path: root/activerecord/lib
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authorDavid Paschich <dpassage@flophouse.com>2012-06-09 20:41:11 -0700
committerCarlos Antonio da Silva <carlosantoniodasilva@gmail.com>2012-06-18 10:32:14 -0300
commitdd9d874e5d5a9d93d1f5187d8bce68ab99f1f7e5 (patch)
treea6f4cee0b0c542e5f8ad7c5432d57ea8723c6f1f /activerecord/lib
parent46a2917deda5207ff208ac03b85c7ae8396c8501 (diff)
Documentation for where and where! methods on relations.
Based on examples seen in the Rails test suite. [ci skip]
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/lib')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation/query_methods.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation/query_methods.rb
index a89d0f3ebf..e0bb84d55a 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation/query_methods.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation/query_methods.rb
@@ -194,10 +194,102 @@ module ActiveRecord
+ # Returns a new relation, which is the result of filtering the current relation
+ # according to the conditions in the arguments.
+ #
+ # #where accepts conditions in one of several formats. In the examples below, the resulting
+ # SQL is given as an illustration; the actual query generated may be different depending
+ # on the database adapter.
+ #
+ # === string
+ #
+ # A single string, without additional arguments, is passed to the query
+ # constructor as a SQL fragment, and used in the where clause of the query.
+ #
+ # Client.where("orders_count = '2'")
+ # # SELECT * from clients where orders_count = '2';
+ #
+ # Note that building your own string from user input may expose your application
+ # to injection attacks if not done properly. As an alternative, it is recommended
+ # to use one of the following methods.
+ #
+ # === array
+ #
+ # If an array is passed, then the first element of the array is treated as a template, and
+ # the remaining elements are inserted into the template to generate the condition.
+ # Active Record takes care of building the query to avoid injection attacks, and will
+ # convert from the ruby type to the database type where needed. Elements are inserted
+ # into the string in the order in which they appear.
+ #
+ # User.where(["name = ? and email = ?", "Joe", "joe@example.com"])
+ # # SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Joe' AND email = 'joe@example.com';
+ #
+ # Alternatively, you can use named placeholders in the template, and pass a hash as the
+ # second element of the array. The names in the template are replaced with the corresponding
+ # values from the hash.
+ #
+ # User.where(["name = :name and email = :email", { name: "Joe", email: "joe@example.com" }])
+ # # SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Joe' AND email = 'joe@example.com';
+ #
+ # This can make for more readable code in complex queries.
+ #
+ # Lastly, you can use sprintf-style % escapes in the template. This works slightly differently
+ # than the previous methods; you are responsible for ensuring that the values in the template
+ # are properly quoted. The values are passed to the connector for quoting, but the caller
+ # is responsible for ensuring they are enclosed in quotes in the resulting SQL. After quoting,
+ # the values are inserted using the same escapes as the Ruby core method <tt>Kernel::sprintf</tt>.
+ #
+ # User.where(["name = '%s' and email = '%s'", "Joe", "joe@example.com"])
+ # # SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Joe' AND email = 'joe@example.com';
+ #
+ # If #where is called with multiple arguments, these are treated as if they were passed as
+ # the elements of a single array.
+ #
+ # User.where("name = :name and email = :email", { name: "Joe", email: "joe@example.com" })
+ # # SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Joe' AND email = 'joe@example.com';
+ #
+ # When using strings to specify conditions, you can use any operator available from
+ # the database. While this provides the most flexibility, you can also unintentionally introduce
+ # dependencies on the underlying database. If your code is intended for general consumption,
+ # test with multiple database backends.
+ #
+ # === hash
+ #
+ # #where will also accept a hash condition, in which the keys are fields and the values
+ # are values to be searched for.
+ #
+ # Fields can be symbols or strings. Values can be single values, arrays, or ranges.
+ #
+ # User.where({ name: "Joe", email: "joe@example.com" })
+ # # SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Joe' AND email = 'joe@example.com'
+ #
+ # User.where({ name: ["Alice", "Bob"]})
+ # # SELECT * FROM users WHERE name IN ('Alice', 'Bob')
+ #
+ # User.where({ created_at: (Time.now.midnight - 1.day)..Time.now.midnight })
+ # # SELECT * FROM users WHERE (created_at BETWEEN '2012-06-09 07:00:00.000000' AND '2012-06-10 07:00:00.000000')
+ #
+ # === Joins
+ #
+ # If the relation is the result of a join, you may create a condition which uses any of the
+ # tables in the join. For string and array conditions, use the table name in the condition.
+ #
+ # User.joins(:posts).where("posts.created_at < ?", Time.now)
+ #
+ # For hash conditions, you can either use the table name in the key, or use a sub-hash.
+ #
+ # User.joins(:posts).where({ "posts.published" => true })
+ # User.joins(:posts).where({ :posts => { :published => true } })
+ #
+ # === empty condition
+ #
+ # If the condition returns true for blank?, then where is a no-op and returns the current relation.
def where(opts, *rest)
opts.blank? ? self : spawn.where!(opts, *rest)
+ # #where! is identical to #where, except that instead of returning a new relation, it adds
+ # the condition to the existing relation.
def where!(opts, *rest)
references!(PredicateBuilder.references(opts)) if Hash === opts