path: root/activerecord/test/cases
diff options
authorAaron Patterson <aaron.patterson@gmail.com>2012-01-12 13:35:09 -0800
committerAaron Patterson <aaron.patterson@gmail.com>2012-01-13 14:33:56 -0800
commit977df64721620d89f9727e47da4c114c6d1201e7 (patch)
treeb81efd4720c3ec40498e4458b493479aef6ac881 /activerecord/test/cases
parente6f796031fc9204eba81a318830fcb0f0738ad7e (diff)
moving more column renaming tests
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases')
2 files changed, 75 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/migration/rename_column_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/migration/rename_column_test.rb
index ea7674a469..a855841b6c 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/migration/rename_column_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/migration/rename_column_test.rb
@@ -111,6 +111,81 @@ module ActiveRecord
change_column "test_models", "updated_at", :datetime, :null => false
change_column "test_models", "updated_at", :datetime, :null => true
+ def test_change_column_nullability
+ add_column "test_models", "funny", :boolean
+ assert TestModel.columns_hash["funny"].null, "Column 'funny' must initially allow nulls"
+ change_column "test_models", "funny", :boolean, :null => false, :default => true
+ TestModel.reset_column_information
+ refute TestModel.columns_hash["funny"].null, "Column 'funny' must *not* allow nulls at this point"
+ change_column "test_models", "funny", :boolean, :null => true
+ TestModel.reset_column_information
+ assert TestModel.columns_hash["funny"].null, "Column 'funny' must allow nulls again at this point"
+ end
+ def test_change_column
+ add_column 'test_models', 'age', :integer
+ add_column 'test_models', 'approved', :boolean, :default => true
+ label = "test_change_column Columns"
+ old_columns = connection.columns(TestModel.table_name, label)
+ assert old_columns.find { |c| c.name == 'age' && c.type == :integer }
+ change_column "test_models", "age", :string
+ new_columns = connection.columns(TestModel.table_name, label)
+ refute new_columns.find { |c| c.name == 'age' and c.type == :integer }
+ assert new_columns.find { |c| c.name == 'age' and c.type == :string }
+ old_columns = connection.columns(TestModel.table_name, label)
+ assert old_columns.find { |c|
+ c.name == 'approved' && c.type == :boolean && c.default == true
+ }
+ change_column :test_models, :approved, :boolean, :default => false
+ new_columns = connection.columns(TestModel.table_name, label)
+ refute new_columns.find { |c| c.name == 'approved' and c.type == :boolean and c.default == true }
+ assert new_columns.find { |c| c.name == 'approved' and c.type == :boolean and c.default == false }
+ change_column :test_models, :approved, :boolean, :default => true
+ end
+ def test_change_column_with_nil_default
+ add_column "test_models", "contributor", :boolean, :default => true
+ assert TestModel.new.contributor?
+ change_column "test_models", "contributor", :boolean, :default => nil
+ TestModel.reset_column_information
+ refute TestModel.new.contributor?
+ assert_nil TestModel.new.contributor
+ end
+ def test_change_column_with_new_default
+ add_column "test_models", "administrator", :boolean, :default => true
+ assert TestModel.new.administrator?
+ change_column "test_models", "administrator", :boolean, :default => false
+ TestModel.reset_column_information
+ refute TestModel.new.administrator?
+ end
+ def test_change_column_default
+ add_column "test_models", "first_name", :string
+ connection.change_column_default "test_models", "first_name", "Tester"
+ assert_equal "Tester", TestModel.new.first_name
+ end
+ def test_change_column_default_to_null
+ add_column "test_models", "first_name", :string
+ connection.change_column_default "test_models", "first_name", nil
+ assert_nil TestModel.new.first_name
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/migration_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/migration_test.rb
index d837df5584..2dbed450b6 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/migration_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/migration_test.rb
@@ -142,19 +142,6 @@ class MigrationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
- def test_change_column_nullability
- Person.delete_all
- Person.connection.add_column "people", "funny", :boolean
- Person.reset_column_information
- assert Person.columns_hash["funny"].null, "Column 'funny' must initially allow nulls"
- Person.connection.change_column "people", "funny", :boolean, :null => false, :default => true
- Person.reset_column_information
- assert !Person.columns_hash["funny"].null, "Column 'funny' must *not* allow nulls at this point"
- Person.connection.change_column "people", "funny", :boolean, :null => true
- Person.reset_column_information
- assert Person.columns_hash["funny"].null, "Column 'funny' must allow nulls again at this point"
- end
def test_rename_table_with_an_index
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.create_table :octopuses do |t|
@@ -178,64 +165,6 @@ class MigrationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
- def test_change_column
- Person.connection.add_column 'people', 'age', :integer
- label = "test_change_column Columns"
- old_columns = Person.connection.columns(Person.table_name, label)
- assert old_columns.find { |c| c.name == 'age' and c.type == :integer }
- assert_nothing_raised { Person.connection.change_column "people", "age", :string }
- new_columns = Person.connection.columns(Person.table_name, label)
- assert_nil new_columns.find { |c| c.name == 'age' and c.type == :integer }
- assert new_columns.find { |c| c.name == 'age' and c.type == :string }
- old_columns = Topic.connection.columns(Topic.table_name, label)
- assert old_columns.find { |c| c.name == 'approved' and c.type == :boolean and c.default == true }
- assert_nothing_raised { Topic.connection.change_column :topics, :approved, :boolean, :default => false }
- new_columns = Topic.connection.columns(Topic.table_name, label)
- assert_nil new_columns.find { |c| c.name == 'approved' and c.type == :boolean and c.default == true }
- assert new_columns.find { |c| c.name == 'approved' and c.type == :boolean and c.default == false }
- assert_nothing_raised { Topic.connection.change_column :topics, :approved, :boolean, :default => true }
- end
- def test_change_column_with_nil_default
- Person.connection.add_column "people", "contributor", :boolean, :default => true
- Person.reset_column_information
- assert Person.new.contributor?
- assert_nothing_raised { Person.connection.change_column "people", "contributor", :boolean, :default => nil }
- Person.reset_column_information
- assert !Person.new.contributor?
- assert_nil Person.new.contributor
- ensure
- Person.connection.remove_column("people", "contributor") rescue nil
- end
- def test_change_column_with_new_default
- Person.connection.add_column "people", "administrator", :boolean, :default => true
- Person.reset_column_information
- assert Person.new.administrator?
- assert_nothing_raised { Person.connection.change_column "people", "administrator", :boolean, :default => false }
- Person.reset_column_information
- assert !Person.new.administrator?
- ensure
- Person.connection.remove_column("people", "administrator") rescue nil
- end
- def test_change_column_default
- Person.connection.change_column_default "people", "first_name", "Tester"
- Person.reset_column_information
- assert_equal "Tester", Person.new.first_name
- end
- def test_change_column_default_to_null
- Person.connection.change_column_default "people", "first_name", nil
- Person.reset_column_information
- assert_nil Person.new.first_name
- end
def test_add_table
assert !Reminder.table_exists?