path: root/activerecord/test/cases
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authorPatrick Mahoney <pat@polycrystal.org>2012-05-20 21:46:08 -0500
committerPatrick Mahoney <pat@polycrystal.org>2012-05-20 21:48:04 -0500
commitd06674d5dfcecb6355890020ee2245b6e87b07e4 (patch)
tree4fecc2e1773aff8e92987a7a3ab4709601494e85 /activerecord/test/cases
parent7c95be54b4c3f8ad2273eea39afa233f8f8b31c1 (diff)
Make connection pool fair with respect to waiting threads.
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases')
2 files changed, 116 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter_test.rb
index 7dc6e8afcb..3e3d6e2769 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter_test.rb
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module ActiveRecord
def test_close
pool = ConnectionPool.new(ConnectionSpecification.new({}, nil))
- pool.connections << adapter
+ pool.insert_connection_for_test! adapter
adapter.pool = pool
# Make sure the pool marks the connection in use
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/connection_pool_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/connection_pool_test.rb
index 8dc9f761c2..6871e628aa 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/connection_pool_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/connection_pool_test.rb
@@ -200,6 +200,121 @@ module ActiveRecord
+ # The connection pool is "fair" if threads waiting for
+ # connections receive them the order in which they began
+ # waiting. This ensures that we don't timeout one HTTP request
+ # even while well under capacity in a multi-threaded environment
+ # such as a Java servlet container.
+ #
+ # We don't need strict fairness: if two connections become
+ # available at the same time, it's fine of two threads that were
+ # waiting acquire the connections out of order.
+ #
+ # Thus this test prepares waiting threads and then trickles in
+ # available connections slowly, ensuring the wakeup order is
+ # correct in this case.
+ #
+ # Try a few times since it might work out just by chance.
+ def test_checkout_fairness
+ 4.times { setup; do_checkout_fairness }
+ end
+ def do_checkout_fairness
+ expected = (1..@pool.size).to_a.freeze
+ # check out all connections so our threads start out waiting
+ conns = expected.map { @pool.checkout }
+ mutex = Mutex.new
+ order = []
+ errors = []
+ threads = expected.map do |i|
+ t = Thread.new {
+ begin
+ conn = @pool.checkout # never checked back in
+ mutex.synchronize { order << i }
+ rescue => e
+ mutex.synchronize { errors << e }
+ end
+ }
+ Thread.pass until t.status == "sleep"
+ t
+ end
+ # this should wake up the waiting threads one by one in order
+ conns.each { |conn| @pool.checkin(conn); sleep 0.1 }
+ threads.each(&:join)
+ raise errors.first if errors.any?
+ assert_equal(expected, order)
+ end
+ # As mentioned in #test_checkout_fairness, we don't care about
+ # strict fairness. This test creates two groups of threads:
+ # group1 whose members all start waiting before any thread in
+ # group2. Enough connections are checked in to wakeup all
+ # group1 threads, and the fact that only group1 and no group2
+ # threads acquired a connection is enforced.
+ #
+ # Try a few times since it might work out just by chance.
+ def test_checkout_fairness_by_group
+ 4.times { setup; do_checkout_fairness_by_group }
+ end
+ def do_checkout_fairness_by_group
+ @pool.instance_variable_set(:@size, 10)
+ # take all the connections
+ conns = (1..10).map { @pool.checkout }
+ mutex = Mutex.new
+ successes = [] # threads that successfully got a connection
+ errors = []
+ make_thread = proc do |i|
+ t = Thread.new {
+ begin
+ conn = @pool.checkout # never checked back in
+ mutex.synchronize { successes << i }
+ rescue => e
+ mutex.synchronize { errors << e }
+ end
+ }
+ Thread.pass until t.status == "sleep"
+ t
+ end
+ # all group1 threads start waiting before any in group2
+ group1 = (1..5).map(&make_thread)
+ group2 = (6..10).map(&make_thread)
+ # checkin n connections back to the pool
+ checkin = proc do |n|
+ n.times do
+ c = conns.pop
+ @pool.checkin(c)
+ end
+ end
+ checkin.call(group1.size) # should wake up all group1
+ loop do
+ sleep 0.1
+ break if mutex.synchronize { (successes.size + errors.size) == group1.size }
+ end
+ winners = mutex.synchronize { successes.dup }
+ checkin.call(group2.size) # should wake up everyone remaining
+ group1.each(&:join)
+ group2.each(&:join)
+ assert_equal((1..group1.size).to_a, winners.sort)
+ if errors.any?
+ raise errors.first
+ end
+ end
def test_automatic_reconnect=
pool = ConnectionPool.new ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.spec
assert pool.automatic_reconnect