path: root/activerecord/README
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authorDavid Heinemeier Hansson <david@loudthinking.com>2004-11-24 01:04:44 +0000
committerDavid Heinemeier Hansson <david@loudthinking.com>2004-11-24 01:04:44 +0000
commitdb045dbbf60b53dbe013ef25554fd013baf88134 (patch)
tree257830e3c76458c8ff3d1329de83f32b23926028 /activerecord/README
git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trunk@4 5ecf4fe2-1ee6-0310-87b1-e25e094e27de
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/README')
1 files changed, 361 insertions, 0 deletions
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+= Active Record -- Object-relation mapping put on rails
+Active Record connects business objects and database tables to create a persistable
+domain model where logic and data is presented in one wrapping. It's an implementation
+of the object-relational mapping (ORM) pattern[http://www.martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/activeRecord.html]
+by the same name as described by Martin Fowler:
+ "An object that wraps a row in a database table or view, encapsulates
+ the database access, and adds domain logic on that data."
+Active Records main contribution to the pattern is to relieve the original of two stunting problems:
+lack of associations and inheritance. By adding a simple domain language-like set of macros to describe
+the former and integrating the Single Table Inheritance pattern for the latter, Active Record narrows the
+gap of functionality between the data mapper and active record approach.
+A short rundown of the major features:
+* Automated mapping between classes and tables, attributes and columns.
+ class Product < ActiveRecord::Base; end
+ ...is automatically mapped to the table named "products", such as:
+ CREATE TABLE products (
+ id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ name varchar(255),
+ );
+ ...which again gives Product#name and Product#name=(new_name)
+ Learn more in link:classes/ActiveRecord/Base.html
+* Associations between objects controlled by simple meta-programming macros.
+ class Firm < ActiveRecord::Base
+ has_many :clients
+ has_one :account
+ belongs_to :conglomorate
+ end
+ Learn more in link:classes/ActiveRecord/Associations/ClassMethods.html
+* Aggregations of value objects controlled by simple meta-programming macros.
+ class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
+ composed_of :balance, :class_name => "Money",
+ :mapping => %w(balance amount)
+ composed_of :address,
+ :mapping => [%w(address_street street), %w(address_city city)]
+ end
+ Learn more in link:classes/ActiveRecord/Aggregations/ClassMethods.html
+* Validation rules that can differ for new or existing objects.
+ class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
+ def validate # validates on both creates and updates
+ errors.add_on_empty "title"
+ end
+ def validate_on_update
+ errors.add_on_empty "password"
+ end
+ end
+ Learn more in link:classes/ActiveRecord/Validations.html
+* Callbacks as methods or queues on the entire lifecycle (instantiation, saving, destroying, validating, etc).
+ class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
+ def before_destroy # is called just before Person#destroy
+ CreditCard.find(credit_card_id).destroy
+ end
+ end
+ class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
+ after_find :eager_load, 'self.class.announce(#{id})'
+ end
+ Learn more in link:classes/ActiveRecord/Callbacks.html
+* Observers for the entire lifecycle
+ class CommentObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
+ def after_create(comment) # is called just after Comment#save
+ NotificationService.send_email("david@loudthinking.com", comment)
+ end
+ end
+ Learn more in link:classes/ActiveRecord/Observer.html
+* Inheritance hierarchies
+ class Company < ActiveRecord::Base; end
+ class Firm < Company; end
+ class Client < Company; end
+ class PriorityClient < Client; end
+ Learn more in link:classes/ActiveRecord/Base.html
+* Transaction support on both a database and object level. The latter is implemented
+ by using Transaction::Simple[http://www.halostatue.ca/ruby/Transaction__Simple.html]
+ # Just database transaction
+ Account.transaction do
+ david.withdrawal(100)
+ mary.deposit(100)
+ end
+ # Database and object transaction
+ Account.transaction(david, mary) do
+ david.withdrawal(100)
+ mary.deposit(100)
+ end
+ Learn more in link:classes/ActiveRecord/Transactions/ClassMethods.html
+* Reflections on columns, associations, and aggregations
+ reflection = Firm.reflect_on_association(:clients)
+ reflection.klass # => Client (class)
+ Firm.columns # Returns an array of column descriptors for the firms table
+ Learn more in link:classes/ActiveRecord/Reflection/ClassMethods.html
+* Direct manipulation (instead of service invocation)
+ So instead of (Hibernate[http://www.hibernate.org/] example):
+ long pkId = 1234;
+ DomesticCat pk = (DomesticCat) sess.load( Cat.class, new Long(pkId) );
+ // something interesting involving a cat...
+ sess.save(cat);
+ sess.flush(); // force the SQL INSERT
+ Active Record lets you:
+ pkId = 1234
+ cat = Cat.find(pkId)
+ # something even more interesting involving a the same cat...
+ cat.save
+ Learn more in link:classes/ActiveRecord/Base.html
+* Database abstraction through simple adapters (~100 lines) with a shared connector
+ ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:adapter => "sqlite", :dbfile => "dbfile")
+ ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(
+ :adapter => "mysql",
+ :host => "localhost",
+ :username => "me",
+ :password => "secret",
+ :database => "activerecord"
+ )
+ Learn more in link:classes/ActiveRecord/Base.html#M000081
+* Logging support for Log4r[http://log4r.sourceforge.net] and Logger[http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/logger/rdoc]
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Log4r::Logger.new("Application Log")
+== Simple example (1/2): Defining tables and classes (using MySQL)
+Data definitions are specified only in the database. Active Record queries the database for
+the column names (that then serves to determine which attributes are valid) on regular
+objects instantiation through the new constructor and relies on the column names in the rows
+with the finders.
+ # CREATE TABLE companies (
+ # id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ # client_of int(11),
+ # name varchar(255),
+ # type varchar(100),
+ # PRIMARY KEY (id)
+ # )
+Active Record automatically links the "Company" object to the "companies" table
+ class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
+ has_many :people, :class_name => "Person"
+ end
+ class Firm < Company
+ has_many :clients
+ def people_with_all_clients
+ clients.inject([]) { |people, client| people + client.people }
+ end
+ end
+The foreign_key is only necessary because we didn't use "firm_id" in the data definition
+ class Client < Company
+ belongs_to :firm, :foreign_key => "client_of"
+ end
+ # CREATE TABLE people (
+ # id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ # name text,
+ # company_id text,
+ # PRIMARY KEY (id)
+ # )
+Active Record will also automatically link the "Person" object to the "people" table
+ class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
+ belongs_to :company
+ end
+== Simple example (2/2): Using the domain
+Picking a database connection for all the active records
+ ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(
+ :adapter => "mysql",
+ :host => "localhost",
+ :username => "me",
+ :password => "secret",
+ :database => "activerecord"
+ )
+Create some fixtures
+ firm = Firm.new("name" => "Next Angle")
+ # SQL: INSERT INTO companies (name, type) VALUES("Next Angle", "Firm")
+ firm.save
+ client = Client.new("name" => "37signals", "client_of" => firm.id)
+ # SQL: INSERT INTO companies (name, client_of, type) VALUES("37signals", 1, "Firm")
+ client.save
+Lots of different finders
+ # SQL: SELECT * FROM companies WHERE id = 1
+ next_angle = Company.find(1)
+ # SQL: SELECT * FROM companies WHERE id = 1 AND type = 'Firm'
+ next_angle = Firm.find(1)
+ # SQL: SELECT * FROM companies WHERE id = 1 AND name = 'Next Angle'
+ next_angle = Company.find_first "name = 'Next Angle'"
+ next_angle = Firm.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM companies WHERE id = 1").first
+The supertype, Company, will return subtype instances
+ Firm === next_angle
+All the dynamic methods added by the has_many macro
+ next_angle.clients.empty? # true
+ next_angle.clients.size # total number of clients
+ all_clients = next_angle.clients
+Constrained finds makes access security easier when ID comes from a web-app
+ # SQL: SELECT * FROM companies WHERE client_of = 1 AND type = 'Client' AND id = 2
+ thirty_seven_signals = next_angle.clients.find(2)
+Bi-directional associations thanks to the "belongs_to" macro
+ thirty_seven_signals.firm.nil? # true
+== Examples
+Active Record ships with a couple of examples that should give you a good feel for
+operating usage. Be sure to edit the <tt>examples/shared_setup.rb</tt> file for your
+own database before running the examples. Possibly also the table definition SQL in
+the examples themselves.
+It's also highly recommended to have a look at the unit tests. Read more in link:files/RUNNING_UNIT_TESTS.html
+== Database support
+Active Record ships with adapters for MySQL/Ruby[http://www.tmtm.org/en/mysql/ruby/]
+(compatible with Ruby/MySQL[http://www.tmtm.org/ruby/mysql/README_en.html]),
+PostgreSQL[http://www.postgresql.jp/interfaces/ruby/], and
+SQLite[http://rubyforge.org/projects/sqlite-ruby/] (needs SQLite 2.8.13+ and SQLite-Ruby 1.1.2+).
+The adapters are around 100 lines of code fulfilling the interface specified by
+ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractAdapter. Writing a new adapter should be a small task --
+especially considering the extensive test suite that'll make sure you're fulfilling the contract.
+== Philosophy
+Active Record attempts to provide a coherent wrapping for the inconvenience that is
+object-relational mapping. The prime directive for this mapping has been to minimize
+the amount of code needed to built a real-world domain model. This is made possible
+by relying on a number of conventions that make it easy for Active Record to infer
+complex relations and structures from a minimal amount of explicit direction.
+Convention over Configuration:
+* No XML-files!
+* Lots of reflection and run-time extension
+* Magic is not inherently a bad word
+Admit the Database:
+* Lets you drop down to SQL for odd cases and performance
+* Doesn't attempt to duplicate or replace data definitions
+== Download
+The latest version of Active Record can be found at
+* http://rubyforge.org/project/showfiles.php?group_id=182
+Documentation can be found at
+* http://ar.rubyonrails.org
+== Installation
+The prefered method of installing Active Record is through its GEM file. You'll need to have
+RubyGems[http://rubygems.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl] installed for that, though. If you have,
+then use:
+ % [sudo] gem install activerecord-0.9.0.gem
+You can also install Active Record the old-fashion way with the following command:
+ % [sudo] ruby install.rb
+from its distribution directory.
+== License
+Active Record is released under the same license as Ruby.
+== Support
+The Active Record homepage is http://activerecord.rubyonrails.org. You can find the Active Record
+RubyForge page at http://rubyforge.org/projects/activerecord. And as Jim from Rake says:
+ Feel free to submit commits or feature requests. If you send a patch,
+ remember to update the corresponding unit tests. If fact, I prefer
+ new feature to be submitted in the form of new unit tests.
+For other information, feel free to ask on the ruby-talk mailing list
+(which is mirrored to comp.lang.ruby) or contact mailto:david@loudthinking.com.