path: root/activerecord/test/cases
diff options
authorPratik Naik <pratiknaik@gmail.com>2010-01-04 03:24:39 +0530
committerPratik Naik <pratiknaik@gmail.com>2010-01-04 03:24:39 +0530
commitcda36a0731f14b33a920bf7e32255661e06f890a (patch)
tree79ccba37953f9fe3055503be42b1610faa6d64ad /activerecord/test/cases
parentbd4a3cce4ecd8e648179a91e26506e3622ac2162 (diff)
parenta115b5d79a850bb56cd3c9db9a05d6da35e3d7be (diff)
Merge remote branch 'mainstream/master'
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases')
29 files changed, 1155 insertions, 371 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/eager_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/eager_test.rb
index d5a4d9007b..ffa6d45948 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/eager_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/eager_test.rb
@@ -61,14 +61,7 @@ class EagerAssociationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_with_two_tables_in_from_without_getting_double_quoted
- posts = Post.find(:all,
- :select => "posts.*",
- :from => "authors, posts",
- :include => :comments,
- :conditions => "posts.author_id = authors.id",
- :order => "posts.id"
- )
+ posts = Post.select("posts.*").from("authors, posts").eager_load(:comments).where("posts.author_id = authors.id").order("posts.id").to_a
assert_equal 2, posts.first.comments.size
@@ -469,7 +462,7 @@ class EagerAssociationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_eager_with_has_many_and_limit_and_scoped_conditions_on_the_eagers
posts = nil
- Post.with_scope(:find => {
+ Post.send(:with_scope, :find => {
:include => :comments,
:conditions => "comments.body like 'Normal%' OR comments.#{QUOTED_TYPE}= 'SpecialComment'"
}) do
@@ -477,7 +470,7 @@ class EagerAssociationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_equal 2, posts.size
- Post.with_scope(:find => {
+ Post.send(:with_scope, :find => {
:include => [ :comments, :author ],
:conditions => "authors.name = 'David' AND (comments.body like 'Normal%' OR comments.#{QUOTED_TYPE}= 'SpecialComment')"
}) do
@@ -487,7 +480,7 @@ class EagerAssociationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_eager_with_has_many_and_limit_and_scoped_and_explicit_conditions_on_the_eagers
- Post.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => "1=1" }) do
+ Post.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => "1=1" }) do
posts = authors(:david).posts.find(:all,
:include => :comments,
:conditions => "comments.body like 'Normal%' OR comments.#{QUOTED_TYPE}= 'SpecialComment'",
@@ -506,7 +499,7 @@ class EagerAssociationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_eager_with_scoped_order_using_association_limiting_without_explicit_scope
posts_with_explicit_order = Post.find(:all, :conditions => 'comments.id is not null', :include => :comments, :order => 'posts.id DESC', :limit => 2)
- posts_with_scoped_order = Post.with_scope(:find => {:order => 'posts.id DESC'}) do
+ posts_with_scoped_order = Post.send(:with_scope, :find => {:order => 'posts.id DESC'}) do
Post.find(:all, :conditions => 'comments.id is not null', :include => :comments, :limit => 2)
assert_equal posts_with_explicit_order, posts_with_scoped_order
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/habtm_join_table_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/habtm_join_table_test.rb
index bf3e04c3eb..745f169ad7 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/habtm_join_table_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/habtm_join_table_test.rb
@@ -36,21 +36,9 @@ class HabtmJoinTableTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
uses_transaction :test_should_raise_exception_when_join_table_has_a_primary_key
def test_should_raise_exception_when_join_table_has_a_primary_key
if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.supports_primary_key?
- assert_raise ActiveRecord::ConfigurationError do
- jaime = MyReader.create(:name=>"Jaime")
- jaime.my_books << MyBook.create(:name=>'Great Expectations')
+ assert_raise ActiveRecord::HasAndBelongsToManyAssociationWithPrimaryKeyError do
+ MyReader.has_and_belongs_to_many :my_books
- uses_transaction :test_should_cache_result_of_primary_key_check
- def test_should_cache_result_of_primary_key_check
- if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.supports_primary_key?
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.stubs(:primary_key).with('my_books_my_readers').returns(false).once
- weaz = MyReader.create(:name=>'Weaz')
- weaz.my_books << MyBook.create(:name=>'Great Expectations')
- weaz.my_books << MyBook.create(:name=>'Greater Expectations')
- end
- end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_associations_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_associations_test.rb
index 86d14c9c81..ce7eedbb54 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_associations_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_associations_test.rb
@@ -1179,4 +1179,3 @@ class HasManyAssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_equal firm.name, client.firm_name
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_through_associations_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_through_associations_test.rb
index 5f13b66d11..608d5a3608 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_through_associations_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_through_associations_test.rb
@@ -137,6 +137,28 @@ class HasManyThroughAssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert !posts(:welcome).reload.people(true).include?(people(:michael))
+ def test_replace_order_is_preserved
+ posts(:welcome).people.clear
+ posts(:welcome).people = [people(:david), people(:michael)]
+ assert_equal [people(:david).id, people(:michael).id], posts(:welcome).readers.order('id').map(&:person_id)
+ # Test the inverse order in case the first success was a coincidence
+ posts(:welcome).people.clear
+ posts(:welcome).people = [people(:michael), people(:david)]
+ assert_equal [people(:michael).id, people(:david).id], posts(:welcome).readers.order('id').map(&:person_id)
+ end
+ def test_replace_by_id_order_is_preserved
+ posts(:welcome).people.clear
+ posts(:welcome).person_ids = [people(:david).id, people(:michael).id]
+ assert_equal [people(:david).id, people(:michael).id], posts(:welcome).readers.order('id').map(&:person_id)
+ # Test the inverse order in case the first success was a coincidence
+ posts(:welcome).people.clear
+ posts(:welcome).person_ids = [people(:michael).id, people(:david).id]
+ assert_equal [people(:michael).id, people(:david).id], posts(:welcome).readers.order('id').map(&:person_id)
+ end
def test_associate_with_create
assert_queries(1) { posts(:thinking) }
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_one_associations_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_one_associations_test.rb
index 289c89d1e2..d359ad48c5 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_one_associations_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_one_associations_test.rb
@@ -327,10 +327,4 @@ class HasOneAssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert !account.new_record?
assert_equal 500, account.credit_limit
- def test_create!_respects_hash_condition
- account = companies(:first_firm).create_account_limit_500_with_hash_conditions!
- assert !account.new_record?
- assert_equal 500, account.credit_limit
- end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/inner_join_association_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/inner_join_association_test.rb
index 5f08c40005..18a1cd3cd0 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/inner_join_association_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/inner_join_association_test.rb
@@ -9,84 +9,84 @@ class InnerJoinAssociationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
fixtures :authors, :posts, :comments, :categories, :categories_posts, :categorizations
def test_construct_finder_sql_creates_inner_joins
- sql = Author.send(:construct_finder_sql, :joins => :posts)
+ sql = Author.joins(:posts).to_sql
assert_match /INNER JOIN .?posts.? ON .?posts.?.author_id = authors.id/, sql
def test_construct_finder_sql_cascades_inner_joins
- sql = Author.send(:construct_finder_sql, :joins => {:posts => :comments})
+ sql = Author.joins(:posts => :comments).to_sql
assert_match /INNER JOIN .?posts.? ON .?posts.?.author_id = authors.id/, sql
assert_match /INNER JOIN .?comments.? ON .?comments.?.post_id = posts.id/, sql
def test_construct_finder_sql_inner_joins_through_associations
- sql = Author.send(:construct_finder_sql, :joins => :categorized_posts)
+ sql = Author.joins(:categorized_posts).to_sql
assert_match /INNER JOIN .?categorizations.?.*INNER JOIN .?posts.?/, sql
def test_construct_finder_sql_applies_association_conditions
- sql = Author.send(:construct_finder_sql, :joins => :categories_like_general, :conditions => "TERMINATING_MARKER")
+ sql = Author.joins(:categories_like_general).where("TERMINATING_MARKER").to_sql
assert_match /INNER JOIN .?categories.? ON.*AND.*.?General.?(.|\n)*TERMINATING_MARKER/, sql
def test_construct_finder_sql_applies_aliases_tables_on_association_conditions
- result = Author.find(:all, :joins => [:thinking_posts, :welcome_posts])
+ result = Author.joins(:thinking_posts, :welcome_posts).to_a
assert_equal authors(:david), result.first
def test_construct_finder_sql_unpacks_nested_joins
- sql = Author.send(:construct_finder_sql, :joins => {:posts => [[:comments]]})
+ sql = Author.joins(:posts => [[:comments]]).to_sql
assert_no_match /inner join.*inner join.*inner join/i, sql, "only two join clauses should be present"
assert_match /INNER JOIN .?posts.? ON .?posts.?.author_id = authors.id/, sql
assert_match /INNER JOIN .?comments.? ON .?comments.?.post_id = .?posts.?.id/, sql
def test_construct_finder_sql_ignores_empty_joins_hash
- sql = Author.send(:construct_finder_sql, :joins => {})
+ sql = Author.joins({}).to_sql
assert_no_match /JOIN/i, sql
def test_construct_finder_sql_ignores_empty_joins_array
- sql = Author.send(:construct_finder_sql, :joins => [])
+ sql = Author.joins([]).to_sql
assert_no_match /JOIN/i, sql
def test_find_with_implicit_inner_joins_honors_readonly_without_select
- authors = Author.find(:all, :joins => :posts)
+ authors = Author.joins(:posts).to_a
assert !authors.empty?, "expected authors to be non-empty"
assert authors.all? {|a| a.readonly? }, "expected all authors to be readonly"
def test_find_with_implicit_inner_joins_honors_readonly_with_select
- authors = Author.find(:all, :select => 'authors.*', :joins => :posts)
+ authors = Author.joins(:posts).select('authors.*').to_a
assert !authors.empty?, "expected authors to be non-empty"
assert authors.all? {|a| !a.readonly? }, "expected no authors to be readonly"
def test_find_with_implicit_inner_joins_honors_readonly_false
- authors = Author.find(:all, :joins => :posts, :readonly => false)
+ authors = Author.joins(:posts).readonly(false).to_a
assert !authors.empty?, "expected authors to be non-empty"
assert authors.all? {|a| !a.readonly? }, "expected no authors to be readonly"
def test_find_with_implicit_inner_joins_does_not_set_associations
- authors = Author.find(:all, :select => 'authors.*', :joins => :posts)
+ authors = Author.joins(:posts).select('authors.*')
assert !authors.empty?, "expected authors to be non-empty"
assert authors.all? {|a| !a.send(:instance_variable_names).include?("@posts")}, "expected no authors to have the @posts association loaded"
def test_count_honors_implicit_inner_joins
- real_count = Author.find(:all).sum{|a| a.posts.count }
+ real_count = Author.scoped.to_a.sum{|a| a.posts.count }
assert_equal real_count, Author.count(:joins => :posts), "plain inner join count should match the number of referenced posts records"
def test_calculate_honors_implicit_inner_joins
- real_count = Author.find(:all).sum{|a| a.posts.count }
+ real_count = Author.scoped.to_a.sum{|a| a.posts.count }
assert_equal real_count, Author.calculate(:count, 'authors.id', :joins => :posts), "plain inner join count should match the number of referenced posts records"
def test_calculate_honors_implicit_inner_joins_and_distinct_and_conditions
- real_count = Author.find(:all).select {|a| a.posts.any? {|p| p.title =~ /^Welcome/} }.length
+ real_count = Author.scoped.to_a.select {|a| a.posts.any? {|p| p.title =~ /^Welcome/} }.length
authors_with_welcoming_post_titles = Author.calculate(:count, 'authors.id', :joins => :posts, :distinct => true, :conditions => "posts.title like 'Welcome%'")
assert_equal real_count, authors_with_welcoming_post_titles, "inner join and conditions should have only returned authors posting titles starting with 'Welcome'"
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/inverse_associations_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/inverse_associations_test.rb
index 47f83db112..1d7604f52b 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/inverse_associations_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/inverse_associations_test.rb
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class InverseHasOneTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
fixtures :men, :faces
def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_child_on_find
- m = Man.find(:first)
+ m = men(:gordon)
f = m.face
assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
m.name = 'Bongo'
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class InverseHasOneTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_eager_loaded_child_on_find
- m = Man.find(:first, :include => :face)
+ m = Man.find(:first, :conditions => {:name => 'Gordon'}, :include => :face)
f = m.face
assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
m.name = 'Bongo'
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class InverseHasOneTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
f.man.name = 'Mungo'
assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to child-owned instance"
- m = Man.find(:first, :include => :face, :order => 'faces.id')
+ m = Man.find(:first, :conditions => {:name => 'Gordon'}, :include => :face, :order => 'faces.id')
f = m.face
assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
m.name = 'Bongo'
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class InverseHasOneTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_built_child
- m = Man.find(:first)
+ m = men(:gordon)
f = m.build_face(:description => 'haunted')
assert_not_nil f.man
assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class InverseHasOneTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_created_child
- m = Man.find(:first)
+ m = men(:gordon)
f = m.create_face(:description => 'haunted')
assert_not_nil f.man
assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
@@ -135,6 +135,86 @@ class InverseHasOneTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to newly-created-child-owned instance"
+ def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_created_child_via_bang_method
+ m = Man.find(:first)
+ f = m.face.create!(:description => 'haunted')
+ assert_not_nil f.man
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
+ m.name = 'Bongo'
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
+ f.man.name = 'Mungo'
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to newly-created-child-owned instance"
+ end
+ def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_built_child_when_we_dont_replace_existing
+ m = Man.find(:first)
+ f = m.build_face({:description => 'haunted'}, false)
+ assert_not_nil f.man
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
+ m.name = 'Bongo'
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
+ f.man.name = 'Mungo'
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to just-built-child-owned instance"
+ end
+ def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_created_child_when_we_dont_replace_existing
+ m = Man.find(:first)
+ f = m.create_face({:description => 'haunted'}, false)
+ assert_not_nil f.man
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
+ m.name = 'Bongo'
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
+ f.man.name = 'Mungo'
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to newly-created-child-owned instance"
+ end
+ def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_created_child_via_bang_method_when_we_dont_replace_existing
+ m = Man.find(:first)
+ f = m.face.create!({:description => 'haunted'}, false)
+ assert_not_nil f.man
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
+ m.name = 'Bongo'
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
+ f.man.name = 'Mungo'
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to newly-created-child-owned instance"
+ end
+ def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_replaced_via_accessor_child
+ m = Man.find(:first)
+ f = Face.new(:description => 'haunted')
+ m.face = f
+ assert_not_nil f.man
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
+ m.name = 'Bongo'
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
+ f.man.name = 'Mungo'
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to replaced-child-owned instance"
+ end
+ def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_replaced_via_method_child
+ m = Man.find(:first)
+ f = Face.new(:description => 'haunted')
+ m.face.replace(f)
+ assert_not_nil f.man
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
+ m.name = 'Bongo'
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
+ f.man.name = 'Mungo'
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to replaced-child-owned instance"
+ end
+ def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_replaced_via_method_child_when_we_dont_replace_existing
+ m = Man.find(:first)
+ f = Face.new(:description => 'haunted')
+ m.face.replace(f, false)
+ assert_not_nil f.man
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
+ m.name = 'Bongo'
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
+ f.man.name = 'Mungo'
+ assert_equal m.name, f.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to replaced-child-owned instance"
+ end
def test_trying_to_use_inverses_that_dont_exist_should_raise_an_error
assert_raise(ActiveRecord::InverseOfAssociationNotFoundError) { Man.find(:first).dirty_face }
@@ -144,7 +224,7 @@ class InverseHasManyTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
fixtures :men, :interests
def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_every_child_on_find
- m = Man.find(:first)
+ m = men(:gordon)
is = m.interests
is.each do |i|
assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
@@ -156,7 +236,7 @@ class InverseHasManyTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_eager_loaded_children
- m = Man.find(:first, :include => :interests)
+ m = Man.find(:first, :conditions => {:name => 'Gordon'}, :include => :interests)
is = m.interests
is.each do |i|
assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
@@ -166,7 +246,7 @@ class InverseHasManyTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to child-owned instance"
- m = Man.find(:first, :include => :interests, :order => 'interests.id')
+ m = Man.find(:first, :conditions => {:name => 'Gordon'}, :include => :interests, :order => 'interests.id')
is = m.interests
is.each do |i|
assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
@@ -175,11 +255,10 @@ class InverseHasManyTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
i.man.name = 'Mungo'
assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to child-owned instance"
def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_built_child
- m = Man.find(:first)
+ m = men(:gordon)
i = m.interests.build(:topic => 'Industrial Revolution Re-enactment')
assert_not_nil i.man
assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
@@ -189,8 +268,20 @@ class InverseHasManyTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to just-built-child-owned instance"
- def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_created_child
+ def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_block_style_built_child
m = Man.find(:first)
+ i = m.interests.build {|ii| ii.topic = 'Industrial Revolution Re-enactment'}
+ assert_not_nil i.topic, "Child attributes supplied to build via blocks should be populated"
+ assert_not_nil i.man
+ assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
+ m.name = 'Bongo'
+ assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
+ i.man.name = 'Mungo'
+ assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to just-built-child-owned instance"
+ end
+ def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_created_child
+ m = men(:gordon)
i = m.interests.create(:topic => 'Industrial Revolution Re-enactment')
assert_not_nil i.man
assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
@@ -200,8 +291,31 @@ class InverseHasManyTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to newly-created-child-owned instance"
- def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_poked_in_child
+ def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_created_via_bang_method_child
m = Man.find(:first)
+ i = m.interests.create!(:topic => 'Industrial Revolution Re-enactment')
+ assert_not_nil i.man
+ assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
+ m.name = 'Bongo'
+ assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
+ i.man.name = 'Mungo'
+ assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to newly-created-child-owned instance"
+ end
+ def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_block_style_created_child
+ m = Man.find(:first)
+ i = m.interests.create {|ii| ii.topic = 'Industrial Revolution Re-enactment'}
+ assert_not_nil i.topic, "Child attributes supplied to create via blocks should be populated"
+ assert_not_nil i.man
+ assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
+ m.name = 'Bongo'
+ assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
+ i.man.name = 'Mungo'
+ assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to newly-created-child-owned instance"
+ end
+ def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_poked_in_child
+ m = men(:gordon)
i = Interest.create(:topic => 'Industrial Revolution Re-enactment')
m.interests << i
assert_not_nil i.man
@@ -212,6 +326,30 @@ class InverseHasManyTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to newly-created-child-owned instance"
+ def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_replaced_via_accessor_children
+ m = Man.find(:first)
+ i = Interest.new(:topic => 'Industrial Revolution Re-enactment')
+ m.interests = [i]
+ assert_not_nil i.man
+ assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
+ m.name = 'Bongo'
+ assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
+ i.man.name = 'Mungo'
+ assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to replaced-child-owned instance"
+ end
+ def test_parent_instance_should_be_shared_with_replaced_via_method_children
+ m = Man.find(:first)
+ i = Interest.new(:topic => 'Industrial Revolution Re-enactment')
+ m.interests.replace([i])
+ assert_not_nil i.man
+ assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same before changes to parent instance"
+ m.name = 'Bongo'
+ assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to parent instance"
+ i.man.name = 'Mungo'
+ assert_equal m.name, i.man.name, "Name of man should be the same after changes to replaced-child-owned instance"
+ end
def test_trying_to_use_inverses_that_dont_exist_should_raise_an_error
assert_raise(ActiveRecord::InverseOfAssociationNotFoundError) { Man.find(:first).secret_interests }
@@ -221,7 +359,7 @@ class InverseBelongsToTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
fixtures :men, :faces, :interests
def test_child_instance_should_be_shared_with_parent_on_find
- f = Face.find(:first)
+ f = faces(:trusting)
m = f.man
assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to child instance"
f.description = 'gormless'
@@ -231,7 +369,7 @@ class InverseBelongsToTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_eager_loaded_child_instance_should_be_shared_with_parent_on_find
- f = Face.find(:first, :include => :man)
+ f = Face.find(:first, :include => :man, :conditions => {:description => 'trusting'})
m = f.man
assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to child instance"
f.description = 'gormless'
@@ -239,8 +377,7 @@ class InverseBelongsToTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
m.face.description = 'pleasing'
assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to parent-owned instance"
- f = Face.find(:first, :include => :man, :order => 'men.id')
+ f = Face.find(:first, :include => :man, :order => 'men.id', :conditions => {:description => 'trusting'})
m = f.man
assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to child instance"
f.description = 'gormless'
@@ -250,7 +387,7 @@ class InverseBelongsToTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_child_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_built_parent
- f = Face.find(:first)
+ f = faces(:trusting)
m = f.build_man(:name => 'Charles')
assert_not_nil m.face
assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to child instance"
@@ -261,7 +398,7 @@ class InverseBelongsToTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_child_instance_should_be_shared_with_newly_created_parent
- f = Face.find(:first)
+ f = faces(:trusting)
m = f.create_man(:name => 'Charles')
assert_not_nil m.face
assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to child instance"
@@ -272,7 +409,7 @@ class InverseBelongsToTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_should_not_try_to_set_inverse_instances_when_the_inverse_is_a_has_many
- i = Interest.find(:first)
+ i = interests(:trainspotting)
m = i.man
assert_not_nil m.interests
iz = m.interests.detect {|iz| iz.id == i.id}
@@ -284,11 +421,128 @@ class InverseBelongsToTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_not_equal i.topic, iz.topic, "Interest topics should not be the same after changes to parent-owned instance"
+ def test_child_instance_should_be_shared_with_replaced_via_accessor_parent
+ f = Face.find(:first)
+ m = Man.new(:name => 'Charles')
+ f.man = m
+ assert_not_nil m.face
+ assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to child instance"
+ f.description = 'gormless'
+ assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to child instance"
+ m.face.description = 'pleasing'
+ assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to replaced-parent-owned instance"
+ end
+ def test_child_instance_should_be_shared_with_replaced_via_method_parent
+ f = faces(:trusting)
+ assert_not_nil f.man
+ m = Man.new(:name => 'Charles')
+ f.man.replace(m)
+ assert_not_nil m.face
+ assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to child instance"
+ f.description = 'gormless'
+ assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to child instance"
+ m.face.description = 'pleasing'
+ assert_equal f.description, m.face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to replaced-parent-owned instance"
+ end
def test_trying_to_use_inverses_that_dont_exist_should_raise_an_error
assert_raise(ActiveRecord::InverseOfAssociationNotFoundError) { Face.find(:first).horrible_man }
+class InversePolymorphicBelongsToTests < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :men, :faces, :interests
+ def test_child_instance_should_be_shared_with_parent_on_find
+ f = Face.find(:first, :conditions => {:description => 'confused'})
+ m = f.polymorphic_man
+ assert_equal f.description, m.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to child instance"
+ f.description = 'gormless'
+ assert_equal f.description, m.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to child instance"
+ m.polymorphic_face.description = 'pleasing'
+ assert_equal f.description, m.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to parent-owned instance"
+ end
+ def test_eager_loaded_child_instance_should_be_shared_with_parent_on_find
+ f = Face.find(:first, :conditions => {:description => 'confused'}, :include => :man)
+ m = f.polymorphic_man
+ assert_equal f.description, m.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to child instance"
+ f.description = 'gormless'
+ assert_equal f.description, m.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to child instance"
+ m.polymorphic_face.description = 'pleasing'
+ assert_equal f.description, m.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to parent-owned instance"
+ f = Face.find(:first, :conditions => {:description => 'confused'}, :include => :man, :order => 'men.id')
+ m = f.polymorphic_man
+ assert_equal f.description, m.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to child instance"
+ f.description = 'gormless'
+ assert_equal f.description, m.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to child instance"
+ m.polymorphic_face.description = 'pleasing'
+ assert_equal f.description, m.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to parent-owned instance"
+ end
+ def test_child_instance_should_be_shared_with_replaced_via_accessor_parent
+ face = faces(:confused)
+ old_man = face.polymorphic_man
+ new_man = Man.new
+ assert_not_nil face.polymorphic_man
+ face.polymorphic_man = new_man
+ assert_equal face.description, new_man.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to parent instance"
+ face.description = 'Bongo'
+ assert_equal face.description, new_man.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to parent instance"
+ new_man.polymorphic_face.description = 'Mungo'
+ assert_equal face.description, new_man.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to replaced-parent-owned instance"
+ end
+ def test_child_instance_should_be_shared_with_replaced_via_method_parent
+ face = faces(:confused)
+ old_man = face.polymorphic_man
+ new_man = Man.new
+ assert_not_nil face.polymorphic_man
+ face.polymorphic_man.replace(new_man)
+ assert_equal face.description, new_man.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same before changes to parent instance"
+ face.description = 'Bongo'
+ assert_equal face.description, new_man.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to parent instance"
+ new_man.polymorphic_face.description = 'Mungo'
+ assert_equal face.description, new_man.polymorphic_face.description, "Description of face should be the same after changes to replaced-parent-owned instance"
+ end
+ def test_should_not_try_to_set_inverse_instances_when_the_inverse_is_a_has_many
+ i = interests(:llama_wrangling)
+ m = i.polymorphic_man
+ assert_not_nil m.polymorphic_interests
+ iz = m.polymorphic_interests.detect {|iz| iz.id == i.id}
+ assert_not_nil iz
+ assert_equal i.topic, iz.topic, "Interest topics should be the same before changes to child"
+ i.topic = 'Eating cheese with a spoon'
+ assert_not_equal i.topic, iz.topic, "Interest topics should not be the same after changes to child"
+ iz.topic = 'Cow tipping'
+ assert_not_equal i.topic, iz.topic, "Interest topics should not be the same after changes to parent-owned instance"
+ end
+ def test_trying_to_access_inverses_that_dont_exist_shouldnt_raise_an_error
+ # Ideally this would, if only for symmetry's sake with other association types
+ assert_nothing_raised(ActiveRecord::InverseOfAssociationNotFoundError) { Face.find(:first).horrible_polymorphic_man }
+ end
+ def test_trying_to_set_polymorphic_inverses_that_dont_exist_at_all_should_raise_an_error
+ # fails because no class has the correct inverse_of for horrible_polymorphic_man
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::InverseOfAssociationNotFoundError) { Face.find(:first).horrible_polymorphic_man = Man.first }
+ end
+ def test_trying_to_set_polymorphic_inverses_that_dont_exist_on_the_instance_being_set_should_raise_an_error
+ # passes because Man does have the correct inverse_of
+ assert_nothing_raised(ActiveRecord::InverseOfAssociationNotFoundError) { Face.find(:first).polymorphic_man = Man.first }
+ # fails because Interest does have the correct inverse_of
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::InverseOfAssociationNotFoundError) { Face.find(:first).polymorphic_man = Interest.first }
+ end
# NOTE - these tests might not be meaningful, ripped as they were from the parental_control plugin
# which would guess the inverse rather than look for an explicit configuration option.
class InverseMultipleHasManyInversesForSameModel < ActiveRecord::TestCase
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/associations_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/associations_test.rb
index e429c1d157..9bc34bd750 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/associations_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/associations_test.rb
@@ -64,6 +64,16 @@ class AssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert !firm.clients(true).empty?, "New firm should have reloaded client objects"
assert_equal 1, firm.clients(true).size, "New firm should have reloaded clients count"
+ def test_force_reload_is_uncached
+ firm = Firm.create!("name" => "A New Firm, Inc")
+ client = Client.create!("name" => "TheClient.com", :firm => firm)
+ ActiveRecord::Base.cache do
+ firm.clients.each {}
+ assert_queries(0) { assert_not_nil firm.clients.each {} }
+ assert_queries(1) { assert_not_nil firm.clients(true).each {} }
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/autosave_association_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/autosave_association_test.rb
index 9164701601..cf763d730a 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/autosave_association_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/autosave_association_test.rb
@@ -31,11 +31,40 @@ class TestAutosaveAssociationsInGeneral < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert base.valid_keys_for_has_and_belongs_to_many_association.include?(:autosave)
+ def test_should_not_add_the_same_callbacks_multiple_times_for_has_one
+ assert_no_difference_when_adding_callbacks_twice_for Pirate, :ship
+ end
+ def test_should_not_add_the_same_callbacks_multiple_times_for_belongs_to
+ assert_no_difference_when_adding_callbacks_twice_for Ship, :pirate
+ end
+ def test_should_not_add_the_same_callbacks_multiple_times_for_has_many
+ assert_no_difference_when_adding_callbacks_twice_for Pirate, :birds
+ end
+ def test_should_not_add_the_same_callbacks_multiple_times_for_has_and_belongs_to_many
+ assert_no_difference_when_adding_callbacks_twice_for Pirate, :parrots
+ end
def base
+ def assert_no_difference_when_adding_callbacks_twice_for(model, association_name)
+ reflection = model.reflect_on_association(association_name)
+ assert_no_difference "callbacks_for_model(#{model.name}).length" do
+ model.send(:add_autosave_association_callbacks, reflection)
+ end
+ end
+ def callbacks_for_model(model)
+ model.instance_variables.grep(/_callbacks$/).map do |ivar|
+ model.instance_variable_get(ivar)
+ end.flatten
+ end
class TestDefaultAutosaveAssociationOnAHasOneAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
@@ -757,14 +786,14 @@ class TestAutosaveAssociationOnAHasOneAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_should_automatically_validate_the_associated_model
@pirate.ship.name = ''
assert @pirate.invalid?
- assert @pirate.errors[:ship_name].any?
+ assert @pirate.errors[:"ship.name"].any?
def test_should_merge_errors_on_the_associated_models_onto_the_parent_even_if_it_is_not_valid
@pirate.ship.name = nil
@pirate.catchphrase = nil
assert @pirate.invalid?
- assert @pirate.errors[:ship_name].any?
+ assert @pirate.errors[:"ship.name"].any?
assert @pirate.errors[:catchphrase].any?
@@ -857,7 +886,7 @@ class TestAutosaveAssociationOnABelongsToAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_should_automatically_validate_the_associated_model
@ship.pirate.catchphrase = ''
assert @ship.invalid?
- assert @ship.errors[:pirate_catchphrase].any?
+ assert @ship.errors[:"pirate.catchphrase"].any?
def test_should_merge_errors_on_the_associated_model_onto_the_parent_even_if_it_is_not_valid
@@ -865,7 +894,7 @@ class TestAutosaveAssociationOnABelongsToAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
@ship.pirate.catchphrase = nil
assert @ship.invalid?
assert @ship.errors[:name].any?
- assert @ship.errors[:pirate_catchphrase].any?
+ assert @ship.errors[:"pirate.catchphrase"].any?
def test_should_still_allow_to_bypass_validations_on_the_associated_model
@@ -932,7 +961,7 @@ module AutosaveAssociationOnACollectionAssociationTests
@pirate.send(@association_name).each { |child| child.name = '' }
assert !@pirate.valid?
- assert_equal ["can't be blank"], @pirate.errors["#{@association_name}_name"]
+ assert_equal ["can't be blank"], @pirate.errors["#{@association_name}.name"]
assert @pirate.errors[@association_name].empty?
@@ -940,8 +969,25 @@ module AutosaveAssociationOnACollectionAssociationTests
@pirate.send(@association_name).build(:name => '')
assert !@pirate.valid?
- assert_equal ["can't be blank"], @pirate.errors["#{@association_name}_name"]
+ assert_equal ["can't be blank"], @pirate.errors["#{@association_name}.name"]
+ assert @pirate.errors[@association_name].empty?
+ end
+ def test_should_default_invalid_error_from_i18n
+ I18n.backend.store_translations(:en, :activerecord => { :errors => { :models =>
+ { @association_name.to_s.singularize.to_sym => { :blank => "cannot be blank" } }
+ }})
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).build(:name => '')
+ assert !@pirate.valid?
+ assert_equal ["cannot be blank"], @pirate.errors["#{@association_name}.name"]
+ assert_equal ["#{@association_name.to_s.titleize} name cannot be blank"], @pirate.errors.full_messages
assert @pirate.errors[@association_name].empty?
+ ensure
+ I18n.backend.store_translations(:en, :activerecord => { :errors => { :models =>
+ { @association_name.to_s.singularize.to_sym => nil }
+ }})
def test_should_merge_errors_on_the_associated_models_onto_the_parent_even_if_it_is_not_valid
@@ -949,7 +995,7 @@ module AutosaveAssociationOnACollectionAssociationTests
@pirate.catchphrase = nil
assert !@pirate.valid?
- assert_equal ["can't be blank"], @pirate.errors["#{@association_name}_name"]
+ assert_equal ["can't be blank"], @pirate.errors["#{@association_name}.name"]
assert @pirate.errors[:catchphrase].any?
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/base_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/base_test.rb
index 5c2911eca1..730d9d8df7 100755
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/base_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/base_test.rb
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ class BasicsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
topic = Topic.new(:title => "New Topic")
assert topic.save!
- reply = Reply.new
+ reply = WrongReply.new
assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { reply.save! }
@@ -680,6 +680,16 @@ class BasicsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_equal -2, Topic.find(2).replies_count
+ def test_reset_counters
+ assert_equal 1, Topic.find(1).replies_count
+ Topic.increment_counter("replies_count", 1)
+ assert_equal 2, Topic.find(1).replies_count
+ Topic.reset_counters(1, :replies)
+ assert_equal 1, Topic.find(1).replies_count
+ end
def test_update_counter
category = categories(:general)
assert_nil category.categorizations_count
@@ -949,6 +959,7 @@ class BasicsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_update_attributes!
+ Reply.validates_presence_of(:title)
reply = Reply.find(2)
assert_equal "The Second Topic of the day", reply.title
assert_equal "Have a nice day", reply.content
@@ -964,6 +975,8 @@ class BasicsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_equal "Have a nice day", reply.content
assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { reply.update_attributes!(:title => nil, :content => "Have a nice evening") }
+ ensure
+ Reply.reset_callbacks(:validate)
def test_mass_assignment_should_raise_exception_if_accessible_and_protected_attribute_writers_are_both_used
@@ -1815,7 +1828,7 @@ class BasicsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_find_conditions
- scoped_developers = Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => 'salary > 90000' }) do
+ scoped_developers = Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => 'salary > 90000' }) do
Developer.find(:all, :conditions => 'id < 5')
assert !scoped_developers.include?(developers(:david)) # David's salary is less than 90,000
@@ -1823,7 +1836,7 @@ class BasicsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_find_limit_offset
- scoped_developers = Developer.with_scope(:find => { :limit => 3, :offset => 2 }) do
+ scoped_developers = Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :limit => 3, :offset => 2 }) do
Developer.find(:all, :order => 'id')
assert !scoped_developers.include?(developers(:david))
@@ -1837,17 +1850,17 @@ class BasicsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_find_order
# Test order in scope
- scoped_developers = Developer.with_scope(:find => { :limit => 1, :order => 'salary DESC' }) do
+ scoped_developers = Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :limit => 1, :order => 'salary DESC' }) do
assert_equal 'Jamis', scoped_developers.first.name
assert scoped_developers.include?(developers(:jamis))
# Test scope without order and order in find
- scoped_developers = Developer.with_scope(:find => { :limit => 1 }) do
+ scoped_developers = Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :limit => 1 }) do
Developer.find(:all, :order => 'salary DESC')
# Test scope order + find order, find has priority
- scoped_developers = Developer.with_scope(:find => { :limit => 3, :order => 'id DESC' }) do
+ scoped_developers = Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :limit => 3, :order => 'id DESC' }) do
Developer.find(:all, :order => 'salary ASC')
assert scoped_developers.include?(developers(:poor_jamis))
@@ -1859,7 +1872,7 @@ class BasicsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_find_limit_offset_including_has_many_association
- topics = Topic.with_scope(:find => {:limit => 1, :offset => 1, :include => :replies}) do
+ topics = Topic.send(:with_scope, :find => {:limit => 1, :offset => 1, :include => :replies}) do
Topic.find(:all, :order => "topics.id")
assert_equal 1, topics.size
@@ -1867,7 +1880,7 @@ class BasicsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_find_order_including_has_many_association
- developers = Developer.with_scope(:find => { :order => 'developers.salary DESC', :include => :projects }) do
+ developers = Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :order => 'developers.salary DESC', :include => :projects }) do
assert developers.size >= 2
@@ -1877,7 +1890,7 @@ class BasicsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_find_with_group_and_having
- developers = Developer.with_scope(:find => { :group => 'developers.salary', :having => "SUM(salary) > 10000", :select => "SUM(salary) as salary" }) do
+ developers = Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :group => 'developers.salary', :having => "SUM(salary) > 10000", :select => "SUM(salary) as salary" }) do
assert_equal 3, developers.size
@@ -1892,8 +1905,14 @@ class BasicsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_equal Developer.find(:first, :order => 'id desc'), Developer.last
+ def test_all
+ developers = Developer.all
+ assert_kind_of Array, developers
+ assert_equal Developer.find(:all), developers
+ end
def test_all_with_conditions
- assert_equal Developer.find(:all, :order => 'id desc'), Developer.all.order('id desc').to_a
+ assert_equal Developer.find(:all, :order => 'id desc'), Developer.order('id desc').all
def test_find_ordered_last
@@ -1917,7 +1936,7 @@ class BasicsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_find_scoped_ordered_last
- last_developer = Developer.with_scope(:find => { :order => 'developers.salary ASC' }) do
+ last_developer = Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :order => 'developers.salary ASC' }) do
assert_equal last_developer, Developer.find(:all, :order => 'developers.salary ASC').last
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/batches_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/batches_test.rb
index 5009a90846..e417d8a803 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/batches_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/batches_test.rb
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ class EachTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
fixtures :posts
def setup
- @posts = Post.all(:order => "id asc")
+ @posts = Post.order("id asc")
@total = Post.count
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/calculations_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/calculations_test.rb
index 004f4d0ea6..bd2d471fc7 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/calculations_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/calculations_test.rb
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ class CalculationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_type_cast_calculated_value_should_convert_db_averages_of_fixnum_class_to_decimal
- assert_equal 0, NumericData.send(:type_cast_calculated_value, 0, nil, 'avg')
- assert_equal 53.0, NumericData.send(:type_cast_calculated_value, 53, nil, 'avg')
+ assert_equal 0, NumericData.scoped.send(:type_cast_calculated_value, 0, nil, 'avg')
+ assert_equal 53.0, NumericData.scoped.send(:type_cast_calculated_value, 53, nil, 'avg')
def test_should_get_maximum_of_field
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class CalculationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_should_get_maximum_of_field_with_scoped_include
- Account.with_scope :find => { :include => :firm, :conditions => "companies.name != 'Summit'" } do
+ Account.send :with_scope, :find => { :include => :firm, :conditions => "companies.name != 'Summit'" } do
assert_equal 50, Account.maximum(:credit_limit)
@@ -248,17 +248,15 @@ class CalculationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_should_reject_invalid_options
assert_nothing_raised do
- [:count, :sum].each do |func|
- # empty options are valid
- Company.send(:validate_calculation_options, func)
- # these options are valid for all calculations
- [:select, :conditions, :joins, :order, :group, :having, :distinct].each do |opt|
- Company.send(:validate_calculation_options, func, opt => true)
- end
+ # empty options are valid
+ Company.send(:validate_calculation_options)
+ # these options are valid for all calculations
+ [:select, :conditions, :joins, :order, :group, :having, :distinct].each do |opt|
+ Company.send(:validate_calculation_options, opt => true)
# :include is only valid on :count
- Company.send(:validate_calculation_options, :count, :include => true)
+ Company.send(:validate_calculation_options, :include => true)
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Company.send(:validate_calculation_options, :sum, :foo => :bar) }
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/dirty_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/dirty_test.rb
index f456d273fe..4961d12a44 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/dirty_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/dirty_test.rb
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ class DirtyTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_save_should_not_save_serialized_attribute_with_partial_updates_if_not_present
with_partial_updates(Topic) do
Topic.create!(:author_name => 'Bill', :content => {:a => "a"})
- topic = Topic.first(:select => 'id, author_name')
+ topic = Topic.select('id, author_name').first
topic.update_attribute :author_name, 'John'
topic = Topic.first
assert_not_nil topic.content
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/finder_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/finder_test.rb
index 3de07797d4..d2451f24c1 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/finder_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/finder_test.rb
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ class FinderTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_exists_with_scoped_include
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :include => :projects, :order => "projects.name" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :include => :projects, :order => "projects.name" }) do
assert Developer.exists?
@@ -233,11 +233,11 @@ class FinderTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_first
- assert_equal topics(:second).title, Topic.first(:conditions => "title = 'The Second Topic of the day'").title
+ assert_equal topics(:second).title, Topic.where("title = 'The Second Topic of the day'").first.title
def test_first_failing
- assert_nil Topic.first(:conditions => "title = 'The Second Topic of the day!'")
+ assert_nil Topic.where("title = 'The Second Topic of the day!'").first
def test_unexisting_record_exception_handling
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ class FinderTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_find_with_hash_conditions_on_joined_table
- firms = Firm.all :joins => :account, :conditions => {:accounts => { :credit_limit => 50 }}
+ firms = Firm.joins(:account).where(:accounts => { :credit_limit => 50 })
assert_equal 1, firms.size
assert_equal companies(:first_firm), firms.first
@@ -571,21 +571,6 @@ class FinderTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_equal(2, Entrant.count_by_sql(["SELECT COUNT(*) FROM entrants WHERE id > ?", 1]))
- def test_dynamic_finders_should_go_through_the_find_class_method
- Topic.expects(:find).with(:first, :conditions => { :title => 'The First Topic!' })
- Topic.find_by_title("The First Topic!")
- Topic.expects(:find).with(:last, :conditions => { :title => 'The Last Topic!' })
- Topic.find_last_by_title("The Last Topic!")
- Topic.expects(:find).with(:all, :conditions => { :title => 'A Topic.' })
- Topic.find_all_by_title("A Topic.")
- Topic.expects(:find).with(:first, :conditions => { :title => 'Does not exist yet for sure!' }).times(2)
- Topic.find_or_initialize_by_title('Does not exist yet for sure!')
- Topic.find_or_create_by_title('Does not exist yet for sure!')
- end
def test_find_by_one_attribute
assert_equal topics(:first), Topic.find_by_title("The First Topic")
assert_nil Topic.find_by_title("The First Topic!")
@@ -596,21 +581,6 @@ class FinderTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Topic.find_by_title!("The First Topic!") }
- def test_find_by_one_attribute_caches_dynamic_finder
- # ensure this test can run independently of order
- class << Topic; self; end.send(:remove_method, :find_by_title) if Topic.public_methods.any? { |m| m.to_s == 'find_by_title' }
- assert !Topic.public_methods.any? { |m| m.to_s == 'find_by_title' }
- t = Topic.find_by_title("The First Topic")
- assert Topic.public_methods.any? { |m| m.to_s == 'find_by_title' }
- end
- def test_dynamic_finder_returns_same_results_after_caching
- # ensure this test can run independently of order
- class << Topic; self; end.send(:remove_method, :find_by_title) if Topic.public_method_defined?(:find_by_title)
- t = Topic.find_by_title("The First Topic")
- assert_equal t, Topic.find_by_title("The First Topic") # find_by_title has been cached
- end
def test_find_by_one_attribute_with_order_option
assert_equal accounts(:signals37), Account.find_by_credit_limit(50, :order => 'id')
assert_equal accounts(:rails_core_account), Account.find_by_credit_limit(50, :order => 'id DESC')
@@ -654,14 +624,6 @@ class FinderTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_equal customers(:david), found_customer
- def test_dynamic_finder_on_one_attribute_with_conditions_caches_method
- # ensure this test can run independently of order
- class << Account; self; end.send(:remove_method, :find_by_credit_limit) if Account.public_methods.any? { |m| m.to_s == 'find_by_credit_limit' }
- assert !Account.public_methods.any? { |m| m.to_s == 'find_by_credit_limit' }
- a = Account.find_by_credit_limit(50, :conditions => ['firm_id = ?', 6])
- assert Account.public_methods.any? { |m| m.to_s == 'find_by_credit_limit' }
- end
def test_dynamic_finder_on_one_attribute_with_conditions_returns_same_results_after_caching
# ensure this test can run independently of order
class << Account; self; end.send(:remove_method, :find_by_credit_limit) if Account.public_methods.any? { |m| m.to_s == 'find_by_credit_limit' }
@@ -694,14 +656,6 @@ class FinderTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_nil Topic.find_last_by_title("A title with no matches")
- def test_find_last_by_one_attribute_caches_dynamic_finder
- # ensure this test can run independently of order
- class << Topic; self; end.send(:remove_method, :find_last_by_title) if Topic.public_methods.any? { |m| m.to_s == 'find_last_by_title' }
- assert !Topic.public_methods.any? { |m| m.to_s == 'find_last_by_title' }
- t = Topic.find_last_by_title(Topic.last.title)
- assert Topic.public_methods.any? { |m| m.to_s == 'find_last_by_title' }
- end
def test_find_last_by_invalid_method_syntax
assert_raise(NoMethodError) { Topic.fail_to_find_last_by_title("The First Topic") }
assert_raise(NoMethodError) { Topic.find_last_by_title?("The First Topic") }
@@ -926,13 +880,6 @@ class FinderTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert !c.new_record?
- def test_dynamic_find_or_initialize_from_one_attribute_caches_method
- class << Company; self; end.send(:remove_method, :find_or_initialize_by_name) if Company.public_methods.any? { |m| m.to_s == 'find_or_initialize_by_name' }
- assert !Company.public_methods.any? { |m| m.to_s == 'find_or_initialize_by_name' }
- sig38 = Company.find_or_initialize_by_name("38signals")
- assert Company.public_methods.any? { |m| m.to_s == 'find_or_initialize_by_name' }
- end
def test_find_or_initialize_from_two_attributes
another = Topic.find_or_initialize_by_title_and_author_name("Another topic","John")
assert_equal "Another topic", another.title
@@ -1075,8 +1022,8 @@ class FinderTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_finder_with_scoped_from
all_topics = Topic.find(:all)
- Topic.with_scope(:find => { :from => 'fake_topics' }) do
- assert_equal all_topics, Topic.all(:from => 'topics').to_a
+ Topic.send(:with_scope, :find => { :from => 'fake_topics' }) do
+ assert_equal all_topics, Topic.from('topics').to_a
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/helper.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/helper.rb
index 25613da912..479970b2fa 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/helper.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/helper.rb
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
-root = File.expand_path('../../../..', __FILE__)
- require "#{root}/vendor/gems/environment"
+ require File.expand_path('../../../../vendor/gems/environment', __FILE__)
rescue LoadError
- $:.unshift("#{root}/activesupport/lib")
-lib = File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../lib")
+lib = File.expand_path('../../../lib', __FILE__)
$:.unshift(lib) unless $:.include?('lib') || $:.include?(lib)
require 'config'
@@ -49,11 +47,6 @@ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.class.class_eval do
alias_method_chain :execute, :query_record
-# Make with_scope public for tests
-class << ActiveRecord::Base
- public :with_scope, :with_exclusive_scope
module ActiveRecord::TestFixtures::ClassMethods
def try_to_load_dependency_with_silence(*args)
@@ -64,9 +57,10 @@ unless ENV['FIXTURE_DEBUG']
+require "cases/validations_repair_helper"
class ActiveSupport::TestCase
include ActiveRecord::TestFixtures
- include ActiveModel::ValidationsRepairHelper
+ include ActiveRecord::ValidationsRepairHelper
self.fixture_path = FIXTURES_ROOT
self.use_instantiated_fixtures = false
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/locking_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/locking_test.rb
index f946e8699e..dfaecf35cf 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/locking_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/locking_test.rb
@@ -38,24 +38,6 @@ class OptimisticLockingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_raise(ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError) { p2.save! }
- def test_lock_destroy
- p1 = Person.find(1)
- p2 = Person.find(1)
- assert_equal 0, p1.lock_version
- assert_equal 0, p2.lock_version
- p1.first_name = 'stu'
- p1.save!
- assert_equal 1, p1.lock_version
- assert_equal 0, p2.lock_version
- assert_raises(ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError) { p2.destroy }
- assert p1.destroy
- assert_equal true, p1.frozen?
- assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Person.find(1) }
- end
def test_lock_repeating
p1 = Person.find(1)
p2 = Person.find(1)
@@ -243,7 +225,7 @@ unless current_adapter?(:SybaseAdapter, :OpenBaseAdapter)
def test_sane_find_with_scoped_lock
assert_nothing_raised do
Person.transaction do
- Person.with_scope(:find => { :lock => true }) do
+ Person.send(:with_scope, :find => { :lock => true }) do
Person.find 1
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/method_scoping_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/method_scoping_test.rb
index eb4ce0e774..cfc6f8772c 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/method_scoping_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/method_scoping_test.rb
@@ -10,19 +10,19 @@ class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
fixtures :authors, :developers, :projects, :comments, :posts, :developers_projects
def test_set_conditions
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => 'just a test...' }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => 'just a test...' }) do
assert_equal 'just a test...', Developer.send(:current_scoped_methods)[:find][:conditions]
def test_scoped_find
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }) do
assert_nothing_raised { Developer.find(1) }
def test_scoped_find_first
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => "salary = 100000" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => "salary = 100000" }) do
assert_equal Developer.find(10), Developer.find(:first, :order => 'name')
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_find_last
highest_salary = Developer.find(:first, :order => "salary DESC")
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :order => "salary" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :order => "salary" }) do
assert_equal highest_salary, Developer.last
@@ -39,38 +39,38 @@ class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
lowest_salary = Developer.find(:first, :order => "salary ASC")
highest_salary = Developer.find(:first, :order => "salary DESC")
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :order => "salary" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :order => "salary" }) do
assert_equal highest_salary, Developer.last
assert_equal lowest_salary, Developer.first
def test_scoped_find_combines_conditions
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => "salary = 9000" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => "salary = 9000" }) do
assert_equal developers(:poor_jamis), Developer.find(:first, :conditions => "name = 'Jamis'")
def test_scoped_find_sanitizes_conditions
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => ['salary = ?', 9000] }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => ['salary = ?', 9000] }) do
assert_equal developers(:poor_jamis), Developer.find(:first)
def test_scoped_find_combines_and_sanitizes_conditions
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => ['salary = ?', 9000] }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => ['salary = ?', 9000] }) do
assert_equal developers(:poor_jamis), Developer.find(:first, :conditions => ['name = ?', 'Jamis'])
def test_scoped_find_all
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }) do
assert_equal [developers(:david)], Developer.find(:all)
def test_scoped_find_select
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :select => "id, name" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :select => "id, name" }) do
developer = Developer.find(:first, :conditions => "name = 'David'")
assert_equal "David", developer.name
assert !developer.has_attribute?(:salary)
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_options_select_replaces_scope_select
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :select => "id, name" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :select => "id, name" }) do
developer = Developer.find(:first, :select => 'id, salary', :conditions => "name = 'David'")
assert_equal 80000, developer.salary
assert !developer.has_attribute?(:name)
@@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_count
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }) do
assert_equal 1, Developer.count
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => 'salary = 100000' }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => 'salary = 100000' }) do
assert_equal 8, Developer.count
assert_equal 1, Developer.count(:conditions => "name LIKE 'fixture_1%'")
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_find_include
# with the include, will retrieve only developers for the given project
- scoped_developers = Developer.with_scope(:find => { :include => :projects }) do
+ scoped_developers = Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :include => :projects }) do
Developer.find(:all, :conditions => 'projects.id = 2')
assert scoped_developers.include?(developers(:david))
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_find_joins
- scoped_developers = Developer.with_scope(:find => { :joins => 'JOIN developers_projects ON id = developer_id' } ) do
+ scoped_developers = Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :joins => 'JOIN developers_projects ON id = developer_id' } ) do
Developer.find(:all, :conditions => 'developers_projects.project_id = 2')
assert scoped_developers.include?(developers(:david))
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_find_using_new_style_joins
- scoped_developers = Developer.with_scope(:find => { :joins => :projects }) do
+ scoped_developers = Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :joins => :projects }) do
Developer.find(:all, :conditions => 'projects.id = 2')
assert scoped_developers.include?(developers(:david))
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_find_merges_old_style_joins
- scoped_authors = Author.with_scope(:find => { :joins => 'INNER JOIN posts ON authors.id = posts.author_id ' }) do
+ scoped_authors = Author.send(:with_scope, :find => { :joins => 'INNER JOIN posts ON authors.id = posts.author_id ' }) do
Author.find(:all, :select => 'DISTINCT authors.*', :joins => 'INNER JOIN comments ON posts.id = comments.post_id', :conditions => 'comments.id = 1')
assert scoped_authors.include?(authors(:david))
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_find_merges_new_style_joins
- scoped_authors = Author.with_scope(:find => { :joins => :posts }) do
+ scoped_authors = Author.send(:with_scope, :find => { :joins => :posts }) do
Author.find(:all, :select => 'DISTINCT authors.*', :joins => :comments, :conditions => 'comments.id = 1')
assert scoped_authors.include?(authors(:david))
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_find_merges_new_and_old_style_joins
- scoped_authors = Author.with_scope(:find => { :joins => :posts }) do
+ scoped_authors = Author.send(:with_scope, :find => { :joins => :posts }) do
Author.find(:all, :select => 'DISTINCT authors.*', :joins => 'JOIN comments ON posts.id = comments.post_id', :conditions => 'comments.id = 1')
assert scoped_authors.include?(authors(:david))
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_find_merges_string_array_style_and_string_style_joins
- scoped_authors = Author.with_scope(:find => { :joins => ["INNER JOIN posts ON posts.author_id = authors.id"]}) do
+ scoped_authors = Author.send(:with_scope, :find => { :joins => ["INNER JOIN posts ON posts.author_id = authors.id"]}) do
Author.find(:all, :select => 'DISTINCT authors.*', :joins => 'INNER JOIN comments ON posts.id = comments.post_id', :conditions => 'comments.id = 1')
assert scoped_authors.include?(authors(:david))
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_find_merges_string_array_style_and_hash_style_joins
- scoped_authors = Author.with_scope(:find => { :joins => :posts}) do
+ scoped_authors = Author.send(:with_scope, :find => { :joins => :posts}) do
Author.find(:all, :select => 'DISTINCT authors.*', :joins => ['INNER JOIN comments ON posts.id = comments.post_id'], :conditions => 'comments.id = 1')
assert scoped_authors.include?(authors(:david))
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_find_merges_joins_and_eliminates_duplicate_string_joins
- scoped_authors = Author.with_scope(:find => { :joins => 'INNER JOIN posts ON posts.author_id = authors.id'}) do
+ scoped_authors = Author.send(:with_scope, :find => { :joins => 'INNER JOIN posts ON posts.author_id = authors.id'}) do
Author.find(:all, :select => 'DISTINCT authors.*', :joins => ["INNER JOIN posts ON posts.author_id = authors.id", "INNER JOIN comments ON posts.id = comments.post_id"], :conditions => 'comments.id = 1')
assert scoped_authors.include?(authors(:david))
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_find_strips_spaces_from_string_joins_and_eliminates_duplicate_string_joins
- scoped_authors = Author.with_scope(:find => { :joins => ' INNER JOIN posts ON posts.author_id = authors.id '}) do
+ scoped_authors = Author.send(:with_scope, :find => { :joins => ' INNER JOIN posts ON posts.author_id = authors.id '}) do
Author.find(:all, :select => 'DISTINCT authors.*', :joins => ['INNER JOIN posts ON posts.author_id = authors.id'], :conditions => 'posts.id = 1')
assert scoped_authors.include?(authors(:david))
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_count_include
# with the include, will retrieve only developers for the given project
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :include => :projects }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :include => :projects }) do
assert_equal 1, Developer.count(:conditions => 'projects.id = 2')
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_create
new_comment = nil
- VerySpecialComment.with_scope(:create => { :post_id => 1 }) do
+ VerySpecialComment.send(:with_scope, :create => { :post_id => 1 }) do
assert_equal({ :post_id => 1 }, VerySpecialComment.send(:current_scoped_methods)[:create])
new_comment = VerySpecialComment.create :body => "Wonderful world"
@@ -216,14 +216,14 @@ class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_immutable_scope
options = { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }
- Developer.with_scope(:find => options) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => options) do
assert_equal %w(David), Developer.find(:all).map { |d| d.name }
options[:conditions] = "name != 'David'"
assert_equal %w(David), Developer.find(:all).map { |d| d.name }
scope = { :find => { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }}
- Developer.with_scope(scope) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, scope) do
assert_equal %w(David), Developer.find(:all).map { |d| d.name }
scope[:find][:conditions] = "name != 'David'"
assert_equal %w(David), Developer.find(:all).map { |d| d.name }
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_scoped_with_duck_typing
scoping = Struct.new(:method_scoping).new(:find => { :conditions => ["name = ?", 'David'] })
- Developer.with_scope(scoping) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, scoping) do
assert_equal %w(David), Developer.find(:all).map { |d| d.name }
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ class MethodScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
scoped_methods = Developer.instance_eval('current_scoped_methods')
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => "name = 'Jamis'" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => "name = 'Jamis'" }) do
raise "an exception"
@@ -254,8 +254,8 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
fixtures :authors, :developers, :projects, :comments, :posts
def test_merge_options
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => 'salary = 80000' }) do
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :limit => 10 }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => 'salary = 80000' }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :limit => 10 }) do
merged_option = Developer.instance_eval('current_scoped_methods')[:find]
assert_equal({ :conditions => 'salary = 80000', :limit => 10 }, merged_option)
@@ -263,8 +263,8 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_merge_inner_scope_has_priority
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :limit => 5 }) do
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :limit => 10 }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :limit => 5 }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :limit => 10 }) do
merged_option = Developer.instance_eval('current_scoped_methods')[:find]
assert_equal({ :limit => 10 }, merged_option)
@@ -272,8 +272,8 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_replace_options
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }) do
- Developer.with_exclusive_scope(:find => { :conditions => "name = 'Jamis'" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_exclusive_scope, :find => { :conditions => "name = 'Jamis'" }) do
assert_equal({:find => { :conditions => "name = 'Jamis'" }}, Developer.instance_eval('current_scoped_methods'))
assert_equal({:find => { :conditions => "name = 'Jamis'" }}, Developer.send(:scoped_methods)[-1])
@@ -281,21 +281,21 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_append_conditions
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }) do
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => 'salary = 80000' }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => 'salary = 80000' }) do
appended_condition = Developer.instance_eval('current_scoped_methods')[:find][:conditions]
assert_equal("(name = 'David') AND (salary = 80000)", appended_condition)
assert_equal(1, Developer.count)
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => "name = 'Maiha'" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => "name = 'Maiha'" }) do
assert_equal(0, Developer.count)
def test_merge_and_append_options
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => 'salary = 80000', :limit => 10 }) do
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => 'salary = 80000', :limit => 10 }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }) do
merged_option = Developer.instance_eval('current_scoped_methods')[:find]
assert_equal({ :conditions => "(salary = 80000) AND (name = 'David')", :limit => 10 }, merged_option)
@@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_nested_scoped_find
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => "name = 'Jamis'" }) do
- Developer.with_exclusive_scope(:find => { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => "name = 'Jamis'" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_exclusive_scope, :find => { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }) do
assert_nothing_raised { Developer.find(1) }
assert_equal('David', Developer.find(:first).name)
@@ -313,8 +313,8 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_nested_scoped_find_include
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :include => :projects }) do
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => "projects.id = 2" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :include => :projects }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => "projects.id = 2" }) do
assert_nothing_raised { Developer.find(1) }
assert_equal('David', Developer.find(:first).name)
@@ -323,24 +323,24 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_nested_scoped_find_merged_include
# :include's remain unique and don't "double up" when merging
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :include => :projects, :conditions => "projects.id = 2" }) do
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :include => :projects }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :include => :projects, :conditions => "projects.id = 2" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :include => :projects }) do
assert_equal 1, Developer.instance_eval('current_scoped_methods')[:find][:include].length
assert_equal('David', Developer.find(:first).name)
# the nested scope doesn't remove the first :include
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :include => :projects, :conditions => "projects.id = 2" }) do
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :include => [] }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :include => :projects, :conditions => "projects.id = 2" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :include => [] }) do
assert_equal 1, Developer.instance_eval('current_scoped_methods')[:find][:include].length
assert_equal('David', Developer.find(:first).name)
# mixing array and symbol include's will merge correctly
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :include => [:projects], :conditions => "projects.id = 2" }) do
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :include => :projects }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :include => [:projects], :conditions => "projects.id = 2" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :include => :projects }) do
assert_equal 1, Developer.instance_eval('current_scoped_methods')[:find][:include].length
assert_equal('David', Developer.find(:first).name)
@@ -348,21 +348,21 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_nested_scoped_find_replace_include
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :include => :projects }) do
- Developer.with_exclusive_scope(:find => { :include => [] }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :include => :projects }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_exclusive_scope, :find => { :include => [] }) do
assert_equal 0, Developer.instance_eval('current_scoped_methods')[:find][:include].length
def test_three_level_nested_exclusive_scoped_find
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => "name = 'Jamis'" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => "name = 'Jamis'" }) do
assert_equal('Jamis', Developer.find(:first).name)
- Developer.with_exclusive_scope(:find => { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_exclusive_scope, :find => { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }) do
assert_equal('David', Developer.find(:first).name)
- Developer.with_exclusive_scope(:find => { :conditions => "name = 'Maiha'" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_exclusive_scope, :find => { :conditions => "name = 'Maiha'" }) do
assert_equal(nil, Developer.find(:first))
@@ -377,8 +377,8 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_merged_scoped_find
poor_jamis = developers(:poor_jamis)
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => "salary < 100000" }) do
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :offset => 1, :order => 'id asc' }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => "salary < 100000" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :offset => 1, :order => 'id asc' }) do
# Oracle adapter does not generated space after asc therefore trailing space removed from regex
assert_sql /ORDER BY id asc/ do
assert_equal(poor_jamis, Developer.find(:first, :order => 'id asc'))
@@ -388,16 +388,16 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_merged_scoped_find_sanitizes_conditions
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => ["name = ?", 'David'] }) do
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => ['salary = ?', 9000] }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => ["name = ?", 'David'] }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => ['salary = ?', 9000] }) do
assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { developers(:poor_jamis) }
def test_nested_scoped_find_combines_and_sanitizes_conditions
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => ["name = ?", 'David'] }) do
- Developer.with_exclusive_scope(:find => { :conditions => ['salary = ?', 9000] }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => ["name = ?", 'David'] }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_exclusive_scope, :find => { :conditions => ['salary = ?', 9000] }) do
assert_equal developers(:poor_jamis), Developer.find(:first)
assert_equal developers(:poor_jamis), Developer.find(:first, :conditions => ['name = ?', 'Jamis'])
@@ -405,8 +405,8 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_merged_scoped_find_combines_and_sanitizes_conditions
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => ["name = ?", 'David'] }) do
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => ['salary > ?', 9000] }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => ["name = ?", 'David'] }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => ['salary > ?', 9000] }) do
assert_equal %w(David), Developer.find(:all).map { |d| d.name }
@@ -414,8 +414,8 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_nested_scoped_create
comment = nil
- Comment.with_scope(:create => { :post_id => 1}) do
- Comment.with_scope(:create => { :post_id => 2}) do
+ Comment.send(:with_scope, :create => { :post_id => 1}) do
+ Comment.send(:with_scope, :create => { :post_id => 2}) do
assert_equal({ :post_id => 2 }, Comment.send(:current_scoped_methods)[:create])
comment = Comment.create :body => "Hey guys, nested scopes are broken. Please fix!"
@@ -425,8 +425,8 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_nested_exclusive_scope_for_create
comment = nil
- Comment.with_scope(:create => { :body => "Hey guys, nested scopes are broken. Please fix!" }) do
- Comment.with_exclusive_scope(:create => { :post_id => 1 }) do
+ Comment.send(:with_scope, :create => { :body => "Hey guys, nested scopes are broken. Please fix!" }) do
+ Comment.send(:with_exclusive_scope, :create => { :post_id => 1 }) do
assert_equal({ :post_id => 1 }, Comment.send(:current_scoped_methods)[:create])
comment = Comment.create :body => "Hey guys"
@@ -437,8 +437,8 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_merged_scoped_find_on_blank_conditions
[nil, " ", [], {}].each do |blank|
- Developer.with_scope(:find => {:conditions => blank}) do
- Developer.with_scope(:find => {:conditions => blank}) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => {:conditions => blank}) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => {:conditions => blank}) do
assert_nothing_raised { Developer.find(:first) }
@@ -447,8 +447,8 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_merged_scoped_find_on_blank_bind_conditions
[ [""], ["",{}] ].each do |blank|
- Developer.with_scope(:find => {:conditions => blank}) do
- Developer.with_scope(:find => {:conditions => blank}) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => {:conditions => blank}) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => {:conditions => blank}) do
assert_nothing_raised { Developer.find(:first) }
@@ -458,8 +458,8 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_immutable_nested_scope
options1 = { :conditions => "name = 'Jamis'" }
options2 = { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }
- Developer.with_scope(:find => options1) do
- Developer.with_exclusive_scope(:find => options2) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => options1) do
+ Developer.send(:with_exclusive_scope, :find => options2) do
assert_equal %w(David), Developer.find(:all).map { |d| d.name }
options1[:conditions] = options2[:conditions] = nil
assert_equal %w(David), Developer.find(:all).map { |d| d.name }
@@ -470,8 +470,8 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_immutable_merged_scope
options1 = { :conditions => "name = 'Jamis'" }
options2 = { :conditions => "salary > 10000" }
- Developer.with_scope(:find => options1) do
- Developer.with_scope(:find => options2) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => options1) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => options2) do
assert_equal %w(Jamis), Developer.find(:all).map { |d| d.name }
options1[:conditions] = options2[:conditions] = nil
assert_equal %w(Jamis), Developer.find(:all).map { |d| d.name }
@@ -480,10 +480,10 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_ensure_that_method_scoping_is_correctly_restored
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => "name = 'David'" }) do
scoped_methods = Developer.instance_eval('current_scoped_methods')
- Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => "name = 'Maiha'" }) do
+ Developer.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => "name = 'Maiha'" }) do
raise "an exception"
@@ -493,8 +493,8 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_nested_scoped_find_merges_old_style_joins
- scoped_authors = Author.with_scope(:find => { :joins => 'INNER JOIN posts ON authors.id = posts.author_id' }) do
- Author.with_scope(:find => { :joins => 'INNER JOIN comments ON posts.id = comments.post_id' }) do
+ scoped_authors = Author.send(:with_scope, :find => { :joins => 'INNER JOIN posts ON authors.id = posts.author_id' }) do
+ Author.send(:with_scope, :find => { :joins => 'INNER JOIN comments ON posts.id = comments.post_id' }) do
Author.find(:all, :select => 'DISTINCT authors.*', :conditions => 'comments.id = 1')
@@ -505,8 +505,8 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_nested_scoped_find_merges_new_style_joins
- scoped_authors = Author.with_scope(:find => { :joins => :posts }) do
- Author.with_scope(:find => { :joins => :comments }) do
+ scoped_authors = Author.send(:with_scope, :find => { :joins => :posts }) do
+ Author.send(:with_scope, :find => { :joins => :comments }) do
Author.find(:all, :select => 'DISTINCT authors.*', :conditions => 'comments.id = 1')
@@ -517,8 +517,8 @@ class NestedScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_nested_scoped_find_merges_new_and_old_style_joins
- scoped_authors = Author.with_scope(:find => { :joins => :posts }) do
- Author.with_scope(:find => { :joins => 'INNER JOIN comments ON posts.id = comments.post_id' }) do
+ scoped_authors = Author.send(:with_scope, :find => { :joins => :posts }) do
+ Author.send(:with_scope, :find => { :joins => 'INNER JOIN comments ON posts.id = comments.post_id' }) do
Author.find(:all, :select => 'DISTINCT authors.*', :joins => '', :conditions => 'comments.id = 1')
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ class HasManyScopingTest< ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_nested_scope
- Comment.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => '1=1' }) do
+ Comment.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => '1=1' }) do
assert_equal 'a comment...', @welcome.comments.what_are_you
@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ class HasAndBelongsToManyScopingTest< ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_nested_scope
- Category.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => '1=1' }) do
+ Category.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => '1=1' }) do
assert_equal 'a comment...', @welcome.comments.what_are_you
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ class DefaultScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_nested_scope
expected = Developer.find(:all, :order => 'name DESC').collect { |dev| dev.salary }
- received = DeveloperOrderedBySalary.with_scope(:find => { :order => 'name DESC'}) do
+ received = DeveloperOrderedBySalary.send(:with_scope, :find => { :order => 'name DESC'}) do
DeveloperOrderedBySalary.find(:all).collect { |dev| dev.salary }
assert_equal expected, received
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ class DefaultScopingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_nested_exclusive_scope
expected = Developer.find(:all, :limit => 100).collect { |dev| dev.salary }
- received = DeveloperOrderedBySalary.with_exclusive_scope(:find => { :limit => 100 }) do
+ received = DeveloperOrderedBySalary.send(:with_exclusive_scope, :find => { :limit => 100 }) do
DeveloperOrderedBySalary.find(:all).collect { |dev| dev.salary }
assert_equal expected, received
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/migration_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/migration_test.rb
index 6d3f938799..0ef34e440a 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/migration_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/migration_test.rb
@@ -527,6 +527,53 @@ if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.supports_migrations?
assert !Person.column_methods_hash.include?(:last_name)
+ if current_adapter?(:MysqlAdapter)
+ def testing_table_for_positioning
+ Person.connection.create_table :testings, :id => false do |t|
+ t.column :first, :integer
+ t.column :second, :integer
+ t.column :third, :integer
+ end
+ yield Person.connection
+ ensure
+ Person.connection.drop_table :testings rescue nil
+ end
+ protected :testing_table_for_positioning
+ def test_column_positioning
+ testing_table_for_positioning do |conn|
+ assert_equal %w(first second third), conn.columns(:testings).map {|c| c.name }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_add_column_with_positioning
+ testing_table_for_positioning do |conn|
+ conn.add_column :testings, :new_col, :integer
+ assert_equal %w(first second third new_col), conn.columns(:testings).map {|c| c.name }
+ end
+ testing_table_for_positioning do |conn|
+ conn.add_column :testings, :new_col, :integer, :first => true
+ assert_equal %w(new_col first second third), conn.columns(:testings).map {|c| c.name }
+ end
+ testing_table_for_positioning do |conn|
+ conn.add_column :testings, :new_col, :integer, :after => :first
+ assert_equal %w(first new_col second third), conn.columns(:testings).map {|c| c.name }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_change_column_with_positioning
+ testing_table_for_positioning do |conn|
+ conn.change_column :testings, :second, :integer, :first => true
+ assert_equal %w(second first third), conn.columns(:testings).map {|c| c.name }
+ end
+ testing_table_for_positioning do |conn|
+ conn.change_column :testings, :second, :integer, :after => :third
+ assert_equal %w(first third second), conn.columns(:testings).map {|c| c.name }
+ end
+ end
+ end
def test_add_rename
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/multiple_db_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/multiple_db_test.rb
index 7c3e0f2ca6..6155bfd50a 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/multiple_db_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/multiple_db_test.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
require "cases/helper"
require 'models/entrant'
+require 'models/bird'
# So we can test whether Course.connection survives a reload.
require_dependency 'models/course'
@@ -82,4 +83,9 @@ class MultipleDbTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_equal "Ruby Development", Course.find(1).name
assert_equal "Ruby Developer", Entrant.find(1).name
+ def test_arel_table_engines
+ assert_not_equal Entrant.active_relation_engine, Course.active_relation_engine
+ assert_equal Entrant.active_relation_engine, Bird.active_relation_engine
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/named_scope_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/named_scope_test.rb
index 13427daf53..5d9232bc52 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/named_scope_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/named_scope_test.rb
@@ -345,8 +345,8 @@ class NamedScopeTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_chaining_should_use_latest_conditions_when_searching
# Normal hash conditions
- assert_equal Topic.all(:conditions => {:approved => true}).to_a, Topic.rejected.approved.all.to_a
- assert_equal Topic.all(:conditions => {:approved => false}).to_a, Topic.approved.rejected.all.to_a
+ assert_equal Topic.where(:approved => true).to_a, Topic.rejected.approved.all.to_a
+ assert_equal Topic.where(:approved => false).to_a, Topic.approved.rejected.all.to_a
# Nested hash conditions with same keys
assert_equal [posts(:sti_comments)], Post.with_special_comments.with_very_special_comments.all.to_a
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/nested_attributes_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/nested_attributes_test.rb
index 53fd168e1b..8891282915 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/nested_attributes_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/nested_attributes_test.rb
@@ -245,6 +245,27 @@ class TestNestedAttributesOnAHasOneAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_should_automatically_enable_autosave_on_the_association
assert Pirate.reflect_on_association(:ship).options[:autosave]
+ def test_should_accept_update_only_option
+ @pirate.update_attribute(:update_only_ship_attributes, { :id => @pirate.ship.id, :name => 'Mayflower' })
+ end
+ def test_should_create_new_model_when_nothing_is_there_and_update_only_is_true
+ @ship.delete
+ assert_difference('Ship.count', 1) do
+ @pirate.reload.update_attribute(:update_only_ship_attributes, { :name => 'Mayflower' })
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_update_existing_when_update_only_is_true_and_no_id_is_given
+ @ship.delete
+ @ship = @pirate.create_update_only_ship(:name => 'Nights Dirty Lightning')
+ assert_no_difference('Ship.count') do
+ @pirate.update_attributes(:update_only_ship_attributes => { :name => 'Mayflower' })
+ end
+ assert_equal 'Mayflower', @ship.reload.name
+ end
class TestNestedAttributesOnABelongsToAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
@@ -362,6 +383,27 @@ class TestNestedAttributesOnABelongsToAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_should_automatically_enable_autosave_on_the_association
assert Ship.reflect_on_association(:pirate).options[:autosave]
+ def test_should_accept_update_only_option
+ @ship.update_attribute(:update_only_pirate_attributes, { :id => @pirate.ship.id, :catchphrase => 'Arr' })
+ end
+ def test_should_create_new_model_when_nothing_is_there_and_update_only_is_true
+ @pirate.delete
+ assert_difference('Pirate.count', 1) do
+ @ship.reload.update_attribute(:update_only_pirate_attributes, { :catchphrase => 'Arr' })
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_update_existing_when_update_only_is_true_and_no_id_is_given
+ @pirate.delete
+ @pirate = @ship.create_update_only_pirate(:catchphrase => 'Aye')
+ assert_no_difference('Pirate.count') do
+ @ship.update_attributes(:update_only_pirate_attributes => { :catchphrase => 'Arr' })
+ end
+ assert_equal 'Arr', @pirate.reload.catchphrase
+ end
module NestedAttributesOnACollectionAssociationTests
@@ -371,6 +413,15 @@ module NestedAttributesOnACollectionAssociationTests
assert_respond_to @pirate, association_setter
+ def test_should_save_only_one_association_on_create
+ pirate = Pirate.create!({
+ :catchphrase => 'Arr',
+ association_getter => { 'foo' => { :name => 'Grace OMalley' } }
+ })
+ assert_equal 1, pirate.reload.send(@association_name).count
+ end
def test_should_take_a_hash_with_string_keys_and_assign_the_attributes_to_the_associated_models
@pirate.update_attributes @alternate_params
@@ -541,7 +592,7 @@ module NestedAttributesOnACollectionAssociationTests
assert_no_difference ['Man.count', 'Interest.count'] do
man = Man.create(:name => 'John',
:interests_attributes => [{:topic=>'Cars'}, {:topic=>'Sports'}])
- assert !man.errors[:interests_man].empty?
+ assert !man.errors[:"interests.man"].empty?
# restore :inverse_of
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/readonly_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/readonly_test.rb
index b921cbdc9c..98011f40a4 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/readonly_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/readonly_test.rb
@@ -33,19 +33,20 @@ class ReadOnlyTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_find_with_readonly_option
Developer.find(:all).each { |d| assert !d.readonly? }
- Developer.find(:all, :readonly => false).each { |d| assert !d.readonly? }
- Developer.find(:all, :readonly => true).each { |d| assert d.readonly? }
+ Developer.readonly(false).each { |d| assert !d.readonly? }
+ Developer.readonly(true).each { |d| assert d.readonly? }
+ Developer.readonly.each { |d| assert d.readonly? }
def test_find_with_joins_option_implies_readonly
# Blank joins don't count.
- Developer.find(:all, :joins => ' ').each { |d| assert !d.readonly? }
- Developer.find(:all, :joins => ' ', :readonly => false).each { |d| assert !d.readonly? }
+ Developer.joins(' ').each { |d| assert !d.readonly? }
+ Developer.joins(' ').readonly(false).each { |d| assert !d.readonly? }
# Others do.
- Developer.find(:all, :joins => ', projects').each { |d| assert d.readonly? }
- Developer.find(:all, :joins => ', projects', :readonly => false).each { |d| assert !d.readonly? }
+ Developer.joins(', projects').each { |d| assert d.readonly? }
+ Developer.joins(', projects').readonly(false).each { |d| assert !d.readonly? }
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ class ReadOnlyTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert !dev.projects.empty?
assert dev.projects.all?(&:readonly?)
assert dev.projects.find(:all).all?(&:readonly?)
- assert dev.projects.find(:all, :readonly => true).all?(&:readonly?)
+ assert dev.projects.readonly(true).all?(&:readonly?)
def test_has_many_find_readonly
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ class ReadOnlyTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert !post.comments.empty?
assert !post.comments.any?(&:readonly?)
assert !post.comments.find(:all).any?(&:readonly?)
- assert post.comments.find(:all, :readonly => true).all?(&:readonly?)
+ assert post.comments.readonly(true).all?(&:readonly?)
def test_has_many_with_through_is_not_implicitly_marked_readonly
@@ -71,32 +72,32 @@ class ReadOnlyTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_readonly_scoping
- Post.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => '1=1' }) do
+ Post.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => '1=1' }) do
assert !Post.find(1).readonly?
- assert Post.find(1, :readonly => true).readonly?
- assert !Post.find(1, :readonly => false).readonly?
+ assert Post.readonly(true).find(1).readonly?
+ assert !Post.readonly(false).find(1).readonly?
- Post.with_scope(:find => { :joins => ' ' }) do
+ Post.send(:with_scope, :find => { :joins => ' ' }) do
assert !Post.find(1).readonly?
- assert Post.find(1, :readonly => true).readonly?
- assert !Post.find(1, :readonly => false).readonly?
+ assert Post.readonly.find(1).readonly?
+ assert !Post.readonly(false).find(1).readonly?
# Oracle barfs on this because the join includes unqualified and
# conflicting column names
unless current_adapter?(:OracleAdapter)
- Post.with_scope(:find => { :joins => ', developers' }) do
+ Post.send(:with_scope, :find => { :joins => ', developers' }) do
assert Post.find(1).readonly?
- assert Post.find(1, :readonly => true).readonly?
- assert !Post.find(1, :readonly => false).readonly?
+ assert Post.readonly.find(1).readonly?
+ assert !Post.readonly(false).find(1).readonly?
- Post.with_scope(:find => { :readonly => true }) do
+ Post.send(:with_scope, :find => { :readonly => true }) do
assert Post.find(1).readonly?
- assert Post.find(1, :readonly => true).readonly?
- assert !Post.find(1, :readonly => false).readonly?
+ assert Post.readonly.find(1).readonly?
+ assert !Post.readonly(false).find(1).readonly?
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/relations_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/relations_test.rb
index 1a2c8030fb..f895f8b8d2 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/relations_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/relations_test.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
require "cases/helper"
+require 'models/tag'
+require 'models/tagging'
require 'models/post'
require 'models/topic'
require 'models/comment'
@@ -8,52 +10,115 @@ require 'models/comment'
require 'models/entrant'
require 'models/developer'
require 'models/company'
+require 'models/bird'
class RelationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
- fixtures :authors, :topics, :entrants, :developers, :companies, :developers_projects, :accounts, :categories, :categorizations, :posts, :comments
+ fixtures :authors, :topics, :entrants, :developers, :companies, :developers_projects, :accounts, :categories, :categorizations, :posts, :comments,
+ :taggings
+ def test_scoped
+ topics = Topic.scoped
+ assert_kind_of ActiveRecord::Relation, topics
+ assert_equal 4, topics.size
+ end
+ def test_scoped_all
+ topics = Topic.scoped.all
+ assert_kind_of Array, topics
+ assert_no_queries { assert_equal 4, topics.size }
+ end
+ def test_loaded_all
+ topics = Topic.scoped
+ assert_queries(1) do
+ 2.times { assert_equal 4, topics.all.size }
+ end
+ assert topics.loaded?
+ end
+ def test_scoped_first
+ topics = Topic.scoped.order('id ASC')
+ assert_queries(1) do
+ 2.times { assert_equal "The First Topic", topics.first.title }
+ end
+ assert ! topics.loaded?
+ end
+ def test_loaded_first
+ topics = Topic.scoped.order('id ASC')
+ assert_queries(1) do
+ topics.all # force load
+ 2.times { assert_equal "The First Topic", topics.first.title }
+ end
+ assert topics.loaded?
+ end
+ def test_reload
+ topics = Topic.scoped
+ assert_queries(1) do
+ 2.times { topics.to_a }
+ end
+ assert topics.loaded?
+ topics.reload
+ assert ! topics.loaded?
+ assert_queries(1) { topics.to_a }
+ end
def test_finding_with_conditions
- assert_equal Author.find(:all, :conditions => "name = 'David'"), Author.all.conditions("name = 'David'").to_a
+ assert_equal ["David"], Author.where(:name => 'David').map(&:name)
+ assert_equal ['Mary'], Author.where(["name = ?", 'Mary']).map(&:name)
+ assert_equal ['Mary'], Author.where("name = ?", 'Mary').map(&:name)
def test_finding_with_order
- topics = Topic.all.order('id')
- assert_equal 4, topics.size
+ topics = Topic.order('id')
+ assert_equal 4, topics.to_a.size
assert_equal topics(:first).title, topics.first.title
def test_finding_with_order_and_take
- entrants = Entrant.all.order("id ASC").limit(2).to_a
+ entrants = Entrant.order("id ASC").limit(2).to_a
- assert_equal(2, entrants.size)
- assert_equal(entrants(:first).name, entrants.first.name)
+ assert_equal 2, entrants.size
+ assert_equal entrants(:first).name, entrants.first.name
def test_finding_with_order_limit_and_offset
- entrants = Entrant.all.order("id ASC").limit(2).offset(1)
+ entrants = Entrant.order("id ASC").limit(2).offset(1)
- assert_equal(2, entrants.size)
- assert_equal(entrants(:second).name, entrants.first.name)
+ assert_equal 2, entrants.to_a.size
+ assert_equal entrants(:second).name, entrants.first.name
- entrants = Entrant.all.order("id ASC").limit(2).offset(2)
- assert_equal(1, entrants.size)
- assert_equal(entrants(:third).name, entrants.first.name)
+ entrants = Entrant.order("id ASC").limit(2).offset(2)
+ assert_equal 1, entrants.to_a.size
+ assert_equal entrants(:third).name, entrants.first.name
def test_finding_with_group
- developers = Developer.all.group("salary").select("salary").to_a
+ developers = Developer.group("salary").select("salary").to_a
assert_equal 4, developers.size
assert_equal 4, developers.map(&:salary).uniq.size
def test_finding_with_hash_conditions_on_joined_table
- firms = DependentFirm.all.joins(:account).conditions({:name => 'RailsCore', :accounts => { :credit_limit => 55..60 }}).to_a
+ firms = DependentFirm.joins(:account).where({:name => 'RailsCore', :accounts => { :credit_limit => 55..60 }}).to_a
assert_equal 1, firms.size
assert_equal companies(:rails_core), firms.first
def test_find_all_with_join
- developers_on_project_one = Developer.all.joins('LEFT JOIN developers_projects ON developers.id = developers_projects.developer_id').conditions('project_id=1').to_a
+ developers_on_project_one = Developer.joins('LEFT JOIN developers_projects ON developers.id = developers_projects.developer_id').
+ where('project_id=1').to_a
assert_equal 3, developers_on_project_one.length
developer_names = developers_on_project_one.map { |d| d.name }
@@ -62,11 +127,11 @@ class RelationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_find_on_hash_conditions
- assert_equal Topic.find(:all, :conditions => {:approved => false}), Topic.all.conditions({ :approved => false }).to_a
+ assert_equal Topic.find(:all, :conditions => {:approved => false}), Topic.where({ :approved => false }).to_a
def test_joins_with_string_array
- person_with_reader_and_post = Post.all.joins([
+ person_with_reader_and_post = Post.joins([
"INNER JOIN categorizations ON categorizations.post_id = posts.id",
"INNER JOIN categories ON categories.id = categorizations.category_id AND categories.type = 'SpecialCategory'"
@@ -74,22 +139,38 @@ class RelationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_equal 1, person_with_reader_and_post.size
- def test_relation_responds_to_delegated_methods
- relation = Topic.all
+ def test_scoped_responds_to_delegated_methods
+ relation = Topic.scoped
["map", "uniq", "sort", "insert", "delete", "update"].each do |method|
- assert relation.respond_to?(method), "Topic.all should respond to #{method.inspect}"
+ assert relation.respond_to?(method), "Topic.scoped should respond to #{method.inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_respond_to_private_arel_methods
+ relation = Topic.scoped
+ assert ! relation.respond_to?(:matching_attributes)
+ assert relation.respond_to?(:matching_attributes, true)
+ end
+ def test_respond_to_dynamic_finders
+ relation = Topic.scoped
+ ["find_by_title", "find_by_title_and_author_name", "find_or_create_by_title", "find_or_initialize_by_title_and_author_name"].each do |method|
+ assert relation.respond_to?(method), "Topic.scoped should respond to #{method.inspect}"
def test_find_with_readonly_option
- Developer.all.each { |d| assert !d.readonly? }
- Developer.all.readonly.each { |d| assert d.readonly? }
- Developer.all(:readonly => true).each { |d| assert d.readonly? }
+ Developer.scoped.each { |d| assert !d.readonly? }
+ Developer.scoped.readonly.each { |d| assert d.readonly? }
def test_eager_association_loading_of_stis_with_multiple_references
- authors = Author.all(:include => { :posts => { :special_comments => { :post => [ :special_comments, :very_special_comment ] } } }, :order => 'comments.body, very_special_comments_posts.body', :conditions => 'posts.id = 4').to_a
+ authors = Author.eager_load(:posts => { :special_comments => { :post => [ :special_comments, :very_special_comment ] } }).
+ order('comments.body, very_special_comments_posts.body').where('posts.id = 4').to_a
assert_equal [authors(:david)], authors
assert_no_queries do
@@ -97,54 +178,382 @@ class RelationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
- def test_find_with_included_associations
+ def test_find_with_preloaded_associations
assert_queries(2) do
- posts = Post.find(:all, :include => :comments)
- posts.first.comments.first
+ posts = Post.preload(:comments)
+ assert posts.first.comments.first
assert_queries(2) do
- posts = Post.all(:include => :comments).to_a
- posts.first.comments.first
+ posts = Post.preload(:comments).to_a
+ assert posts.first.comments.first
assert_queries(2) do
- posts = Post.find(:all, :include => :author)
- posts.first.author
+ posts = Post.preload(:author)
+ assert posts.first.author
assert_queries(2) do
- posts = Post.all(:include => :author).to_a
- posts.first.author
+ posts = Post.preload(:author).to_a
+ assert posts.first.author
+ end
+ assert_queries(3) do
+ posts = Post.preload(:author, :comments).to_a
+ assert posts.first.author
+ assert posts.first.comments.first
- def test_default_scope_with_conditions_string
- assert_equal Developer.find_all_by_name('David').map(&:id).sort, DeveloperCalledDavid.all.to_a.map(&:id).sort
+ def test_find_with_included_associations
+ assert_queries(2) do
+ posts = Post.includes(:comments)
+ assert posts.first.comments.first
+ end
+ assert_queries(2) do
+ posts = Post.scoped.includes(:comments)
+ assert posts.first.comments.first
+ end
+ assert_queries(2) do
+ posts = Post.includes(:author)
+ assert posts.first.author
+ end
+ assert_queries(3) do
+ posts = Post.includes(:author, :comments).to_a
+ assert posts.first.author
+ assert posts.first.comments.first
+ end
+ end
+ def test_default_scope_with_conditions_string
+ assert_equal Developer.find_all_by_name('David').map(&:id).sort, DeveloperCalledDavid.scoped.map(&:id).sort
assert_equal nil, DeveloperCalledDavid.create!.name
def test_default_scope_with_conditions_hash
- assert_equal Developer.find_all_by_name('Jamis').map(&:id).sort, DeveloperCalledJamis.all.map(&:id).sort
+ assert_equal Developer.find_all_by_name('Jamis').map(&:id).sort, DeveloperCalledJamis.scoped.map(&:id).sort
assert_equal 'Jamis', DeveloperCalledJamis.create!.name
- def test_loading_with_one_association
- posts = Post.all(:include => :comments)
+ def test_default_scoping_finder_methods
+ developers = DeveloperCalledDavid.order('id').map(&:id).sort
+ assert_equal Developer.find_all_by_name('David').map(&:id).sort, developers
+ end
+ def test_loading_with_one_association
+ posts = Post.preload(:comments)
post = posts.find { |p| p.id == 1 }
assert_equal 2, post.comments.size
assert post.comments.include?(comments(:greetings))
- post = Post.find(:first, :include => :comments, :conditions => "posts.title = 'Welcome to the weblog'")
+ post = Post.where("posts.title = 'Welcome to the weblog'").preload(:comments).first
assert_equal 2, post.comments.size
assert post.comments.include?(comments(:greetings))
- posts = Post.all(:include => :last_comment)
+ posts = Post.preload(:last_comment)
post = posts.find { |p| p.id == 1 }
assert_equal Post.find(1).last_comment, post.last_comment
def test_loading_with_one_association_with_non_preload
- posts = Post.all(:include => :last_comment, :order => 'comments.id DESC')
+ posts = Post.eager_load(:last_comment).order('comments.id DESC')
post = posts.find { |p| p.id == 1 }
assert_equal Post.find(1).last_comment, post.last_comment
+ def test_dynamic_find_by_attributes
+ david = authors(:david)
+ author = Author.preload(:taggings).find_by_id(david.id)
+ expected_taggings = taggings(:welcome_general, :thinking_general)
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_equal expected_taggings, author.taggings.uniq.sort_by { |t| t.id }
+ end
+ authors = Author.scoped
+ assert_equal david, authors.find_by_id_and_name(david.id, david.name)
+ assert_equal david, authors.find_by_id_and_name!(david.id, david.name)
+ end
+ def test_dynamic_find_by_attributes_bang
+ author = Author.scoped.find_by_id!(authors(:david).id)
+ assert_equal "David", author.name
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Author.scoped.find_by_id_and_name!(20, 'invalid') }
+ end
+ def test_dynamic_find_all_by_attributes
+ authors = Author.scoped
+ davids = authors.find_all_by_name('David')
+ assert_kind_of Array, davids
+ assert_equal [authors(:david)], davids
+ end
+ def test_dynamic_find_or_initialize_by_attributes
+ authors = Author.scoped
+ lifo = authors.find_or_initialize_by_name('Lifo')
+ assert_equal "Lifo", lifo.name
+ assert lifo.new_record?
+ assert_equal authors(:david), authors.find_or_initialize_by_name(:name => 'David')
+ end
+ def test_dynamic_find_or_create_by_attributes
+ authors = Author.scoped
+ lifo = authors.find_or_create_by_name('Lifo')
+ assert_equal "Lifo", lifo.name
+ assert ! lifo.new_record?
+ assert_equal authors(:david), authors.find_or_create_by_name(:name => 'David')
+ end
+ def test_find_id
+ authors = Author.scoped
+ david = authors.find(authors(:david).id)
+ assert_equal 'David', david.name
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { authors.where(:name => 'lifo').find('42') }
+ end
+ def test_find_ids
+ authors = Author.order('id ASC')
+ results = authors.find(authors(:david).id, authors(:mary).id)
+ assert_kind_of Array, results
+ assert_equal 2, results.size
+ assert_equal 'David', results[0].name
+ assert_equal 'Mary', results[1].name
+ assert_equal results, authors.find([authors(:david).id, authors(:mary).id])
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { authors.where(:name => 'lifo').find(authors(:david).id, '42') }
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { authors.find(['42', 43]) }
+ end
+ def test_exists
+ davids = Author.where(:name => 'David')
+ assert davids.exists?
+ assert davids.exists?(authors(:david).id)
+ assert ! davids.exists?(authors(:mary).id)
+ assert ! davids.exists?("42")
+ assert ! davids.exists?(42)
+ fake = Author.where(:name => 'fake author')
+ assert ! fake.exists?
+ assert ! fake.exists?(authors(:david).id)
+ end
+ def test_last
+ authors = Author.scoped
+ assert_equal authors(:mary), authors.last
+ end
+ def test_destroy_all
+ davids = Author.where(:name => 'David')
+ # Force load
+ assert_equal [authors(:david)], davids.to_a
+ assert davids.loaded?
+ assert_difference('Author.count', -1) { davids.destroy_all }
+ assert_equal [], davids.to_a
+ assert davids.loaded?
+ end
+ def test_delete_all
+ davids = Author.where(:name => 'David')
+ assert_difference('Author.count', -1) { davids.delete_all }
+ assert ! davids.loaded?
+ end
+ def test_delete_all_loaded
+ davids = Author.where(:name => 'David')
+ # Force load
+ assert_equal [authors(:david)], davids.to_a
+ assert davids.loaded?
+ assert_difference('Author.count', -1) { davids.delete_all }
+ assert_equal [], davids.to_a
+ assert davids.loaded?
+ end
+ def test_relation_merging
+ devs = Developer.where("salary >= 80000") & Developer.limit(2) & Developer.order('id ASC').where("id < 3")
+ assert_equal [developers(:david), developers(:jamis)], devs.to_a
+ dev_with_count = Developer.limit(1) & Developer.order('id DESC') & Developer.select('developers.*')
+ assert_equal [developers(:poor_jamis)], dev_with_count.to_a
+ end
+ def test_relation_merging_with_eager_load
+ relations = []
+ relations << (Post.order('comments.id DESC') & Post.eager_load(:last_comment) & Post.scoped)
+ relations << (Post.eager_load(:last_comment) & Post.order('comments.id DESC') & Post.scoped)
+ relations.each do |posts|
+ post = posts.find { |p| p.id == 1 }
+ assert_equal Post.find(1).last_comment, post.last_comment
+ end
+ end
+ def test_relation_merging_with_locks
+ devs = Developer.lock.where("salary >= 80000").order("id DESC") & Developer.limit(2)
+ assert devs.locked.present?
+ end
+ def test_relation_merging_with_preload
+ [Post.scoped & Post.preload(:author), Post.preload(:author) & Post.scoped].each do |posts|
+ assert_queries(2) { assert posts.first.author }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_invalid_merge
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError) { Post.scoped & Developer.scoped }
+ end
+ def test_count
+ posts = Post.scoped
+ assert_equal 7, posts.count
+ assert_equal 7, posts.count(:all)
+ assert_equal 7, posts.count(:id)
+ assert_equal 1, posts.where('comments_count > 1').count
+ assert_equal 5, posts.where(:comments_count => 0).count
+ end
+ def test_count_with_distinct
+ posts = Post.scoped
+ assert_equal 3, posts.count(:comments_count, :distinct => true)
+ assert_equal 7, posts.count(:comments_count, :distinct => false)
+ assert_equal 3, posts.select(:comments_count).count(:distinct => true)
+ assert_equal 7, posts.select(:comments_count).count(:distinct => false)
+ end
+ def test_count_explicit_columns
+ Post.update_all(:comments_count => nil)
+ posts = Post.scoped
+ assert_equal [0], posts.select('comments_count').where('id is not null').group('id').order('id').count.values.uniq
+ assert_equal 0, posts.where('id is not null').select('comments_count').count
+ assert_equal 7, posts.select('comments_count').count('id')
+ assert_equal 0, posts.select('comments_count').count
+ assert_equal 0, posts.count(:comments_count)
+ assert_equal 0, posts.count('comments_count')
+ end
+ def test_size
+ posts = Post.scoped
+ assert_queries(1) { assert_equal 7, posts.size }
+ assert ! posts.loaded?
+ best_posts = posts.where(:comments_count => 0)
+ best_posts.to_a # force load
+ assert_no_queries { assert_equal 5, best_posts.size }
+ end
+ def test_count_complex_chained_relations
+ posts = Post.select('comments_count').where('id is not null').group("author_id").where("comments_count > 0")
+ expected = { 1 => 2 }
+ assert_equal expected, posts.count
+ end
+ def test_any
+ posts = Post.scoped
+ assert_queries(3) do
+ assert posts.any? # Uses COUNT()
+ assert ! posts.where(:id => nil).any?
+ assert posts.any? {|p| p.id > 0 }
+ assert ! posts.any? {|p| p.id <= 0 }
+ end
+ assert posts.loaded?
+ end
+ def test_many
+ posts = Post.scoped
+ assert_queries(2) do
+ assert posts.many? # Uses COUNT()
+ assert posts.many? {|p| p.id > 0 }
+ assert ! posts.many? {|p| p.id < 2 }
+ end
+ assert posts.loaded?
+ end
+ def test_many_with_limits
+ posts = Post.scoped
+ assert posts.many?
+ assert ! posts.limit(1).many?
+ end
+ def test_build
+ posts = Post.scoped
+ post = posts.new
+ assert_kind_of Post, post
+ end
+ def test_scoped_build
+ posts = Post.where(:title => 'You told a lie')
+ post = posts.new
+ assert_kind_of Post, post
+ assert_equal 'You told a lie', post.title
+ end
+ def test_create
+ birds = Bird.scoped
+ sparrow = birds.create
+ assert_kind_of Bird, sparrow
+ assert sparrow.new_record?
+ hen = birds.where(:name => 'hen').create
+ assert ! hen.new_record?
+ assert_equal 'hen', hen.name
+ end
+ def test_create_bang
+ birds = Bird.scoped
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { birds.create! }
+ hen = birds.where(:name => 'hen').create!
+ assert_kind_of Bird, hen
+ assert ! hen.new_record?
+ assert_equal 'hen', hen.name
+ end
+ def test_except
+ relation = Post.where(:author_id => 1).order('id ASC').limit(1)
+ assert_equal [posts(:welcome)], relation.all
+ author_posts = relation.except(:order, :limit)
+ assert_equal Post.where(:author_id => 1).all, author_posts.all
+ all_posts = relation.except(:where, :order, :limit)
+ assert_equal Post.all, all_posts.all
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/validations/association_validation_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/validations/association_validation_test.rb
index 278a7a6a06..5ed997356b 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/validations/association_validation_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/validations/association_validation_test.rb
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ require 'models/interest'
class AssociationValidationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
fixtures :topics, :owners
- repair_validations(Topic)
+ repair_validations(Topic, Reply)
def test_validates_size_of_association
repair_validations(Owner) do
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ class AssociationValidationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_validates_associated_many
- Topic.validates_associated( :replies )
+ Topic.validates_associated(:replies)
+ Reply.validates_presence_of(:content)
t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever")
t.replies << [r = Reply.new("title" => "A reply"), r2 = Reply.new("title" => "Another reply", "content" => "non-empty"), r3 = Reply.new("title" => "Yet another reply"), r4 = Reply.new("title" => "The last reply", "content" => "non-empty")]
assert !t.valid?
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/validations/i18n_validation_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/validations/i18n_validation_test.rb
index 532de67d99..f017f24048 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/validations/i18n_validation_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/validations/i18n_validation_test.rb
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ require 'models/topic'
require 'models/reply'
class I18nValidationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ repair_validations(Topic, Reply)
def setup
- Topic.reset_callbacks(:validate)
+ Reply.validates_presence_of(:title)
@topic = Topic.new
@old_load_path, @old_backend = I18n.load_path, I18n.backend
@@ -13,7 +14,6 @@ class I18nValidationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def teardown
- Topic.reset_callbacks(:validate)
I18n.load_path.replace @old_load_path
I18n.backend = @old_backend
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/validations/uniqueness_validation_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/validations/uniqueness_validation_test.rb
index 17ba4e2f8a..8f84841fe6 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/validations/uniqueness_validation_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/validations/uniqueness_validation_test.rb
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ require 'models/reply'
require 'models/warehouse_thing'
require 'models/guid'
require 'models/event'
-require 'models/developer'
# The following methods in Topic are used in test_conditional_validation_*
class Topic
@@ -213,7 +212,7 @@ class UniquenessValidationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_validates_uniqueness_inside_with_scope
- Topic.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => { :author_name => "David" } }) do
+ Topic.send(:with_scope, :find => { :conditions => { :author_name => "David" } }) do
t1 = Topic.new("title" => "I'm unique!", "author_name" => "Mary")
assert t1.save
t2 = Topic.new("title" => "I'm unique!", "author_name" => "David")
@@ -276,14 +275,4 @@ class UniquenessValidationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert w6.errors[:city].any?, "Should have errors for city"
assert_equal ["has already been taken"], w6.errors[:city], "Should have uniqueness message for city"
- def test_validates_uniqueness_of_with_custom_message_using_quotes
- repair_validations(Developer) do
- Developer.validates_uniqueness_of :name, :message=> "This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes"
- d = Developer.new
- d.name = "David"
- assert !d.valid?
- assert_equal ["This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes"], d.errors[:name]
- end
- end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/validations_repair_helper.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/validations_repair_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11912ca1cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/validations_repair_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+module ActiveRecord
+ module ValidationsRepairHelper
+ extend ActiveSupport::Concern
+ module ClassMethods
+ def repair_validations(*model_classes)
+ teardown do
+ model_classes.each do |k|
+ k.reset_callbacks(:validate)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def repair_validations(*model_classes)
+ yield
+ ensure
+ model_classes.each do |k|
+ k.reset_callbacks(:validate)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/validations_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/validations_test.rb
index 130231c622..3a1d5ae212 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/validations_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/validations_test.rb
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class ValidationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_error_on_create
- r = Reply.new
+ r = WrongReply.new
r.title = "Wrong Create"
assert !r.valid?
assert r.errors[:title].any?, "A reply with a bad title should mark that attribute as invalid"
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class ValidationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_error_on_update
- r = Reply.new
+ r = WrongReply.new
r.title = "Bad"
r.content = "Good"
assert r.save, "First save should be successful"
@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ class ValidationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_invalid_record_exception
- assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { Reply.create! }
- assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { Reply.new.save! }
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { WrongReply.create! }
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { WrongReply.new.save! }
- r = Reply.new
+ r = WrongReply.new
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => invalid
@@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ class ValidationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_exception_on_create_bang_many
assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) do
- Reply.create!([ { "title" => "OK" }, { "title" => "Wrong Create" }])
+ WrongReply.create!([ { "title" => "OK" }, { "title" => "Wrong Create" }])
def test_exception_on_create_bang_with_block
assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) do
- Reply.create!({ "title" => "OK" }) do |r|
+ WrongReply.create!({ "title" => "OK" }) do |r|
r.content = nil
@@ -91,21 +91,21 @@ class ValidationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_exception_on_create_bang_many_with_block
assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) do
- Reply.create!([{ "title" => "OK" }, { "title" => "Wrong Create" }]) do |r|
+ WrongReply.create!([{ "title" => "OK" }, { "title" => "Wrong Create" }]) do |r|
r.content = nil
def test_scoped_create_without_attributes
- Reply.with_scope(:create => {}) do
- assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { Reply.create! }
+ WrongReply.send(:with_scope, :create => {}) do
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { WrongReply.create! }
def test_create_with_exceptions_using_scope_for_protected_attributes
assert_nothing_raised do
- ProtectedPerson.with_scope( :create => { :first_name => "Mary" } ) do
+ ProtectedPerson.send(:with_scope, :create => { :first_name => "Mary" } ) do
person = ProtectedPerson.create! :addon => "Addon"
assert_equal person.first_name, "Mary", "scope should ignore attr_protected"
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class ValidationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_create_with_exceptions_using_scope_and_empty_attributes
assert_nothing_raised do
- ProtectedPerson.with_scope( :create => { :first_name => "Mary" } ) do
+ ProtectedPerson.send(:with_scope, :create => { :first_name => "Mary" } ) do
person = ProtectedPerson.create!
assert_equal person.first_name, "Mary", "should be ok when no attributes are passed to create!"
@@ -122,15 +122,15 @@ class ValidationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_create_without_validation
- reply = Reply.new
+ reply = WrongReply.new
assert !reply.save
assert reply.save(false)
def test_create_without_validation_bang
- count = Reply.count
- assert_nothing_raised { Reply.new.save_without_validation! }
- assert count+1, Reply.count
+ count = WrongReply.count
+ assert_nothing_raised { WrongReply.new.save_without_validation! }
+ assert count+1, WrongReply.count
def test_validates_acceptance_of_with_non_existant_table
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/yaml_serialization_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/yaml_serialization_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f221def6b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/yaml_serialization_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+require "cases/helper"
+require 'models/topic'
+class YamlSerializationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ def test_to_yaml_with_time_with_zone_should_not_raise_exception
+ Time.zone = ActiveSupport::TimeZone["Pacific Time (US & Canada)"]
+ ActiveRecord::Base.time_zone_aware_attributes = true
+ topic = Topic.new(:written_on => DateTime.now)
+ assert_nothing_raised { topic.to_yaml }
+ end