path: root/activerecord/test/cases
diff options
authorYves Senn <yves.senn@gmail.com>2015-06-22 15:25:36 +0200
committerYves Senn <yves.senn@gmail.com>2015-06-22 15:45:08 +0200
commit30c9aa7883b5363ce3f50aa010a4245a418bca29 (patch)
tree8ee50c0e46c8411ace86100081959c4289eae887 /activerecord/test/cases
parent73aa66342e685b21ece23192bcb0e79c069e962a (diff)
AR absence validator respects `marked_for_destruction?`. Closes #20449.
Associated objects that were marked for destruction are considered absent.
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/validations/absence_validation_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/validations/absence_validation_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd43ee358c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/validations/absence_validation_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+require "cases/helper"
+require 'models/face'
+require 'models/interest'
+require 'models/man'
+require 'models/topic'
+class AbsenceValidationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ def test_non_association
+ boy_klass = Class.new(Man) do
+ def self.name; "Boy" end
+ validates_absence_of :name
+ end
+ assert boy_klass.new.valid?
+ assert_not boy_klass.new(name: "Alex").valid?
+ end
+ def test_has_one_marked_for_destruction
+ boy_klass = Class.new(Man) do
+ def self.name; "Boy" end
+ validates_absence_of :face
+ end
+ boy = boy_klass.new(face: Face.new)
+ assert_not boy.valid?, "should not be valid if has_one association is present"
+ assert_equal 1, boy.errors[:face].size, "should only add one error"
+ boy.face.mark_for_destruction
+ assert boy.valid?, "should be valid if association is marked for destruction"
+ end
+ def test_has_many_marked_for_destruction
+ boy_klass = Class.new(Man) do
+ def self.name; "Boy" end
+ validates_absence_of :interests
+ end
+ boy = boy_klass.new
+ boy.interests << [i1 = Interest.new, i2 = Interest.new]
+ assert_not boy.valid?, "should not be valid if has_many association is present"
+ i1.mark_for_destruction
+ assert_not boy.valid?, "should not be valid if has_many association is present"
+ i2.mark_for_destruction
+ assert boy.valid?
+ end
+ def test_does_not_call_to_a_on_associations
+ boy_klass = Class.new(Man) do
+ def self.name; "Boy" end
+ validates_absence_of :face
+ end
+ face_with_to_a = Face.new
+ def face_with_to_a.to_a; ['(/)', '(\)']; end
+ assert_nothing_raised { boy_klass.new(face: face_with_to_a).valid? }
+ end
+ def test_does_not_validate_if_parent_record_is_validate_false
+ repair_validations(Interest) do
+ Interest.validates_absence_of(:topic)
+ interest = Interest.new(topic: Topic.new(title: "Math"))
+ interest.save!(validate: false)
+ assert interest.persisted?
+ man = Man.new(interest_ids: [interest.id])
+ man.save!
+ assert_equal man.interests.size, 1
+ assert interest.valid?
+ assert man.valid?
+ end
+ end