path: root/activerecord/test/cases/validations/uniqueness_validation_test.rb
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authorEmilio Tagua <miloops@gmail.com>2009-06-02 12:36:36 -0300
committerEmilio Tagua <miloops@gmail.com>2009-06-02 12:36:36 -0300
commitfd3c55f09fdfb45c33a5383af2c0b9ddf8f63e90 (patch)
tree89f6b8eeae81ba9e9f3c43667b234b64a776e649 /activerecord/test/cases/validations/uniqueness_validation_test.rb
parent5255a81b808c2c947d58df979e6436b1fe1d8157 (diff)
parent196f780e30fcece25e4d09c12f9b9f7374ebed29 (diff)
Merge commit 'rails/master'
Conflicts: activerecord/lib/active_record.rb
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases/validations/uniqueness_validation_test.rb')
1 files changed, 278 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/validations/uniqueness_validation_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/validations/uniqueness_validation_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..961db51d1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/validations/uniqueness_validation_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+require "cases/helper"
+require 'models/topic'
+require 'models/reply'
+require 'models/warehouse_thing'
+require 'models/guid'
+require 'models/event'
+# The following methods in Topic are used in test_conditional_validation_*
+class Topic
+ has_many :unique_replies, :dependent => :destroy, :foreign_key => "parent_id"
+ has_many :silly_unique_replies, :dependent => :destroy, :foreign_key => "parent_id"
+class UniqueReply < Reply
+ validates_uniqueness_of :content, :scope => 'parent_id'
+class SillyUniqueReply < UniqueReply
+class Wizard < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.abstract_class = true
+ validates_uniqueness_of :name
+class IneptWizard < Wizard
+ validates_uniqueness_of :city
+class Conjurer < IneptWizard
+class Thaumaturgist < IneptWizard
+class UniquenessValidationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :topics, 'warehouse-things'
+ repair_validations(Topic)
+ def test_validate_uniqueness
+ Topic.validates_uniqueness_of(:title)
+ t = Topic.new("title" => "I'm unique!")
+ assert t.save, "Should save t as unique"
+ t.content = "Remaining unique"
+ assert t.save, "Should still save t as unique"
+ t2 = Topic.new("title" => "I'm unique!")
+ assert !t2.valid?, "Shouldn't be valid"
+ assert !t2.save, "Shouldn't save t2 as unique"
+ assert_equal ["has already been taken"], t2.errors[:title]
+ t2.title = "Now Im really also unique"
+ assert t2.save, "Should now save t2 as unique"
+ end
+ def test_validates_uniquness_with_newline_chars
+ Topic.validates_uniqueness_of(:title, :case_sensitive => false)
+ t = Topic.new("title" => "new\nline")
+ assert t.save, "Should save t as unique"
+ end
+ def test_validate_uniqueness_with_scope
+ repair_validations(Reply) do
+ Reply.validates_uniqueness_of(:content, :scope => "parent_id")
+ t = Topic.create("title" => "I'm unique!")
+ r1 = t.replies.create "title" => "r1", "content" => "hello world"
+ assert r1.valid?, "Saving r1"
+ r2 = t.replies.create "title" => "r2", "content" => "hello world"
+ assert !r2.valid?, "Saving r2 first time"
+ r2.content = "something else"
+ assert r2.save, "Saving r2 second time"
+ t2 = Topic.create("title" => "I'm unique too!")
+ r3 = t2.replies.create "title" => "r3", "content" => "hello world"
+ assert r3.valid?, "Saving r3"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_validate_uniqueness_scoped_to_defining_class
+ t = Topic.create("title" => "What, me worry?")
+ r1 = t.unique_replies.create "title" => "r1", "content" => "a barrel of fun"
+ assert r1.valid?, "Saving r1"
+ r2 = t.silly_unique_replies.create "title" => "r2", "content" => "a barrel of fun"
+ assert !r2.valid?, "Saving r2"
+ # Should succeed as validates_uniqueness_of only applies to
+ # UniqueReply and its subclasses
+ r3 = t.replies.create "title" => "r2", "content" => "a barrel of fun"
+ assert r3.valid?, "Saving r3"
+ end
+ def test_validate_uniqueness_with_scope_array
+ repair_validations(Reply) do
+ Reply.validates_uniqueness_of(:author_name, :scope => [:author_email_address, :parent_id])
+ t = Topic.create("title" => "The earth is actually flat!")
+ r1 = t.replies.create "author_name" => "jeremy", "author_email_address" => "jeremy@rubyonrails.com", "title" => "You're crazy!", "content" => "Crazy reply"
+ assert r1.valid?, "Saving r1"
+ r2 = t.replies.create "author_name" => "jeremy", "author_email_address" => "jeremy@rubyonrails.com", "title" => "You're crazy!", "content" => "Crazy reply again..."
+ assert !r2.valid?, "Saving r2. Double reply by same author."
+ r2.author_email_address = "jeremy_alt_email@rubyonrails.com"
+ assert r2.save, "Saving r2 the second time."
+ r3 = t.replies.create "author_name" => "jeremy", "author_email_address" => "jeremy_alt_email@rubyonrails.com", "title" => "You're wrong", "content" => "It's cubic"
+ assert !r3.valid?, "Saving r3"
+ r3.author_name = "jj"
+ assert r3.save, "Saving r3 the second time."
+ r3.author_name = "jeremy"
+ assert !r3.save, "Saving r3 the third time."
+ end
+ end
+ def test_validate_case_insensitive_uniqueness
+ Topic.validates_uniqueness_of(:title, :parent_id, :case_sensitive => false, :allow_nil => true)
+ t = Topic.new("title" => "I'm unique!", :parent_id => 2)
+ assert t.save, "Should save t as unique"
+ t.content = "Remaining unique"
+ assert t.save, "Should still save t as unique"
+ t2 = Topic.new("title" => "I'm UNIQUE!", :parent_id => 1)
+ assert !t2.valid?, "Shouldn't be valid"
+ assert !t2.save, "Shouldn't save t2 as unique"
+ assert t2.errors[:title].any?
+ assert t2.errors[:parent_id].any?
+ assert_equal ["has already been taken"], t2.errors[:title]
+ t2.title = "I'm truly UNIQUE!"
+ assert !t2.valid?, "Shouldn't be valid"
+ assert !t2.save, "Shouldn't save t2 as unique"
+ assert t2.errors[:title].empty?
+ assert t2.errors[:parent_id].any?
+ t2.parent_id = 4
+ assert t2.save, "Should now save t2 as unique"
+ t2.parent_id = nil
+ t2.title = nil
+ assert t2.valid?, "should validate with nil"
+ assert t2.save, "should save with nil"
+ with_kcode('UTF8') do
+ t_utf8 = Topic.new("title" => "Я тоже уникальный!")
+ assert t_utf8.save, "Should save t_utf8 as unique"
+ # If database hasn't UTF-8 character set, this test fails
+ if Topic.find(t_utf8, :select => 'LOWER(title) AS title').title == "я тоже уникальный!"
+ t2_utf8 = Topic.new("title" => "я тоже УНИКАЛЬНЫЙ!")
+ assert !t2_utf8.valid?, "Shouldn't be valid"
+ assert !t2_utf8.save, "Shouldn't save t2_utf8 as unique"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_validate_case_sensitive_uniqueness
+ Topic.validates_uniqueness_of(:title, :case_sensitive => true, :allow_nil => true)
+ t = Topic.new("title" => "I'm unique!")
+ assert t.save, "Should save t as unique"
+ t.content = "Remaining unique"
+ assert t.save, "Should still save t as unique"
+ t2 = Topic.new("title" => "I'M UNIQUE!")
+ assert t2.valid?, "Should be valid"
+ assert t2.save, "Should save t2 as unique"
+ assert t2.errors[:title].empty?
+ assert t2.errors[:parent_id].empty?
+ assert_not_equal ["has already been taken"], t2.errors[:title]
+ t3 = Topic.new("title" => "I'M uNiQUe!")
+ assert t3.valid?, "Should be valid"
+ assert t3.save, "Should save t2 as unique"
+ assert t3.errors[:title].empty?
+ assert t3.errors[:parent_id].empty?
+ assert_not_equal ["has already been taken"], t3.errors[:title]
+ end
+ def test_validate_case_sensitive_uniqueness_with_attribute_passed_as_integer
+ Topic.validates_uniqueness_of(:title, :case_sensitve => true)
+ t = Topic.create!('title' => 101)
+ t2 = Topic.new('title' => 101)
+ assert !t2.valid?
+ assert t2.errors[:title]
+ end
+ def test_validate_uniqueness_with_non_standard_table_names
+ i1 = WarehouseThing.create(:value => 1000)
+ assert !i1.valid?, "i1 should not be valid"
+ assert i1.errors[:value].any?, "Should not be empty"
+ end
+ def test_validates_uniqueness_inside_with_scope
+ Topic.validates_uniqueness_of(:title)
+ Topic.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => { :author_name => "David" } }) do
+ t1 = Topic.new("title" => "I'm unique!", "author_name" => "Mary")
+ assert t1.save
+ t2 = Topic.new("title" => "I'm unique!", "author_name" => "David")
+ assert !t2.valid?
+ end
+ end
+ def test_validate_uniqueness_with_columns_which_are_sql_keywords
+ repair_validations(Guid) do
+ Guid.validates_uniqueness_of :key
+ g = Guid.new
+ g.key = "foo"
+ assert_nothing_raised { !g.valid? }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_validate_uniqueness_with_limit
+ # Event.title is limited to 5 characters
+ e1 = Event.create(:title => "abcde")
+ assert e1.valid?, "Could not create an event with a unique, 5 character title"
+ e2 = Event.create(:title => "abcdefgh")
+ assert !e2.valid?, "Created an event whose title, with limit taken into account, is not unique"
+ end
+ def test_validate_straight_inheritance_uniqueness
+ w1 = IneptWizard.create(:name => "Rincewind", :city => "Ankh-Morpork")
+ assert w1.valid?, "Saving w1"
+ # Should use validation from base class (which is abstract)
+ w2 = IneptWizard.new(:name => "Rincewind", :city => "Quirm")
+ assert !w2.valid?, "w2 shouldn't be valid"
+ assert w2.errors[:name].any?, "Should have errors for name"
+ assert_equal ["has already been taken"], w2.errors[:name], "Should have uniqueness message for name"
+ w3 = Conjurer.new(:name => "Rincewind", :city => "Quirm")
+ assert !w3.valid?, "w3 shouldn't be valid"
+ assert w3.errors[:name].any?, "Should have errors for name"
+ assert_equal ["has already been taken"], w3.errors[:name], "Should have uniqueness message for name"
+ w4 = Conjurer.create(:name => "The Amazing Bonko", :city => "Quirm")
+ assert w4.valid?, "Saving w4"
+ w5 = Thaumaturgist.new(:name => "The Amazing Bonko", :city => "Lancre")
+ assert !w5.valid?, "w5 shouldn't be valid"
+ assert w5.errors[:name].any?, "Should have errors for name"
+ assert_equal ["has already been taken"], w5.errors[:name], "Should have uniqueness message for name"
+ w6 = Thaumaturgist.new(:name => "Mustrum Ridcully", :city => "Quirm")
+ assert !w6.valid?, "w6 shouldn't be valid"
+ assert w6.errors[:city].any?, "Should have errors for city"
+ assert_equal ["has already been taken"], w6.errors[:city], "Should have uniqueness message for city"
+ end
+ def test_validates_uniqueness_of_with_custom_message_using_quotes
+ repair_validations(Developer) do
+ Developer.validates_uniqueness_of :name, :message=> "This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes"
+ d = Developer.new
+ d.name = "David"
+ assert !d.valid?
+ assert_equal ["This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes"], d.errors[:name]
+ end
+ end