluster support.
- def in_char_class?(codepoint, classes)
- classes.detect { |c| UCD.boundary[c] === codepoint } ? true : false
- end
- # Unpack the string at codepoints boundaries
- def u_unpack(str)
- begin
- str.unpack 'U*'
- rescue ArgumentError
- raise EncodingError.new('malformed UTF-8 character')
- end
- end
- # Unpack the string at grapheme boundaries instead of codepoint boundaries
- def g_unpack(str)
- codepoints = u_unpack(str)
- unpacked = []
- pos = 0
- marker = 0
- eoc = codepoints.length
- while(pos < eoc)
- pos += 1
- previous = codepoints[pos-1]
- current = codepoints[pos]
- if (
- # CR X LF
- one = ( previous == UCD.boundary[:cr] and current == UCD.boundary[:lf] ) or
- # L X (L|V|LV|LVT)
- two = ( UCD.boundary[:l] === previous and in_char_class?(current, [:l,:v,:lv,:lvt]) ) or
- # (LV|V) X (V|T)
- three = ( in_char_class?(previous, [:lv,:v]) and in_char_class?(current, [:v,:t]) ) or
- # (LVT|T) X (T)
- four = ( in_char_class?(previous, [:lvt,:t]) and UCD.boundary[:t] === current ) or
- # X Extend
- five = (UCD.boundary[:extend] === current)
- )
- else
- unpacked << codepoints[marker..pos-1]
- marker = pos
- end
- end
- unpacked
- end
- # Reverse operation of g_unpack
- def g_pack(unpacked)
- unpacked.flatten
- end
- # Justifies a string in a certain way. Valid values for <tt>way</tt> are <tt>:right</tt>, <tt>:left</tt> and
- # <tt>:center</tt>. Is primarily used as a helper method by <tt>rjust</tt>, <tt>ljust</tt> and <tt>center</tt>.
- def justify(str, integer, way, padstr=' ')
- raise ArgumentError, "zero width padding" if padstr.length == 0
- padsize = integer - size(str)
- padsize = padsize > 0 ? padsize : 0
- case way
- when :right
- str.dup.insert(0, padding(padsize, padstr))
- when :left
- str.dup.insert(-1, padding(padsize, padstr))
- when :center
- lpad = padding((padsize / 2.0).floor, padstr)
- rpad = padding((padsize / 2.0).ceil, padstr)
- str.dup.insert(0, lpad).insert(-1, rpad)
- end
- end
- # Generates a padding string of a certain size.
- def padding(padsize, padstr=' ')
- if padsize != 0
- slice(padstr * ((padsize / size(padstr)) + 1), 0, padsize)
- else
- ''
- end
- end
- # Convert characters to a different case
- def to_case(way, str)
- u_unpack(str).map do |codepoint|
- cp = UCD[codepoint]
- unless cp.nil?
- ncp = cp.send(way)
- ncp > 0 ? ncp : codepoint
- else
- codepoint
- end
- end.pack('U*')
- end
- # Re-order codepoints so the string becomes canonical
- def reorder_characters(codepoints)
- length = codepoints.length- 1
- pos = 0
- while pos < length do
- cp1, cp2 = UCD[codepoints[pos]], UCD[codepoints[pos+1]]
- if (cp1.combining_class > cp2.combining_class) && (cp2.combining_class > 0)
- codepoints[pos..pos+1] = cp2.code, cp1.code
- pos += (pos > 0 ? -1 : 1)
- else
- pos += 1
- end
- end
- codepoints
- end
- # Decompose composed characters to the decomposed form
- def decompose_codepoints(type, codepoints)
- codepoints.inject([]) do |decomposed, cp|
- # if it's a hangul syllable starter character
- if HANGUL_SBASE <= cp and cp < HANGUL_SLAST
- sindex = cp - HANGUL_SBASE
- ncp = [] # new codepoints
- ncp << HANGUL_LBASE + sindex / HANGUL_NCOUNT
- tindex = sindex % HANGUL_TCOUNT
- ncp << (HANGUL_TBASE + tindex) unless tindex == 0
- decomposed.concat ncp
- # if the codepoint is decomposable in with the current decomposition type
- elsif (ncp = UCD[cp].decomp_mapping) and (!UCD[cp].decomp_type || type == :compatability)
- decomposed.concat decompose_codepoints(type, ncp.dup)
- else
- decomposed << cp
- end
- end
- end
- # Compose decomposed characters to the composed form
- def compose_codepoints(codepoints)
- pos = 0
- eoa = codepoints.length - 1
- starter_pos = 0
- starter_char = codepoints[0]
- previous_combining_class = -1
- while pos < eoa
- pos += 1
- lindex = starter_char - HANGUL_LBASE
- # -- Hangul
- if 0 <= lindex and lindex < HANGUL_LCOUNT
- vindex = codepoints[starter_pos+1] - HANGUL_VBASE rescue vindex = -1
- if 0 <= vindex and vindex < HANGUL_VCOUNT
- tindex = codepoints[starter_pos+2] - HANGUL_TBASE rescue tindex = -1
- if 0 <= tindex and tindex < HANGUL_TCOUNT
- j = starter_pos + 2
- eoa -= 2
- else
- tindex = 0
- j = starter_pos + 1
- eoa -= 1
- end
- codepoints[starter_pos..j] = (lindex * HANGUL_VCOUNT + vindex) * HANGUL_TCOUNT + tindex + HANGUL_SBASE
- end
- starter_pos += 1
- starter_char = codepoints[starter_pos]
- # -- Other characters
- else
- current_char = codepoints[pos]
- current = UCD[current_char]
- if current.combining_class > previous_combining_class
- if ref = UCD.composition_map[starter_char]
- composition = ref[current_char]
- else
- composition = nil
- end
- unless composition.nil?
- codepoints[starter_pos] = composition
- starter_char = composition
- codepoints.delete_at pos
- eoa -= 1
- pos -= 1
- previous_combining_class = -1
- else
- previous_combining_class = current.combining_class
- end
- else
- previous_combining_class = current.combining_class
- end
- if current.combining_class == 0
- starter_pos = pos
- starter_char = codepoints[pos]
- end
- end
- end
- codepoints
- end
- # UniCode Database
- UCD = UnicodeDatabase.new
- end
- end
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/multibyte/handlers/utf8_handler_proc.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/multibyte/handlers/utf8_handler_proc.rb
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index f10eecc622..0000000000
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/multibyte/handlers/utf8_handler_proc.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Methods in this handler call functions in the utf8proc ruby extension. These are significantly faster than the
-# pure ruby versions. Chars automatically uses this handler when it can load the utf8proc extension. For
-# documentation on handler methods see UTF8Handler.
-class ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Handlers::UTF8HandlerProc < ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Handlers::UTF8Handler #:nodoc:
- class << self
- def normalize(str, form=ActiveSupport::Multibyte::DEFAULT_NORMALIZATION_FORM) #:nodoc:
- codepoints = str.unpack('U*')
- case form
- when :d
- utf8map(str, :stable)
- when :c
- utf8map(str, :stable, :compose)
- when :kd
- utf8map(str, :stable, :compat)
- when :kc
- utf8map(str, :stable, :compose, :compat)
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "#{form} is not a valid normalization variant", caller
- end
- end
- def decompose(str) #:nodoc:
- utf8map(str, :stable)
- end
- def downcase(str) #:nodoc:c
- utf8map(str, :casefold)
- end
- protected
- def utf8map(str, *option_array) #:nodoc:
- options = 0
- option_array.each do |option|
- flag = Utf8Proc::Options[option]
- raise ArgumentError, "Unknown argument given to utf8map." unless
- flag
- options |= flag
- end
- return Utf8Proc::utf8map(str, options)
- end
- end