path: root/activerecord/test/cases/base_test.rb
diff options
authorJeremy Kemper <jeremy@bitsweat.net>2008-01-18 07:30:42 +0000
committerJeremy Kemper <jeremy@bitsweat.net>2008-01-18 07:30:42 +0000
commit42b39ae3f2991692672364d7e09b1e4002e66261 (patch)
treecddaf1eb2dbf7be27430bde882432db3b1cc0407 /activerecord/test/cases/base_test.rb
parent105a27f39ee9dbfd7fdb2b25e5ba38b00708b66c (diff)
Move tests to cases
git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trunk@8660 5ecf4fe2-1ee6-0310-87b1-e25e094e27de
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases/base_test.rb')
1 files changed, 1831 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/base_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/base_test.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..00e563aaee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/base_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1831 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+require 'fixtures/topic'
+require 'fixtures/reply'
+require 'fixtures/company'
+require 'fixtures/customer'
+require 'fixtures/developer'
+require 'fixtures/project'
+require 'fixtures/default'
+require 'fixtures/auto_id'
+require 'fixtures/column_name'
+require 'fixtures/subscriber'
+require 'fixtures/keyboard'
+require 'fixtures/post'
+require 'fixtures/minimalistic'
+require 'fixtures/warehouse_thing'
+require 'rexml/document'
+class Category < ActiveRecord::Base; end
+class Smarts < ActiveRecord::Base; end
+class CreditCard < ActiveRecord::Base
+ class PinNumber < ActiveRecord::Base
+ class CvvCode < ActiveRecord::Base; end
+ class SubCvvCode < CvvCode; end
+ end
+ class SubPinNumber < PinNumber; end
+ class Brand < Category; end
+class MasterCreditCard < ActiveRecord::Base; end
+class Post < ActiveRecord::Base; end
+class Computer < ActiveRecord::Base; end
+class NonExistentTable < ActiveRecord::Base; end
+class TestOracleDefault < ActiveRecord::Base; end
+class LoosePerson < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = 'people'
+ self.abstract_class = true
+ attr_protected :credit_rating, :administrator
+class LooseDescendant < LoosePerson
+ attr_protected :phone_number
+class LooseDescendantSecond< LoosePerson
+ attr_protected :phone_number
+ attr_protected :name
+class TightPerson < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = 'people'
+ attr_accessible :name, :address
+class TightDescendant < TightPerson
+ attr_accessible :phone_number
+class ReadonlyTitlePost < Post
+ attr_readonly :title
+class Booleantest < ActiveRecord::Base; end
+class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
+ attr_protected :starting
+class TopicWithProtectedContentAndAccessibleAuthorName < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = 'topics'
+ attr_accessible :author_name
+ attr_protected :content
+class BasicsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ fixtures :topics, :companies, :developers, :projects, :computers, :accounts, :minimalistics, 'warehouse-things'
+ def test_table_exists
+ assert !NonExistentTable.table_exists?
+ assert Topic.table_exists?
+ end
+ def test_set_attributes
+ topic = Topic.find(1)
+ topic.attributes = { "title" => "Budget", "author_name" => "Jason" }
+ topic.save
+ assert_equal("Budget", topic.title)
+ assert_equal("Jason", topic.author_name)
+ assert_equal(topics(:first).author_email_address, Topic.find(1).author_email_address)
+ end
+ def test_integers_as_nil
+ test = AutoId.create('value' => '')
+ assert_nil AutoId.find(test.id).value
+ end
+ def test_set_attributes_with_block
+ topic = Topic.new do |t|
+ t.title = "Budget"
+ t.author_name = "Jason"
+ end
+ assert_equal("Budget", topic.title)
+ assert_equal("Jason", topic.author_name)
+ end
+ def test_respond_to?
+ topic = Topic.find(1)
+ assert topic.respond_to?("title")
+ assert topic.respond_to?("title?")
+ assert topic.respond_to?("title=")
+ assert topic.respond_to?(:title)
+ assert topic.respond_to?(:title?)
+ assert topic.respond_to?(:title=)
+ assert topic.respond_to?("author_name")
+ assert topic.respond_to?("attribute_names")
+ assert !topic.respond_to?("nothingness")
+ assert !topic.respond_to?(:nothingness)
+ end
+ def test_array_content
+ topic = Topic.new
+ topic.content = %w( one two three )
+ topic.save
+ assert_equal(%w( one two three ), Topic.find(topic.id).content)
+ end
+ def test_hash_content
+ topic = Topic.new
+ topic.content = { "one" => 1, "two" => 2 }
+ topic.save
+ assert_equal 2, Topic.find(topic.id).content["two"]
+ topic.content["three"] = 3
+ topic.save
+ assert_equal 3, Topic.find(topic.id).content["three"]
+ end
+ def test_update_array_content
+ topic = Topic.new
+ topic.content = %w( one two three )
+ topic.content.push "four"
+ assert_equal(%w( one two three four ), topic.content)
+ topic.save
+ topic = Topic.find(topic.id)
+ topic.content << "five"
+ assert_equal(%w( one two three four five ), topic.content)
+ end
+ def test_case_sensitive_attributes_hash
+ # DB2 is not case-sensitive
+ return true if current_adapter?(:DB2Adapter)
+ assert_equal @loaded_fixtures['computers']['workstation'].to_hash, Computer.find(:first).attributes
+ end
+ def test_create
+ topic = Topic.new
+ topic.title = "New Topic"
+ topic.save
+ topic_reloaded = Topic.find(topic.id)
+ assert_equal("New Topic", topic_reloaded.title)
+ end
+ def test_save!
+ topic = Topic.new(:title => "New Topic")
+ assert topic.save!
+ reply = Reply.new
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { reply.save! }
+ end
+ def test_save_null_string_attributes
+ topic = Topic.find(1)
+ topic.attributes = { "title" => "null", "author_name" => "null" }
+ topic.save!
+ topic.reload
+ assert_equal("null", topic.title)
+ assert_equal("null", topic.author_name)
+ end
+ def test_save_nil_string_attributes
+ topic = Topic.find(1)
+ topic.title = nil
+ topic.save!
+ topic.reload
+ assert_nil topic.title
+ end
+ def test_save_for_record_with_only_primary_key
+ minimalistic = Minimalistic.new
+ assert_nothing_raised { minimalistic.save }
+ end
+ def test_save_for_record_with_only_primary_key_that_is_provided
+ assert_nothing_raised { Minimalistic.create!(:id => 2) }
+ end
+ def test_hashes_not_mangled
+ new_topic = { :title => "New Topic" }
+ new_topic_values = { :title => "AnotherTopic" }
+ topic = Topic.new(new_topic)
+ assert_equal new_topic[:title], topic.title
+ topic.attributes= new_topic_values
+ assert_equal new_topic_values[:title], topic.title
+ end
+ def test_create_many
+ topics = Topic.create([ { "title" => "first" }, { "title" => "second" }])
+ assert_equal 2, topics.size
+ assert_equal "first", topics.first.title
+ end
+ def test_create_columns_not_equal_attributes
+ topic = Topic.new
+ topic.title = 'Another New Topic'
+ topic.send :write_attribute, 'does_not_exist', 'test'
+ assert_nothing_raised { topic.save }
+ end
+ def test_create_through_factory
+ topic = Topic.create("title" => "New Topic")
+ topicReloaded = Topic.find(topic.id)
+ assert_equal(topic, topicReloaded)
+ end
+ def test_update
+ topic = Topic.new
+ topic.title = "Another New Topic"
+ topic.written_on = "2003-12-12 23:23:00"
+ topic.save
+ topicReloaded = Topic.find(topic.id)
+ assert_equal("Another New Topic", topicReloaded.title)
+ topicReloaded.title = "Updated topic"
+ topicReloaded.save
+ topicReloadedAgain = Topic.find(topic.id)
+ assert_equal("Updated topic", topicReloadedAgain.title)
+ end
+ def test_update_columns_not_equal_attributes
+ topic = Topic.new
+ topic.title = "Still another topic"
+ topic.save
+ topicReloaded = Topic.find(topic.id)
+ topicReloaded.title = "A New Topic"
+ topicReloaded.send :write_attribute, 'does_not_exist', 'test'
+ assert_nothing_raised { topicReloaded.save }
+ end
+ def test_update_for_record_with_only_primary_key
+ minimalistic = minimalistics(:first)
+ assert_nothing_raised { minimalistic.save }
+ end
+ def test_write_attribute
+ topic = Topic.new
+ topic.send(:write_attribute, :title, "Still another topic")
+ assert_equal "Still another topic", topic.title
+ topic.send(:write_attribute, "title", "Still another topic: part 2")
+ assert_equal "Still another topic: part 2", topic.title
+ end
+ def test_read_attribute
+ topic = Topic.new
+ topic.title = "Don't change the topic"
+ assert_equal "Don't change the topic", topic.send(:read_attribute, "title")
+ assert_equal "Don't change the topic", topic["title"]
+ assert_equal "Don't change the topic", topic.send(:read_attribute, :title)
+ assert_equal "Don't change the topic", topic[:title]
+ end
+ def test_read_attribute_when_false
+ topic = topics(:first)
+ topic.approved = false
+ assert !topic.approved?, "approved should be false"
+ topic.approved = "false"
+ assert !topic.approved?, "approved should be false"
+ end
+ def test_read_attribute_when_true
+ topic = topics(:first)
+ topic.approved = true
+ assert topic.approved?, "approved should be true"
+ topic.approved = "true"
+ assert topic.approved?, "approved should be true"
+ end
+ def test_read_write_boolean_attribute
+ topic = Topic.new
+ # puts ""
+ # puts "New Topic"
+ # puts topic.inspect
+ topic.approved = "false"
+ # puts "Expecting false"
+ # puts topic.inspect
+ assert !topic.approved?, "approved should be false"
+ topic.approved = "false"
+ # puts "Expecting false"
+ # puts topic.inspect
+ assert !topic.approved?, "approved should be false"
+ topic.approved = "true"
+ # puts "Expecting true"
+ # puts topic.inspect
+ assert topic.approved?, "approved should be true"
+ topic.approved = "true"
+ # puts "Expecting true"
+ # puts topic.inspect
+ assert topic.approved?, "approved should be true"
+ # puts ""
+ end
+ def test_query_attribute_string
+ [nil, "", " "].each do |value|
+ assert_equal false, Topic.new(:author_name => value).author_name?
+ end
+ assert_equal true, Topic.new(:author_name => "Name").author_name?
+ end
+ def test_query_attribute_number
+ [nil, 0, "0"].each do |value|
+ assert_equal false, Developer.new(:salary => value).salary?
+ end
+ assert_equal true, Developer.new(:salary => 1).salary?
+ assert_equal true, Developer.new(:salary => "1").salary?
+ end
+ def test_query_attribute_boolean
+ [nil, "", false, "false", "f", 0].each do |value|
+ assert_equal false, Topic.new(:approved => value).approved?
+ end
+ [true, "true", "1", 1].each do |value|
+ assert_equal true, Topic.new(:approved => value).approved?
+ end
+ end
+ def test_query_attribute_with_custom_fields
+ object = Company.find_by_sql(<<-SQL).first
+ SELECT c1.*, c2.ruby_type as string_value, c2.rating as int_value
+ FROM companies c1, companies c2
+ WHERE c1.firm_id = c2.id
+ AND c1.id = 2
+ assert_equal "Firm", object.string_value
+ assert object.string_value?
+ object.string_value = " "
+ assert !object.string_value?
+ assert_equal 1, object.int_value.to_i
+ assert object.int_value?
+ object.int_value = "0"
+ assert !object.int_value?
+ end
+ def test_reader_for_invalid_column_names
+ Topic.send(:define_read_method, "mumub-jumbo".to_sym, "mumub-jumbo", nil)
+ assert !Topic.generated_methods.include?("mumub-jumbo")
+ end
+ def test_non_attribute_access_and_assignment
+ topic = Topic.new
+ assert !topic.respond_to?("mumbo")
+ assert_raises(NoMethodError) { topic.mumbo }
+ assert_raises(NoMethodError) { topic.mumbo = 5 }
+ end
+ def test_preserving_date_objects
+ # SQL Server doesn't have a separate column type just for dates, so all are returned as time
+ return true if current_adapter?(:SQLServerAdapter)
+ if current_adapter?(:SybaseAdapter, :OracleAdapter)
+ # Sybase ctlib does not (yet?) support the date type; use datetime instead.
+ # Oracle treats all dates/times as Time.
+ assert_kind_of(
+ Time, Topic.find(1).last_read,
+ "The last_read attribute should be of the Time class"
+ )
+ else
+ assert_kind_of(
+ Date, Topic.find(1).last_read,
+ "The last_read attribute should be of the Date class"
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ def test_preserving_time_objects
+ assert_kind_of(
+ Time, Topic.find(1).bonus_time,
+ "The bonus_time attribute should be of the Time class"
+ )
+ assert_kind_of(
+ Time, Topic.find(1).written_on,
+ "The written_on attribute should be of the Time class"
+ )
+ # For adapters which support microsecond resolution.
+ if current_adapter?(:PostgreSQLAdapter)
+ assert_equal 11, Topic.find(1).written_on.sec
+ assert_equal 223300, Topic.find(1).written_on.usec
+ assert_equal 9900, Topic.find(2).written_on.usec
+ end
+ end
+ def test_custom_mutator
+ topic = Topic.find(1)
+ # This mutator is protected in the class definition
+ topic.send(:approved=, true)
+ assert topic.instance_variable_get("@custom_approved")
+ end
+ def test_destroy
+ topic = Topic.find(1)
+ assert_equal topic, topic.destroy, 'topic.destroy did not return self'
+ assert topic.frozen?, 'topic not frozen after destroy'
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Topic.find(topic.id) }
+ end
+ def test_record_not_found_exception
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { topicReloaded = Topic.find(99999) }
+ end
+ def test_initialize_with_attributes
+ topic = Topic.new({
+ "title" => "initialized from attributes", "written_on" => "2003-12-12 23:23"
+ })
+ assert_equal("initialized from attributes", topic.title)
+ end
+ def test_initialize_with_invalid_attribute
+ begin
+ topic = Topic.new({ "title" => "test",
+ "last_read(1i)" => "2005", "last_read(2i)" => "2", "last_read(3i)" => "31"})
+ rescue ActiveRecord::MultiparameterAssignmentErrors => ex
+ assert_equal(1, ex.errors.size)
+ assert_equal("last_read", ex.errors[0].attribute)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_load
+ topics = Topic.find(:all, :order => 'id')
+ assert_equal(2, topics.size)
+ assert_equal(topics(:first).title, topics.first.title)
+ end
+ def test_load_with_condition
+ topics = Topic.find(:all, :conditions => "author_name = 'Mary'")
+ assert_equal(1, topics.size)
+ assert_equal(topics(:second).title, topics.first.title)
+ end
+ def test_table_name_guesses
+ classes = [Category, Smarts, CreditCard, CreditCard::PinNumber, CreditCard::PinNumber::CvvCode, CreditCard::SubPinNumber, CreditCard::Brand, MasterCreditCard]
+ assert_equal "topics", Topic.table_name
+ assert_equal "categories", Category.table_name
+ assert_equal "smarts", Smarts.table_name
+ assert_equal "credit_cards", CreditCard.table_name
+ assert_equal "credit_card_pin_numbers", CreditCard::PinNumber.table_name
+ assert_equal "credit_card_pin_number_cvv_codes", CreditCard::PinNumber::CvvCode.table_name
+ assert_equal "credit_card_pin_numbers", CreditCard::SubPinNumber.table_name
+ assert_equal "categories", CreditCard::Brand.table_name
+ assert_equal "master_credit_cards", MasterCreditCard.table_name
+ ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = false
+ classes.each(&:reset_table_name)
+ assert_equal "category", Category.table_name
+ assert_equal "smarts", Smarts.table_name
+ assert_equal "credit_card", CreditCard.table_name
+ assert_equal "credit_card_pin_number", CreditCard::PinNumber.table_name
+ assert_equal "credit_card_pin_number_cvv_code", CreditCard::PinNumber::CvvCode.table_name
+ assert_equal "credit_card_pin_number", CreditCard::SubPinNumber.table_name
+ assert_equal "category", CreditCard::Brand.table_name
+ assert_equal "master_credit_card", MasterCreditCard.table_name
+ ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = true
+ classes.each(&:reset_table_name)
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = "test_"
+ Category.reset_table_name
+ assert_equal "test_categories", Category.table_name
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = "_test"
+ Category.reset_table_name
+ assert_equal "test_categories_test", Category.table_name
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = ""
+ Category.reset_table_name
+ assert_equal "categories_test", Category.table_name
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = ""
+ Category.reset_table_name
+ assert_equal "categories", Category.table_name
+ ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = false
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = "test_"
+ Category.reset_table_name
+ assert_equal "test_category", Category.table_name
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = "_test"
+ Category.reset_table_name
+ assert_equal "test_category_test", Category.table_name
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = ""
+ Category.reset_table_name
+ assert_equal "category_test", Category.table_name
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = ""
+ Category.reset_table_name
+ assert_equal "category", Category.table_name
+ ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = true
+ classes.each(&:reset_table_name)
+ end
+ def test_destroy_all
+ assert_equal 2, Topic.count
+ Topic.destroy_all "author_name = 'Mary'"
+ assert_equal 1, Topic.count
+ end
+ def test_destroy_many
+ assert_equal 3, Client.count
+ Client.destroy([2, 3])
+ assert_equal 1, Client.count
+ end
+ def test_delete_many
+ Topic.delete([1, 2])
+ assert_equal 0, Topic.count
+ end
+ def test_boolean_attributes
+ assert ! Topic.find(1).approved?
+ assert Topic.find(2).approved?
+ end
+ def test_increment_counter
+ Topic.increment_counter("replies_count", 1)
+ assert_equal 2, Topic.find(1).replies_count
+ Topic.increment_counter("replies_count", 1)
+ assert_equal 3, Topic.find(1).replies_count
+ end
+ def test_decrement_counter
+ Topic.decrement_counter("replies_count", 2)
+ assert_equal -1, Topic.find(2).replies_count
+ Topic.decrement_counter("replies_count", 2)
+ assert_equal -2, Topic.find(2).replies_count
+ end
+ def test_update_all
+ assert_equal 2, Topic.update_all("content = 'bulk updated!'")
+ assert_equal "bulk updated!", Topic.find(1).content
+ assert_equal "bulk updated!", Topic.find(2).content
+ assert_equal 2, Topic.update_all(['content = ?', 'bulk updated again!'])
+ assert_equal "bulk updated again!", Topic.find(1).content
+ assert_equal "bulk updated again!", Topic.find(2).content
+ assert_equal 2, Topic.update_all(['content = ?', nil])
+ assert_nil Topic.find(1).content
+ end
+ def test_update_all_with_hash
+ assert_not_nil Topic.find(1).last_read
+ assert_equal 2, Topic.update_all(:content => 'bulk updated with hash!', :last_read => nil)
+ assert_equal "bulk updated with hash!", Topic.find(1).content
+ assert_equal "bulk updated with hash!", Topic.find(2).content
+ assert_nil Topic.find(1).last_read
+ assert_nil Topic.find(2).last_read
+ end
+ def test_update_all_with_non_standard_table_name
+ assert_equal 1, WarehouseThing.update_all(['value = ?', 0], ['id = ?', 1])
+ assert_equal 0, WarehouseThing.find(1).value
+ end
+ if current_adapter?(:MysqlAdapter)
+ def test_update_all_with_order_and_limit
+ assert_equal 1, Topic.update_all("content = 'bulk updated!'", nil, :limit => 1, :order => 'id DESC')
+ end
+ end
+ def test_update_all_ignores_order_limit_from_association
+ author = Author.find(1)
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ assert_equal author.posts_with_comments_and_categories.length, author.posts_with_comments_and_categories.update_all("body = 'bulk update!'")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_update_many
+ topic_data = { 1 => { "content" => "1 updated" }, 2 => { "content" => "2 updated" } }
+ updated = Topic.update(topic_data.keys, topic_data.values)
+ assert_equal 2, updated.size
+ assert_equal "1 updated", Topic.find(1).content
+ assert_equal "2 updated", Topic.find(2).content
+ end
+ def test_delete_all
+ assert_equal 2, Topic.delete_all
+ end
+ def test_update_by_condition
+ Topic.update_all "content = 'bulk updated!'", ["approved = ?", true]
+ assert_equal "Have a nice day", Topic.find(1).content
+ assert_equal "bulk updated!", Topic.find(2).content
+ end
+ def test_attribute_present
+ t = Topic.new
+ t.title = "hello there!"
+ t.written_on = Time.now
+ assert t.attribute_present?("title")
+ assert t.attribute_present?("written_on")
+ assert !t.attribute_present?("content")
+ end
+ def test_attribute_keys_on_new_instance
+ t = Topic.new
+ assert_equal nil, t.title, "The topics table has a title column, so it should be nil"
+ assert_raise(NoMethodError) { t.title2 }
+ end
+ def test_class_name
+ assert_equal "Firm", ActiveRecord::Base.class_name("firms")
+ assert_equal "Category", ActiveRecord::Base.class_name("categories")
+ assert_equal "AccountHolder", ActiveRecord::Base.class_name("account_holder")
+ ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = false
+ assert_equal "Firms", ActiveRecord::Base.class_name( "firms" )
+ ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = true
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = "test_"
+ assert_equal "Firm", ActiveRecord::Base.class_name( "test_firms" )
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = "_tests"
+ assert_equal "Firm", ActiveRecord::Base.class_name( "test_firms_tests" )
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = ""
+ assert_equal "Firm", ActiveRecord::Base.class_name( "firms_tests" )
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = ""
+ assert_equal "Firm", ActiveRecord::Base.class_name( "firms" )
+ end
+ def test_null_fields
+ assert_nil Topic.find(1).parent_id
+ assert_nil Topic.create("title" => "Hey you").parent_id
+ end
+ def test_default_values
+ topic = Topic.new
+ assert topic.approved?
+ assert_nil topic.written_on
+ assert_nil topic.bonus_time
+ assert_nil topic.last_read
+ topic.save
+ topic = Topic.find(topic.id)
+ assert topic.approved?
+ assert_nil topic.last_read
+ # Oracle has some funky default handling, so it requires a bit of
+ # extra testing. See ticket #2788.
+ if current_adapter?(:OracleAdapter)
+ test = TestOracleDefault.new
+ assert_equal "X", test.test_char
+ assert_equal "hello", test.test_string
+ assert_equal 3, test.test_int
+ end
+ end
+ # Oracle, SQLServer, and Sybase do not have a TIME datatype.
+ unless current_adapter?(:SQLServerAdapter, :OracleAdapter, :SybaseAdapter)
+ def test_utc_as_time_zone
+ Topic.default_timezone = :utc
+ attributes = { "bonus_time" => "5:42:00AM" }
+ topic = Topic.find(1)
+ topic.attributes = attributes
+ assert_equal Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 5, 42, 0), topic.bonus_time
+ Topic.default_timezone = :local
+ end
+ def test_utc_as_time_zone_and_new
+ Topic.default_timezone = :utc
+ attributes = { "bonus_time(1i)"=>"2000",
+ "bonus_time(2i)"=>"1",
+ "bonus_time(3i)"=>"1",
+ "bonus_time(4i)"=>"10",
+ "bonus_time(5i)"=>"35",
+ "bonus_time(6i)"=>"50" }
+ topic = Topic.new(attributes)
+ assert_equal Time.utc(2000, 1, 1, 10, 35, 50), topic.bonus_time
+ Topic.default_timezone = :local
+ end
+ end
+ def test_default_values_on_empty_strings
+ topic = Topic.new
+ topic.approved = nil
+ topic.last_read = nil
+ topic.save
+ topic = Topic.find(topic.id)
+ assert_nil topic.last_read
+ # Sybase adapter does not allow nulls in boolean columns
+ if current_adapter?(:SybaseAdapter)
+ assert topic.approved == false
+ else
+ assert_nil topic.approved
+ end
+ end
+ def test_equality
+ assert_equal Topic.find(1), Topic.find(2).topic
+ end
+ def test_equality_of_new_records
+ assert_not_equal Topic.new, Topic.new
+ end
+ def test_hashing
+ assert_equal [ Topic.find(1) ], [ Topic.find(2).topic ] & [ Topic.find(1) ]
+ end
+ def test_destroy_new_record
+ client = Client.new
+ client.destroy
+ assert client.frozen?
+ end
+ def test_destroy_record_with_associations
+ client = Client.find(3)
+ client.destroy
+ assert client.frozen?
+ assert_kind_of Firm, client.firm
+ assert_raises(ActiveSupport::FrozenObjectError) { client.name = "something else" }
+ end
+ def test_update_attribute
+ assert !Topic.find(1).approved?
+ Topic.find(1).update_attribute("approved", true)
+ assert Topic.find(1).approved?
+ Topic.find(1).update_attribute(:approved, false)
+ assert !Topic.find(1).approved?
+ end
+ def test_update_attributes
+ topic = Topic.find(1)
+ assert !topic.approved?
+ assert_equal "The First Topic", topic.title
+ topic.update_attributes("approved" => true, "title" => "The First Topic Updated")
+ topic.reload
+ assert topic.approved?
+ assert_equal "The First Topic Updated", topic.title
+ topic.update_attributes(:approved => false, :title => "The First Topic")
+ topic.reload
+ assert !topic.approved?
+ assert_equal "The First Topic", topic.title
+ end
+ def test_update_attributes!
+ reply = Reply.find(2)
+ assert_equal "The Second Topic's of the day", reply.title
+ assert_equal "Have a nice day", reply.content
+ reply.update_attributes!("title" => "The Second Topic's of the day updated", "content" => "Have a nice evening")
+ reply.reload
+ assert_equal "The Second Topic's of the day updated", reply.title
+ assert_equal "Have a nice evening", reply.content
+ reply.update_attributes!(:title => "The Second Topic's of the day", :content => "Have a nice day")
+ reply.reload
+ assert_equal "The Second Topic's of the day", reply.title
+ assert_equal "Have a nice day", reply.content
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { reply.update_attributes!(:title => nil, :content => "Have a nice evening") }
+ end
+ def test_mass_assignment_should_raise_exception_if_accessible_and_protected_attribute_writers_are_both_used
+ topic = TopicWithProtectedContentAndAccessibleAuthorName.new
+ assert_raises(RuntimeError) { topic.attributes = { "author_name" => "me" } }
+ assert_raises(RuntimeError) { topic.attributes = { "content" => "stuff" } }
+ end
+ def test_mass_assignment_protection
+ firm = Firm.new
+ firm.attributes = { "name" => "Next Angle", "rating" => 5 }
+ assert_equal 1, firm.rating
+ end
+ def test_mass_assignment_protection_against_class_attribute_writers
+ [:logger, :configurations, :primary_key_prefix_type, :table_name_prefix, :table_name_suffix, :pluralize_table_names, :colorize_logging,
+ :default_timezone, :allow_concurrency, :schema_format, :verification_timeout, :lock_optimistically, :record_timestamps].each do |method|
+ assert Task.respond_to?(method)
+ assert Task.respond_to?("#{method}=")
+ assert Task.new.respond_to?(method)
+ assert !Task.new.respond_to?("#{method}=")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_customized_primary_key_remains_protected
+ subscriber = Subscriber.new(:nick => 'webster123', :name => 'nice try')
+ assert_nil subscriber.id
+ keyboard = Keyboard.new(:key_number => 9, :name => 'nice try')
+ assert_nil keyboard.id
+ end
+ def test_customized_primary_key_remains_protected_when_referred_to_as_id
+ subscriber = Subscriber.new(:id => 'webster123', :name => 'nice try')
+ assert_nil subscriber.id
+ keyboard = Keyboard.new(:id => 9, :name => 'nice try')
+ assert_nil keyboard.id
+ end
+ def test_mass_assignment_protection_on_defaults
+ firm = Firm.new
+ firm.attributes = { "id" => 5, "type" => "Client" }
+ assert_nil firm.id
+ assert_equal "Firm", firm[:type]
+ end
+ def test_mass_assignment_accessible
+ reply = Reply.new("title" => "hello", "content" => "world", "approved" => true)
+ reply.save
+ assert reply.approved?
+ reply.approved = false
+ reply.save
+ assert !reply.approved?
+ end
+ def test_mass_assignment_protection_inheritance
+ assert_nil LoosePerson.accessible_attributes
+ assert_equal Set.new([ 'credit_rating', 'administrator' ]), LoosePerson.protected_attributes
+ assert_nil LooseDescendant.accessible_attributes
+ assert_equal Set.new([ 'credit_rating', 'administrator', 'phone_number' ]), LooseDescendant.protected_attributes
+ assert_nil LooseDescendantSecond.accessible_attributes
+ assert_equal Set.new([ 'credit_rating', 'administrator', 'phone_number', 'name' ]), LooseDescendantSecond.protected_attributes, 'Running attr_protected twice in one class should merge the protections'
+ assert_nil TightPerson.protected_attributes
+ assert_equal Set.new([ 'name', 'address' ]), TightPerson.accessible_attributes
+ assert_nil TightDescendant.protected_attributes
+ assert_equal Set.new([ 'name', 'address', 'phone_number' ]), TightDescendant.accessible_attributes
+ end
+ def test_readonly_attributes
+ assert_equal Set.new([ 'title' ]), ReadonlyTitlePost.readonly_attributes
+ post = ReadonlyTitlePost.create(:title => "cannot change this", :body => "changeable")
+ post.reload
+ assert_equal "cannot change this", post.title
+ post.update_attributes(:title => "try to change", :body => "changed")
+ post.reload
+ assert_equal "cannot change this", post.title
+ assert_equal "changed", post.body
+ end
+ def test_multiparameter_attributes_on_date
+ attributes = { "last_read(1i)" => "2004", "last_read(2i)" => "6", "last_read(3i)" => "24" }
+ topic = Topic.find(1)
+ topic.attributes = attributes
+ # note that extra #to_date call allows test to pass for Oracle, which
+ # treats dates/times the same
+ assert_date_from_db Date.new(2004, 6, 24), topic.last_read.to_date
+ end
+ def test_multiparameter_attributes_on_date_with_empty_date
+ attributes = { "last_read(1i)" => "2004", "last_read(2i)" => "6", "last_read(3i)" => "" }
+ topic = Topic.find(1)
+ topic.attributes = attributes
+ # note that extra #to_date call allows test to pass for Oracle, which
+ # treats dates/times the same
+ assert_date_from_db Date.new(2004, 6, 1), topic.last_read.to_date
+ end
+ def test_multiparameter_attributes_on_date_with_all_empty
+ attributes = { "last_read(1i)" => "", "last_read(2i)" => "", "last_read(3i)" => "" }
+ topic = Topic.find(1)
+ topic.attributes = attributes
+ assert_nil topic.last_read
+ end
+ def test_multiparameter_attributes_on_time
+ attributes = {
+ "written_on(1i)" => "2004", "written_on(2i)" => "6", "written_on(3i)" => "24",
+ "written_on(4i)" => "16", "written_on(5i)" => "24", "written_on(6i)" => "00"
+ }
+ topic = Topic.find(1)
+ topic.attributes = attributes
+ assert_equal Time.local(2004, 6, 24, 16, 24, 0), topic.written_on
+ end
+ def test_multiparameter_attributes_on_time_with_empty_seconds
+ attributes = {
+ "written_on(1i)" => "2004", "written_on(2i)" => "6", "written_on(3i)" => "24",
+ "written_on(4i)" => "16", "written_on(5i)" => "24", "written_on(6i)" => ""
+ }
+ topic = Topic.find(1)
+ topic.attributes = attributes
+ assert_equal Time.local(2004, 6, 24, 16, 24, 0), topic.written_on
+ end
+ def test_multiparameter_mass_assignment_protector
+ task = Task.new
+ time = Time.mktime(2000, 1, 1, 1)
+ task.starting = time
+ attributes = { "starting(1i)" => "2004", "starting(2i)" => "6", "starting(3i)" => "24" }
+ task.attributes = attributes
+ assert_equal time, task.starting
+ end
+ def test_multiparameter_assignment_of_aggregation
+ customer = Customer.new
+ address = Address.new("The Street", "The City", "The Country")
+ attributes = { "address(1)" => address.street, "address(2)" => address.city, "address(3)" => address.country }
+ customer.attributes = attributes
+ assert_equal address, customer.address
+ end
+ def test_attributes_on_dummy_time
+ # Oracle, SQL Server, and Sybase do not have a TIME datatype.
+ return true if current_adapter?(:SQLServerAdapter, :OracleAdapter, :SybaseAdapter)
+ attributes = {
+ "bonus_time" => "5:42:00AM"
+ }
+ topic = Topic.find(1)
+ topic.attributes = attributes
+ assert_equal Time.local(2000, 1, 1, 5, 42, 0), topic.bonus_time
+ end
+ def test_boolean
+ b_false = Booleantest.create({ "value" => false })
+ false_id = b_false.id
+ b_true = Booleantest.create({ "value" => true })
+ true_id = b_true.id
+ b_false = Booleantest.find(false_id)
+ assert !b_false.value?
+ b_true = Booleantest.find(true_id)
+ assert b_true.value?
+ end
+ def test_boolean_cast_from_string
+ b_false = Booleantest.create({ "value" => "0" })
+ false_id = b_false.id
+ b_true = Booleantest.create({ "value" => "1" })
+ true_id = b_true.id
+ b_false = Booleantest.find(false_id)
+ assert !b_false.value?
+ b_true = Booleantest.find(true_id)
+ assert b_true.value?
+ end
+ def test_clone
+ topic = Topic.find(1)
+ cloned_topic = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised { cloned_topic = topic.clone }
+ assert_equal topic.title, cloned_topic.title
+ assert cloned_topic.new_record?
+ # test if the attributes have been cloned
+ topic.title = "a"
+ cloned_topic.title = "b"
+ assert_equal "a", topic.title
+ assert_equal "b", cloned_topic.title
+ # test if the attribute values have been cloned
+ topic.title = {"a" => "b"}
+ cloned_topic = topic.clone
+ cloned_topic.title["a"] = "c"
+ assert_equal "b", topic.title["a"]
+ #test if attributes set as part of after_initialize are cloned correctly
+ assert_equal topic.author_email_address, cloned_topic.author_email_address
+ # test if saved clone object differs from original
+ cloned_topic.save
+ assert !cloned_topic.new_record?
+ assert cloned_topic.id != topic.id
+ end
+ def test_clone_with_aggregate_of_same_name_as_attribute
+ dev = DeveloperWithAggregate.find(1)
+ assert_kind_of DeveloperSalary, dev.salary
+ clone = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised { clone = dev.clone }
+ assert_kind_of DeveloperSalary, clone.salary
+ assert_equal dev.salary.amount, clone.salary.amount
+ assert clone.new_record?
+ # test if the attributes have been cloned
+ original_amount = clone.salary.amount
+ dev.salary.amount = 1
+ assert_equal original_amount, clone.salary.amount
+ assert clone.save
+ assert !clone.new_record?
+ assert clone.id != dev.id
+ end
+ def test_clone_preserves_subtype
+ clone = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised { clone = Company.find(3).clone }
+ assert_kind_of Client, clone
+ end
+ def test_bignum
+ company = Company.find(1)
+ company.rating = 2147483647
+ company.save
+ company = Company.find(1)
+ assert_equal 2147483647, company.rating
+ end
+ # TODO: extend defaults tests to other databases!
+ if current_adapter?(:PostgreSQLAdapter)
+ def test_default
+ default = Default.new
+ # fixed dates / times
+ assert_equal Date.new(2004, 1, 1), default.fixed_date
+ assert_equal Time.local(2004, 1,1,0,0,0,0), default.fixed_time
+ # char types
+ assert_equal 'Y', default.char1
+ assert_equal 'a varchar field', default.char2
+ assert_equal 'a text field', default.char3
+ end
+ class Geometric < ActiveRecord::Base; end
+ def test_geometric_content
+ # accepted format notes:
+ # ()'s aren't required
+ # values can be a mix of float or integer
+ g = Geometric.new(
+ :a_point => '(5.0, 6.1)',
+ #:a_line => '((2.0, 3), (5.5, 7.0))' # line type is currently unsupported in postgresql
+ :a_line_segment => '(2.0, 3), (5.5, 7.0)',
+ :a_box => '2.0, 3, 5.5, 7.0',
+ :a_path => '[(2.0, 3), (5.5, 7.0), (8.5, 11.0)]', # [ ] is an open path
+ :a_polygon => '((2.0, 3), (5.5, 7.0), (8.5, 11.0))',
+ :a_circle => '<(5.3, 10.4), 2>'
+ )
+ assert g.save
+ # Reload and check that we have all the geometric attributes.
+ h = Geometric.find(g.id)
+ assert_equal '(5,6.1)', h.a_point
+ assert_equal '[(2,3),(5.5,7)]', h.a_line_segment
+ assert_equal '(5.5,7),(2,3)', h.a_box # reordered to store upper right corner then bottom left corner
+ assert_equal '[(2,3),(5.5,7),(8.5,11)]', h.a_path
+ assert_equal '((2,3),(5.5,7),(8.5,11))', h.a_polygon
+ assert_equal '<(5.3,10.4),2>', h.a_circle
+ # use a geometric function to test for an open path
+ objs = Geometric.find_by_sql ["select isopen(a_path) from geometrics where id = ?", g.id]
+ assert_equal objs[0].isopen, 't'
+ # test alternate formats when defining the geometric types
+ g = Geometric.new(
+ :a_point => '5.0, 6.1',
+ #:a_line => '((2.0, 3), (5.5, 7.0))' # line type is currently unsupported in postgresql
+ :a_line_segment => '((2.0, 3), (5.5, 7.0))',
+ :a_box => '(2.0, 3), (5.5, 7.0)',
+ :a_path => '((2.0, 3), (5.5, 7.0), (8.5, 11.0))', # ( ) is a closed path
+ :a_polygon => '2.0, 3, 5.5, 7.0, 8.5, 11.0',
+ :a_circle => '((5.3, 10.4), 2)'
+ )
+ assert g.save
+ # Reload and check that we have all the geometric attributes.
+ h = Geometric.find(g.id)
+ assert_equal '(5,6.1)', h.a_point
+ assert_equal '[(2,3),(5.5,7)]', h.a_line_segment
+ assert_equal '(5.5,7),(2,3)', h.a_box # reordered to store upper right corner then bottom left corner
+ assert_equal '((2,3),(5.5,7),(8.5,11))', h.a_path
+ assert_equal '((2,3),(5.5,7),(8.5,11))', h.a_polygon
+ assert_equal '<(5.3,10.4),2>', h.a_circle
+ # use a geometric function to test for an closed path
+ objs = Geometric.find_by_sql ["select isclosed(a_path) from geometrics where id = ?", g.id]
+ assert_equal objs[0].isclosed, 't'
+ end
+ end
+ class NumericData < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = 'numeric_data'
+ end
+ def test_numeric_fields
+ m = NumericData.new(
+ :bank_balance => 1586.43,
+ :big_bank_balance => BigDecimal("1000234000567.95"),
+ :world_population => 6000000000,
+ :my_house_population => 3
+ )
+ assert m.save
+ m1 = NumericData.find(m.id)
+ assert_not_nil m1
+ # As with migration_test.rb, we should make world_population >= 2**62
+ # to cover 64-bit platforms and test it is a Bignum, but the main thing
+ # is that it's an Integer.
+ assert_kind_of Integer, m1.world_population
+ assert_equal 6000000000, m1.world_population
+ assert_kind_of Fixnum, m1.my_house_population
+ assert_equal 3, m1.my_house_population
+ assert_kind_of BigDecimal, m1.bank_balance
+ assert_equal BigDecimal("1586.43"), m1.bank_balance
+ assert_kind_of BigDecimal, m1.big_bank_balance
+ assert_equal BigDecimal("1000234000567.95"), m1.big_bank_balance
+ end
+ def test_auto_id
+ auto = AutoId.new
+ auto.save
+ assert (auto.id > 0)
+ end
+ def quote_column_name(name)
+ "<#{name}>"
+ end
+ def test_quote_keys
+ ar = AutoId.new
+ source = {"foo" => "bar", "baz" => "quux"}
+ actual = ar.send(:quote_columns, self, source)
+ inverted = actual.invert
+ assert_equal("<foo>", inverted["bar"])
+ assert_equal("<baz>", inverted["quux"])
+ end
+ def test_sql_injection_via_find
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) do
+ Topic.find("123456 OR id > 0")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_column_name_properly_quoted
+ col_record = ColumnName.new
+ col_record.references = 40
+ assert col_record.save
+ col_record.references = 41
+ assert col_record.save
+ assert_not_nil c2 = ColumnName.find(col_record.id)
+ assert_equal(41, c2.references)
+ end
+ def test_quoting_arrays
+ replies = Reply.find(:all, :conditions => [ "id IN (?)", topics(:first).replies.collect(&:id) ])
+ assert_equal topics(:first).replies.size, replies.size
+ replies = Reply.find(:all, :conditions => [ "id IN (?)", [] ])
+ assert_equal 0, replies.size
+ end
+ MyObject = Struct.new :attribute1, :attribute2
+ def test_serialized_attribute
+ myobj = MyObject.new('value1', 'value2')
+ topic = Topic.create("content" => myobj)
+ Topic.serialize("content", MyObject)
+ assert_equal(myobj, topic.content)
+ end
+ def test_nil_serialized_attribute_with_class_constraint
+ myobj = MyObject.new('value1', 'value2')
+ topic = Topic.new
+ assert_nil topic.content
+ end
+ def test_should_raise_exception_on_serialized_attribute_with_type_mismatch
+ myobj = MyObject.new('value1', 'value2')
+ topic = Topic.new(:content => myobj)
+ assert topic.save
+ Topic.serialize(:content, Hash)
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::SerializationTypeMismatch) { Topic.find(topic.id).content }
+ ensure
+ Topic.serialize(:content)
+ end
+ def test_serialized_attribute_with_class_constraint
+ settings = { "color" => "blue" }
+ Topic.serialize(:content, Hash)
+ topic = Topic.new(:content => settings)
+ assert topic.save
+ assert_equal(settings, Topic.find(topic.id).content)
+ ensure
+ Topic.serialize(:content)
+ end
+ def test_quote
+ author_name = "\\ \001 ' \n \\n \""
+ topic = Topic.create('author_name' => author_name)
+ assert_equal author_name, Topic.find(topic.id).author_name
+ end
+ if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
+ def test_quote_chars
+ str = 'The Narrator'
+ topic = Topic.create(:author_name => str)
+ assert_equal str, topic.author_name
+ assert_kind_of ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars, str.chars
+ topic = Topic.find_by_author_name(str.chars)
+ assert_kind_of Topic, topic
+ assert_equal str, topic.author_name, "The right topic should have been found by name even with name passed as Chars"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_class_level_destroy
+ should_be_destroyed_reply = Reply.create("title" => "hello", "content" => "world")
+ Topic.find(1).replies << should_be_destroyed_reply
+ Topic.destroy(1)
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Topic.find(1) }
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Reply.find(should_be_destroyed_reply.id) }
+ end
+ def test_class_level_delete
+ should_be_destroyed_reply = Reply.create("title" => "hello", "content" => "world")
+ Topic.find(1).replies << should_be_destroyed_reply
+ Topic.delete(1)
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Topic.find(1) }
+ assert_nothing_raised { Reply.find(should_be_destroyed_reply.id) }
+ end
+ def test_increment_attribute
+ assert_equal 50, accounts(:signals37).credit_limit
+ accounts(:signals37).increment! :credit_limit
+ assert_equal 51, accounts(:signals37, :reload).credit_limit
+ accounts(:signals37).increment(:credit_limit).increment!(:credit_limit)
+ assert_equal 53, accounts(:signals37, :reload).credit_limit
+ end
+ def test_increment_nil_attribute
+ assert_nil topics(:first).parent_id
+ topics(:first).increment! :parent_id
+ assert_equal 1, topics(:first).parent_id
+ end
+ def test_increment_attribute_by
+ assert_equal 50, accounts(:signals37).credit_limit
+ accounts(:signals37).increment! :credit_limit, 5
+ assert_equal 55, accounts(:signals37, :reload).credit_limit
+ accounts(:signals37).increment(:credit_limit, 1).increment!(:credit_limit, 3)
+ assert_equal 59, accounts(:signals37, :reload).credit_limit
+ end
+ def test_decrement_attribute
+ assert_equal 50, accounts(:signals37).credit_limit
+ accounts(:signals37).decrement!(:credit_limit)
+ assert_equal 49, accounts(:signals37, :reload).credit_limit
+ accounts(:signals37).decrement(:credit_limit).decrement!(:credit_limit)
+ assert_equal 47, accounts(:signals37, :reload).credit_limit
+ end
+ def test_decrement_attribute_by
+ assert_equal 50, accounts(:signals37).credit_limit
+ accounts(:signals37).decrement! :credit_limit, 5
+ assert_equal 45, accounts(:signals37, :reload).credit_limit
+ accounts(:signals37).decrement(:credit_limit, 1).decrement!(:credit_limit, 3)
+ assert_equal 41, accounts(:signals37, :reload).credit_limit
+ end
+ def test_toggle_attribute
+ assert !topics(:first).approved?
+ topics(:first).toggle!(:approved)
+ assert topics(:first).approved?
+ topic = topics(:first)
+ topic.toggle(:approved)
+ assert !topic.approved?
+ topic.reload
+ assert topic.approved?
+ end
+ def test_reload
+ t1 = Topic.find(1)
+ t2 = Topic.find(1)
+ t1.title = "something else"
+ t1.save
+ t2.reload
+ assert_equal t1.title, t2.title
+ end
+ def test_define_attr_method_with_value
+ k = Class.new( ActiveRecord::Base )
+ k.send(:define_attr_method, :table_name, "foo")
+ assert_equal "foo", k.table_name
+ end
+ def test_define_attr_method_with_block
+ k = Class.new( ActiveRecord::Base )
+ k.send(:define_attr_method, :primary_key) { "sys_" + original_primary_key }
+ assert_equal "sys_id", k.primary_key
+ end
+ def test_set_table_name_with_value
+ k = Class.new( ActiveRecord::Base )
+ k.table_name = "foo"
+ assert_equal "foo", k.table_name
+ k.set_table_name "bar"
+ assert_equal "bar", k.table_name
+ end
+ def test_set_table_name_with_block
+ k = Class.new( ActiveRecord::Base )
+ k.set_table_name { "ks" }
+ assert_equal "ks", k.table_name
+ end
+ def test_set_primary_key_with_value
+ k = Class.new( ActiveRecord::Base )
+ k.primary_key = "foo"
+ assert_equal "foo", k.primary_key
+ k.set_primary_key "bar"
+ assert_equal "bar", k.primary_key
+ end
+ def test_set_primary_key_with_block
+ k = Class.new( ActiveRecord::Base )
+ k.set_primary_key { "sys_" + original_primary_key }
+ assert_equal "sys_id", k.primary_key
+ end
+ def test_set_inheritance_column_with_value
+ k = Class.new( ActiveRecord::Base )
+ k.inheritance_column = "foo"
+ assert_equal "foo", k.inheritance_column
+ k.set_inheritance_column "bar"
+ assert_equal "bar", k.inheritance_column
+ end
+ def test_set_inheritance_column_with_block
+ k = Class.new( ActiveRecord::Base )
+ k.set_inheritance_column { original_inheritance_column + "_id" }
+ assert_equal "type_id", k.inheritance_column
+ end
+ def test_count_with_join
+ res = Post.count_by_sql "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM posts LEFT JOIN comments ON posts.id=comments.post_id WHERE posts.#{QUOTED_TYPE} = 'Post'"
+ res2 = Post.count(:conditions => "posts.#{QUOTED_TYPE} = 'Post'", :joins => "LEFT JOIN comments ON posts.id=comments.post_id")
+ assert_equal res, res2
+ res3 = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ res3 = Post.count(:conditions => "posts.#{QUOTED_TYPE} = 'Post'",
+ :joins => "LEFT JOIN comments ON posts.id=comments.post_id")
+ end
+ assert_equal res, res3
+ res4 = Post.count_by_sql "SELECT COUNT(p.id) FROM posts p, comments co WHERE p.#{QUOTED_TYPE} = 'Post' AND p.id=co.post_id"
+ res5 = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ res5 = Post.count(:conditions => "p.#{QUOTED_TYPE} = 'Post' AND p.id=co.post_id",
+ :joins => "p, comments co",
+ :select => "p.id")
+ end
+ assert_equal res4, res5
+ unless current_adapter?(:SQLite2Adapter, :DeprecatedSQLiteAdapter)
+ res6 = Post.count_by_sql "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT p.id) FROM posts p, comments co WHERE p.#{QUOTED_TYPE} = 'Post' AND p.id=co.post_id"
+ res7 = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ res7 = Post.count(:conditions => "p.#{QUOTED_TYPE} = 'Post' AND p.id=co.post_id",
+ :joins => "p, comments co",
+ :select => "p.id",
+ :distinct => true)
+ end
+ assert_equal res6, res7
+ end
+ end
+ def test_clear_association_cache_stored
+ firm = Firm.find(1)
+ assert_kind_of Firm, firm
+ firm.clear_association_cache
+ assert_equal Firm.find(1).clients.collect{ |x| x.name }.sort, firm.clients.collect{ |x| x.name }.sort
+ end
+ def test_clear_association_cache_new_record
+ firm = Firm.new
+ client_stored = Client.find(3)
+ client_new = Client.new
+ client_new.name = "The Joneses"
+ clients = [ client_stored, client_new ]
+ firm.clients << clients
+ assert_equal clients.map(&:name).to_set, firm.clients.map(&:name).to_set
+ firm.clear_association_cache
+ assert_equal clients.map(&:name).to_set, firm.clients.map(&:name).to_set
+ end
+ def test_interpolate_sql
+ assert_nothing_raised { Category.new.send(:interpolate_sql, 'foo@bar') }
+ assert_nothing_raised { Category.new.send(:interpolate_sql, 'foo bar) baz') }
+ assert_nothing_raised { Category.new.send(:interpolate_sql, 'foo bar} baz') }
+ end
+ def test_scoped_find_conditions
+ scoped_developers = Developer.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => 'salary > 90000' }) do
+ Developer.find(:all, :conditions => 'id < 5')
+ end
+ assert !scoped_developers.include?(developers(:david)) # David's salary is less than 90,000
+ assert_equal 3, scoped_developers.size
+ end
+ def test_scoped_find_limit_offset
+ scoped_developers = Developer.with_scope(:find => { :limit => 3, :offset => 2 }) do
+ Developer.find(:all, :order => 'id')
+ end
+ assert !scoped_developers.include?(developers(:david))
+ assert !scoped_developers.include?(developers(:jamis))
+ assert_equal 3, scoped_developers.size
+ # Test without scoped find conditions to ensure we get the whole thing
+ developers = Developer.find(:all, :order => 'id')
+ assert_equal Developer.count, developers.size
+ end
+ def test_scoped_find_order
+ # Test order in scope
+ scoped_developers = Developer.with_scope(:find => { :limit => 1, :order => 'salary DESC' }) do
+ Developer.find(:all)
+ end
+ assert_equal 'Jamis', scoped_developers.first.name
+ assert scoped_developers.include?(developers(:jamis))
+ # Test scope without order and order in find
+ scoped_developers = Developer.with_scope(:find => { :limit => 1 }) do
+ Developer.find(:all, :order => 'salary DESC')
+ end
+ # Test scope order + find order, find has priority
+ scoped_developers = Developer.with_scope(:find => { :limit => 3, :order => 'id DESC' }) do
+ Developer.find(:all, :order => 'salary ASC')
+ end
+ assert scoped_developers.include?(developers(:poor_jamis))
+ assert scoped_developers.include?(developers(:david))
+ assert scoped_developers.include?(developers(:dev_10))
+ # Test without scoped find conditions to ensure we get the right thing
+ developers = Developer.find(:all, :order => 'id', :limit => 1)
+ assert scoped_developers.include?(developers(:david))
+ end
+ def test_scoped_find_limit_offset_including_has_many_association
+ topics = Topic.with_scope(:find => {:limit => 1, :offset => 1, :include => :replies}) do
+ Topic.find(:all, :order => "topics.id")
+ end
+ assert_equal 1, topics.size
+ assert_equal 2, topics.first.id
+ end
+ def test_scoped_find_order_including_has_many_association
+ developers = Developer.with_scope(:find => { :order => 'developers.salary DESC', :include => :projects }) do
+ Developer.find(:all)
+ end
+ assert developers.size >= 2
+ for i in 1...developers.size
+ assert developers[i-1].salary >= developers[i].salary
+ end
+ end
+ def test_abstract_class
+ assert !ActiveRecord::Base.abstract_class?
+ assert LoosePerson.abstract_class?
+ assert !LooseDescendant.abstract_class?
+ end
+ def test_base_class
+ assert_equal LoosePerson, LoosePerson.base_class
+ assert_equal LooseDescendant, LooseDescendant.base_class
+ assert_equal TightPerson, TightPerson.base_class
+ assert_equal TightPerson, TightDescendant.base_class
+ assert_equal Post, Post.base_class
+ assert_equal Post, SpecialPost.base_class
+ assert_equal Post, StiPost.base_class
+ assert_equal SubStiPost, SubStiPost.base_class
+ end
+ def test_descends_from_active_record
+ # Tries to call Object.abstract_class?
+ assert_raise(NoMethodError) do
+ ActiveRecord::Base.descends_from_active_record?
+ end
+ # Abstract subclass of AR::Base.
+ assert LoosePerson.descends_from_active_record?
+ # Concrete subclass of an abstract class.
+ assert LooseDescendant.descends_from_active_record?
+ # Concrete subclass of AR::Base.
+ assert TightPerson.descends_from_active_record?
+ # Concrete subclass of a concrete class but has no type column.
+ assert TightDescendant.descends_from_active_record?
+ # Concrete subclass of AR::Base.
+ assert Post.descends_from_active_record?
+ # Abstract subclass of a concrete class which has a type column.
+ # This is pathological, as you'll never have Sub < Abstract < Concrete.
+ assert !StiPost.descends_from_active_record?
+ # Concrete subclasses an abstract class which has a type column.
+ assert !SubStiPost.descends_from_active_record?
+ end
+ def test_find_on_abstract_base_class_doesnt_use_type_condition
+ old_class = LooseDescendant
+ Object.send :remove_const, :LooseDescendant
+ descendant = old_class.create!
+ assert_not_nil LoosePerson.find(descendant.id), "Should have found instance of LooseDescendant when finding abstract LoosePerson: #{descendant.inspect}"
+ ensure
+ unless Object.const_defined?(:LooseDescendant)
+ Object.const_set :LooseDescendant, old_class
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_queries
+ query = lambda { ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute 'select count(*) from developers' }
+ assert_queries(2) { 2.times { query.call } }
+ assert_queries 1, &query
+ assert_no_queries { assert true }
+ end
+ def test_to_xml
+ xml = REXML::Document.new(topics(:first).to_xml(:indent => 0))
+ bonus_time_in_current_timezone = topics(:first).bonus_time.xmlschema
+ written_on_in_current_timezone = topics(:first).written_on.xmlschema
+ last_read_in_current_timezone = topics(:first).last_read.xmlschema
+ assert_equal "topic", xml.root.name
+ assert_equal "The First Topic" , xml.elements["//title"].text
+ assert_equal "David" , xml.elements["//author-name"].text
+ assert_equal "1", xml.elements["//id"].text
+ assert_equal "integer" , xml.elements["//id"].attributes['type']
+ assert_equal "1", xml.elements["//replies-count"].text
+ assert_equal "integer" , xml.elements["//replies-count"].attributes['type']
+ assert_equal written_on_in_current_timezone, xml.elements["//written-on"].text
+ assert_equal "datetime" , xml.elements["//written-on"].attributes['type']
+ assert_equal "--- Have a nice day\n" , xml.elements["//content"].text
+ assert_equal "yaml" , xml.elements["//content"].attributes['type']
+ assert_equal "david@loudthinking.com", xml.elements["//author-email-address"].text
+ assert_equal nil, xml.elements["//parent-id"].text
+ assert_equal "integer", xml.elements["//parent-id"].attributes['type']
+ assert_equal "true", xml.elements["//parent-id"].attributes['nil']
+ if current_adapter?(:SybaseAdapter, :SQLServerAdapter, :OracleAdapter)
+ assert_equal last_read_in_current_timezone, xml.elements["//last-read"].text
+ assert_equal "datetime" , xml.elements["//last-read"].attributes['type']
+ else
+ assert_equal "2004-04-15", xml.elements["//last-read"].text
+ assert_equal "date" , xml.elements["//last-read"].attributes['type']
+ end
+ # Oracle and DB2 don't have true boolean or time-only fields
+ unless current_adapter?(:OracleAdapter, :DB2Adapter)
+ assert_equal "false", xml.elements["//approved"].text
+ assert_equal "boolean" , xml.elements["//approved"].attributes['type']
+ assert_equal bonus_time_in_current_timezone, xml.elements["//bonus-time"].text
+ assert_equal "datetime" , xml.elements["//bonus-time"].attributes['type']
+ end
+ end
+ def test_to_xml_skipping_attributes
+ xml = topics(:first).to_xml(:indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true, :except => [:title, :replies_count])
+ assert_equal "<topic>", xml.first(7)
+ assert !xml.include?(%(<title>The First Topic</title>))
+ assert xml.include?(%(<author-name>David</author-name>))
+ xml = topics(:first).to_xml(:indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true, :except => [:title, :author_name, :replies_count])
+ assert !xml.include?(%(<title>The First Topic</title>))
+ assert !xml.include?(%(<author-name>David</author-name>))
+ end
+ def test_to_xml_including_has_many_association
+ xml = topics(:first).to_xml(:indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true, :include => :replies, :except => :replies_count)
+ assert_equal "<topic>", xml.first(7)
+ assert xml.include?(%(<replies type="array"><reply>))
+ assert xml.include?(%(<title>The Second Topic's of the day</title>))
+ end
+ def test_array_to_xml_including_has_many_association
+ xml = [ topics(:first), topics(:second) ].to_xml(:indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true, :include => :replies)
+ assert xml.include?(%(<replies type="array"><reply>))
+ end
+ def test_array_to_xml_including_methods
+ xml = [ topics(:first), topics(:second) ].to_xml(:indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true, :methods => [ :topic_id ])
+ assert xml.include?(%(<topic-id type="integer">#{topics(:first).topic_id}</topic-id>)), xml
+ assert xml.include?(%(<topic-id type="integer">#{topics(:second).topic_id}</topic-id>)), xml
+ end
+ def test_array_to_xml_including_has_one_association
+ xml = [ companies(:first_firm), companies(:rails_core) ].to_xml(:indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true, :include => :account)
+ assert xml.include?(companies(:first_firm).account.to_xml(:indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true))
+ assert xml.include?(companies(:rails_core).account.to_xml(:indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true))
+ end
+ def test_array_to_xml_including_belongs_to_association
+ xml = [ companies(:first_client), companies(:second_client), companies(:another_client) ].to_xml(:indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true, :include => :firm)
+ assert xml.include?(companies(:first_client).to_xml(:indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true))
+ assert xml.include?(companies(:second_client).firm.to_xml(:indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true))
+ assert xml.include?(companies(:another_client).firm.to_xml(:indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true))
+ end
+ def test_to_xml_including_belongs_to_association
+ xml = companies(:first_client).to_xml(:indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true, :include => :firm)
+ assert !xml.include?("<firm>")
+ xml = companies(:second_client).to_xml(:indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true, :include => :firm)
+ assert xml.include?("<firm>")
+ end
+ def test_to_xml_including_multiple_associations
+ xml = companies(:first_firm).to_xml(:indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true, :include => [ :clients, :account ])
+ assert_equal "<firm>", xml.first(6)
+ assert xml.include?(%(<account>))
+ assert xml.include?(%(<clients type="array"><client>))
+ end
+ def test_to_xml_including_multiple_associations_with_options
+ xml = companies(:first_firm).to_xml(
+ :indent => 0, :skip_instruct => true,
+ :include => { :clients => { :only => :name } }
+ )
+ assert_equal "<firm>", xml.first(6)
+ assert xml.include?(%(<client><name>Summit</name></client>))
+ assert xml.include?(%(<clients type="array"><client>))
+ end
+ def test_to_xml_including_methods
+ xml = Company.new.to_xml(:methods => :arbitrary_method, :skip_instruct => true)
+ assert_equal "<company>", xml.first(9)
+ assert xml.include?(%(<arbitrary-method>I am Jack's profound disappointment</arbitrary-method>))
+ end
+ def test_to_xml_with_block
+ value = "Rockin' the block"
+ xml = Company.new.to_xml(:skip_instruct => true) do |xml|
+ xml.tag! "arbitrary-element", value
+ end
+ assert_equal "<company>", xml.first(9)
+ assert xml.include?(%(<arbitrary-element>#{value}</arbitrary-element>))
+ end
+ def test_except_attributes
+ assert_equal(
+ %w( author_name type id approved replies_count bonus_time written_on content author_email_address parent_id last_read).sort,
+ topics(:first).attributes(:except => :title).keys.sort
+ )
+ assert_equal(
+ %w( replies_count bonus_time written_on content author_email_address parent_id last_read).sort,
+ topics(:first).attributes(:except => [ :title, :id, :type, :approved, :author_name ]).keys.sort
+ )
+ end
+ def test_include_attributes
+ assert_equal(%w( title ), topics(:first).attributes(:only => :title).keys)
+ assert_equal(%w( title author_name type id approved ).sort, topics(:first).attributes(:only => [ :title, :id, :type, :approved, :author_name ]).keys.sort)
+ end
+ def test_type_name_with_module_should_handle_beginning
+ assert_equal 'ActiveRecord::Person', ActiveRecord::Base.send(:type_name_with_module, 'Person')
+ assert_equal '::Person', ActiveRecord::Base.send(:type_name_with_module, '::Person')
+ end
+ def test_to_param_should_return_string
+ assert_kind_of String, Client.find(:first).to_param
+ end
+ def test_inspect_class
+ assert_equal 'ActiveRecord::Base', ActiveRecord::Base.inspect
+ assert_equal 'LoosePerson(abstract)', LoosePerson.inspect
+ assert_match(/^Topic\(id: integer, title: string/, Topic.inspect)
+ end
+ def test_inspect_instance
+ topic = topics(:first)
+ assert_equal %(#<Topic id: 1, title: "The First Topic", author_name: "David", author_email_address: "david@loudthinking.com", written_on: "#{topic.written_on.to_s(:db)}", bonus_time: "#{topic.bonus_time.to_s(:db)}", last_read: "#{topic.last_read.to_s(:db)}", content: "Have a nice day", approved: false, replies_count: 1, parent_id: nil, type: nil>), topic.inspect
+ end
+ def test_inspect_new_instance
+ assert_match /Topic id: nil/, Topic.new.inspect
+ end
+ def test_inspect_limited_select_instance
+ assert_equal %(#<Topic id: 1>), Topic.find(:first, :select => 'id', :conditions => 'id = 1').inspect
+ assert_equal %(#<Topic id: 1, title: "The First Topic">), Topic.find(:first, :select => 'id, title', :conditions => 'id = 1').inspect
+ end
+ def test_inspect_class_without_table
+ assert_equal "NonExistentTable(Table doesn't exist)", NonExistentTable.inspect
+ end
+ def test_attribute_for_inspect
+ t = topics(:first)
+ t.title = "The First Topic Now Has A Title With\nNewlines And More Than 50 Characters"
+ assert_equal %("#{t.written_on.to_s(:db)}"), t.attribute_for_inspect(:written_on)
+ assert_equal '"The First Topic Now Has A Title With\nNewlines And M..."', t.attribute_for_inspect(:title)
+ end
+ def test_becomes
+ assert_kind_of Reply, topics(:first).becomes(Reply)
+ assert_equal "The First Topic", topics(:first).becomes(Reply).title
+ end
+ def test_silence_sets_log_level_to_error_in_block
+ original_logger = ActiveRecord::Base.logger
+ log = StringIO.new
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new(log)
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
+ ActiveRecord::Base.silence do
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger.warn "warn"
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger.error "error"
+ end
+ assert_equal "error\n", log.string
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger = original_logger
+ end
+ def test_silence_sets_log_level_back_to_level_before_yield
+ original_logger = ActiveRecord::Base.logger
+ log = StringIO.new
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new(log)
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = Logger::WARN
+ ActiveRecord::Base.silence do
+ end
+ assert_equal Logger::WARN, ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger = original_logger
+ end
+ def test_benchmark_with_log_level
+ original_logger = ActiveRecord::Base.logger
+ log = StringIO.new
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new(log)
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = Logger::WARN
+ ActiveRecord::Base.benchmark("Debug Topic Count", Logger::DEBUG) { Topic.count }
+ ActiveRecord::Base.benchmark("Warn Topic Count", Logger::WARN) { Topic.count }
+ ActiveRecord::Base.benchmark("Error Topic Count", Logger::ERROR) { Topic.count }
+ assert_no_match /Debug Topic Count/, log.string
+ assert_match /Warn Topic Count/, log.string
+ assert_match /Error Topic Count/, log.string
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger = original_logger
+ end
+ def test_benchmark_with_use_silence
+ original_logger = ActiveRecord::Base.logger
+ log = StringIO.new
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new(log)
+ ActiveRecord::Base.benchmark("Logging", Logger::DEBUG, true) { ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug "Loud" }
+ ActiveRecord::Base.benchmark("Logging", Logger::DEBUG, false) { ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug "Quiet" }
+ assert_no_match /Loud/, log.string
+ assert_match /Quiet/, log.string
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger = original_logger
+ end